Marco Rubio - The Great Colored Hope for Grand Old White America

Rubio isn't ready.

I think Dante is too embarrassed to admit he meant Tio Tortilla.
I am not too sure about Rubio.. I don't knwo if I like him, and he is not ready.. Granted he has got some time to prep.. Maybe he will change my mind

This guy Rubio is a rube dressed in a suit. He reminds of a kid who is eager he pisses all over himself when his time finally arrives.

Can't wait.
I am not too sure about Rubio.. I don't knwo if I like him, and he is not ready.. Granted he has got some time to prep.. Maybe he will change my mind

This guy Rubio is a rube dressed in a suit. He reminds of a kid who is eager he pisses all over himself when his time finally arrives.

Can't wait.

Stellar credentials compared to a community organizer.
the only ones we see pissing themselves is the left over Rubio

my gawd, the guy made a speech..who said there will be anything else? the Dear leader makes some speech that is written for him and they fall over themselves

He wasn't ready for prime time. He was wiping sweat off his face too. A lot. And you could see how much he needed a drink of water. His lips weren't even moving over his teeth right. He was terrified!

Nixon sweat, he had..

so what..
what's funny is Obama makes this grand speech at the STOU and the only thing you people can talk about is all help him out more than he could...good job
Rubio isn't ready.

Rubio is far more ready than Obama ever was before he managed to befuddle and bamboozle the racists and the guilty-feeling bleeding hearts by one rousing speech that must have been written for him, just as his "best-selling" books that hardly anyone ever read, were.
Does it bother you that you look at Rubio through the lense of color? Or that you have no problem using racial slang to describe him?

Seriously, when are you racists going to realize that skin color doesn't freakin matter?

He wasn't ready for prime time. He was wiping sweat off his face too. A lot. And you could see how much he needed a drink of water. His lips weren't even moving over his teeth right. He was terrified!

Nixon sweat, he had..

so what..
what's funny is Obama makes this grand speech at the STOU and the only thing you people can talk about is all help him out more than he could...good job

What's "STOU"?

And no one is saying what a fine speech Rubio made..quite the contrary.
Marco Rubio - The Great Colored Hope for Grand Old White America

Before I go on, am I the only one that thinks Marco Rubio acts, looks, and speaks like the Poster Child for the Reformed Gays Movement? (not that there is anything wrong with that.)

Spanish speakers usually have Spanish language cable stations and radio they listen to. These media have their own translators. Always have and always will. What was the point of having Baby Face Anchor Baby Rubio pull this stunt and did he do as poorly in Spanish as he did in English?

Does the party of Grand Old White America, really think Hispanics are so dumb as to fall for a Tio Tortia being a front man for a political power grab? Maybe they do, they are always calling blacks stupid.

Every time the party of Grand Old White America loses an election we get to hear how they were foloed...fooled into voting for the real democrats. If only blacks would listen to the party of Grand Old White America, they would all get a pair of boots to pull themselves up with, and a chance to be white-for-a-day.

What does the GOP base really think of the Hispanic electorate? What does the GOP leadership think of the Hispanic electorate?

I predict in 8 years they will have developed a strategy to attempt to rip the browns away from the brown/black voting block coalition. Divide and conquer. The only question I have is "Will it succeed?"

Rubio's translation video time frame
Spanish State of the Rubio - The Colbert Report - 2013-13-02 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

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