Marching Glowsticks....Feds on Parade?

Did the FBI tell you that?

Laughing....I thought you guys said it was the CIA *and* the FBI?

I mean, since you're pulling these imaginary stories out of your ass, why not fold in Space Force?

Optimus Prime?

Maybe Paddington Bear.
No real right wing group covers their faces. That's something cowardly Antifa does. The left are gullible idiots.
No one on the right cares about this group and no one on the right has heard of them before this fakery happened. It's something that the idiots will cling to, to use against the right but it will die out because we on the right aren't as gullible as the left.

Watch and see. you'll never hear from this fake group ever again.
They've been around since at least Charlottesville.
Why are they denying their own INCEL MAGAt thugs?

These are the same hapless souls that insisted that January 6th was a 'fedsurrection'. And somehow blamed all on some dude named "Ray".

You can't fix stupid.
Yeah and they were for sure "patriot front" and not Feds?

Link and evidence please
Scholars need to do better explaing the epistemology of conspiracy culture to their students without appealing to Hofstadter's "paranioa." Why do decent, smart, rational people subscribe to often demonstrably false conspiracies? We all subscribe to a "conspiracy" at some level, and some conspiracies are more benign than others, but there is an epistemology behind conspiracy culture that every person can benefit understanding a little better.

But....but why would they be arresting the FBI and CIA?

Its almost like our reesident conspiracy headjobs have no clue what they're talking about.
Wait....are you trying to suggest this entire group of people are Feds pretending to be white supremacist?

Was it also just Fed when this same group protested at SatanCon?
If you don’t grasp that this group is heavily infiltrated with Feds (if not maybe all Feds), then once again it looks like you’re just simply not able or willing to pay attention.
Sure, sure, Biden flaps his demented jaws about "white supremacy", not 24 hours later, the Feds respond with one of their very bad psy-ops.

I'm very proud of my children but if any of them joined the FBI/CIA I'd say, "Have you no shame? No honor? What are you doing?"

Does ANYONE buy that these uniformly dressed, all physically fit, creepy dudes are really any kind of "white supremacy" group?


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View attachment 785600

For what it's worth, i.e. I can't authenticate it, but this was an interesting tweet. And it is curious that this group shows up pretty much every time Biden gives one of his 'white supremacy is the most existential threat to America' speeches.

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If you don’t grasp that this group is heavily infiltrated with Feds (if not maybe all Feds), then once again it looks like you’re just simply not able or willing to pay attention.

And by 'heavily infiltrated', what percentage of the 200 or so there do you imagine were feds?
Why ask when you don’t give a damn about the actual answer?

I saw this on another website: CLOWNWORLD2023 on GETTR : THE FBI ARE BACK X !!!!! 🙈🇺🇸

I cannot verify it. But I don’t doubt it.

For the same reason I might turn over a rock and see what's wiggling underneath.

"Heavily inflitrated' is what? 10%? 50%?

Do the white supremecists make any decisions, or is all being directed by the feds?
For the same reason I might turn over a rock and see what's wiggling underneath.

"Heavily inflitrated' is what? 10%? 50%?

Do the white supremecists make any decisions, or is all being directed by the feds?
I wish you well. But you’re unlikely to ever open up your little mind since you forever reside inside your bubble.
I wish you well. But you’re unlikely to ever open up your little mind since you forever reside inside your bubble.
Laughing......if only I would accept your imagination as evidence, I'd be able to see so much more clearly!

So is 'heavily infiltrated' 60%? 70%?

What do you imagine it is?
Laughing......if only I would accept your imagination as evidence, I'd be able to see so much more clearly!

So is 'heavily infiltrated' 60%? 70%?

What do you imagine it is?

Not really. I just wanted to compose a post as silly as most of yours seem to begin.

You have no intelligence. And evidence eludes you poor pathetic senseless libturds anyway.

You have my best wishes to assume (as you do) that those folks are anything but Feds. 🤣

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