March For Marriage Draws Tens, But Promises Ultimate Victory Over Obergefell

How was participating in a same sex marriage imposed on bakers, florists and photographers? Forcing acceptance has even been forced on psychologists.

Gays should leave people alone.

Then don't offer services that you aren't prepared to provide.

Also, you really need to get over that one time in college, which you are obviously still bitter over.
Why would two women barge into my personal life and make demands on me? Being lesbians did not entitle them to whatever they wanted, yet they thought it did.
I'm going to sit here and paint my pictures and enjoy telling you to fuck off. What gave them the idea they could do anything about it?
Why would two women barge into my personal life and make demands on me? Being lesbians did not entitle them to whatever they wanted, yet they thought it did.
I'm going to sit here and paint my pictures and enjoy telling you to fuck off. What gave them the idea they could do anything about it?

Probably the fact you painted pictures for money. That made you a business, not an individual. Frankly, it was kind of stupid. You incurred thousands of dollars in legal bills when you could have actually earned some money on the deal.

Assuming they didn't want you to paint them naked or something, I just don't see what the bid deal is.

For instance, I really, really dislike BIble Thumpers. But if some came to me and said, 'Hey, we want you to write a resume for us", I'd happily take their money.
How was participating in a same sex marriage imposed on bakers, florists and photographers? Forcing acceptance has even been forced on psychologists.

Gays should leave people alone.

Then don't offer services that you aren't prepared to provide.

Also, you really need to get over that one time in college, which you are obviously still bitter over.
There has never been a time in college but I won't deny sometimes having fantasies of s woman kissing me, my hands around her neck. Squeezing. Her eyes wide open in fear, then panic. This is IT! You remind me of such unwelcome thoughts.

I would never really do such a thing even if it were well deserved.
Why would two women barge into my personal life and make demands on me? Being lesbians did not entitle them to whatever they wanted, yet they thought it did. I'm going to sit here and paint my pictures and enjoy telling you to fuck off. What gave them the idea they could do anything about it?
Running a bakery that offers services to the public is not your private life. If you offer portraits to the public for sale, they are not invading your public life.
Why would two women barge into my personal life and make demands on me? Being lesbians did not entitle them to whatever they wanted, yet they thought it did.
I'm going to sit here and paint my pictures and enjoy telling you to fuck off. What gave them the idea they could do anything about it?

Probably the fact you painted pictures for money. That made you a business, not an individual. Frankly, it was kind of stupid. You incurred thousands of dollars in legal bills when you could have actually earned some money on the deal.

Assuming they didn't want you to paint them naked or something, I just don't see what the bid deal is.

For instance, I really, really dislike BIble Thumpers. But if some came to me and said, 'Hey, we want you to write a resume for us", I'd happily take their money.
I was quite capable of handling my own legal case. The only one who came out a loser was the gay attorney who took their case on a contingency.

He made the same mistake you did. He didn't do his homework to make sure it was a business. They thought that since I did sell my artwork it was a business. Too bad for them. They were wrong. I only do what I want.
Why would two women barge into my personal life and make demands on me? Being lesbians did not entitle them to whatever they wanted, yet they thought it did.
I'm going to sit here and paint my pictures and enjoy telling you to fuck off. What gave them the idea they could do anything about it?

Probably the fact you painted pictures for money. That made you a business, not an individual. Frankly, it was kind of stupid. You incurred thousands of dollars in legal bills when you could have actually earned some money on the deal.

Assuming they didn't want you to paint them naked or something, I just don't see what the bid deal is.

For instance, I really, really dislike BIble Thumpers. But if some came to me and said, 'Hey, we want you to write a resume for us", I'd happily take their money.
I was quite capable of handling my own legal case. The only one who came out a loser was the gay attorney who took their case on a contingency.

He made the same mistake you did. He didn't do his homework to make sure it was a business. They thought that since I did sell my artwork it was a business. Too bad for them. They were wrong. I only do what I want.
If you don't provide service to the public, then you have the right of private association.
Why would two women barge into my personal life and make demands on me? Being lesbians did not entitle them to whatever they wanted, yet they thought it did. I'm going to sit here and paint my pictures and enjoy telling you to fuck off. What gave them the idea they could do anything about it?
Running a bakery that offers services to the public is not your private life. If you offer portraits to the public for sale, they are not invading your public life.
I never offered portraits to the public for sale. I never offered anything. I never advertised. Never made a representation. Had no business license, no business address except for my dog grooming shop. No business cards. Nothing except art shows.
Why would two women barge into my personal life and make demands on me? Being lesbians did not entitle them to whatever they wanted, yet they thought it did.
I'm going to sit here and paint my pictures and enjoy telling you to fuck off. What gave them the idea they could do anything about it?

