Marco Rubio's EXCELLENT summary judgment of what is wrong with America 2023!

Nope, USA still the Greatest Country in the entire World.

The only people laughing are you RWI's that want to destroy America.
It's a true shame that we have this small minority of trump cult members that will attempt to destroy the USA, all for trump.



The word "better" was not mentioned. "Greatest" was.
China seems to be ascending with it's economy and military.
Our country is helping them.

By the way, try and buy 40 acres in China.
See the difference?
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The word "better" was not mentioned. "Greatest" was.
China seems to be ascending with it economy and military.
Our country is helping them.

By the way, try and buy 40 acres in China.
See the difference?
nobody would

except maybe the retarded dims (redundant term, I know)
The word "better" was not mentioned. "Greatest" was.
China seems to be ascending with it economy and military.
Our country is helping them.

By the way, try and buy 40 acres in China.
See the difference?
In its current state, China has way too many fundamental problems to be considered great.

Their military can’t hold a candle to ours, not to mention they lack global force projection and lack the broad alliances we have.

Their economy rests on exploitation of massive labor forces. Size isn’t everything. They lack the fundamental innovation and cooperation that makes our economy great.
And you are somehow different???
It is a good question. How do I know I'm not the brainwashed one? It's good to question your own beliefs.

Oh, that's right. The hard facts agree with me. So I'm good.

What I don't do is watch the same TV show a second time just for emotional affirmation thrills, as the OP bragged about doing. Heck, I don't even watch anything the first time. TV, that is. I think that's what flummoxes Trump cultists -- they get all their info spoon fed to them from the TV talking heads, so they imagine liberals must be just like themselves. That is not the case.
In its current state, China has way too many fundamental problems to be considered great.

Their military can’t hold a candle to ours, not to mention they lack global force projection and lack the broad alliances we have.

Their economy rests on exploitation of massive labor forces. Size isn’t everything. They lack the fundamental innovation and cooperation that makes our economy great.

I guess you didn't get the news about how our military equipment is being sent to Ukraine

as per the compromised "president" who has to do Ukraine's bidding because they have the goods on him


libs dont have a clue what's really going on in the world

This was awesome.

I'm going to watch it again, even though I watched it LIVE on Hannity last night

All Fox shows last night were excellent... would be here all day if I commented on all of them..

You can start at point 2.20


9.20... LOL (even though not funny but LOL at Rubio's straight-to-the-salient-point way of speaking)


America needs to know just how BAD things are... how, as Rubio says, we are a laughing stock to the world thanks to this weird Admin


Thanks to Joe Biden’s weak leadership, our enemies no longer fear us

As far as I got
I guess you didn't get the news about how our military equipment is being sent to Ukraine

as per the compromised "president" who has to do Ukraine's bidding because they have the goods on him


libs dont have a clue what's really going on in the world
It’s being sent to Ukraine where it’s been very effective at decimating Russian forces in defense of the sovereignty of a democratic nation.
you sound like a clueless, uneducated / miseducated


uneducated? lol

i have a library of 70,000 books, all downloaded on my laptop. i also watch interviews, speeches, everything political on youtube, from both sides of the aisle. you need TEN TRILLION YEARS to catch up with me

ALL OF HUMANITY is uneducated compared to me. my dad was a 1st in his class pilot in lebanon, got a scholarship to go study in Florida
in fact I have a rule: never read the same thing twice. as soon as i'm finished with a book, i delete it, move on to the next. that maximizes the new stuff i read

uneducated my pasty white butt!
did i just kill this lame thread with my gloating? lol everyone's intimidated now!
uneducated? lol

i have a library of 70,000 books, all downloaded on my laptop. i also watch interviews, speeches, everything political on youtube, from both sides of the aisle. you need TEN TRILLION YEARS to catch up with me

ALL OF HUMANITY is uneducated compared to me. my dad was a 1st in his class pilot in lebanon, got a scholarship to go study in Florida

that doesn't make you educated. A lot of real info seems to go in one ear and out the other w/ you

reminds me of the Bible psg

"... always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth"

in fact I have a rule: never read the same thing twice. as soon as i'm finished with a book, i delete it, move on to the next. that maximizes the new stuff i read

uneducated my pasty white butt!

totally confirms my opinion of leftists in general:

forget retention!

Just move on!

no wonder you all sound so damn retarded

that doesn't make you educated. A lot of real info seems to go in one ear and out the other w/ you

reminds me of the Bible psg

"... always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth"

well i respect your opinion. you might call me "misguided" or "dumb" or "gay", but uneducated i am not. sorry.

did i mention i was first in my class in creative writing class. i FORGET how awesome i am sometimes lol

totally confirms my opinion of leftists in general:

forget retention!

Just move on!

no wonder you all sound so damn retarded

i just like to maximize the new stuff i read. for starters, i hate repetition because i get bored easily. you can call me undisciplined, i would agree with that. but with so much info out there on the interwebs, it's a real race for me to read as much new things as i can

what was the last book you read, hotshot?
In its current state, China has way too many fundamental problems to be considered great.

Their military can’t hold a candle to ours, not to mention they lack global force projection and lack the broad alliances we have.

Their economy rests on exploitation of massive labor forces. Size isn’t everything. They lack the fundamental innovation and cooperation that makes our economy great.
Nowhere did I mention the "current state". I stated we are in decline. I stated that China is ascending.
Try and have a conversation with what I actually said, and not try to interject what you wanted me to say
so you could argue your point.
China is stealing intellectual property, it's getting there.
Dims make us think of this

Bible psg

"... always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth"

they never attach themselves to any REAL values, ones that are objectively perceived, ones that are inherently worthy of ADHERING to... In other words: no core values. Anything goes.

they do not think objectively most of the time, if ever. They have no beliefs tospeak of

They are criminals. they have no God to answer to.

they definitely need our prayers. I myself would NOT want to live like that, even if it meant having all the $$ and power the elite dims have

can't save them from the wrath to come
Dims make us think of this

Bible psg

"... always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth"

they never attach themselves to any REAL values, ones that are objectively perceived

that's because they do not think objectively most of the time, if ever
i don't have a consistent political ideology. i just take the best ideas from both sides and use them to piss the extremist kooks like you off. it's fun. i like to have fun. it's good for my mental health
current political books i'm reading:

Challenging China by Sam Kaplan
Get Trump by Alan Dershowitz
Justice Corrupted by Ted Cruz
Congresswoman's Katie Porter's new book, she's running for Senate in California

i read stuff from both sides of the aisle

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