Marco Rubio's Personal Finances Don't Match His Rhetoric

good morning BR93,

the two you are talking to are real dregs of the R party.

not too bright but silly as hell

no they post silly little post and whine like little babies
thats right can't refute a post ... put you in your place ... out comes the ole ignore button... typical repub-lie-can can't stand the heat they run Just like Romney did in the debates, when confronted with the facts about Benghazi, WHAAAAAT you mean to tell us that the president said it was terriost first ??? with egg all over Romneys face ...

The fact is what difference does it make?
Why didn't Rubio stash him money in the Cayman Islands like Obama SecTres Jack Lew?
first of all this isn't about Obama's SecTres Jack Lew... he didn't make the statements that Rubio did ... if you're going to run on a issue or make statements you ought to make sure that what you say is the truth ... It appears that rubio has the same problem all you repub-lie-cans have... you lie to the public never thinking some one might look it up ... oh the egg on his face ... :clap2:
Why didn't Rubio stash him money in the Cayman Islands like Obama SecTres Jack Lew?
first of all this isn't about Obama's SecTres Jack Lew... he didn't make the statements that Rubio did ... if you're going to run on a issue or make statements you ought to make sure that what you say is the truth ... It appears that rubio has the same problem all you repub-lie-cans have... you lie to the public never thinking some one might look it up ... oh the egg on his face ... :clap2:

First, Rubio has zero chance of getting the nomination -- 4 years from now -- so you're preemptive strikes say more about you than they do about him.

Second, what standards do you hold Democrats to, have they never lied? Have they never squirreled money away in the Cayman Islands, the very action that Obama lied and said made Romney a felonious tax evader?

no they post silly little post and whine like little babies
thats right can't refute a post ... put you in your place ... out comes the ole ignore button... typical repub-lie-can can't stand the heat they run Just like Romney did in the debates, when confronted with the facts about Benghazi, WHAAAAAT you mean to tell us that the president said it was terriost first ??? with egg all over Romneys face ...

The fact is what difference does it make?
really !!!! thats you're best ???? real smart thinker here, huh folks ... is there more words of wisdom you want to spout off to us ???
Why didn't Rubio stash him money in the Cayman Islands like Obama SecTres Jack Lew?
first of all this isn't about Obama's SecTres Jack Lew... he didn't make the statements that Rubio did ... if you're going to run on a issue or make statements you ought to make sure that what you say is the truth ... It appears that rubio has the same problem all you repub-lie-cans have... you lie to the public never thinking some one might look it up ... oh the egg on his face ... :clap2:

First, Rubio has zero chance of getting the nomination -- 4 years from now -- so you're preemptive strikes say more about you than they do about him.

Second, what standards do you hold Democrats to, have they never lied? Have they never squirreled money away in the Cayman Islands, the very action that Obama lied and said made Romney a felonious tax evader?
its irrelevant in what our standards as democrats are in this debate ... what you are doing here is dodging the debate here ... you can't justify Rubios statements... so you try and say well the Dems do it too ... the Dems didn't make his statement ... if the Dem made the same statement Rubio made then we will hold them accountable ... what your trying to do is push it off on the Dems by dodging Rubio statement ...again when Obama SecTres Jack Lew? makes the same statement that Rubio makes, then we will hold him accountable too.. so stop tying to put shiny object in front of us and say "see its the same" its not
Oboma never made any such statement ... get over it

"Obama lied and said made Romney a felonious tax evader?"
By Jason Cherkis and Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON -- Addressing the nation on Tuesday night, Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio came with a simple message.

"More government isn't going to create more opportunities. It's going to limit them. And more government isn't going to inspire new ideas, new businesses and new private sector jobs," Rubio said. "More government isn't going to help you get ahead. It's going to hold you back."

That might be true for you. But it's not true for Marco Rubio.

For Rubio, a rising star in the Republican Party, more government did indeed create more opportunities. As the Tampa Bay Times reported during his U.S. Senate run in 2010, it's hard to determine with Rubio where politics stops and the private begins:

As Rubio climbed the ranks, he began to use little-noticed political committees to fund his travel and other expenses and later had a Republican Party of Florida credit card.
What emerged, records show, is a pattern of blending personal and political spending. Over and over again Rubio proved sloppy, at best, in complying with disclosure requirements.

Virtually broke, the 31-year-old lawmaker began campaigning to be House speaker in 2003 and created a political committee -- Floridians for Conservative Leadership -- to help elect other Republican candidates and curry their support.

With his wife serving as treasurer, Rubio did not wait for the state to authorize the committee before accepting campaign donations.

The committee listed its address as Rubio's home, a modest place he and his wife bought in West Miami in 2002, but reported spending nearly $85,000 in office and operating costs and $65,000 for administrative costs.

Over 18 months, nearly $90,000 went for political consultants, $51,000 went for credit card payments and $4,000 went to other candidates. That's less than the $5,700 that went to his wife, Jeanette, much of it for "gas and meals.'' (Mrs. Rubio does not work and the couple file joint tax returns.)​

More (Interesting): Marco Rubio's Personal Finances Don't Match His Rhetoric

Marco Rubio's personal finances clash with call for fiscal discipline - Tampa Bay Times
Obamaturds actions and finances don't match his lies. Checkmate idiot.
He's the new front runner, which explains why the left is wasting no time going after him with their usual smears.

You mean like:

He is a Muslim
He was not born in the United States
He is a Marxist
Something is wrong with his school records
He is gay
He is a drug abuser
He hates America
He is close friends with known terrorists?
and Democrats are the truth tellers I suppose?
you've got that right ... look at the last election ... noting nut lies from the right ... nothing but the truth from the dem/liberals and you can't stand that fact ... oh I know you come up with one incident you lying righties usually try

wow, you brainwashed go to school
really!!! you want to go with this "now go to school"
BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA now that's funny ... why is it repub-lie-cans are soooooooooooo easy to make fun of ...
you've got that right ... look at the last election ... noting nut lies from the right ... nothing but the truth from the dem/liberals and you can't stand that fact ... oh I know you come up with one incident you lying righties usually try

wow, you brainwashed go to school
really!!! you want to go with this "now go to school"
BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA now that's funny ... why is it repub-lie-cans are soooooooooooo easy to make fun of ...
Why is it that loibtards are such idiots?
Oboma never made any such statement ... get over it

"Obama lied and said made Romney a felonious tax evader?"

I heard he did, can you prove Obama didn't?
yes ... there was an ad that ran what the ad said he could have been a felonious tax evader ... this wasn't one of his ads ... when asked the president said he never made any such statement that he was a felonious tax evader ...
Oboma never made any such statement ... get over it

"Obama lied and said made Romney a felonious tax evader?"

I heard he did, can you prove Obama didn't?
yes ... there was an ad that ran what the ad said he could have been a felonious tax evader ... this wasn't one of his ads ... when asked the president said he never made any such statement that he was a felonious tax evader ...
Obamaturd has been proven a liar, no one should believe his sorry ass.

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