Marching Glowsticks....Feds on Parade?

Go leave some love notes for the FBI on their twitter account.

Remember when liberals stood against "the man"?

now they are "the man's" bootlickers--with their tongues.

The only note I'm going to leave is a sympathy card for you. And my sincere hope you seek medical help for the delusion caused by the belief in conspiracy theories. You've brainwashed yourself.
Now normally, I'd question how that would be possible, but all I have to do is look at the last 8 years of what the right wing and their standard bearers have done to our political discourse....and I have my answer. :)
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Exactly....Real fascist scumbags actually have the stones to show their faces.

That shit yesterday was a parade of fucking Feds.
I have to admit the whole thing had a phony baloney feel about it. It may have been a legit event but something about the look of it didn't set right when I seen the news story on television. It would not be the first time the FBI had a phony rally, in my home town of Orlando there was a NAZI rally and it got a lot of press turned out it was the Feds. If I can find the news story on it I will post it on this thread. My opinion they do this to see how many supporters of that ideology show up to support it. As far as the rally in my home town only a few showed up. 👍 ☕ good morning all.
They had police escort, had the subway station blocked off specifically for them, they had their own subway cars, and not a single Pantifa goon squad was anywhere near to give them any shit.....On top of that, they were all masked up and all appeared to have uniform regulation haircuts.

The whole scene screamed Fed psyop.
Example #2 of why your belief system, your ideology, and your words are slowly but surely being rejected. You see conspiracies everywhere. You can't even tell what's real and what's not anymore. Congratulations. No brainwashing needed. You've done the job yourself.
I think very religious people, like the OP, are by far the most gullible and uninformed people in the country. No surprise they are huge fans of Trump.
The only note I'm going to leave is a sympathy card for you. And my sincere hope you seek medical help for the delusion caused by the belief in conspiracy theories. You've brainwashed yourself.
Now normally, I'd question how that would be possible, but all I have to do is look at the last 8 years of what the right wing and their standard bearers have done to our political discourse....and I have my answer. :)

Looks like you have been under the "creative writing" guidance of BULLDOG.

Maybe you'll win awards too.

Thanks for your post.

I can't confirm or deny the OP (who really can?). But I am quite sure that the CIA/FBI pulls very similar stunts all the time across the country. Creating false flags, spreading false information, inciting riots, influencing elections, inspiring love/hate/panic/peace.... ALL of those things and more are part of the CIA's job on foreign soil. They're not supposed to do it here, but who is to say they don't? Many national events absolutely reek of false flag. And it's true, as someone (a naysayer) said earlier in the CAN'T tell just what is real and what is not anymore. Especially now that certain political factions seem to have nearly a monopoly on media in this country. Much of it could ALSO be the CIA spinning stories to influence public thought.

I for one firmly believe that while most mass shootings are real psychos finally blowing a fuse, that a handful of them are worked on by the CIA or FBI over time to do just that. When one finally pops his cork and blows people away, many other nutjobs will will see it on TV and be like, "It's my turn next! I want MY day of glory now!". Copycats likely make up a large percentage of mass shooters, while the occasional CIA sponsored one is only the catalyst intended to create a chain of them. That IS a very CIA type thing to do...but as i said THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO IT HERE!
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Sure, sure, Biden flaps his demented jaws about "white supremacy", not 24 hours later, the Feds respond with one of their very bad psy-ops.

I'm very proud of my children but if any of them joined the FBI/CIA I'd say, "Have you no shame? No honor? What are you doing?"

Does ANYONE buy that these uniformly dressed, all physically fit, creepy dudes are really any kind of "white supremacy" group?


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A 'psy-ops?

Oh, my. I take it you and Alex Jones are *well* acquainted.
Dude. Do you look at this group and seriously see a group of average "white supremacist" Americans?

That's for starters.

Secondly, do you STILL trust the FBI/CIA?

How cute. How....quaint
It is not a coincidence that the FBI and CIA put on this show right after Biden declared white supremacist to be the worst terrorist threat in America.

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