Marching Glowsticks....Feds on Parade?

My kids are hoping America survives in some semblance of the reasonable nation we used to have.

They feel it slipping away.

I KNOW it's gone. I don't tell them this, of course. Something will replace it. But not the USA
Oh please just quit.
The only note I'm going to leave is a sympathy card for you. And my sincere hope you seek medical help for the delusion caused by the belief in conspiracy theories. You've brainwashed yourself.
Now normally, I'd question how that would be possible, but all I have to do is look at the last 8 years of what the right wing and their standard bearers have done to our political discourse....and I have my answer. :)

Hey....were you wrong about everything Covid?

Think you could be wrong about this too?
I think very religious people, like the OP, are by far the most gullible and uninformed people in the country. No surprise they are huge fans of Trump.

You haven't read my posts where I'm ready to move beyond Trump? No?

I think you give them way too much credit

They were called to account by CONGRESS...and said, basically, pound sand


Tell me how in the world a non-constitutional entity got the power or delusion to tell a constitutional entity to pound sand?

But of course, it's lost on you. No libertarian at all
View attachment 785606
What's that thing strapped to the front of the car?
It is not a coincidence that the FBI and CIA put on this show right after Biden declared white supremacist to be the worst terrorist threat in America.

And your evidence that the FBI *and* the CIA 'put on a show' is.....just you pulling the claim sideways out of your ass?

You're one of those 'fedsurrection' people, aren't you?
Yeah and they were for sure "patriot front" and not Feds?

Link and evidence please

Do you have any evidence that these were 'feds'? Of course not.

You're literally demanding links and evidence to disprove something you made up.

That's some basic tinfoil nonsense right there.
Do you have any evidence that these were 'feds'? Of course not.

You're literally demanding links and evidence to disprove something you made up.

That's some basic tinfoil nonsense right there.

Someone who fell for Russian "Collusion" (See: the Durham report)

AND all the Covid nonsense...

has NO CAUSE to cast aspersions to ANYone distrustful of govt.
Someone who fell for Russian "Collusion" (See: the Durham report)

AND all the Covid nonsense...

has NO CAUSE to cast aspersions to ANYone distrustful of govt.

So....nothing that that anyone in the video is a fed. You just made that up,.

And then laughably insist that we need to disprove your imagination. With links and evidence.

Sorry, Tinfoil. Its you that needs to prove that they were 'feds'. And you've got nothing to back that conspiracy batshit.
And your evidence that the FBI *and* the CIA 'put on a show' is.....just you pulling the claim sideways out of your ass?

You're one of those 'fedsurrection' people, aren't you?
When all those fbi cia types said hunter's laptop was fake, you believed them didn't you...

If it was a real protest, they would have never gotten permission. It was just a show for lemmings like you.

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