Marco Rubio's Personal Finances Don't Match His Rhetoric

"More government isn't going to create more opportunities. you mean those opportunities where the back stold our retirement accounts those opportunities >>>> It's going to limit them. And more government isn't going to inspire new ideas,>>> you mean those inspired Ideas when AIG guaranteed these loans for people who they knew they could afford them and they went belly up those Ideas>>>> new businesses and new private sector jobs," Rubio said. "More government isn't going to help you get ahead. It's going to hold you back." So he said this same thing in 2010 where are the private sector Jobs he ran on,or any job that any republican has made ... can ya tell us that one??? didn't think so

Rubio is 100% incorrect.

I expect we Floridians will be inundated with all those reporters looking to dig up dirt on Rubio a la Palin. I'm sure they will start early just in case Rubio is the next nomiee for the GOP. Assholes.

Oh and that would be The Same reporters that didn't bother to investigate the current fuck in the WH.
AHHHHHHH another sore loser ... are those sour grapes you chewing on again ... poor, poor, pitiful repub-lie-tard sooooooooooo pissed off that they lost ... are ya stamping your feet just about now ??? Singing I'm a loser

Lets see.... we have
1) A $787 billion stimulus that didn't net much results

2) Incentives for a Chevy volt that fails to meet its production goals as consumers don't bite and they sit on the lots

3)Gimmick Federal programs like "Cash for Clunkers" that waste more taxpayer dollars and had no impact with the economy and jobs. Which is the REAL concern among Americans

4) Billions wasted on green projects like:

Solyndra (solar panel manufacturer)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributors George Kaiser, Steven Spinner & David Prend​

Energy Dept. kept layoffs secret - November 15, 2011​
"The Obama administration, which gave the solar company Solyndra a half-billion-dollar loan to help create jobs, asked the company to delay announcing it would lay off workers until after the hotly contested November 2010 midterm elections that imperiled Democratic control of Congress, newly released e-mails show."

NextEra Energy
Self-interested parties: Obama jobs council member Lewis Hay

Jobs panel member lands DOE loan - November 1, 2011
"But the company also enjoys a connection to the Obama administration -- company Chairman and CEO Lewis Hay sits on the president's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, which last month issued a report calling, among other things, for a new federal financing program to attract private investment for clean energy projects via loan guarantees and other tools."

First Solar (solar panel manufacturer)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributor Michael Ahearn, GE, NextEra​

Another Obama green CEO bites the dust - October 26, 2011​
First Solar received $2 billion worth of loan guarantees on projects in California in the waning days of the controversial Department of Energy’s loan program. The company then sold the projects to other, better-connected companies within hours of getting the guarantees. And when I say better connected, I’m not talking transmission lines. Which other companies you ask? GE and NextEra Energy."

SunPower (solar power technology)
Self-interested parties: Sen. Harry Reid, Rep. George Miller, Democrat lobbyist Patrick Murphy

Loan recipient financially troubled - October 12, 2011
"...troubling financial revelations have emerged about SunPower, which sponsored a solar project that received a $1.2 billion loan, more than twice the money approved for Solyndra, which filed for bankruptcy last month after receiving a $528 million loan. ...SunPower posted $150 million in losses during the first half of this year and its debt is nearly 80 percent of its market value. The company is also facing class action lawsuits for misstating its earnings."

Nevada Geothermal Power (owned by U.S. Geothermal Inc.)
Self-interested parties: Former Harry Reid aides Kai Anderson & Paul Thomsen

Two more green energy loans in trouble - October 31, 2011
"Executives, board members and investors involved with all three companies are closely linked to Obama, Reid and other prominent Democrats. Kai Anderson, a lobbyist for Nevada Geothermal’s partner corporation, Ormat Technology, is a former Senate aide to Harry Reid. Ormat’s CEO Paul Thomsen is another former Reid aide."​

I think this administration has a LOT bigger problems of its own, concerning corruption, than trying to find some petty blame to place on Marco Rubio. It's just a distraction from this administration's own failures on OBAMA'S Economy ( can't blame good 'ol Bush anymore, he OWNS this recovery mess)

With our nation receiving an added $6 TRILLION in debt, with the economy shrinking back into recession, the figures show Obama and "Government" did a bang up job at restoring our nations economy.

