Marching Glowsticks....Feds on Parade?

The Klan was an arm of the Democrat Party moron. They wore masks like Antifa because they are cowards. We are not.
We know what the Klan was 100 years ago, and we know what you are today.
If you had worn masks, we wouldn`t have had to lock up 185 of Trump`s goons. They`re not cowards, just morons. They go to jail for their Jesus while he plays golf. He really does love the uneducated. He loves laughing at them while they continue to send him their welfare money.
You idiots always think that whatever nonsense you spout is always true. They are not the Klan because you say so. the Klan wore masks, which was your original point, they were Democrats when that happened. You lose, go play in the street, kid.
The Klan wore masks as Dems and now as Pubs. Patriot Front wears masks. Your moniker is a mask here on the Board. Go dribble elsewhere.
We know what the Klan was 100 years ago, and we know what you are today.
If you had worn masks, we wouldn`t have had to lock up 185 of Trump`s goons. They`re not cowards, just morons. They go to jail for their Jesus while he plays golf. He really does love the uneducated. He loves laughing at them while they continue to send him their welfare money.

You don't know shit. If you knew anything at all, you'd be a conservative. you think man can have babies, truth is subjective, and speech is violence. you are the poster child for the uneducated.
"You don't know shit. If you knew anything at all, you'd be a conservative. you think man can have babies, truth is subjective, and speech is violence. you are the poster child for the uneducated." and you are a goober. #StopTheSqueal
They had police escort, had the subway station blocked off specifically for them, they had their own subway cars, and not a single Pantifa goon squad was anywhere near to give them any shit.....On top of that, they were all masked up and all appeared to have uniform regulation haircuts.

The whole scene screamed Fed psyop.

Do you have any evidence that these were 'feds'? Of course not.

You're literally demanding links and evidence to disprove something you made up.

That's some basic tinfoil nonsense right there.

And I stand by the evidence. Including all the books about women and people of color that Florida banned from schools. And DeSantis' attempt to suppress political speech using the power of the State.

So much for the conservative conception of 'free speech'.
Well they sure aren't obese and sporting huge gnarly beards like 99.9% of every other white supremacist in America does.

Now run down their names and see how many are real people. TIA! :D

Why when you just *imagine* they're feds?

Remember, y'all have nothing but your imagination to back any part of your story. And you seem quite content to play make believe.

And goodness knows *you're* never going to 'run down' any of your silly stories. Research isn't really your jam.
Why when you just *imagine* they're feds?

Remember, y'all have nothing but your imagination to back any part of your story. And you seem quite content to play make believe.

And goodness knows *you're* never going to 'run down' any of your silly stories. Research isn't really your jam.
So certainly you could verify the identities of those arrested, correct?

Actually, research is "my jam".
So certainly you could verify the identities of those arrested, correct?

Actually, research is "my jam". don't research a thing. You make up silly conspiracies to explain away you lack of curiosity and your inability to verify your claims.

But tell us more about your imaginary 'fed parade'. Backed, predictably, by jackshit. don't research a thing. You make up silly conspiracies to explain away you lack of curiosity and your inability to verify your claims.

But tell us more about your imaginary 'fed parade'. Backed, predictably, by jackshit.
Why were they allowed to park and drive through Chicago with their license plates blocked?
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Why were they allowed to drive through Chicago with their license plates blocked?

Prove that they were.

Or you can just keep imagining a silly story you haven't research and can't back with actual evidence.
Prove that they were.

Or you can just keep imagining a silly story you haven't research and can't back with actual evidence.
My pleasure, faggot. There's video of that towards the end here:

also here:

And now for some information from real people:

I was waiting for them to slip up and starting singing cadences while jog-marching.

Here, jackass, I'll give you a leg up on proving any of their identities are genuine:

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