Marco Rubio's Personal Finances Don't Match His Rhetoric

By Jason Cherkis and Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON -- Addressing the nation on Tuesday night, Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio came with a simple message.

"More government isn't going to create more opportunities. It's going to limit them. And more government isn't going to inspire new ideas, new businesses and new private sector jobs," Rubio said. "More government isn't going to help you get ahead. It's going to hold you back."

That might be true for you. But it's not true for Marco Rubio.

For Rubio, a rising star in the Republican Party, more government did indeed create more opportunities. As the Tampa Bay Times reported during his U.S. Senate run in 2010, it's hard to determine with Rubio where politics stops and the private begins:

As Rubio climbed the ranks, he began to use little-noticed political committees to fund his travel and other expenses and later had a Republican Party of Florida credit card.
What emerged, records show, is a pattern of blending personal and political spending. Over and over again Rubio proved sloppy, at best, in complying with disclosure requirements.

Virtually broke, the 31-year-old lawmaker began campaigning to be House speaker in 2003 and created a political committee -- Floridians for Conservative Leadership -- to help elect other Republican candidates and curry their support.

With his wife serving as treasurer, Rubio did not wait for the state to authorize the committee before accepting campaign donations.

The committee listed its address as Rubio's home, a modest place he and his wife bought in West Miami in 2002, but reported spending nearly $85,000 in office and operating costs and $65,000 for administrative costs.

Over 18 months, nearly $90,000 went for political consultants, $51,000 went for credit card payments and $4,000 went to other candidates. That's less than the $5,700 that went to his wife, Jeanette, much of it for "gas and meals.'' (Mrs. Rubio does not work and the couple file joint tax returns.)​

More (Interesting): Marco Rubio's Personal Finances Don't Match His Rhetoric

Marco Rubio's personal finances clash with call for fiscal discipline - Tampa Bay Times

1) If you knew anything about reporting requirements for candidates, politicians or PACs , you wouldn't look so silly with this OP.

2) If you were honest, you would be posting the Top 10 richest politicians in Congress.
What, you didn't listen to him? He said both his parents used or use Medicare. He also talked about getting Fed financial aid to go to college.

His parents worked and paid into medicare, it's far from free, besides what was paid during their working lives, they are paying premiums now. How is that free? As for his student loans, he borrowed money from banks and repaid that money with interest, what's free about that? Come on I'm sure your being a bright lefty can answer these simple questions.

And yet it is Medicare recipients that are included in y'all's "takers".

He benefited from programs he wants to cut or eliminate. Even a not so bright conservative gets the hypocrisy of that.

Isn't Medicaid for the poor and Medicare a paid for benefit we all get when we reach 66?

Since when has being forced to pay into a fund and taking benefits from that fund become unethical?

Oh, I get it. We can't use our benefits if we complain about abusers.
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What a joke you are! Who posted a 'silly ass' picture first?

Do you complain to Rosie or Lakota when they do the same?


Regards from Rosie


regards from Stephanie
when one can't respond with any kind of fact to justify their statements, they put up a silly ass picture ... that really says your stupid and you have no idea in what you're saying ... I get it... my bad!!!!
and you know this for a fact... you have proof positive thats why he went there ... you do not ... your the typical lying repub-lie-cans who will dodge any issue, to try and get the heat of your hero Rubio ... if there were any such facts he would be resigning just about now ... but you keep dodging the issue we get it
ya got nuttin'

Only a shit load of witnesses
that said thats exactly why menendez was there.
Let me guess....someone paid all those witnesses.
What do you have against underage girls in the DR? Racist?
I would think you dems would be rushing to defend those poor girls.
If by "a shit load of witnesses" you mean not a single named on the record witness you would be Right.

let me answer your pathetic guess ... its wrong again... no surprise !!!!!try again
Do you have any individual thoughts? Can you not see the obvious unless you're told to see it?
Partisan hack alert!!!

