March for Our Lives Funded Through 501c4 Dark Money

Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
Thank you for the info on the funding Bush 92, that is good info.

They have a right to protest and I have no issue in people exercising their rights, it is nice to get background info on it also.
Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
They don’t have a 2nd Amendment in North Korea...but the people still march...
Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
Liberal central authority out of Washington DC would LOVE to disarm the masses. Makes it easier to control them.
March for our lives is funded through a 501c4 that doesn’t disclose donors. Smelling Soros again.
'March For Our Lives' Now Operating Under Liberal Dark Money Nonprofit Advocacy Group

And there it is, right on time like a good parrot train.

Oh noes! George Soros funding "life" stuff!! How tragic for merchants of death! Gaaaah!

Yet another dystopian thread all butthurt about the fact that kids want to not get shot.
Oh the horror. Why that's un-Amurrikan.
Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?

He lives inside a comic book. That's why he has no idea what's going on.
Hell I heard about this event in mid-February. And I don't even have a TV.
Thank you for the info on the funding Bush 92, that is good info.

They have a right to protest and I have no issue in people exercising their rights, it is nice to get background info on it also.

Yea, free beacon.

Your right to not like it. Others have a right to like it. It’s called freedom, get used to it. That is why guns are legal.
Thank you for the info on the funding Bush 92, that is good info.

They have a right to protest and I have no issue in people exercising their rights, it is nice to get background info on it also.

Yea, free beacon.

Your right to not like it. Others have a right to like it. It’s called freedom, get used to it. That is why guns are legal.

Because of free beacon? Nope because of the 2nd amendment.
Thank you for the info on the funding Bush 92, that is good info.

They have a right to protest and I have no issue in people exercising their rights, it is nice to get background info on it also.

Yea, free beacon.

Your right to not like it. Others have a right to like it. It’s called freedom, get used to it. That is why guns are legal.

Because of free beacon? Nope because of the 2nd amendment.

Free Beacon is protected by the First Amendment.
Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
Liberals like you are trying to take our guns, and you cannot be honest about any of it. You wanna ban AR-15 rifles, but you refuse to state how that will do anything when there are many other rifles just as powerful that can be used in it's place. You people never can say how more laws will do anything when criminals are not obeying those laws now, and police and the courts are not punishing those who break many laws.

Four brave cops hid outside the school in Florida while 17 kids were murdered by a guy that should have been locked up years ago. A guy with a gun shot and killed a mass murder wanna be in Maryland, and you still can't agree that people being armed in school is a good idea. Obama made it possible for kids to commit serious crime in schools and not have to face any serious consequences. You can't honestly address any of that. None of you regressive liberals can.
Thank you for the info on the funding Bush 92, that is good info.

They have a right to protest and I have no issue in people exercising their rights, it is nice to get background info on it also.

Yea, free beacon.

Click the links on the story, and look at the back up documentation. When you look at who is working for them, you can see there is links to big left wing groups, but it is all good downer.
Liberal marches and memo's :auiqs.jpg: go ahead libs think up some new hey hey ho ho chants, paint your signs and march around in circles while we control the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS :muahaha:
Thank you for the info on the funding Bush 92, that is good info.

They have a right to protest and I have no issue in people exercising their rights, it is nice to get background info on it also.

Yea, free beacon.

Click the links on the story, and look at the back up documentation. When you look at who is working for them, you can see there is links to big left wing groups, but it is all good downer.

Ever heard of a logical fallacy called "Poisoning the Well"?

No, I thought not.
Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
Liberals like you are trying to take our guns, and you cannot be honest about any of it. You wanna ban AR-15 rifles, but you refuse to state how that will do anything when there are many other rifles just as powerful that can be used in it's place. You people never can say how more laws will do anything when criminals are not obeying those laws now, and police and the courts are not punishing those who break many laws.

Four brave cops hid outside the school in Florida while 17 kids were murdered by a guy that should have been locked up years ago. A guy with a gun shot and killed a mass murder wanna be in Maryland, and you still can't agree that people being armed in school is a good idea. Obama made it possible for kids to commit serious crime in schools and not have to face any serious consequences. You can't honestly address any of that. None of you regressive liberals can.
I've addressed all of it over the past month and if you didn't read it, that's on you.
BTW, I have no problem with an armed security officer in schools if that is what the community wants.
I appreciate your actually using your words today, though, Mike.
I'm visiting the threads today to defend the kids from folks who are disrespecting them; not really into going through the whole gun debate this afternoon.

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