March for Our Lives Funded Through 501c4 Dark Money

I've addressed all of it over the past month and if you didn't read it, that's on you.
BTW, I have no problem with an armed security officer in schools if that is what the community wants.
I appreciate your actually using your words today, though, Mike.
I'm visiting the threads today to defend the kids from folks who are disrespecting them; not really into going through the whole gun debate this afternoon.

This thread, and the other butthurt threads like it, underscore the basic point I've been making since literally the day I joined this site (and before elsewhere) which was during another wave of recent shootings ---

-- which is that we live in a culture that glorifies violence and fetishizes guns as the instrument of that violence. It surrounds everything we see and hear, right down to linguistic colloquialisms. And the fetishizers, those who worship that violence, just can't stop themselves from that woeful infantile whining sound they make whenever that reality is called out for what it is. This thread tries to undermine "where their money's coming from". Another thread whines that they're "snot nosed" (whatever that means) and "clueless".

They just can't stand being exposed for what they are --- a dystopian death cult.

Here's a movement of young people inspirationally agitating for their own lives, and all these whiners can come up with is "life? fuck that".
I hate the nastiness this group uses to slander anyone who speaks up, whether it's women or gun control advocates or immigrant groups. I actually don't think it's as bad as a "dystopian death cult." Americans needed a weapon for protection in the not so distant future. Culture changes slowly, though our environment has morphed into something no one could have dreamed of back then. Yes, some of the posters here are just nihilists, but most folks on that side do believe their guns are necessary to protect themselves. To me it seems it's gone way, way overboard though.
Still can't say how banning one rifle will stop shootings.

Clearly you don't understand rights when you complain of others expressing their stance against fascism.
My complaint was against the nastiness.
So think it’s alright to politicize this tragedy?

Go read your own OP and tell us the answer to that, Slummo.
I've addressed all of it over the past month and if you didn't read it, that's on you.
BTW, I have no problem with an armed security officer in schools if that is what the community wants.
I appreciate your actually using your words today, though, Mike.
I'm visiting the threads today to defend the kids from folks who are disrespecting them; not really into going through the whole gun debate this afternoon.

This thread, and the other butthurt threads like it, underscore the basic point I've been making since literally the day I joined this site (and before elsewhere) which was during another wave of recent shootings ---

-- which is that we live in a culture that glorifies violence and fetishizes guns as the instrument of that violence. It surrounds everything we see and hear, right down to linguistic colloquialisms. And the fetishizers, those who worship that violence, just can't stop themselves from that woeful infantile whining sound they make whenever that reality is called out for what it is. This thread tries to undermine "where their money's coming from". Another thread whines that they're "snot nosed" (whatever that means) and "clueless".

They just can't stand being exposed for what they are --- a dystopian death cult.

Here's a movement of young people inspirationally agitating for their own lives, and all these whiners can come up with is "life? fuck that".
I hate the nastiness this group uses to slander anyone who speaks up, whether it's women or gun control advocates or immigrant groups. I actually don't think it's as bad as a "dystopian death cult." Americans needed a weapon for protection in the not so distant future. Culture changes slowly, though our environment has morphed into something no one could have dreamed of back then. Yes, some of the posters here are just nihilists, but most folks on that side do believe their guns are necessary to protect themselves. To me it seems it's gone way, way overboard though.
Still can't say how banning one rifle will stop shootings.

Clearly you don't understand rights when you complain of others expressing their stance against fascism.
My complaint was against the nastiness.
So think it’s alright to politicize this tragedy?
All gun banners do, it's all they have is emotion rather than truth or fact.
Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?


There is no law that will stop the shootings.
The inevitable will be banning all guns, but even that will not stop the shootings, but that is what liberals want.

I would have clicked an "Agree" on this post, until the last phrase came in.

Too bad, so sad.
Democratic Party is politicizing the Florida tragedy. Sick fucking bastards.
Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
Liberals like you are trying to take our guns, and you cannot be honest about any of it. You wanna ban AR-15 rifles, but you refuse to state how that will do anything when there are many other rifles just as powerful that can be used in it's place. You people never can say how more laws will do anything when criminals are not obeying those laws now, and police and the courts are not punishing those who break many laws.