when the facts are present, you seem to have noting to say... as you did here... it was claimed that there are third generation welfare recipients... I pointed out a fact ... I pointed out what it cost us Americans ... then with your brilliant remarks it was "Can you not see the obvious unless you're told to see it?" sooooooooooooo I ask you ... Can you not see the obvious unless you're told to see it?:clap2:

yep their are links ... sorry their not your local blogger... its called the gubment (so you understand) web site ... under Welfare cost ... look it up yourself ... I sure you won't because that would take some sort of intellect... something you lack ....:eusa_angel:
"More government isn't going to create more opportunities. you mean those opportunities where the bank stole our retirement accounts those opportunities >>>> It's going to limit them. And more government isn't going to inspire new ideas,>>> you mean those inspired Ideas when AIG guaranteed these loans for people who they knew they couldn't afford them and they went belly up ... those Ideas...>>>> new businesses and new private sector jobs," Rubio said. "More government isn't going to help you get ahead. It's going to hold you back." So he said this same thing in 2010 where are the private sector Jobs he ran on,or any job that any republican has made ??? can ya tell us that one??? didn't think so

Rubio is 100% incorrect.

I expect we Floridians will be inundated with all those reporters looking to dig up dirt on Rubio a la Palin. I'm sure they will start early just in case Rubio is the next nomiee for the GOP. Assholes.

Oh and that would be The Same reporters that didn't bother to investigate the current fuck in the WH.
AHHHHHHH another sore loser ... are those sour grapes you chewing on again ... poor, poor, pitiful repub-lie-tard sooooooooooo pissed off that they lost ... are ya stamping your feet just about now ??? Singing I'm a loser

[ame=]I'm A Loser -Beatles For Sale - YouTube[/ame]
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I can see why you hated so much. It made Obama's empty speech look like false promises and thus the water based paint-job on his delivery.

Why don't you give us a list of the proposals in Rubio's response that have broad mainstream support in America?

Cut spending and don't raise taxes.
and that has done what for the past 12 years's a clue moron Nothing but sent us in a tail spin down the drain boy you repub-lie-tards say the stupidest stuff
when you praise social services in your onw life and the seek to take them from people who are even more challenged than you were your a hypocrit.

He would not be where he is in life without "the free stuff" the right rails about

Exactly what social services are you talking about, tell us about all this free stuff he got.
well in Paul Ryans case Ryan received Social Security survivors benefits until his 18th birthday, which were saved up in order to pay for his college education....those free bees ... seems it was good for some but not all, according to Paul Ryans case ... then there was mark Rubio who received a 100,000 dollar in loans to go to college ... from those nasty entitlements that you republicans want to cut... that us lefties created, for all to be all the can be ... that Rubio used but don't feel you have the right to use cause it would cut into their friends "the corporate pockets" ...
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when you praise social services in your onw life and the seek to take them from people who are even more challenged than you were your a hypocrit.

He would not be where he is in life without "the free stuff" the right rails about

Exactly what social services are you talking about, tell us about all this free stuff he got.

What, you didn't listen to him? He said both his parents used or use Medicare. He also talked about getting Fed financial aid to go to college.
you know there's a reason they forget... it would make them look stupid if they remembered:eusa_angel:
Why don't you give us a list of the proposals in Rubio's response that have broad mainstream support in America?

WHy don't you list anything Obama has proposed that have broad "mainstream" support in America?

OK glad you asked...

I think many of his accomplishments are being conveniently overlooked or forgotten. I would like to outline a few, and give credit to Sam Stein at Huffington Post and the American Justice blog, as well as others I have linked to in subsequent portions of this post.
On the environment:
• Included funding for "green" jobs in the stimulus bill
• Initiated first steps to develop a legally-binding treaty to reduce mercury emissions worldwide
• Dedicated more than $60 billion for clean energy
• Instituted "cash for clunkers," getting more fuel efficient cars on the street
• Acknowledges reality of climate change and his desire to work on an international policy like Kyoto
• Emphasized the value of science (not political opinion) within the EPA
• Allocated $2 billion in stimulus cash for advanced batteries systems (for automobiles)
• Declared (via EPA) carbon dioxide a threat to health, the first step towards regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act
• Funded Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant, which gives $2.8 billion to cities
• Put over 2 million acres of wilderness, thousands of miles of river and a host of national trails and parks under federal protection, the largest conservation effort in 15 years
• Funding a $475 million initiative to restore and clean the Great Lakes