Probably the fact you painted pictures for money. That made you a business, not an individual. Frankly, it was kind of stupid. You incurred thousands of dollars in legal bills when you could have actually earned some money on the deal.

Assuming they didn't want you to paint them naked or something, I just don't see what the bid deal is.

For instance, I really, really dislike BIble Thumpers. But if some came to me and said, 'Hey, we want you to write a resume for us", I'd happily take their money.
I was quite capable of handling my own legal case. The only one who came out a loser was the gay attorney who took their case on a contingency.

He made the same mistake you did. He didn't do his homework to make sure it was a business. They thought that since I did sell my artwork it was a business. Too bad for them. They were wrong. I only do what I want.
If you don't provide service to the public, then you have the right of private association.
You figured it out. The lesbos never did. Neither did their gay attorney. Not until the judge slammed his gavel down.
No American has the right to invade another American's right of private association if the laws are being followed. Sounds like the attorney was trying to scare you into a settlement and or milk the clients.
No American has the right to invade another American's right of private association if the laws are being followed. Sounds like the attorney was trying to scare you into a settlement and or milk the clients.
I don't scare easy. They didn't want money they wanted to force me into providing a service that I chose not to provide. Because bakers, florists and photographers were forced into it, they thought they could do it to me just cause the courts go along.

They were wrong and misunderstood the PA laws.
I was quite capable of handling my own legal case. The only one who came out a loser was the gay attorney who took their case on a contingency.

He made the same mistake you did. He didn't do his homework to make sure it was a business. They thought that since I did sell my artwork it was a business. Too bad for them. They were wrong. I only do what I want.

so instead of making some money, you wasted a lot of your time in court arguing over nothing and kind of looking like a homophobic a--hole.... so how is that a win again?

I never offered portraits to the public for sale. I never offered anything. I never advertised. Never made a representation. Had no business license, no business address except for my dog grooming shop. No business cards. Nothing except art shows.

I'm sure that there's a part of this story we aren't hearing.. I'm not sure how someone would get the idea you'd paint their picture if you didn't put yourself out to do that.
I am no fan of Tipsy, JoeB.

But if word of her talent is going around by word of mouth, then, no, if someone hears about it that she does not like, that's her call, not that of the law.
I was quite capable of handling my own legal case. The only one who came out a loser was the gay attorney who took their case on a contingency.

He made the same mistake you did. He didn't do his homework to make sure it was a business. They thought that since I did sell my artwork it was a business. Too bad for them. They were wrong. I only do what I want.

so instead of making some money, you wasted a lot of your time in court arguing over nothing and kind of looking like a homophobic a--hole.... so how is that a win again?

I never offered portraits to the public for sale. I never offered anything. I never advertised. Never made a representation. Had no business license, no business address except for my dog grooming shop. No business cards. Nothing except art shows.

I'm sure that there's a part of this story we aren't hearing.. I'm not sure how someone would get the idea you'd paint their picture if you didn't put yourself out to do that.
I had a ball making fools of these jerks. It was entertaining.

They saw my work at an art show at City Hall and got my info from the Clerk. Display of works at an art show is not an offer to sell any of those works and is not an offer of availability for comissioned work.
The fool even sued my little business! What fools!

The judge looked over the top of his glasses and said. "if you are going to sue a dog grooming shop, you should at least own a dog. The plaintiffs are tresspassers"

It was fun the whole thing. This was my home courthouse for 30 years before I closed my office. I knew everyone.
Okay, like I said, I'd love to hear the wohle story and not your representation of it.
Okay, like I said, I'd love to hear the wohle story and not your representation of it.

Her whole story is irrelevant even though she like to keep bringing it up.

She did not operate a business, had no business license (as it pertains to painting), and didn't fall under Public Accommodation laws.

Apples and oranges.

Okay, like I said, I'd love to hear the wohle story and not your representation of it.
The whole story.

They lost. They believed based on gay propaganda that they could force me into painting their portrait the same way they could force that baker to bake wedding cakes. They were wrong. That's the whole story.

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