Four brave cops hid outside the school in Florida while 17 kids were murdered by a guy that should have been locked up years ago. A guy with a gun shot and killed a mass murder wanna be in Maryland, and you still can't agree that people being armed in school is a good idea. Obama made it possible for kids to commit serious crime in schools and not have to face any serious consequences. You can't honestly address any of that. None of you regressive liberals can.
I've addressed all of it over the past month and if you didn't read it, that's on you.
BTW, I have no problem with an armed security officer in schools if that is what the community wants.
I appreciate your actually using your words today, though, Mike.
I'm visiting the threads today to defend the kids from folks who are disrespecting them; not really into going through the whole gun debate this afternoon.

This thread, and the other butthurt threads like it, underscore the basic point I've been making since literally the day I joined this site (and before elsewhere) which was during another wave of recent shootings ---

-- which is that we live in a culture that glorifies violence and fetishizes guns as the instrument of that violence. It surrounds everything we see and hear, right down to linguistic colloquialisms. And the fetishizers, those who worship that violence, just can't stop themselves from that woeful infantile whining sound they make whenever that reality is called out for what it is. This thread tries to undermine "where their money's coming from". Another thread whines that they're "snot nosed" (whatever that means) and "clueless".

They just can't stand being exposed for what they are --- a dystopian death cult.

Here's a movement of young people inspirationally agitating for their own lives, and all these whiners can come up with is "life? fuck that".
I hate the nastiness this group uses to slander anyone who speaks up, whether it's women or gun control advocates or immigrant groups. I actually don't think it's as bad as a "dystopian death cult." Americans needed a weapon for protection in the not so distant past. Culture changes slowly, though our environment has morphed into something no one could have dreamed of back then. Yes, some of the posters here are just nihilists, but most folks on that side do believe their guns are necessary to protect themselves. To me it seems it's gone way, way overboard though.

Nobody who genuinely believes in self-protection is on here posting about "snot nosed kids" or "George Soros booga booga". That's exactly what gives said nihilists away -- the butthurt.

Those who aren't butthurt, those who can actually handle the event --- are not the ones on here whining.
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
Liberals like you are trying to take our guns, and you cannot be honest about any of it. You wanna ban AR-15 rifles, but you refuse to state how that will do anything when there are many other rifles just as powerful that can be used in it's place. You people never can say how more laws will do anything when criminals are not obeying those laws now, and police and the courts are not punishing those who break many laws.

Four brave cops hid outside the school in Florida while 17 kids were murdered by a guy that should have been locked up years ago. A guy with a gun shot and killed a mass murder wanna be in Maryland, and you still can't agree that people being armed in school is a good idea. Obama made it possible for kids to commit serious crime in schools and not have to face any serious consequences. You can't honestly address any of that. None of you regressive liberals can.
I've addressed all of it over the past month and if you didn't read it, that's on you.
BTW, I have no problem with an armed security officer in schools if that is what the community wants.
I appreciate your actually using your words today, though, Mike.
I'm visiting the threads today to defend the kids from folks who are disrespecting them; not really into going through the whole gun debate this afternoon.

This thread, and the other butthurt threads like it, underscore the basic point I've been making since literally the day I joined this site (and before elsewhere) which was during another wave of recent shootings ---

-- which is that we live in a culture that glorifies violence and fetishizes guns as the instrument of that violence. It surrounds everything we see and hear, right down to linguistic colloquialisms. And the fetishizers, those who worship that violence, just can't stop themselves from that woeful infantile whining sound they make whenever that reality is called out for what it is. This thread tries to undermine "where their money's coming from". Another thread whines that they're "snot nosed" (whatever that means) and "clueless".

They just can't stand being exposed for what they are --- a dystopian death cult.

Here's a movement of young people inspirationally agitating for their own lives, and all these whiners can come up with is "life? fuck that".
I hate the nastiness this group uses to slander anyone who speaks up, whether it's women or gun control advocates or immigrant groups. I actually don't think it's as bad as a "dystopian death cult." Americans needed a weapon for protection in the not so distant past. Culture changes slowly, though our environment has morphed into something no one could have dreamed of back then. Yes, some of the posters here are just nihilists, but most folks on that side do believe their guns are necessary to protect themselves. To me it seems it's gone way, way overboard though.

Nobody who genuinely believes in self-protection is on here posting about "snot nosed kids" or "George Soros booga booga". That's exactly what gives said nihilists away -- the butthurt.