On healthcare:

• Overturned the federal funding ban for stem cell research
• Instituted better standards for comparative research in medicine and an agency to handle this
• Added staff to the FDA and brought back emphasis on science
• Allocated over $1 billion to the National Institutes of Health, whose budget Bush let stagnate
• Eliminated funding for abstinence-only education
• Signed an executive order repealing the "Mexico City policy" or "global gag rule" that withheld U.S. funds from organizations that discuss or provide family planning services abroad
• Announced US would resume contributions to the UN population fund for family planning and more than double the previous contribution made in 2001
• Appropriated $19 billion in the stimulus package to help implement an electronic medical record system
• Set aside billions in budget to overhaul the health care system
• Enacted Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization, providing healthcare to 11 million children
• Established 65% COBRA subsidy for 7 million unemployed Americans
• Allocated $1 billion for prevention and wellness programs
• Provided $87 billion to states to bolster their Medicaid programs during the downturn
• Increased funding for urban HIV/AIDS Prevention and Awareness

On Education, Equality, Public Safety, Families, etc.:

• Expressed a desire to overturn Don't Ask Don't Tell
• Described the Defense of Marriage Act as "unfair" and "discriminatory" and said they supported it being overturned
• Includes atheists in his definition of Americans
• Extended tax credits for mothers to return to college, for tuition, and for college textbook purchases
• Has agreed to make the visitors' lists to the White House public
• Signed executive order requiring Guantanamo to be closed within 1 year and allocated funds/personnel for that purpose
• Included provision in stimulus legislation that, for the first time, supported the ideas of Net Neutrality-like non-discrimination and openness for the Internet
• The administration demonstrated a new commitment to fighting for change on the UN Human Rights Council by announcing it will run for a seat next year, reversing the Bush administration boycott
• Announced that the U.S. will support a United Nations declaration urging nations to decriminalize homosexuality
• Created office of Urban Policy
• Gave Department of Justice $2 billion for Byrne Grants, which funds anti-gang and anti-gun task forces (cut during Bush years)
• Allocated $5 billion for early learning programs, including Head Start, Early Head Start, child care, and programs for children with special needs
• Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act to protect Americans from unfair and deceptive credit card practices
• Enacted the Making Homes Affordable Program
• Boosted credit flow to small businesses
• Increased focus on funding for high speed rail
• Funded the Community Oriented Police program (COPS)
• Appointed first Hispanic justice to the Supreme Court and most qualified Supreme Court candidate in decades

On foreign affairs (see link for more complete list):

• Secured $5 billion in aid commitments "to bolster [Pakistan's] economy and help it fight terror and Islamic radicalism"
• Foreign affairs experts insist that Obama's engagement with the Muslim world has been at once remarkable and under-appreciated..."He has been able to dramatically change America's image in that region"
• Led global response to the economic crisis through the G20, obtaining commitments of $1.1 trillion to safeguard the world’s most vulnerable economies
• Established major agenda to protect Americans from spread/use of deadly weapons, negotiating new nuclear weapon cuts with Russia and committing to the elimination of nuclear weapons
• Signed an executive order banning torture and requiring interrogations to conform to Army Field Manual Standards and Geneva Conventions
• Signed an executive order to close CIA secret prisons
• Cut ineffective, unnecessary and outdated weapons programs such as the F-22, the DDG -1000 destroyer, and Future Combat Systems
• Vowed to bring the costs of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq into the regular budget by 2010
• Largest increase for veterans funding in 30 years
• Restored the UN Ambassador to a cabinet level position
• Signed Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act to stop fraud and wasteful spending in defense procurement and contracting
• Helped free 2 American journalists from a North Korea prison
• Led the UN Security Council in voting for strong sanctions against North Korea
• Negotiated with Russia to allow overflights over their territory to establish a supply route into Northern Afghanistan

On workers:

• OSHA announced it was moving to protect workers from...popcorn long; last-minute Bush rules would have added 2 years before it could be considered
• Revoked Bush administration executive order on regulatory review that enabled political appointees at the White House's OMB to override agencies' rulemaking, undermining everything from worker safety to environmental protection
• Signed 3 executive orders, including one reversing a Bush order to limit union representation on federal contracts
• Moved to prevent federal contractors from being reimbursed for unionbusting propganda compaigns during collective bargaining
• Signed executive order overturning Bush administration's ban on project labor agreements (PLAs) on federally funded construction (PLAs set wages and establish work rules and methods of settling grievances on large multi-contractor construction projects)
• Signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, guaranteeing the right to sue for wage discrimination based on gender, race, disability, etc.
• Extended unemployment benefits for struggling Americans
• Obama's Department of Transportation has approved 2,500 highway projects
• Cut taxes for 95% of all working families
• Provided over $500 million in funding for vocational rehabilitation services to help with job training, education and placement

theres more if you want
Do you have any individual thoughts? Can you not see the obvious unless you're told to see it?
Partisan hack alert!!!

when the facts are present, you seem to have noting to say... as you did here... it was claimed that there are third generation welfare recipients... I pointed out a fact ... I pointed out what it cost us Americans ... then with your brilliant remarks it was "Can you not see the obvious unless you're told to see it?" sooooooooooooo I ask you ... Can you not see the obvious unless you're told to see it?:clap2:

Why do you constantly clap for yourself?
Or are you letting us know you carry STDs?
its to fend off you diseased repub-LIE-tards:clap2:
The OP is a joke in the first place...Senator spends money stop the presses...

Rubio took a flight that's news, Senator Menendez takes a flight to fuck 16 year old girls and Dems defend him because its a foreign country and the best thing for those 16 year old was to get fucked by a portly 57 year old Democrat
and you know this for a fact... you have proof positive thats why he went there ... you do not ... your the typical lying repub-lie-cans who will dodge any issue, to try and get the heat of your hero Rubio ... if there were any such facts he would be resigning just about now ... but you keep dodging the issue we get it
ya got nuttin'

Senator Bob Menendez (D Pedophile - NJ)

Keep defending the indefensible

Fake Indian ancestors

Grand Kleagle of the KKK

Murder your pregnant GF by driving the car off a bridge

Awesome stuff
translation= Can't defend your position so dodge the questions...

so now you attack something else... that has nothing to do with nothing here... but it makes you feel all warm a fuzzy inside doesn't it ... it's sad though that you're dead between the ears ... oh well, you can't debate, you can't do research, you cant' comprehend what you read, you're one sad mo fo ...
Rubios statement is 100% accurate
was it big government that cause the stock market to crash in 08 ???? it was a lack of government ... what we liberals and dems like is protection from unscrupulous bankers unscrupulous insurers and unscrupulous corporations or anything that will cheat us out of our money ... by putting reg on bankers and insurer doesn'y make us big government ... it makes a government that works to the advantage of the people and not big corporations

Lack of government? Seriously? Fannie and Freddie and not GSE's?

Last time I checked, the private companies hurt by the meltdown, were either merged or bankrupt, but F&F are going strong after sucking back $140 BILLION from taxpayers

You need to get out in the world
where to start ... this is the stupidest remark that I've seen in a long time .. if anyone needs to get out in the real world that would be you

1998 Phil gram got a bill that he introduced to the congress that was written by the banking lobbyist that he supported in the house many times... that allow people with not so great credit to borrow money ... this bill was the beginning of the down fall ... in 2003 Phil gram came back as a lobbyist in 2003 introduced the American dream down payment Initiative that was the last nail in the gubment coffin whic caused the down fall of 2008 ... read the dam bill ... if your not two lazy ... then if you're not too mad about this bill, then come back here and read your stupid remark here... you will say the same thing I said ...
Exactly what social services are you talking about, tell us about all this free stuff he got.

What, you didn't listen to him? He said both his parents used or use Medicare. He also talked about getting Fed financial aid to go to college.

