Marco Rubio's Personal Finances Don't Match His Rhetoric

lakhota doesn't need all the facts, in fact they don't need any, just what some left wing site tells them is good enough

when I post information I get it from either government web sites or the company in question ... what these republicans do is they go to some blogger and get information that is based on their opinion ... that will never work..

its like all these new energy companies...they will have their ups and downs as all companies do... but as soon as one is in trouble these bloggers are all over it because Obama supports it... for a couple of years all new companies will have their trials a tribulations ... its when the close the doors, that's when they failed ... so far the majority of them are still in operation...

oh and it's for sure none of these government sites would LIE
and how wonderful you give Obama a pass on WASTING billions of our taxpayers monies on his deluded, visions..that is NOT HIS ROLE as President, but he believes he was elected dictator of the country and can use taxpayer money any way he wishes

lakhota doesn't need all the facts, in fact they don't need any, just what some left wing site tells them is good enough

when I post information I get it from either government web sites or the company in question ... what these republicans do is they go to some blogger and get information that is based on their opinion ... that will never work..

its like all these new energy companies...they will have their ups and downs as all companies do... but as soon as one is in trouble these bloggers are all over it because Obama supports it... for a couple of years all new companies will have their trials a tribulations ... its when the close the doors, that's when they failed ... so far the majority of them are still in operation...

oh and it's for sure none of these government sites would LIE
and how wonderful you give Obama a pass on WASTING billions of our taxpayers monies on his deluded, visions..that is NOT HIS ROLE as President, but he believes he was elected dictator of the country and can use taxpayer money any way he wishes

these are sites that post the earnings and loss from the government a lot of them are from the CBO .. are they always right ??? no... but when they find out new information the put it out there for all to see that fact that you have been so brain washed that government is the problem isn't my problem its yours ...

as for Obama giving these passes on what you call wasted billion... this isn't his roll .. its the congress roll ... but you love to ram it down his throat when he has a idea and it is not going to plan ... then your all over it ... what do you want to do??? rely on middle east oil for the rest of the US existence ??? are you of the drill baby drill mentality ??? when thats all gone then what ???
I mean look at the person who said the obama's car loans and bank came from your 401k ... being all the car companies and banks have paid back all their loans does this mean the 390,000 dollars I lost in my retirement account, I gets paid back too...then they called me a moron because I didn't know that ... yep I still chuckling
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AHHHHHHH another sore loser ... are those sour grapes you chewing on again ... poor, poor, pitiful repub-lie-tard sooooooooooo pissed off that they lost ... are ya stamping your feet just about now ??? Singing I'm a loser

Lets see.... we have
1) A $787 billion stimulus that didn't net much results

2) Incentives for a Chevy volt that fails to meet its production goals as consumers don't bite and they sit on the lots

3)Gimmick Federal programs like "Cash for Clunkers" that waste more taxpayer dollars and had no impact with the economy and jobs. Which is the REAL concern among Americans

4) Billions wasted on green projects like:

Solyndra (solar panel manufacturer)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributors George Kaiser, Steven Spinner & David Prend​

Energy Dept. kept layoffs secret - November 15, 2011​
"The Obama administration, which gave the solar company Solyndra a half-billion-dollar loan to help create jobs, asked the company to delay announcing it would lay off workers until after the hotly contested November 2010 midterm elections that imperiled Democratic control of Congress, newly released e-mails show."

NextEra Energy
Self-interested parties: Obama jobs council member Lewis Hay

Jobs panel member lands DOE loan - November 1, 2011
"But the company also enjoys a connection to the Obama administration -- company Chairman and CEO Lewis Hay sits on the president's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, which last month issued a report calling, among other things, for a new federal financing program to attract private investment for clean energy projects via loan guarantees and other tools."

First Solar (solar panel manufacturer)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributor Michael Ahearn, GE, NextEra​

Another Obama green CEO bites the dust - October 26, 2011​
First Solar received $2 billion worth of loan guarantees on projects in California in the waning days of the controversial Department of Energy’s loan program. The company then sold the projects to other, better-connected companies within hours of getting the guarantees. And when I say better connected, I’m not talking transmission lines. Which other companies you ask? GE and NextEra Energy."

SunPower (solar power technology)
Self-interested parties: Sen. Harry Reid, Rep. George Miller, Democrat lobbyist Patrick Murphy

Loan recipient financially troubled - October 12, 2011
"...troubling financial revelations have emerged about SunPower, which sponsored a solar project that received a $1.2 billion loan, more than twice the money approved for Solyndra, which filed for bankruptcy last month after receiving a $528 million loan. ...SunPower posted $150 million in losses during the first half of this year and its debt is nearly 80 percent of its market value. The company is also facing class action lawsuits for misstating its earnings."