Those who aren't butthurt, those who can actually handle the event --- are not the ones on here whining.
Why are they hiding behind the 501c4 tax code?
Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?


There is no law that will stop the shootings.
The inevitable will be banning all guns, but even that will not stop the shootings, but that is what liberals want.

I would have clicked an "Agree" on this post, until the last phrase came in.

Too bad, so sad.
Democratic Party is politicizing the Florida tragedy. Sick fucking bastards.

By all means enlighten us on how some high school kids in Florida constitute "the Democratic Party".
Because there's a guy on here who claims that party is a bunch of Klan Klowns marching on some Wisconsin trolley tracks. Y'all are gonna have to get your story straight.
Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?


There is no law that will stop the shootings.
The inevitable will be banning all guns, but even that will not stop the shootings, but that is what liberals want.

I would have clicked an "Agree" on this post, until the last phrase came in.

Too bad, so sad.
Democratic Party is politicizing the Florida tragedy. Sick fucking bastards.

By all means enlighten us on how some high school kids in Florida constitute "the Democratic Party".
Because there's a guy on here who claims that party is a bunch of Klan Klowns marching on some Wisconsin trolley tracks. Y'all are gonna have to get your story straight.
Even though it will be a complete waste of time, because of rule 1 and 2, ...

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

I'll give it a go.

There is NO way in hell a few highschool kids had the contacts, ability or money to organize this:



If you think they did, then you are blind. The cowardly gun hating democrats are behind this all.
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?


There is no law that will stop the shootings.
The inevitable will be banning all guns, but even that will not stop the shootings, but that is what liberals want.

I would have clicked an "Agree" on this post, until the last phrase came in.

Too bad, so sad.
Democratic Party is politicizing the Florida tragedy. Sick fucking bastards.

By all means enlighten us on how some high school kids in Florida constitute "the Democratic Party".
Because there's a guy on here who claims that party is a bunch of Klan Klowns marching on some Wisconsin trolley tracks. Y'all are gonna have to get your story straight.
Even though it will be a complete waste of time, because of rule 1 and 2, ...

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

I'll give it a go.

There is NO way in hell a few highschool kids had the contacts, ability or money to organize this:



If you think they did, then you are blind. The cowardly gun hating democrats are behind this all.
It’s a Deep State sponsored 2018 mid-term Democratic Party Rally.
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?


There is no law that will stop the shootings.
The inevitable will be banning all guns, but even that will not stop the shootings, but that is what liberals want.

I would have clicked an "Agree" on this post, until the last phrase came in.

Too bad, so sad.
Democratic Party is politicizing the Florida tragedy. Sick fucking bastards.

By all means enlighten us on how some high school kids in Florida constitute "the Democratic Party".
Because there's a guy on here who claims that party is a bunch of Klan Klowns marching on some Wisconsin trolley tracks. Y'all are gonna have to get your story straight.
Even though it will be a complete waste of time, because of rule 1 and 2, ...

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

I'll give it a go.

There is NO way in hell a few highschool kids had the contacts, ability or money to organize this:



If you think they did, then you are blind. The cowardly gun hating democrats are behind this all.
The kids sparked it by refusing to go crying into their bedrooms and be defeated by another mass shooting. I don't know WHY you think it is invalid because gun control advocates are finally getting off their asses in large numbers and doing something about it. This is not all kids under 18, Mike. There are a lot of adults who not only want to stand for the kids, out of respect, but are finally standing for what's right.
Pogo is right that gun control alone won't solve the problem, but it is a piece of the problem. A lot of people on those streets have other ideas than taking your guns. You should try opening your ears to them.
This thread, and the other butthurt threads like it, underscore the basic point I've been making since literally the day I joined this site (and before elsewhere) which was during another wave of recent shootings ---

-- which is that we live in a culture that glorifies violence and fetishizes guns as the instrument of that violence. It surrounds everything we see and hear, right down to linguistic colloquialisms. And the fetishizers, those who worship that violence, just can't stop themselves from that woeful infantile whining sound they make whenever that reality is called out for what it is. This thread tries to undermine "where their money's coming from". Another thread whines that they're "snot nosed" (whatever that means) and "clueless".

They just can't stand being exposed for what they are --- a dystopian death cult.