to quote a fellow poster of your republican types types where are your sources can you tell us what bills or bill that obama sign into law that caused 6 trillion dollars of debt DIDN't think so all of ytou republicans are quyick to sho the dollar amout in debt but you haven't any real sources of where it wcame from when shown you guy go nuts so
"More government isn't going to create more opportunities. you mean those opportunities where the bank stole our retirement accounts those opportunities >>>> It's going to limit them. And more government isn't going to inspire new ideas,>>> you mean those inspired Ideas when AIG guaranteed these loans for people who they knew they couldn't afford them and they went belly up ... those Ideas...>>>> new businesses and new private sector jobs," Rubio said. "More government isn't going to help you get ahead. It's going to hold you back." So he said this same thing in 2010 where are the private sector Jobs he ran on,or any job that any republican has made ??? can ya tell us that one??? didn't think so

Rubio is 100% incorrect.

I expect we Floridians will be inundated with all those reporters looking to dig up dirt on Rubio a la Palin. I'm sure they will start early just in case Rubio is the next nomiee for the GOP. Assholes.

Oh and that would be The Same reporters that didn't bother to investigate the current fuck in the WH.
AHHHHHHH another sore loser ... are those sour grapes you chewing on again ... poor, poor, pitiful repub-lie-tard sooooooooooo pissed off that they lost ... are ya stamping your feet just about now ??? Singing I'm a loser

[ame=]I'm A Loser -Beatles For Sale - YouTube[/ame]

LMAO God your an idiot.

The bank stole your retirement account?? Which bank stole anyones retirement account??

Now if you want to talk about retirement accounts lets talk about Barrys loan to the GM and Chrysler. They hosed folks who had 401K's, retirements and money invested in GM. All to fix the mismanaged retirement packages of the Union employeees.

How bout LBJ throwing SS in the GF. The Clowns have been robbing it blind ever since. Thats the SS that we all payed into which was in the billions and perfectly safe until LBJ needed money for the Viet Nam war. The Clowns have their own which, of course, they don't rob.

Oh and lets not forget Fannie and Freddie giving out loans for homes to folks who in no way could afford em. We taxpayers got stuck with the bill there as well.

Oh and in case its escaped your notice the private sector is the engine that runs the economy. Not the Govt. All Govt does is spend your money.

God your a moron.
Last edited:
WHy don't you list anything Obama has proposed that have broad "mainstream" support in America?

OK glad you asked...

I think many of his accomplishments are being conveniently overlooked or forgotten. I would like to outline a few, and give credit to Sam Stein at Huffington Post and the American Justice blog, as well as others I have linked to in subsequent portions of this post.
On the environment:
• Included funding for "green" jobs in the stimulus bill
• Initiated first steps to develop a legally-binding treaty to reduce mercury emissions worldwide
• Dedicated more than $60 billion for clean energy
• Instituted "cash for clunkers," getting more fuel efficient cars on the street
• Acknowledges reality of climate change and his desire to work on an international policy like Kyoto
• Emphasized the value of science (not political opinion) within the EPA
• Allocated $2 billion in stimulus cash for advanced batteries systems (for automobiles)
• Declared (via EPA) carbon dioxide a threat to health, the first step towards regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act
• Funded Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant, which gives $2.8 billion to cities
• Put over 2 million acres of wilderness, thousands of miles of river and a host of national trails and parks under federal protection, the largest conservation effort in 15 years
• Funding a $475 million initiative to restore and clean the Great Lakes

On healthcare:

• Overturned the federal funding ban for stem cell research
• Instituted better standards for comparative research in medicine and an agency to handle this
• Added staff to the FDA and brought back emphasis on science
• Allocated over $1 billion to the National Institutes of Health, whose budget Bush let stagnate
• Eliminated funding for abstinence-only education
• Signed an executive order repealing the "Mexico City policy" or "global gag rule" that withheld U.S. funds from organizations that discuss or provide family planning services abroad
• Announced US would resume contributions to the UN population fund for family planning and more than double the previous contribution made in 2001
• Appropriated $19 billion in the stimulus package to help implement an electronic medical record system
• Set aside billions in budget to overhaul the health care system
• Enacted Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization, providing healthcare to 11 million children
• Established 65% COBRA subsidy for 7 million unemployed Americans
• Allocated $1 billion for prevention and wellness programs
• Provided $87 billion to states to bolster their Medicaid programs during the downturn
• Increased funding for urban HIV/AIDS Prevention and Awareness

