Marco Rubio's Personal Finances Don't Match His Rhetoric

The OP is a joke in the first place...Senator spends money stop the presses...

Rubio took a flight that's news, Senator Menendez takes a flight to fuck 16 year old girls and Dems defend him because its a foreign country and the best thing for those 16 year old was to get fucked by a portly 57 year old Democrat
and you know this for a fact... you have proof positive thats why he went there ... you do not ... your the typical lying repub-lie-cans who will dodge any issue, to try and get the heat of your hero Rubio ... if there were any such facts he would be resigning just about now ... but you keep dodging the issue we get it
ya got nuttin'

Only a shit load of witnesses that said thats exactly why menendez was there.
Let me guess....someone paid all those witnesses.
What do you have against underage girls in the DR? Racist?
I would think you dems would be rushing to defend those poor girls.
you sure say let me guess a lot ... until I see him convicted ... do you really think I will trust any blogger that you read ??? are you that dumb ??? so far you haven't any credible sources, just hearsay and innuendoes ... the life blood of repub-lie-cans debates
I would just absolutely love to see the finances and business expenses of some of our Democratic legislators...
right back at ya would just absolutely love to see the finances and business expenses of some of our republican legislators
then we can really see who the big takers are
Rubio sounds like a shady con man.

Yeah.....and it all made Obammy so nervous, he had to have some water, during a speech. :eek: After all, "shady" will give his Party some experienced competition at the polls.

wheres obama's water ??? answer: right on the podium where's rubios water ??? three tables away good planning I would say ... seem rubio and eddie munster has the same problem .. where to put their water
Rubio sounds like a shady con man.

Yeah.....and it all made Obammy so nervous, he had to have some water, during a speech. :eek: After all, "shady" will give his Party some experienced competition at the polls.

wheres obama's water ??? answer: right on the podium where's rubios water ??? three tables away good planning I would say ... seem rubio and eddie munster has the same problem .. where to put their water
The media carries Obama's water for him.
Liberals are about socialism, really and you have a source for this statement taking hard working Americans money and spendiing it on deadbeats. you mean the dead beats who are wheel chair bound??? the dead beats that have brain injuries??? or the dead beats who have missing limbs ??? or the dead beats who have horrible diseases ???? or the dead beats who work two and three jobs and still can't afford health care ... those dead beats My point is why would anyone with a brain believe anything obamaturd says? He is a liar, Benghazi proves it and he proves it all the time.if any one hasn't a briain that would be you

Noooo....We're talking about the third generation welfare recipients that pop out as many illegitimate kids from five different fathers so they can suck up more free shit.
Those are the ones we're after.
Kinda like the gang banging scum bags with guns. You know. The ones who are causing all the gun deaths in America.
We want to go after the actual cause of our countries problems.....PC or not.

News alert ... there aren't any third generation Welfare recipients anymore ... you can only be on welfare for 2 years ... thats it ... plus the money spent on welfare is .008% of the national budget thats about .0005cents of your taxes better get a better cause ...[/QUOTE]

Just because you say so? Links............
and you know this for a fact... you have proof positive thats why he went there ... you do not ... your the typical lying repub-lie-cans who will dodge any issue, to try and get the heat of your hero Rubio ... if there were any such facts he would be resigning just about now ... but you keep dodging the issue we get it
ya got nuttin'

Only a shit load of witnesses that said thats exactly why menendez was there.
Let me guess....someone paid all those witnesses.
What do you have against underage girls in the DR? Racist?
I would think you dems would be rushing to defend those poor girls.
you sure say let me guess a lot ... until I see him convicted ... do you really think I will trust any blogger that you read ??? are you that dumb ??? so far you haven't any credible sources, just hearsay and innuendoes ... the life blood of repub-lie-cans debates

Do you have any individual thoughts? Can you not see the obvious unless you're told to see it?
Partisan hack alert!!!
Rubio's response was little more than a rearranged version of the Romney/Ryan agenda,

which, in case you missed it,

the jury returned a verdict of 'no thank you' on.
Rubio's response was little more than a rearranged version of the Romney/Ryan agenda,

which, in case you missed it,

the jury returned a verdict of 'no thank you' on.

