Marco Rubio's Personal Finances Don't Match His Rhetoric

Democrats need a deflection from Jack Lew's Cayman Islands financial double dealing.
By Jason Cherkis and Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON -- Addressing the nation on Tuesday night, Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio came with a simple message.

"More government isn't going to create more opportunities. It's going to limit them. And more government isn't going to inspire new ideas, new businesses and new private sector jobs," Rubio said. "More government isn't going to help you get ahead. It's going to hold you back."

That might be true for you. But it's not true for Marco Rubio.

For Rubio, a rising star in the Republican Party, more government did indeed create more opportunities. As the Tampa Bay Times reported during his U.S. Senate run in 2010, it's hard to determine with Rubio where politics stops and the private begins:

As Rubio climbed the ranks, he began to use little-noticed political committees to fund his travel and other expenses and later had a Republican Party of Florida credit card.
What emerged, records show, is a pattern of blending personal and political spending. Over and over again Rubio proved sloppy, at best, in complying with disclosure requirements.

Virtually broke, the 31-year-old lawmaker began campaigning to be House speaker in 2003 and created a political committee -- Floridians for Conservative Leadership -- to help elect other Republican candidates and curry their support.

With his wife serving as treasurer, Rubio did not wait for the state to authorize the committee before accepting campaign donations.

The committee listed its address as Rubio's home, a modest place he and his wife bought in West Miami in 2002, but reported spending nearly $85,000 in office and operating costs and $65,000 for administrative costs.

Over 18 months, nearly $90,000 went for political consultants, $51,000 went for credit card payments and $4,000 went to other candidates. That's less than the $5,700 that went to his wife, Jeanette, much of it for "gas and meals.'' (Mrs. Rubio does not work and the couple file joint tax returns.)​

More (Interesting): Marco Rubio's Personal Finances Don't Match His Rhetoric

Marco Rubio's personal finances clash with call for fiscal discipline - Tampa Bay Times
Obamaturds actions and finances don't match his lies. Checkmate idiot.
When one wants to call others an idiot, one should comprehend what's being talked about ... Obama never made the statement Rubio has made... your entire debate here that you cleverly think you made is pointless ... why ??? because we are talking about the statement Rubio made, which By the way, Obama hasn't made that same statement ... what a candidate does with their money or what ever, is their business ... if we as a voter don't like what they are doing with it then we vote for the candidate that we want ... but to imply that Obama has come out to the press said the same thing Rubio said,, and we don't hold tim accountable, the you have no Idea what liberals are about ...
rubio did look like a fool having to go half a mile to get his water, all the while staring at the camera.
He was staring at his teleprompter that was telling him to drink water because he was choking on his lies.

When one wants to call others an idiot, one should comprehend what's being talked about ... Obama never made the statement Rubio has made... your entire debate here that you cleverly think you made is pointless ... why ??? because we are talking about the statement Rubio made, which By the way, Obama hasn't made that same statement ... what a candidate does with their money or what ever, is their business ... if we as a voter don't like what they are doing with it then we vote for the candidate that we want ... but to imply that Obama has come out to the press said the same thing Rubio said,, and we don't hold tim accountable, the you have no Idea what liberals are about ...
Liberals are about socialism, taking hard working Americans money and spendiing it on deadbeats. My point is why would anyone with a brain believe anything obamaturd says? He is a liar, Benghazi proves it and he proves it all the time.
I heard he did, can you prove Obama didn't?
yes ... there was an ad that ran what the ad said he could have been a felonious tax evader ... this wasn't one of his ads ... when asked the president said he never made any such statement that he was a felonious tax evader ...
Obamaturd has been proven a liar, no one should believe his sorry ass.
and you have a source for your stupidity ??? didn't think so ..just all mouth and no sources
yes ... there was an ad that ran what the ad said he could have been a felonious tax evader ... this wasn't one of his ads ... when asked the president said he never made any such statement that he was a felonious tax evader ...
Obamaturd has been proven a liar, no one should believe his sorry ass.
and you have a source for your stupidity ??? didn't think so ..just all mouth and no sources
Obama Lies
Rethugs, please make Rubio you choice for your next Presidential candidate. Please with sugar on top.
Do not hesitate. Do not wait. Declare him your man right now. Please.

oh yawn, here we go..please please please please..
we plan to put a old hag up AGAIN for President (Hillary) after we kicked her under the first time...but please
like I said you have no idea in whats going on ... brain washed to the max you are ....

To the max you are? Really? Whats next "grody"
You sound like a valley girl with an infatuation with Yoda.
The OP is a joke in the first place...Senator spends money stop the presses...

Rubio took a flight that's news, Senator Menendez takes a flight to fuck 16 year old girls and Dems defend him because its a foreign country and the best thing for those 16 year old was to get fucked by a portly 57 year old Democrat
Democrats need a deflection from Jack Lew's Cayman Islands financial double dealing.
no we don't .... the only deflection here is your deflection of mark Rubios statement ... Jack Lew's Cayman Islands financial double dealing is irrelevant here ... he never made any such statement that mark Rubio made ... do you understand the differents??? I don't think you do
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Liberals are about socialism, really and you have a source for this statement taking hard working Americans money and spendiing it on deadbeats. you mean the dead beats who are wheel chair bound??? the dead beats that have brain injuries??? or the dead beats who have missing limbs ??? or the dead beats who have horrible diseases ???? or the dead beats who work two and three jobs and still can't afford health care ... those dead beats My point is why would anyone with a brain believe anything obamaturd says? He is a liar, Benghazi proves it and he proves it all the time.if any one hasn't a briain that would be you[/QUOTE]
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Here are a few facts for you Lefties..

Obama - $6 Trillion of new debt in 4 years.

Obama - The largest number of Americans ever on Food Stamps

Obama - The largest number of unemployed ever in American History.

Obama - Welcoming more illegal Aliens than any other President.

Obama - 20 years in a Church that preached Racism from the pulpit, but claims never to have heard a word of it.

Obama - More concerned about a kid killed by gang bangers than an American Hero killed by another Soldier with PTSD.

Obama - Calls an attack by a Muslim "Soldier of Allah" on American Forces "Work place Violence"

Obama - Calls Police Stupid for doing their job.

Obama - Sets up strawman purchases, when the Gun Dealers try to report tells them to sell the weapons anyway, then sends the Semi-Automatic Weapons to Mexican Drug Dealers who use them to kill innocent Mexican women and Children as well as American Border Guards. Then he calls for more gun control on American Citizens.

Obama - Gives F-16 and Tanks to Muslem Terrorists who want to destroy Isreal.

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