On Education, Equality, Public Safety, Families, etc.:

• Expressed a desire to overturn Don't Ask Don't Tell
• Described the Defense of Marriage Act as "unfair" and "discriminatory" and said they supported it being overturned
• Includes atheists in his definition of Americans
• Extended tax credits for mothers to return to college, for tuition, and for college textbook purchases
• Has agreed to make the visitors' lists to the White House public
• Signed executive order requiring Guantanamo to be closed within 1 year and allocated funds/personnel for that purpose
• Included provision in stimulus legislation that, for the first time, supported the ideas of Net Neutrality-like non-discrimination and openness for the Internet
• The administration demonstrated a new commitment to fighting for change on the UN Human Rights Council by announcing it will run for a seat next year, reversing the Bush administration boycott
• Announced that the U.S. will support a United Nations declaration urging nations to decriminalize homosexuality
• Created office of Urban Policy
• Gave Department of Justice $2 billion for Byrne Grants, which funds anti-gang and anti-gun task forces (cut during Bush years)
• Allocated $5 billion for early learning programs, including Head Start, Early Head Start, child care, and programs for children with special needs
• Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act to protect Americans from unfair and deceptive credit card practices
• Enacted the Making Homes Affordable Program
• Boosted credit flow to small businesses
• Increased focus on funding for high speed rail
• Funded the Community Oriented Police program (COPS)
• Appointed first Hispanic justice to the Supreme Court and most qualified Supreme Court candidate in decades

On foreign affairs (see link for more complete list):

• Secured $5 billion in aid commitments "to bolster [Pakistan's] economy and help it fight terror and Islamic radicalism"
• Foreign affairs experts insist that Obama's engagement with the Muslim world has been at once remarkable and under-appreciated..."He has been able to dramatically change America's image in that region"
• Led global response to the economic crisis through the G20, obtaining commitments of $1.1 trillion to safeguard the world’s most vulnerable economies
• Established major agenda to protect Americans from spread/use of deadly weapons, negotiating new nuclear weapon cuts with Russia and committing to the elimination of nuclear weapons
• Signed an executive order banning torture and requiring interrogations to conform to Army Field Manual Standards and Geneva Conventions
• Signed an executive order to close CIA secret prisons
• Cut ineffective, unnecessary and outdated weapons programs such as the F-22, the DDG -1000 destroyer, and Future Combat Systems
• Vowed to bring the costs of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq into the regular budget by 2010
• Largest increase for veterans funding in 30 years
• Restored the UN Ambassador to a cabinet level position
• Signed Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act to stop fraud and wasteful spending in defense procurement and contracting
• Helped free 2 American journalists from a North Korea prison
• Led the UN Security Council in voting for strong sanctions against North Korea
• Negotiated with Russia to allow overflights over their territory to establish a supply route into Northern Afghanistan

On workers:

• OSHA announced it was moving to protect workers from...popcorn long; last-minute Bush rules would have added 2 years before it could be considered
• Revoked Bush administration executive order on regulatory review that enabled political appointees at the White House's OMB to override agencies' rulemaking, undermining everything from worker safety to environmental protection
• Signed 3 executive orders, including one reversing a Bush order to limit union representation on federal contracts
• Moved to prevent federal contractors from being reimbursed for unionbusting propganda compaigns during collective bargaining
• Signed executive order overturning Bush administration's ban on project labor agreements (PLAs) on federally funded construction (PLAs set wages and establish work rules and methods of settling grievances on large multi-contractor construction projects)
• Signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, guaranteeing the right to sue for wage discrimination based on gender, race, disability, etc.
• Extended unemployment benefits for struggling Americans
• Obama's Department of Transportation has approved 2,500 highway projects
• Cut taxes for 95% of all working families
• Provided over $500 million in funding for vocational rehabilitation services to help with job training, education and placement

theres more if you want

you are suppose to give links with your plagiarism
Its nice that Obama has all that money to throw around..he's just grand to put our grandchildren in MORE dept

these all came from the .gov web site if you want to look them up fine I not here to prove myself wrong you are so far ya got nuttin'
"More government isn't going to create more opportunities. you mean those opportunities where the bank stole our retirement accounts those opportunities >>>> It's going to limit them. And more government isn't going to inspire new ideas,>>> you mean those inspired Ideas when AIG guaranteed these loans for people who they knew they couldn't afford them and they went belly up ... those Ideas...>>>> new businesses and new private sector jobs," Rubio said. "More government isn't going to help you get ahead. It's going to hold you back." So he said this same thing in 2010 where are the private sector Jobs he ran on,or any job that any republican has made ??? can ya tell us that one??? didn't think so