Here's a movement of young people inspirationally agitating for their own lives, and all these whiners can come up with is "life? fuck that".
I hate the nastiness this group uses to slander anyone who speaks up, whether it's women or gun control advocates or immigrant groups. I actually don't think it's as bad as a "dystopian death cult." Americans needed a weapon for protection in the not so distant future. Culture changes slowly, though our environment has morphed into something no one could have dreamed of back then. Yes, some of the posters here are just nihilists, but most folks on that side do believe their guns are necessary to protect themselves. To me it seems it's gone way, way overboard though.
Still can't say how banning one rifle will stop shootings.

Clearly you don't understand rights when you complain of others expressing their stance against fascism.
My complaint was against the nastiness.
So think it’s alright to politicize this tragedy?

Go read your own OP and tell us the answer to that, Slummo.
I did not organize this political rally.

There is no law that will stop the shootings.
The inevitable will be banning all guns, but even that will not stop the shootings, but that is what liberals want.

I would have clicked an "Agree" on this post, until the last phrase came in.

Too bad, so sad.
Democratic Party is politicizing the Florida tragedy. Sick fucking bastards.

By all means enlighten us on how some high school kids in Florida constitute "the Democratic Party".
Because there's a guy on here who claims that party is a bunch of Klan Klowns marching on some Wisconsin trolley tracks. Y'all are gonna have to get your story straight.
Even though it will be a complete waste of time, because of rule 1 and 2, ...

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

I'll give it a go.

There is NO way in hell a few highschool kids had the contacts, ability or money to organize this:



If you think they did, then you are blind. The cowardly gun hating democrats are behind this all.
The kids sparked it by refusing to go crying into their bedrooms and be defeated by another mass shooting. I don't know WHY you think it is invalid because gun control advocates are finally getting off their asses in large numbers and doing something about it. This is not all kids under 18, Mike. There are a lot of adults who not only want to stand for the kids, out of respect, but are finally standing for what's right.
Pogo is right that gun control alone won't solve the problem, but it is a piece of the problem. A lot of people on those streets have other ideas than taking your guns. You should try opening your ears to them.
Notice how gun banners never can say exactly what those "ideas" are, and they never can say how more gun control will stop crime when by their very nature criminals don't obey laws if they don't want to. Also notice that gun banners never will say how banning an AR-15 will stop mass murder when there are many other similar rifles to be had. Take notice of the upcoming nebulous answers.

There is no law that will stop the shootings.
The inevitable will be banning all guns, but even that will not stop the shootings, but that is what liberals want.

I would have clicked an "Agree" on this post, until the last phrase came in.

Too bad, so sad.
Democratic Party is politicizing the Florida tragedy. Sick fucking bastards.

By all means enlighten us on how some high school kids in Florida constitute "the Democratic Party".
Because there's a guy on here who claims that party is a bunch of Klan Klowns marching on some Wisconsin trolley tracks. Y'all are gonna have to get your story straight.
Even though it will be a complete waste of time, because of rule 1 and 2, ...

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

I'll give it a go.

There is NO way in hell a few highschool kids had the contacts, ability or money to organize this:



If you think they did, then you are blind. The cowardly gun hating democrats are behind this all.
The kids sparked it by refusing to go crying into their bedrooms and be defeated by another mass shooting. I don't know WHY you think it is invalid because gun control advocates are finally getting off their asses in large numbers and doing something about it. This is not all kids under 18, Mike. There are a lot of adults who not only want to stand for the kids, out of respect, but are finally standing for what's right.
Pogo is right that gun control alone won't solve the problem, but it is a piece of the problem. A lot of people on those streets have other ideas than taking your guns. You should try opening your ears to them.
The kids sparked it. Sure. Oprah gave $500,000...Clooney gave $500,000...Steven Spielberg gave $500,000...Wonder how fast Democratic Party operatives rushed to Parkland to begin planning the political rally?

There is no law that will stop the shootings.
The inevitable will be banning all guns, but even that will not stop the shootings, but that is what liberals want.

I would have clicked an "Agree" on this post, until the last phrase came in.

Too bad, so sad.
Democratic Party is politicizing the Florida tragedy. Sick fucking bastards.

