Marco Rubio's Personal Finances Don't Match His Rhetoric

ah, they must be afraid of Rubio, here comes the DIRT by the useful tool troll

Get ready to be swamped by it
when you praise social services in your onw life and the seek to take them from people who are even more challenged than you were your a hypocrit.

He would not be where he is in life without "the free stuff" the right rails about
Rubio comes across to me like a candidate for high school class president. I believe he is and will remain popular with Hispanics and others who like cute young boys.

your a really weird one
rubio is a shady con man. a liar that the rep establishment is rallying around.
...and somehow this is supposed to be worse than Obama using funding provided by unrepentant domestic terrorists to start his political career??

What is it with Paul Krugman that the left loves?

The man who advocated going to war with Aliens from Outerspace to improve the economy.

But I see that the Left Wing Media is doing their usual hatchet job on anyone who is a threat to the power of the Democrats and the left is lapping it up.

Lying is not a way to change the disastor the republicans created for themselves.

Its how they got in this mess
Rubio sounds like a shady con man.

At least you're trying to make it sound that way, were there any charges filed? You got any evidence he actually did anything wrong? Or is innuendo all you got, as usual?

He took an unauthorized drink (of water) during a speech.

How dare he!!!!!!!

Rubio is an evil bastard for drinking on the job.

It's's unpatriotic.......

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good ole Cnn came out with Rubio taking a drink as, career ending

can you believe that is suppose to be a legitimate or serious news station?
he looked like he was stealing something when he did it.

He should have done it like it was OK for him to take a drink.

its No big deal and hes dealing with it correctly by making jokes about it himself.

It will not harm his chances.

His positions on the issues is what will ruin his chances
You guys called dean crazy for chearing on his troops with a screwed up throat.

was that fair?

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