Rubio is 100% incorrect.

I expect we Floridians will be inundated with all those reporters looking to dig up dirt on Rubio a la Palin. I'm sure they will start early just in case Rubio is the next nomiee for the GOP. Assholes.

Oh and that would be The Same reporters that didn't bother to investigate the current fuck in the WH.
AHHHHHHH another sore loser ... are those sour grapes you chewing on again ... poor, poor, pitiful repub-lie-tard sooooooooooo pissed off that they lost ... are ya stamping your feet just about now ??? Singing I'm a loser

[ame=]I'm A Loser -Beatles For Sale - YouTube[/ame]

LMAO God your an idiot.

The bank stole your retirement account?? Which bank stole anyones retirement account??

Now if you want to talk about retirement accounts lets talk about Barrys loan to the GM and Chrysler. They hosed folks who had 401K's, retirements and money invested in GM. All to fix the mismanaged retirement packages of the Union employeees.

How bout LBJ throwing SS in the GF. The Clowns have been robbing it blind ever since. Thats the SS that we all payed into. The Clowns have their own which, of course, they don't rob.

Oh and lets not forget Fannie and Freddie giving out loans for homes to folks who in no way could afford em. We taxpayers got stuck with the bill there as well.

Oh and in case its escaped your notice the private sector is the engine that runs the economy. Not the Govt. All Govt does is spend your money.

God your a moron.

Billy is one of those "living in Mom's basement" Democrats
"More government isn't going to create more opportunities. you mean those opportunities where the bank stole our retirement accounts those opportunities >>>> It's going to limit them. And more government isn't going to inspire new ideas,>>> you mean those inspired Ideas when AIG guaranteed these loans for people who they knew they couldn't afford them and they went belly up ... those Ideas...>>>> new businesses and new private sector jobs," Rubio said. "More government isn't going to help you get ahead. It's going to hold you back." So he said this same thing in 2010 where are the private sector Jobs he ran on,or any job that any republican has made ??? can ya tell us that one??? didn't think so

Rubio is 100% incorrect.

I expect we Floridians will be inundated with all those reporters looking to dig up dirt on Rubio a la Palin. I'm sure they will start early just in case Rubio is the next nomiee for the GOP. Assholes.

Oh and that would be The Same reporters that didn't bother to investigate the current fuck

in the WH.
AHHHHHHH another sore loser ... are those sour grapes you chewing on again ... poor, poor, pitiful repub-lie-tard sooooooooooo pissed off that they lost ... are ya stamping your feet just about now ??? Singing I'm a loser

[ame=]I'm A Loser -Beatles For Sale - YouTube[/ame]

LMAO God your an idiot.

The bank stole your retirement account?? Which bank stole anyones retirement account??

Now if you want to talk about retirement accounts lets talk about Barrys loan to the GM and Chrysler. They hosed folks who had 401K's, retirements and money invested in GM. All to fix the mismanaged retirement packages of the Union employeees.

How bout LBJ throwing SS in the GF. The Clowns have been robbing it blind ever since. Thats the SS that we all payed into which was in the billions and perfectly safe until LBJ needed money for the Viet Nam war. The Clowns have their own which, of course, they don't rob.

Oh and lets not forget Fannie and Freddie giving out loans for homes to folks who in no way could afford em. We taxpayers got stuck with the bill there as well.

Oh and in case its escaped your notice the private sector is the engine that runs the economy. Not the Govt. All Govt does is spend your money.

God your a moron.

