Marco Rubio's Personal Finances Don't Match His Rhetoric

"More government isn't going to create more opportunities. It's going to limit them. And more government isn't going to inspire new ideas, new businesses and new private sector jobs," Rubio said. "More government isn't going to help you get ahead. It's going to hold you back."

Rubio is 100% correct.

I expect we Floridians will be inundated with all those reporters looking to dig up dirt on Rubio a la Palin. I'm sure they will start early just in case Rubio is the next nomiee for the GOP. Assholes.

Oh and that would be The Same reporters that didn't bother to investigate the current fuck in the WH.
Rubio's response was little more than a rearranged version of the Romney/Ryan agenda,

which, in case you missed it,

the jury returned a verdict of 'no thank you' on.

I can see why you hated so much. It made Obama's empty speech look like false promises and thus the water based paint-job on his delivery.

Why don't you give us a list of the proposals in Rubio's response that have broad mainstream support in America?
Rubio's response was little more than a rearranged version of the Romney/Ryan agenda,

which, in case you missed it,

the jury returned a verdict of 'no thank you' on.

I can see why you hated so much. It made Obama's empty speech look like false promises and thus the water based paint-job on his delivery.

Why don't you give us a list of the proposals in Rubio's response that have broad mainstream support in America?

Cut spending and don't raise taxes.
when you praise social services in your onw life and the seek to take them from people who are even more challenged than you were your a hypocrit.

He would not be where he is in life without "the free stuff" the right rails about

Exactly what social services are you talking about, tell us about all this free stuff he got.
when you praise social services in your onw life and the seek to take them from people who are even more challenged than you were your a hypocrit.

He would not be where he is in life without "the free stuff" the right rails about

Exactly what social services are you talking about, tell us about all this free stuff he got.

What, you didn't listen to him? He said both his parents used or use Medicare. He also talked about getting Fed financial aid to go to college.
you sure say let me guess a lot ... until I see him convicted ... do you really think I will trust any blogger that you read ??? are you that dumb ??? so far you haven't any credible sources, just hearsay and innuendoes ... the life blood of repub-lie-cans debates

Do you have any individual thoughts? Can you not see the obvious unless you're told to see it?
Partisan hack alert!!!

when the facts are present, you seem to have noting to say... as you did here... it was claimed that there are third generation welfare recipients... I pointed out a fact ... I pointed out what it cost us Americans ... then with your brilliant remarks it was "Can you not see the obvious unless you're told to see it?" sooooooooooooo I ask you ... Can you not see the obvious unless you're told to see it?:clap2:

Why do you constantly clap for yourself?
Or are you letting us know you carry STDs?
The OP is a joke in the first place...Senator spends money stop the presses...

Rubio took a flight that's news, Senator Menendez takes a flight to fuck 16 year old girls and Dems defend him because its a foreign country and the best thing for those 16 year old was to get fucked by a portly 57 year old Democrat
and you know this for a fact... you have proof positive thats why he went there ... you do not ... your the typical lying repub-lie-cans who will dodge any issue, to try and get the heat of your hero Rubio ... if there were any such facts he would be resigning just about now ... but you keep dodging the issue we get it
ya got nuttin'

Senator Bob Menendez (D Pedophile - NJ)

Keep defending the indefensible

Fake Indian ancestors

Grand Kleagle of the KKK

Murder your pregnant GF by driving the car off a bridge

Awesome stuff
Rubios statement is 100% accurate
was it big government that cause the stock market to crash in 08 ???? it was a lack of government ... what we liberals and dems like is protection from unscrupulous bankers unscrupulous insurers and unscrupulous corporations or anything that will cheat us out of our money ... by putting reg on bankers and insurer doesn'y make us big government ... it makes a government that works to the advantage of the people and not big corporations

Lack of government? Seriously? Fannie and Freddie and not GSE's?

Last time I checked, the private companies hurt by the meltdown, were either merged or bankrupt, but F&F are going strong after sucking back $140 BILLION from taxpayers

You need to get out in the world
when you praise social services in your onw life and the seek to take them from people who are even more challenged than you were your a hypocrit.

He would not be where he is in life without "the free stuff" the right rails about

Exactly what social services are you talking about, tell us about all this free stuff he got.

What, you didn't listen to him? He said both his parents used or use Medicare. He also talked about getting Fed financial aid to go to college.

His parents worked and paid into medicare, it's far from free, besides what was paid during their working lives, they are paying premiums now. How is that free? As for his student loans, he borrowed money from banks and repaid that money with interest, what's free about that? Come on I'm sure your being a bright lefty can answer these simple questions.
Exactly what social services are you talking about, tell us about all this free stuff he got.

What, you didn't listen to him? He said both his parents used or use Medicare. He also talked about getting Fed financial aid to go to college.

His parents worked and paid into medicare, it's far from free, besides what was paid during their working lives, they are paying premiums now. How is that free? As for his student loans, he borrowed money from banks and repaid that money with interest, what's free about that? Come on I'm sure your being a bright lefty can answer these simple questions.

And yet it is Medicare recipients that are included in y'all's "takers".

He benefited from programs he wants to cut or eliminate. Even a not so bright conservative gets the hypocrisy of that.
What, you didn't listen to him? He said both his parents used or use Medicare. He also talked about getting Fed financial aid to go to college.

His parents worked and paid into medicare, it's far from free, besides what was paid during their working lives, they are paying premiums now. How is that free? As for his student loans, he borrowed money from banks and repaid that money with interest, what's free about that? Come on I'm sure your being a bright lefty can answer these simple questions.

And yet it is Medicare recipients that are included in y'all's "takers".

He benefited from programs he wants to cut or eliminate. Even a not so bright conservative gets the hypocrisy of that.

Actually the left is the only ones saying we consider people on medicare as takers, just another one of your lies.

AS for cutting programs, how long do you think our country can survive borrowing 43% of the money we spend? Come on, tell everyone how long you think that can be sustained?
Don't hold your breath on that one Tex.

Our country is going down the tubes and he still thinks Barry, that incompetant boob, is gonna ride in on his white charger and save the day. Hell. I doubt Barry even wants to save the day.

He doesn't get the fact that the private sector is the engine that runs the economy. Not the Govt.
Lakhota is a worthless troll. this thread about Rubio is so ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Q: How many Americans died at the Benghazi Consulate because Rubio drank water?

A: What difference does it make?

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