Nevada Geothermal Power (owned by U.S. Geothermal Inc.)
Self-interested parties: Former Harry Reid aides Kai Anderson & Paul Thomsen

Two more green energy loans in trouble - October 31, 2011
"Executives, board members and investors involved with all three companies are closely linked to Obama, Reid and other prominent Democrats. Kai Anderson, a lobbyist for Nevada Geothermal’s partner corporation, Ormat Technology, is a former Senate aide to Harry Reid. Ormat’s CEO Paul Thomsen is another former Reid aide."​

I think this administration has a LOT bigger problems of its own, concerning corruption, than trying to find some petty blame to place on Marco Rubio. It's just a distraction from this administration's own failures on OBAMA'S Economy ( can't blame good 'ol Bush anymore, he OWNS this recovery mess)

With our nation receiving an added $6 TRILLION in debt, with the economy shrinking back into recession, the figures show Obama and "Government" did a bang up job at restoring our nations economy.

to quote a fellow poster of your republican types types where are your sources can you tell us what bills or bill that obama sign into law that caused 6 trillion dollars of debt DIDN't think so all of ytou republicans are quyick to sho the dollar amout in debt but you haven't any real sources of where it wcame from when shown you guy go nuts so

Sources? I would have been all too happy to provide you with a few links, however as you have already previously said, that would require the added ability to navigate yourself through the Internet. The information is all there, so it should be no problem from someone of your caliber ..... mr "intelligent". Which doesn't fair well for you to ridicule someone else, then turn around and leave this as your reply (even after allowing for a few days so you can edit).

Yes, these green energy projects were all approved for by Obama, note who benefited from each green energy project that got funded. Obama approved Cash for Clunkers which hasn't had any impact with regard to "jobs" in this economy. This, of course, doesn't include this administration's HUGE bail-outs of Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac without any government oversight (the Democrats, during the Bush administration, have stated "We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly at Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Franklin Raines."). Obama just threw more and more taxpayer dollars at the problem, without the concern for the bleeding of debt under both agencies.

If you can provide me with any "facts" to the contrary, feel free. However, all your rantings and comments don't mean a thing if you simply can't back it up.
So now I will pick apart you uneducated post here[/B]
Lets see.... we have

1) A $787 billion stimulus that didn't net much
BR Really well the facts don't support your views here
this was what the stimulus accomplishe the first year
The federal government says about 650,000 jobs have been saved or created under President Barack Obama's Stimulus...,

The Federal Government is not impartial, of course this administration would say it did well. Hate to break it to you unemployment went up to over 10 percent, well over a year after the stimulus passed. Also, UNDERemployment increased to over 15% as well as the economy shrunk in the last quarter of 2012 ..... No real improvements of government creating a better, stronger economy.

2) Incentives for a Chevy volt that fails to meet its production goals as consumers don't bite and they sit on the lots.

again the facts according to chevy
By JERRY EDGERTON / MONEYWATCH/ October 9, 2012, 7:13 AM
Chevy Volt sales race ahead of Nissan Leaf
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(MoneyWatch) Car shoppers continue to prefer the Chevrolet Volt with its back-up gasoline engine to the all-electric Nissan Leaf, raising questions about how big the U.S. market for pure electric cars can be.

Nissan sold just 984 Leafs in the U.S. in September, for a total of 5,212 so far in 2012 vs. 9,674 in all of 2011. But Chevrolet sold 2,851 Volts in September for 16,348 so far this year, up from 7,671 in all of 2011.

You need to do an update:
by the end of 2013 would produce enough energy cells to power 60,000 electric or hybrid electric cars — and the Chevy Volt would be its highest-profile customer. Instead, after spending $142 million of a $151 million federal Recovery Act grant to set up the factory, LG Chem Michigan has yet to produce a single battery cell that can be used in an electric car sold to the public.

It gets worse. Two of five planned production lines remain unfinished. And rather than the 440 jobs the plant was supposed to create, less than half exist today.
Because demand for pricey plug-in hybrids like the Volt hasn’t exploded like the Feds and LG Chem alike had hoped, the assumptions made on demand for batteries and the labor required to make them proved to be off-base. Buyers remain unconvinced by the new technology. GM originally projected to sell 60,000 Volts worldwide in 2012. Including the Volt’s European cousin, the Ampera, GM sold about half of that last year

3)Gimmick Federal programs like "Cash for Clunkers" that waste more taxpayer dollars and had no impact with the economy and jobs. Which is the REAL concern among Americans

boy are you brain washed
Cash For Clunkers Final Numbers: 690,000 Vehicles Sold; $2.8 Billion Used; 24.9 Mpg Average For The New Cars
First, 690,114 vouchers were submitted asking for $2.877 billion (just under the program's $3 billion limit). There was also $100 million used for administration costs (as Autoblog calculates, about $144 for every claim processed) and there is $23 million or so left over. Flash analysis by the White House Council of Economic Advisers says the program boosted economic growth in the 3Q by 4/10ths of a percent and created or saved 42,000 jobs that still remain, at least for the near future.

As i have said, the White House advisors would say anything to try and paint a rosy picture of the economy, they are biased to the administration and not a real convincing independent "source" of the true state if the economy and JOB GROWTH as I have previously argued. Nice try, try harder.

looks like she used Glen Beck as her source I used the car companies figures oh well who do you believe [/B]

I don't watch Glenn Beck, I do my OWN research. I'm sorry to disappoint you.
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