His parents worked and paid into medicare, it's far from free, besides what was paid during their working lives, they are paying premiums now. How is that free? As for his student loans, he borrowed money from banks and repaid that money with interest, what's free about that? Come on I'm sure your being a bright lefty can answer these simple questions.

so its not a free bee when Rubio uses it ... but its a free bee when some one whose not a repub-lie-tard that uses it ... our bad
Don't hold your breath on that one Tex.

Our country is going down the tubes and he still thinks Barry, that incompetant boob, is gonna ride in on his white charger and save the day. Hell. I doubt Barry even wants to save the day.

He doesn't get the fact that the private sector is the engine that runs the economy. Not the Govt.

it will go down the tubes if the repub=lie-tards ever get into power ... they did that the last time they were in control ... thanks to us liberals, we turned it around, no thanks to those filibustering repub=lie-tards
Q: How many Americans died at the Benghazi Consulate because Rubio drank water? all of them all 4...

how many Americans died at the Benghazi Consulate because hagel wouldn't tell them what he knew about benghazi ??? ->

A: What difference does it make?
nothing like more dodge the issue ...
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His parents worked and paid into medicare, it's far from free, besides what was paid during their working lives, they are paying premiums now. How is that free? As for his student loans, he borrowed money from banks and repaid that money with interest, what's free about that? Come on I'm sure your being a bright lefty can answer these simple questions.

And yet it is Medicare recipients that are included in y'all's "takers".

He benefited from programs he wants to cut or eliminate. Even a not so bright conservative gets the hypocrisy of that.

Isn't Medicaid for the poor and Medicare a paid for benefit we all get when we reach 66?

Since when has being forced to pay into a fund and taking benefits from that fund become unethical?

Oh, I get it. We can't use our benefits if we complain about abusers.

bwa hahahahahahaha
nothing like staying on top of things
Why don't you give us a list of the proposals in Rubio's response that have broad mainstream support in America?

WHy don't you list anything Obama has proposed that have broad "mainstream" support in America?

OK glad you asked...

I think many of his accomplishments are being conveniently overlooked or forgotten. I would like to outline a few, and give credit to Sam Stein at Huffington Post and the American Justice blog, as well as others I have linked to in subsequent portions of this post.
On the environment:
• Included funding for "green" jobs in the stimulus bill
• Initiated first steps to develop a legally-binding treaty to reduce mercury emissions worldwide
• Dedicated more than $60 billion for clean energy
• Instituted "cash for clunkers," getting more fuel efficient cars on the street
• Acknowledges reality of climate change and his desire to work on an international policy like Kyoto
• Emphasized the value of science (not political opinion) within the EPA
• Allocated $2 billion in stimulus cash for advanced batteries systems (for automobiles)
• Declared (via EPA) carbon dioxide a threat to health, the first step towards regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act
• Funded Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant, which gives $2.8 billion to cities
• Put over 2 million acres of wilderness, thousands of miles of river and a host of national trails and parks under federal protection, the largest conservation effort in 15 years
• Funding a $475 million initiative to restore and clean the Great Lakes

On healthcare:

• Overturned the federal funding ban for stem cell research
• Instituted better standards for comparative research in medicine and an agency to handle this
• Added staff to the FDA and brought back emphasis on science
• Allocated over $1 billion to the National Institutes of Health, whose budget Bush let stagnate
• Eliminated funding for abstinence-only education
• Signed an executive order repealing the "Mexico City policy" or "global gag rule" that withheld U.S. funds from organizations that discuss or provide family planning services abroad
• Announced US would resume contributions to the UN population fund for family planning and more than double the previous contribution made in 2001
• Appropriated $19 billion in the stimulus package to help implement an electronic medical record system
• Set aside billions in budget to overhaul the health care system
• Enacted Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization, providing healthcare to 11 million children
• Established 65% COBRA subsidy for 7 million unemployed Americans
• Allocated $1 billion for prevention and wellness programs
• Provided $87 billion to states to bolster their Medicaid programs during the downturn
• Increased funding for urban HIV/AIDS Prevention and Awareness

On Education, Equality, Public Safety, Families, etc.:

• Expressed a desire to overturn Don't Ask Don't Tell
• Described the Defense of Marriage Act as "unfair" and "discriminatory" and said they supported it being overturned
• Includes atheists in his definition of Americans
• Extended tax credits for mothers to return to college, for tuition, and for college textbook purchases
• Has agreed to make the visitors' lists to the White House public
• Signed executive order requiring Guantanamo to be closed within 1 year and allocated funds/personnel for that purpose
• Included provision in stimulus legislation that, for the first time, supported the ideas of Net Neutrality-like non-discrimination and openness for the Internet
• The administration demonstrated a new commitment to fighting for change on the UN Human Rights Council by announcing it will run for a seat next year, reversing the Bush administration boycott
• Announced that the U.S. will support a United Nations declaration urging nations to decriminalize homosexuality
• Created office of Urban Policy
• Gave Department of Justice $2 billion for Byrne Grants, which funds anti-gang and anti-gun task forces (cut during Bush years)
• Allocated $5 billion for early learning programs, including Head Start, Early Head Start, child care, and programs for children with special needs
• Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act to protect Americans from unfair and deceptive credit card practices
• Enacted the Making Homes Affordable Program
• Boosted credit flow to small businesses
• Increased focus on funding for high speed rail
• Funded the Community Oriented Police program (COPS)
• Appointed first Hispanic justice to the Supreme Court and most qualified Supreme Court candidate in decades

On foreign affairs (see link for more complete list):

• Secured $5 billion in aid commitments "to bolster [Pakistan's] economy and help it fight terror and Islamic radicalism"
• Foreign affairs experts insist that Obama's engagement with the Muslim world has been at once remarkable and under-appreciated..."He has been able to dramatically change America's image in that region"
• Led global response to the economic crisis through the G20, obtaining commitments of $1.1 trillion to safeguard the world’s most vulnerable economies
• Established major agenda to protect Americans from spread/use of deadly weapons, negotiating new nuclear weapon cuts with Russia and committing to the elimination of nuclear weapons
• Signed an executive order banning torture and requiring interrogations to conform to Army Field Manual Standards and Geneva Conventions
• Signed an executive order to close CIA secret prisons
• Cut ineffective, unnecessary and outdated weapons programs such as the F-22, the DDG -1000 destroyer, and Future Combat Systems
• Vowed to bring the costs of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq into the regular budget by 2010
• Largest increase for veterans funding in 30 years
• Restored the UN Ambassador to a cabinet level position
• Signed Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act to stop fraud and wasteful spending in defense procurement and contracting
• Helped free 2 American journalists from a North Korea prison
• Led the UN Security Council in voting for strong sanctions against North Korea
• Negotiated with Russia to allow overflights over their territory to establish a supply route into Northern Afghanistan

On workers:

• OSHA announced it was moving to protect workers from...popcorn long; last-minute Bush rules would have added 2 years before it could be considered
• Revoked Bush administration executive order on regulatory review that enabled political appointees at the White House's OMB to override agencies' rulemaking, undermining everything from worker safety to environmental protection
• Signed 3 executive orders, including one reversing a Bush order to limit union representation on federal contracts
• Moved to prevent federal contractors from being reimbursed for unionbusting propganda compaigns during collective bargaining
• Signed executive order overturning Bush administration's ban on project labor agreements (PLAs) on federally funded construction (PLAs set wages and establish work rules and methods of settling grievances on large multi-contractor construction projects)
• Signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, guaranteeing the right to sue for wage discrimination based on gender, race, disability, etc.
• Extended unemployment benefits for struggling Americans
• Obama's Department of Transportation has approved 2,500 highway projects
• Cut taxes for 95% of all working families
• Provided over $500 million in funding for vocational rehabilitation services to help with job training, education and placement

theres more if you want

you are suppose to give links with your plagiarism
Its nice that Obama has all that money to throw around..he's just grand to put our grandchildren in MORE dept
"More government isn't going to create more opportunities. you mean those opportunities where the back stold our retirement accounts those opportunities >>>> It's going to limit them. And more government isn't going to inspire new ideas,>>> you mean those inspired Ideas when AIG guaranteed these loans for people who they knew they could afford them and they went belly up those Ideas>>>> new businesses and new private sector jobs," Rubio said. "More government isn't going to help you get ahead. It's going to hold you back." So he said this same thing in 2010 where are the private sector Jobs he ran on,or any job that any republican has made ... can ya tell us that one??? didn't think so

Rubio is 100% incorrect.

