Marching Glowsticks....Feds on Parade?

Do you have any evidence that they were feds?

Or is making shit up what passes for evidence among your ilk?
Check any rightwing site, and social media. No one believes this group is authentic. They are all Fed informants, hired by Feds, or maybe even just Feds themselves. Many are foreigners from guess where….Ukraine! Azov Nazis Are supported by our leftwing government.


Since when do local police protect the identities of rightwing protesters?

It’s all done for show so the media can take photos and get idiots like you all wound up about a “rightwing extremist group”.
Check any rightwing site, and social media. No one believes this group is authentic. They are all Fed informants, hired by Feds, or maybe even just Feds themselves. Many are foreigners from guess where….Ukraine! Azov Nazis Are supported by our leftwing government.

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Since when do local police protect the identities of rightwing protesters?

It’s all done for show so the media can take photos and get idiots like you all wound up about a “rightwing extremist group”.

And your evidence that they're 'all Fed informants' your imagination. You literally just making the claim up, backed by absolutely nothing.

That's what I love about conservatives. The endless fountain of runny batshit that pours from them eternally.
And your evidence that they're 'all Fed informants' your imagination. You literally just making the claim up, backed by absolutely nothing.

That's what I love about conservatives. The endless fountain of runny batshit that pours from them eternally.
So why are police escorting and protecting the identity of these white supremacists who are the “biggest threat to democracy”?
So why are police escorting and protecting the identity of these white supremacists who are the “biggest threat to democracy”?

Who says that the police are 'protecting their identity'? Why, your imagination!

You an endlessly renewable supply of batshit, my friend.

As for why the police escorted them, refer to the article in the OP:

"The group was escorted through the National Mall by police to keep the extremists away from counter protestors, who screamed at the mask-wearing zealots while they paraded through the city."

Try again. This time with extra batshit! Maybe sprinkle some tinfoil on it?
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Who says that the police are 'protecting their identity'? Why, your imagination!

You an endlessly renewable supply of batshit, my friend.

As for why the police escorted them, refer to the article in the OP:

"The group was escorted through the National Mall by police to keep the extremists away from counter protestors, who screamed at the mask-wearing zealots while they paraded through the city."

Try again. This time with extra batshit! Maybe sprinkle some tinfoil on it?

You are free to believe they are actual “Right Wing extremists” if you want. I’m just telling you no one on the right actually believes it. Funny how you are defending them though.
You are free to believe they are actual “Right Wing extremists” if you want. I’m just telling you no one on the right actually believes it. Funny how you are defending them though.

Occam's Razor, my friend.

You imagine an elaborate and fantastically complicated psy-op by the CIA and the FBI, backed by absolutely nothing.

Where the OP's own source shows a garden variety hate group.

When you hear hoof beats, think horses. Not zebras.
Occam's Razor, my friend.

You imagine an elaborate and fantastically complicated psy-op by the CIA and the FBI, backed by absolutely nothing.

Where the OP's own source shows a garden variety hate group.

When you hear hoof beats, think horses. Not zebras.
Backed by nothing?

We just learned that every major intelligence agency and “law enforcement” agency actively colluded to push a known hoax and lie in order to undo the 2016 election.

Backed by nothing?

We just learned that every major intelligence agency and “law enforcement” agency actively colluded to push a known hoax and lie in order to undo the 2016 election.

View attachment 785982

So backed by nothing....that you just fled from the topic. You've literally imagined the entire 'Feds on Parade' fantasy, whole, without the slightest scrap of evidence for any of it.

And '100x worse'? I think you've got it exactly backward.

How many cops were assaulted in the Durham report? Zero.

On January 6th, 140.

How many people have been charged with crimes in the Durham report? Zero.

There are 1000 people that have been charged with crimes for what they did on January 6th.

How many calls to murder the vice president were there in the Durham report? Zero.

How many calls to murder the vice president were there in on January 6th? Dozens.

How many people attempted to overthrow a lawful election in the Durham Report? Zero.

How many people attempted to overthrow a lawful election on January 6th? At least hundreds.

Durham spend 4 years in his investigation. And what did he have to show for it?

400 hours of community service. That's it.
So....nothing that that anyone in the video is a fed. You just made that up,.

And then laughably insist that we need to disprove your imagination. With links and evidence.

Sorry, Tinfoil. Its you that needs to prove that they were 'feds'. And you've got nothing to back that conspiracy batshit.

Russian "Collusion".

Covid: masks, vaccines, etc.

You lose. Your credibility on this and everything is shot. Take ALL the backseats.
I see a group of INCEL cosplayers thinking they are bad-ass because they are all dressed in "uniforms", carry flags and shields, listen to drums.....and yet hide their faces in fear, anger, & paranoia.

They're Feds, sweetie.

Learn from your "Russian Collusion" and Covid mistakes.

They're Feds.
Scholars need to do better explaing the epistemology of conspiracy culture to their students without appealing to Hofstadter's "paranioa." Why do decent, smart, rational people subscribe to often demonstrably false conspiracies? We all subscribe to a "conspiracy" at some level, and some conspiracies are more benign than others, but there is an epistemology behind conspiracy culture that every person can benefit understanding a little better.

How many "wear a mask" filters did you put over your social media profiles?


How many shots did you get?

Answer, and then I'll tell you all about falling for conspiracies.
Russian "Collusion".

Covid: masks, vaccines, etc.

You lose. Your credibility on this and everything is shot. Take ALL the backseats.

Uh-huh. And your evidence of the 'Fed Parade' fantasy?

You literally made your entire conspiracy up from nothing. Pulled sideways out of your ass.

Alas, your imagination isn't evidence. What else have you got?
I wish you well. But you’re unlikely to ever open up your little mind since you forever reside inside your bubble.

They're super mad mad mad right now.

Underneath the surface it's all falling apart for them, and they know it.
They're super mad mad mad right now.

Underneath the surface it's all falling apart for them, and they know it.

Laughing.....yeah, you can tell our fury from all the giggles.

So what's your evidence for your 'Fed Parade' fantasy again?
So backed by nothing....that you just fled from the topic. You've literally imagined the entire 'Feds on Parade' fantasy, whole, without the slightest scrap of evidence for any of it.

And '100x worse'? I think you've got it exactly backward.

How many cops were assaulted in the Durham report? Zero.

On January 6th, 140.

How many people have been charged with crimes in the Durham report? Zero.

There are 1000 people that have been charged with crimes for what they did on January 6th.

How many calls to murder the vice president were there in the Durham report? Zero.

How many calls to murder the vice president were there in on January 6th? Dozens.

How many people attempted to overthrow a lawful election in the Durham Report? Zero.

How many people attempted to overthrow a lawful election on January 6th? At least hundreds.

Durham spend 4 years in his investigation. And what did he have to show for it?

400 hours of community service. That's it.
Oh of course, everything is a “conspiracy theory” until we have hard evidence.

But when evidence is shown, you then demand it is proven in court.

All you can do is brag about how the Federal government was mobilized as Brown Shirt stooges to use every means necessary to go after grandmas at J6? Thanks for proving my point.
Sweetheart, it's not a "conspiracy" if it's true.

Sweetie....what makes you think your silly little fantasy about a Fed Parade is true?

Remember, you made up every part of your absurd story. You have evidence for nothing. The OP might as well begin with 'Once Upon A Time."

Are you genuinely not clear on the difference between reality.....and your imagination?

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