I can see why you hated so much. It made Obama's empty speech look like false promises and thus the water based paint-job on his delivery.
he needs to come clean on his finances. Remember, we're talking about the Fla Repub party here after all.
first of all this isn't about Obama's SecTres Jack Lew... he didn't make the statements that Rubio did ... if you're going to run on a issue or make statements you ought to make sure that what you say is the truth ... It appears that rubio has the same problem all you repub-lie-cans have... you lie to the public never thinking some one might look it up ... oh the egg on his face ... :clap2:

I'm sure you're gonna be able to look up plenty of bogus stories about Rubio now.

Trying to Palinize him for legitimate financial dealings. It's you guy's usual M.O.

For those who have siggies on invisible, such as myself, I offer socialist evidence to support Mudwhistle's assertion: Rubio has the Libs running scared to death and their goal is to destroy his reputation before `16.

The thirteenth rule: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Saul Alinsky ( Rules for Radicals )

what rubio says now he will be held accountable in 16 ... there's no fear of any you republicans ....can we say losers ??? why yes we can ... Romney lied all the way up to the election ... heres rubio lying right now so your implication is we are afraid of you repub-lie-tards ??? really??? so now we have to start polarize him ???he's doing fine all by himself ... we don't need to help Rubio, he's doing just fine keep up with the rest of ,the lying republicans like Mittens ... Rubio he too will fail too...
Yeah.....and it all made Obammy so nervous, he had to have some water, during a speech. :eek: After all, "shady" will give his Party some experienced competition at the polls.

wheres obama's water ??? answer: right on the podium where's rubios water ??? three tables away good planning I would say ... seem rubio and eddie munster has the same problem .. where to put their water
The media carries Obama's water for him.
and thats important to say why???? oh yes... ya still got nuttin'
Almost four years of Obama left, and the Liberal dummies are attacking Rubio now... He must really frighten them.

Only a shit load of witnesses that said thats exactly why menendez was there.
Let me guess....someone paid all those witnesses.
What do you have against underage girls in the DR? Racist?
I would think you dems would be rushing to defend those poor girls.
you sure say let me guess a lot ... until I see him convicted ... do you really think I will trust any blogger that you read ??? are you that dumb ??? so far you haven't any credible sources, just hearsay and innuendoes ... the life blood of repub-lie-cans debates

Do you have any individual thoughts? Can you not see the obvious unless you're told to see it?
Partisan hack alert!!!

when the facts are present, you seem to have noting to say... as you did here... it was claimed that there are third generation welfare recipients... I pointed out a fact ... I pointed out what it cost us Americans ... then with your brilliant remarks it was "Can you not see the obvious unless you're told to see it?" sooooooooooooo I ask you ... Can you not see the obvious unless you're told to see it?:clap2:
The OP is a joke in the first place...Senator spends money stop the presses...

Rubio took a flight that's news, Senator Menendez takes a flight to fuck 16 year old girls and Dems defend him because its a foreign country and the best thing for those 16 year old was to get fucked by a portly 57 year old Democrat
and you know this for a fact... you have proof positive thats why he went there ... you do not ... your the typical lying repub-lie-cans who will dodge any issue, to try and get the heat of your hero Rubio ... if there were any such facts he would be resigning just about now ... but you keep dodging the issue we get it
ya got nuttin'

Only a shit load of witnesses
that said thats exactly why menendez was there.
Let me guess....someone paid all those witnesses.
What do you have against underage girls in the DR? Racist?
I would think you dems would be rushing to defend those poor girls.
If by "a shit load of witnesses" you mean not a single named on the record witness you would be Right.
wheres obama's water ??? answer: right on the podium where's rubios water ??? three tables away good planning I would say ... seem rubio and eddie munster has the same problem .. where to put their water
The media carries Obama's water for him.
and thats important to say why???? oh yes... ya still got nuttin'

Without his media you dipshit's would be talking about the latest NCIS episode instead of how fucked up every Repug is.
Añyone who poses a thread to der Furer gets the same treatment.
you sure say let me guess a lot ... until I see him convicted ... do you really think I will trust any blogger that you read ??? are you that dumb ??? so far you haven't any credible sources, just hearsay and innuendoes ... the life blood of repub-lie-cans debates

Do you have any individual thoughts? Can you not see the obvious unless you're told to see it?
Partisan hack alert!!!

when the facts are present, you seem to have noting to say... as you did here... it was claimed that there are third generation welfare recipients... I pointed out a fact ... I pointed out what it cost us Americans ... then with your brilliant remarks it was "Can you not see the obvious unless you're told to see it?" sooooooooooooo I ask you ... Can you not see the obvious unless you're told to see it?:clap2:


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