I sense that you are holding back...:lol: Next time let it all hang out..:clap2:
"More government isn't going to create more opportunities. you mean those opportunities where the back stold our retirement accounts those opportunities >>>> It's going to limit them. And more government isn't going to inspire new ideas,>>> you mean those inspired Ideas when AIG guaranteed these loans for people who they knew they could afford them and they went belly up those Ideas>>>> new businesses and new private sector jobs," Rubio said. "More government isn't going to help you get ahead. It's going to hold you back." So he said this same thing in 2010 where are the private sector Jobs he ran on,or any job that any republican has made ... can ya tell us that one??? didn't think so

Rubio is 100% incorrect.

I expect we Floridians will be inundated with all those reporters looking to dig up dirt on Rubio a la Palin. I'm sure they will start early just in case Rubio is the next nomiee for the GOP. Assholes.

Oh and that would be The Same reporters that didn't bother to investigate the current fuck in the WH.
AHHHHHHH another sore loser ... are those sour grapes you chewing on again ... poor, poor, pitiful repub-lie-tard sooooooooooo pissed off that they lost ... are ya stamping your feet just about now ??? Singing I'm a loser

Lets see.... we have
1) A $787 billion stimulus that didn't net much results

2) Incentives for a Chevy volt that fails to meet its production goals as consumers don't bite and they sit on the lots

3)Gimmick Federal programs like "Cash for Clunkers" that waste more taxpayer dollars and had no impact with the economy and jobs. Which is the REAL concern among Americans

4) Billions wasted on green projects like:

Solyndra (solar panel manufacturer)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributors George Kaiser, Steven Spinner & David Prend​

Energy Dept. kept layoffs secret - November 15, 2011​
"The Obama administration, which gave the solar company Solyndra a half-billion-dollar loan to help create jobs, asked the company to delay announcing it would lay off workers until after the hotly contested November 2010 midterm elections that imperiled Democratic control of Congress, newly released e-mails show."

NextEra Energy
Self-interested parties: Obama jobs council member Lewis Hay

Jobs panel member lands DOE loan - November 1, 2011
"But the company also enjoys a connection to the Obama administration -- company Chairman and CEO Lewis Hay sits on the president's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, which last month issued a report calling, among other things, for a new federal financing program to attract private investment for clean energy projects via loan guarantees and other tools."

First Solar (solar panel manufacturer)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributor Michael Ahearn, GE, NextEra​

Another Obama green CEO bites the dust - October 26, 2011​
First Solar received $2 billion worth of loan guarantees on projects in California in the waning days of the controversial Department of Energy’s loan program. The company then sold the projects to other, better-connected companies within hours of getting the guarantees. And when I say better connected, I’m not talking transmission lines. Which other companies you ask? GE and NextEra Energy."

SunPower (solar power technology)
Self-interested parties: Sen. Harry Reid, Rep. George Miller, Democrat lobbyist Patrick Murphy

Loan recipient financially troubled - October 12, 2011
"...troubling financial revelations have emerged about SunPower, which sponsored a solar project that received a $1.2 billion loan, more than twice the money approved for Solyndra, which filed for bankruptcy last month after receiving a $528 million loan. ...SunPower posted $150 million in losses during the first half of this year and its debt is nearly 80 percent of its market value. The company is also facing class action lawsuits for misstating its earnings."

Nevada Geothermal Power (owned by U.S. Geothermal Inc.)
Self-interested parties: Former Harry Reid aides Kai Anderson & Paul Thomsen

Two more green energy loans in trouble - October 31, 2011
"Executives, board members and investors involved with all three companies are closely linked to Obama, Reid and other prominent Democrats. Kai Anderson, a lobbyist for Nevada Geothermal’s partner corporation, Ormat Technology, is a former Senate aide to Harry Reid. Ormat’s CEO Paul Thomsen is another former Reid aide."​

I think this administration has a LOT bigger problems of its own, concerning corruption, than trying to find some petty blame to place on Marco Rubio. It's just a distraction from this administration's own failures on OBAMA'S Economy ( can't blame good 'ol Bush anymore, he OWNS this recovery mess)

With our nation receiving an added $6 TRILLION in debt, with the economy shrinking back into recession, the figures show Obama and "Government" did a bang up job at restoring our nations economy.