By all means enlighten us on how some high school kids in Florida constitute "the Democratic Party".
Because there's a guy on here who claims that party is a bunch of Klan Klowns marching on some Wisconsin trolley tracks. Y'all are gonna have to get your story straight.
Even though it will be a complete waste of time, because of rule 1 and 2, ...

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

I'll give it a go.

There is NO way in hell a few highschool kids had the contacts, ability or money to organize this:



If you think they did, then you are blind. The cowardly gun hating democrats are behind this all.
It’s a Deep State sponsored 2018 mid-term Democratic Party Rally.

Ever hear of a logical fallacy called "Poisoning the Well"?

Because you could teach a course on it.

There is no law that will stop the shootings.
The inevitable will be banning all guns, but even that will not stop the shootings, but that is what liberals want.

I would have clicked an "Agree" on this post, until the last phrase came in.

Too bad, so sad.
Democratic Party is politicizing the Florida tragedy. Sick fucking bastards.

By all means enlighten us on how some high school kids in Florida constitute "the Democratic Party".
Because there's a guy on here who claims that party is a bunch of Klan Klowns marching on some Wisconsin trolley tracks. Y'all are gonna have to get your story straight.
Even though it will be a complete waste of time, because of rule 1 and 2, ...

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

I'll give it a go.

There is NO way in hell a few highschool kids had the contacts, ability or money to organize this:



If you think they did, then you are blind. The cowardly gun hating democrats are behind this all.
The kids sparked it by refusing to go crying into their bedrooms and be defeated by another mass shooting. I don't know WHY you think it is invalid because gun control advocates are finally getting off their asses in large numbers and doing something about it. This is not all kids under 18, Mike. There are a lot of adults who not only want to stand for the kids, out of respect, but are finally standing for what's right.
Pogo is right that gun control alone won't solve the problem, but it is a piece of the problem. A lot of people on those streets have other ideas than taking your guns. You should try opening your ears to them.
“Its about the children...I vote with my heart!” :206: Or the Democratic Party is Politicizing this event. Hello :aug08_031:
Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
Liberals like you are trying to take our guns, and you cannot be honest about any of it. You wanna ban AR-15 rifles, but you refuse to state how that will do anything when there are many other rifles just as powerful that can be used in it's place. You people never can say how more laws will do anything when criminals are not obeying those laws now, and police and the courts are not punishing those who break many laws.

Four brave cops hid outside the school in Florida while 17 kids were murdered by a guy that should have been locked up years ago. A guy with a gun shot and killed a mass murder wanna be in Maryland, and you still can't agree that people being armed in school is a good idea. Obama made it possible for kids to commit serious crime in schools and not have to face any serious consequences. You can't honestly address any of that. None of you regressive liberals can.
I've addressed all of it over the past month and if you didn't read it, that's on you.
BTW, I have no problem with an armed security officer in schools if that is what the community wants.
I appreciate your actually using your words today, though, Mike.
I'm visiting the threads today to defend the kids from folks who are disrespecting them; not really into going through the whole gun debate this afternoon.

Hell, I've been calling for armed guards and metal detector's at schools since Columbine, maybe now it will happen.
I would have clicked an "Agree" on this post, until the last phrase came in.

Too bad, so sad.
Democratic Party is politicizing the Florida tragedy. Sick fucking bastards.

By all means enlighten us on how some high school kids in Florida constitute "the Democratic Party".
Because there's a guy on here who claims that party is a bunch of Klan Klowns marching on some Wisconsin trolley tracks. Y'all are gonna have to get your story straight.
Even though it will be a complete waste of time, because of rule 1 and 2, ...

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

I'll give it a go.

There is NO way in hell a few highschool kids had the contacts, ability or money to organize this:



If you think they did, then you are blind. The cowardly gun hating democrats are behind this all.
The kids sparked it by refusing to go crying into their bedrooms and be defeated by another mass shooting. I don't know WHY you think it is invalid because gun control advocates are finally getting off their asses in large numbers and doing something about it. This is not all kids under 18, Mike. There are a lot of adults who not only want to stand for the kids, out of respect, but are finally standing for what's right.
Pogo is right that gun control alone won't solve the problem, but it is a piece of the problem. A lot of people on those streets have other ideas than taking your guns. You should try opening your ears to them.
Notice how gun banners never can say exactly what those "ideas" are, and they never can say how more gun control will stop crime when by their very nature criminals don't obey laws if they don't want to. Also notice that gun banners never will say how banning an AR-15 will stop mass murder when there are many other similar rifles to be had. Take notice of the upcoming nebulous answers.
Notice how I said we'll have a full blown gun debate another time?
Quit whining like a kid whose mom said NO FIDGET SPINNER today.
Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
Liberals like you are trying to take our guns, and you cannot be honest about any of it. You wanna ban AR-15 rifles, but you refuse to state how that will do anything when there are many other rifles just as powerful that can be used in it's place. You people never can say how more laws will do anything when criminals are not obeying those laws now, and police and the courts are not punishing those who break many laws.