I expect we Floridians will be inundated with all those reporters looking to dig up dirt on Rubio a la Palin. I'm sure they will start early just in case Rubio is the next nomiee for the GOP. Assholes.

Oh and that would be The Same reporters that didn't bother to investigate the current fuck in the WH.
AHHHHHHH another sore loser ... are those sour grapes you chewing on again ... poor, poor, pitiful repub-lie-tard sooooooooooo pissed off that they lost ... are ya stamping your feet just about now ??? Singing I'm a loser

Lets see.... we have
1) A $787 billion stimulus that didn't net much results

2) Incentives for a Chevy volt that fails to meet its production goals as consumers don't bite and they sit on the lots

3)Gimmick Federal programs like "Cash for Clunkers" that waste more taxpayer dollars and had no impact with the economy and jobs. Which is the REAL concern among Americans

4) Billions wasted on green projects like:

Solyndra (solar panel manufacturer)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributors George Kaiser, Steven Spinner & David Prend​

Energy Dept. kept layoffs secret - November 15, 2011​
"The Obama administration, which gave the solar company Solyndra a half-billion-dollar loan to help create jobs, asked the company to delay announcing it would lay off workers until after the hotly contested November 2010 midterm elections that imperiled Democratic control of Congress, newly released e-mails show."

NextEra Energy
Self-interested parties: Obama jobs council member Lewis Hay

Jobs panel member lands DOE loan - November 1, 2011
"But the company also enjoys a connection to the Obama administration -- company Chairman and CEO Lewis Hay sits on the president's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, which last month issued a report calling, among other things, for a new federal financing program to attract private investment for clean energy projects via loan guarantees and other tools."

First Solar (solar panel manufacturer)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributor Michael Ahearn, GE, NextEra​

Another Obama green CEO bites the dust - October 26, 2011​
First Solar received $2 billion worth of loan guarantees on projects in California in the waning days of the controversial Department of Energy’s loan program. The company then sold the projects to other, better-connected companies within hours of getting the guarantees. And when I say better connected, I’m not talking transmission lines. Which other companies you ask? GE and NextEra Energy."

SunPower (solar power technology)
Self-interested parties: Sen. Harry Reid, Rep. George Miller, Democrat lobbyist Patrick Murphy

Loan recipient financially troubled - October 12, 2011
"...troubling financial revelations have emerged about SunPower, which sponsored a solar project that received a $1.2 billion loan, more than twice the money approved for Solyndra, which filed for bankruptcy last month after receiving a $528 million loan. ...SunPower posted $150 million in losses during the first half of this year and its debt is nearly 80 percent of its market value. The company is also facing class action lawsuits for misstating its earnings."

Nevada Geothermal Power (owned by U.S. Geothermal Inc.)
Self-interested parties: Former Harry Reid aides Kai Anderson & Paul Thomsen

Two more green energy loans in trouble - October 31, 2011
"Executives, board members and investors involved with all three companies are closely linked to Obama, Reid and other prominent Democrats. Kai Anderson, a lobbyist for Nevada Geothermal’s partner corporation, Ormat Technology, is a former Senate aide to Harry Reid. Ormat’s CEO Paul Thomsen is another former Reid aide."​

I think this administration has a LOT bigger problems of its own, concerning corruption, than trying to find some petty blame to place on Marco Rubio. It's just a distraction from this administration's own failures on OBAMA'S Economy ( can't blame good 'ol Bush anymore, he OWNS this recovery mess)

With our nation receiving an added $6 TRILLION in debt, with the economy shrinking back into recession, the figures show Obama and "Government" did a bang up job at restoring our nations economy.
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