other then solendra, all these companies are still in business and out of the red so whats your point ???? posting information that old and out dated that's shows that you have progressed ... it shows that your information hasn't any validity here.... the conversation you posted say they were failing at one time ... all companies fail at certain times in their operation ... its the way business works ... the ones that stay in operation well, what can I say they are making money now again why are you using old data... my data is what he has done so far ...what you have show is really nothing of importance... what next ??? are you going to tell us about clintons blow job??? then tell us the importance of that too???
AHHHHHHH another sore loser ... are those sour grapes you chewing on again ... poor, poor, pitiful repub-lie-tard sooooooooooo pissed off that they lost ... are ya stamping your feet just about now ??? Singing I'm a loser

Lets see.... we have
1) A $787 billion stimulus that didn't net much results

2) Incentives for a Chevy volt that fails to meet its production goals as consumers don't bite and they sit on the lots

3)Gimmick Federal programs like "Cash for Clunkers" that waste more taxpayer dollars and had no impact with the economy and jobs. Which is the REAL concern among Americans

4) Billions wasted on green projects like:

Solyndra (solar panel manufacturer)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributors George Kaiser, Steven Spinner & David Prend​

Energy Dept. kept layoffs secret - November 15, 2011​
"The Obama administration, which gave the solar company Solyndra a half-billion-dollar loan to help create jobs, asked the company to delay announcing it would lay off workers until after the hotly contested November 2010 midterm elections that imperiled Democratic control of Congress, newly released e-mails show."

NextEra Energy
Self-interested parties: Obama jobs council member Lewis Hay

Jobs panel member lands DOE loan - November 1, 2011
"But the company also enjoys a connection to the Obama administration -- company Chairman and CEO Lewis Hay sits on the president's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, which last month issued a report calling, among other things, for a new federal financing program to attract private investment for clean energy projects via loan guarantees and other tools."

First Solar (solar panel manufacturer)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributor Michael Ahearn, GE, NextEra​

Another Obama green CEO bites the dust - October 26, 2011​
First Solar received $2 billion worth of loan guarantees on projects in California in the waning days of the controversial Department of Energy’s loan program. The company then sold the projects to other, better-connected companies within hours of getting the guarantees. And when I say better connected, I’m not talking transmission lines. Which other companies you ask? GE and NextEra Energy."

SunPower (solar power technology)
Self-interested parties: Sen. Harry Reid, Rep. George Miller, Democrat lobbyist Patrick Murphy

Loan recipient financially troubled - October 12, 2011
"...troubling financial revelations have emerged about SunPower, which sponsored a solar project that received a $1.2 billion loan, more than twice the money approved for Solyndra, which filed for bankruptcy last month after receiving a $528 million loan. ...SunPower posted $150 million in losses during the first half of this year and its debt is nearly 80 percent of its market value. The company is also facing class action lawsuits for misstating its earnings."

Nevada Geothermal Power (owned by U.S. Geothermal Inc.)
Self-interested parties: Former Harry Reid aides Kai Anderson & Paul Thomsen

Two more green energy loans in trouble - October 31, 2011
"Executives, board members and investors involved with all three companies are closely linked to Obama, Reid and other prominent Democrats. Kai Anderson, a lobbyist for Nevada Geothermal’s partner corporation, Ormat Technology, is a former Senate aide to Harry Reid. Ormat’s CEO Paul Thomsen is another former Reid aide."​

I think this administration has a LOT bigger problems of its own, concerning corruption, than trying to find some petty blame to place on Marco Rubio. It's just a distraction from this administration's own failures on OBAMA'S Economy ( can't blame good 'ol Bush anymore, he OWNS this recovery mess)

With our nation receiving an added $6 TRILLION in debt, with the economy shrinking back into recession, the figures show Obama and "Government" did a bang up job at restoring our nations economy.

other then solendra, all these companies are still in business and out of the red so whats your point ???? posting information that old and out dated that's shows that you have progressed ... it shows that your information hasn't any validity here.... the conversation you posted say they were failing at one time ... all companies fail at certain times in their operation ... its the way business works ... the ones that stay in operation well, what can I say they are making money now again why are you using old data... my data is what he has done so far ...what you have show is really nothing of importance... what next ??? are you going to tell us about clintons blow job??? then tell us the importance of that too???

you are such a liar...are you a PAID OBama troll stooge?
Update: October 15, 2012:

List of Obama green energy and solar in the billions
Obama Green Investments Said Would Take The Country Forward Are Going Belly Up, Taking Jobs And Taxpayer Cash With Them

all of it here and MANY more to see just by going on google
List of Failed Obama Green Energy & Solar Companies in the Billions
Lets see.... we have
1) A $787 billion stimulus that didn't net much results

2) Incentives for a Chevy volt that fails to meet its production goals as consumers don't bite and they sit on the lots

3)Gimmick Federal programs like "Cash for Clunkers" that waste more taxpayer dollars and had no impact with the economy and jobs. Which is the REAL concern among Americans

4) Billions wasted on green projects like:

Solyndra (solar panel manufacturer)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributors George Kaiser, Steven Spinner & David Prend​

Energy Dept. kept layoffs secret - November 15, 2011​
"The Obama administration, which gave the solar company Solyndra a half-billion-dollar loan to help create jobs, asked the company to delay announcing it would lay off workers until after the hotly contested November 2010 midterm elections that imperiled Democratic control of Congress, newly released e-mails show."

NextEra Energy
Self-interested parties: Obama jobs council member Lewis Hay

Jobs panel member lands DOE loan - November 1, 2011
"But the company also enjoys a connection to the Obama administration -- company Chairman and CEO Lewis Hay sits on the president's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, which last month issued a report calling, among other things, for a new federal financing program to attract private investment for clean energy projects via loan guarantees and other tools."

First Solar (solar panel manufacturer)
Self-interested parties: Democrat contributor Michael Ahearn, GE, NextEra​

Another Obama green CEO bites the dust - October 26, 2011​
First Solar received $2 billion worth of loan guarantees on projects in California in the waning days of the controversial Department of Energy’s loan program. The company then sold the projects to other, better-connected companies within hours of getting the guarantees. And when I say better connected, I’m not talking transmission lines. Which other companies you ask? GE and NextEra Energy."

SunPower (solar power technology)
Self-interested parties: Sen. Harry Reid, Rep. George Miller, Democrat lobbyist Patrick Murphy

Loan recipient financially troubled - October 12, 2011
"...troubling financial revelations have emerged about SunPower, which sponsored a solar project that received a $1.2 billion loan, more than twice the money approved for Solyndra, which filed for bankruptcy last month after receiving a $528 million loan. ...SunPower posted $150 million in losses during the first half of this year and its debt is nearly 80 percent of its market value. The company is also facing class action lawsuits for misstating its earnings."

Nevada Geothermal Power (owned by U.S. Geothermal Inc.)
Self-interested parties: Former Harry Reid aides Kai Anderson & Paul Thomsen

Two more green energy loans in trouble - October 31, 2011
"Executives, board members and investors involved with all three companies are closely linked to Obama, Reid and other prominent Democrats. Kai Anderson, a lobbyist for Nevada Geothermal’s partner corporation, Ormat Technology, is a former Senate aide to Harry Reid. Ormat’s CEO Paul Thomsen is another former Reid aide."​

I think this administration has a LOT bigger problems of its own, concerning corruption, than trying to find some petty blame to place on Marco Rubio. It's just a distraction from this administration's own failures on OBAMA'S Economy ( can't blame good 'ol Bush anymore, he OWNS this recovery mess)

With our nation receiving an added $6 TRILLION in debt, with the economy shrinking back into recession, the figures show Obama and "Government" did a bang up job at restoring our nations economy.

other then solendra, all these companies are still in business and out of the red so whats your point ???? posting information that old and out dated that's shows that you have progressed ... it shows that your information hasn't any validity here.... the conversation you posted say they were failing at one time ... all companies fail at certain times in their operation ... its the way business works ... the ones that stay in operation well, what can I say they are making money now again why are you using old data... my data is what he has done so far ...what you have show is really nothing of importance... what next ??? are you going to tell us about clintons blow job??? then tell us the importance of that too???

you are such a liar...are you a PAID OBama troll stooge?
Update: October 15, 2012:

List of Obama green energy and solar in the billions
Obama Green Investments Said Would Take The Country Forward Are Going Belly Up, Taking Jobs And Taxpayer Cash With Them

all of it here and MANY more to see just by going on google
List of Failed Obama Green Energy & Solar Companies in the Billions

What you fail to see is that the Obama is so great that all his failures both large and small are really great successes. Only a true messiah community organizer could pull that off. I am considering where to send my monthly tithes now.:lol:
So now I will pick apart you uneducated post here
Lets see.... we have
1) A $787 billion stimulus that didn't net much results
BR Really well the facts don't support your views here
this was what the stimulus accomplishe the first year
The federal government says about 650,000 jobs have been saved or created under President Barack Obama's economic stimulus plan, including 17,000 in Ohio.

