Marching Glowsticks....Feds on Parade?

Sure, sure, Biden flaps his demented jaws about "white supremacy", not 24 hours later, the Feds respond with one of their very bad psy-ops.

I'm very proud of my children but if any of them joined the FBI/CIA I'd say, "Have you no shame? No honor? What are you doing?"

Does ANYONE buy that these uniformly dressed, all physically fit, creepy dudes are really any kind of "white supremacy" group?


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Patriots don't hide their identity.

This is more sad than comical
Sure, sure, Biden flaps his demented jaws about "white supremacy", not 24 hours later, the Feds respond with one of their very bad psy-ops.

I'm very proud of my children but if any of them joined the FBI/CIA I'd say, "Have you no shame? No honor? What are you doing?"

Does ANYONE buy that these uniformly dressed, all physically fit, creepy dudes are really any kind of "white supremacy" group?


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Feds on parade. The left is always pointing out how right wing folks are all fat slobs. Where are the fat people?

These guys walk, talk, and look like cops.
Feds on parade. The left is always pointing out how right wing folks are all fat slobs. Where are the fat people?

These guys walk, talk, and look like cops.

It's really hard to hide being a whole shitload of cops.

One or two, maybe, but a bunch that size? No way.

I have to admit the whole thing had a phony baloney feel about it. It may have been a legit event but something about the look of it didn't set right when I seen the news story on television. It would not be the first time the FBI had a phony rally, in my home town of Orlando there was a NAZI rally and it got a lot of press turned out it was the Feds. If I can find the news story on it I will post it on this thread. My opinion they do this to see how many supporters of that ideology show up to support it. As far as the rally in my home town only a few showed up. 👍 ☕ good morning all.

It happened in Michigan, when the "right wing" was going to kidnap Whitmer. Turns out it was a Fed operation.

They must do this because they are losing credibility with so many people. They are desperate.

I don't care
Sure, sure, Biden flaps his demented jaws about "white supremacy", not 24 hours later, the Feds respond with one of their very bad psy-ops.

I'm very proud of my children but if any of them joined the FBI/CIA I'd say, "Have you no shame? No honor? What are you doing?"

Does ANYONE buy that these uniformly dressed, all physically fit, creepy dudes are really any kind of "white supremacy" group?


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200 out of 300 million people, but white supremacist is our biggest problem. Give me a break.
Again, you have no evidence of this. But because your alt-right media sources pound it into your head 24x7, you believe it. If you've even done any reading or research outside of you usual biased sources, you'd know that these hardcores train for Armageddon. They believe a white race war with the rest of the world is inevitable.
200 out of 300 million people? Lol, do you still look under your bed for monsters? Lol
Again, you have no evidence of this. But because your alt-right media sources pound it into your head 24x7, you believe it. If you've even done any reading or research outside of you usual biased sources, you'd know that these hardcores train for Armageddon. They believe a white race war with the rest of the world is inevitable.

Go leave some love notes for the FBI on their twitter account.

Remember when liberals stood against "the man"?

now they are "the man's" bootlickers--with their tongues.

I think what the OP is really saying is that the marchers in the first pic aren't fat and redneck crazy enough to be real racists.

White NY liberal woman puts on quite a show taking a CitiBike from a black young man. Cries fake tears when her coworker shows up. Is she "fat and redneck crazy enough"?

I'm really glad you're not a mod anymore. Don't know what happened; don't care. But honestly.
No one on the right cares about this group and no one on the right has heard of them before this fakery happened. It's something that the idiots will cling to, to use against the right but it will die out because we on the right aren't as gullible as the left.

Watch and see. you'll never hear from this fake group ever again.

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