Four brave cops hid outside the school in Florida while 17 kids were murdered by a guy that should have been locked up years ago. A guy with a gun shot and killed a mass murder wanna be in Maryland, and you still can't agree that people being armed in school is a good idea. Obama made it possible for kids to commit serious crime in schools and not have to face any serious consequences. You can't honestly address any of that. None of you regressive liberals can.
I've addressed all of it over the past month and if you didn't read it, that's on you.
BTW, I have no problem with an armed security officer in schools if that is what the community wants.
I appreciate your actually using your words today, though, Mike.
I'm visiting the threads today to defend the kids from folks who are disrespecting them; not really into going through the whole gun debate this afternoon.

This thread, and the other butthurt threads like it, underscore the basic point I've been making since literally the day I joined this site (and before elsewhere) which was during another wave of recent shootings ---

-- which is that we live in a culture that glorifies violence and fetishizes guns as the instrument of that violence. It surrounds everything we see and hear, right down to linguistic colloquialisms. And the fetishizers, those who worship that violence, just can't stop themselves from that woeful infantile whining sound they make whenever that reality is called out for what it is. This thread tries to undermine "where their money's coming from". Another thread whines that they're "snot nosed" (whatever that means) and "clueless".

They just can't stand being exposed for what they are --- a dystopian death cult.

Here's a movement of young people inspirationally agitating for their own lives, and all these whiners can come up with is "life? fuck that".

I live down the street from our high school and they had a rally and I just got back of about 30 minutes of watching it and I want to say out of about 1000 there were quite a few active military and vets, one was carrying a sign "If it ain't issued by the military it is needed". I'm in a very heavy military town.
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
Liberals like you are trying to take our guns, and you cannot be honest about any of it. You wanna ban AR-15 rifles, but you refuse to state how that will do anything when there are many other rifles just as powerful that can be used in it's place. You people never can say how more laws will do anything when criminals are not obeying those laws now, and police and the courts are not punishing those who break many laws.

Four brave cops hid outside the school in Florida while 17 kids were murdered by a guy that should have been locked up years ago. A guy with a gun shot and killed a mass murder wanna be in Maryland, and you still can't agree that people being armed in school is a good idea. Obama made it possible for kids to commit serious crime in schools and not have to face any serious consequences. You can't honestly address any of that. None of you regressive liberals can.
I've addressed all of it over the past month and if you didn't read it, that's on you.
BTW, I have no problem with an armed security officer in schools if that is what the community wants.
I appreciate your actually using your words today, though, Mike.
I'm visiting the threads today to defend the kids from folks who are disrespecting them; not really into going through the whole gun debate this afternoon.

This thread, and the other butthurt threads like it, underscore the basic point I've been making since literally the day I joined this site (and before elsewhere) which was during another wave of recent shootings ---

-- which is that we live in a culture that glorifies violence and fetishizes guns as the instrument of that violence. It surrounds everything we see and hear, right down to linguistic colloquialisms. And the fetishizers, those who worship that violence, just can't stop themselves from that woeful infantile whining sound they make whenever that reality is called out for what it is. This thread tries to undermine "where their money's coming from". Another thread whines that they're "snot nosed" (whatever that means) and "clueless".

They just can't stand being exposed for what they are --- a death cult.
Still refuses to answer the question. The death cult is all on dims that refuse to punish crime. Jughead Obastard made it so kids committing serious crime in school faced little consequence. Bought and paid for by liars like you.

You're on Ignore, Stupid. That's where trolls with no point to make end up. Therefore I never saw your "question".

What "question" would that be? If it's about buying buttplugs at Mal-Wart, you're on your own.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand crickets. From Texas.


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