Marching Glowsticks....Feds on Parade?

When all those fbi cia types said hunter's laptop was fake, you believed them didn't you...

If it was a real protest, they would have never gotten permission. It was just a show for lemmings like you.
Would have never got permission, a police escort, a blocked off entry into the subway exclusively for them, subway cars exclusively for them, and not a single Pantifa goon to be seen anywhere.

Total Fed psyop.
When all those fbi cia types said hunter's laptop was fake, you believed them didn't you...

If it was a real protest, they would have never gotten permission. It was just a show for lemmings like you.
That's your smoking gun that they were 'feds' imagining that they wouldn't have gotten permission to protest unless they were feds.

Laughing......its like a russian nested doll of conspiracy batshit.

Do you have any evidence that they 'would never have gotten permission' to protest? It is their constitutional right, after all.
Would have never got permission, a police escort, a blocked off entry into the subway exclusively for them, subway cars exclusively for them, and not a single Pantifa goon to be seen anywhere.

Total Fed psyop.


"Approximately 200 people advanced along the National Mall on Saturday, flanked by police to keep the extremists separated from a small group of counter protestors. "

You never read the article in the OP, did you?

So your evidence that must be you imagining that they could never have gotten a permission to protest.

That's literally it. Just your imagination.
Sure, sure, Biden flaps his demented jaws about "white supremacy", not 24 hours later, the Feds respond with one of their very bad psy-ops.

I'm very proud of my children but if any of them joined the FBI/CIA I'd say, "Have you no shame? No honor? What are you doing?"

Does ANYONE buy that these uniformly dressed, all physically fit, creepy dudes are really any kind of "white supremacy" group?


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They're all out to get you! :tinfoil:
Dude. Do you look at this group and seriously see a group of average "white supremacist" Americans?

That's for starters.

Secondly, do you STILL trust the FBI/CIA?

How cute. How....quaint
I see a group of INCEL cosplayers thinking they are bad-ass because they are all dressed in "uniforms", carry flags and shields, listen to drums.....and yet hide their faces in fear, anger, & paranoia.

Not the same...........but not everyone has the IQ to be discerning.
LOL “White Supremacy” is such a big threat they have to make Feds dress up and pretend they are.

Have you ever seen the local and state police protect a rightwing group the way these guys are protected by a wall of police? Plus there are never any counterprotests. Where is Antifa and BLM to face off with these guys?

Nope, these guys are transported in, form up and do their little parade, with only media to take photos of the scary “radical right”. It is so blatantly scripted and fake, but of course the left buys into it and that is really their target audience for this show.

Do you have any evidence that they were feds?

Or is making shit up what passes for evidence among your ilk?

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