The data released Friday by an independent federal board included new job numbers from businesses, contractors, state and local governments, nonprofit groups and universities.

Teachers and other education employees represent the largest number of jobs in the report about 325,000.

The report is the most accurate head count of stimulus jobs to date, one that is more precise than previous estimates based on White House economic formulas.

For example, Ohio's preliminary job count from two weeks ago showed 13,144 stimulus-funded jobs in the state. Many were tied to a program that stabilized school budgets and prevented layoffs.

2) Incentives for a Chevy volt that fails to meet its production goals as consumers don't bite and they sit on the lots

again the facts according to chevy
By JERRY EDGERTON / MONEYWATCH/ October 9, 2012, 7:13 AM
Chevy Volt sales race ahead of Nissan Leaf
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(MoneyWatch) Car shoppers continue to prefer the Chevrolet Volt with its back-up gasoline engine to the all-electric Nissan Leaf, raising questions about how big the U.S. market for pure electric cars can be.

Nissan sold just 984 Leafs in the U.S. in September, for a total of 5,212 so far in 2012 vs. 9,674 in all of 2011. But Chevrolet sold 2,851 Volts in September for 16,348 so far this year, up from 7,671 in all of 2011.

3)Gimmick Federal programs like "Cash for Clunkers" that waste more taxpayer dollars and had no impact with the economy and jobs. Which is the REAL concern among Americans

boy are you brain washed
Cash For Clunkers Final Numbers: 690,000 Vehicles Sold; $2.8 Billion Used; 24.9 Mpg Average For The New Cars
First, 690,114 vouchers were submitted asking for $2.877 billion (just under the program's $3 billion limit). There was also $100 million used for administration costs (as Autoblog calculates, about $144 for every claim processed) and there is $23 million or so left over. Flash analysis by the White House Council of Economic Advisers says the program boosted economic growth in the 3Q by 4/10ths of a percent and created or saved 42,000 jobs that still remain, at least for the near future.

How did the overall fuel economy change because of the new 700,000 vehicles on the road? Only two of the top 10 vehicles purchased were from the Big Three – the Ford Focus FWD came in fourth and the Ford Escape FWD was tenth – while the Toyota Prius was seventh. In fact, the Big Three got less of a boost from Cash For Clunkers than would be expected given their market share. Only 38.6 percent of the vehicles sold through C.A.R.S. were Ford, GM or Chrysler models but their market share through July this year was 45.3 percent.

The top three vehicles sold using C.A.R.S. were the Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic and Toyota Camry. As for the vehicles being clunked, every single one of the top ten were big honkers from the Big Three: Explorers, F-150s, Blazers, etc. This resulted in an overall fuel economy increase of 58 percent. The clunkers averaged 15.8 mpg; the new vehicles averaged 24.9 mpg. You can find out detailed numbers, including rebate requests by state, after the jump.

looks like she used Glen Beck as her source I used the car companies figures oh well who do you believe
So now I will pick apart you uneducated post here
Lets see.... we have
1) A $787 billion stimulus that didn't net much results
BR Really well the facts don't support your views here
this was what the stimulus accomplishe the first year
The federal government says about 650,000 jobs have been saved or created under President Barack Obama's economic stimulus plan, including 17,000 in Ohio.

The data released Friday by an independent federal board included new job numbers from businesses, contractors, state and local governments, nonprofit groups and universities.

Teachers and other education employees represent the largest number of jobs in the report about 325,000.

The report is the most accurate head count of stimulus jobs to date, one that is more precise than previous estimates based on White House economic formulas.

For example, Ohio's preliminary job count from two weeks ago showed 13,144 stimulus-funded jobs in the state. Many were tied to a program that stabilized school budgets and prevented layoffs.

2) Incentives for a Chevy volt that fails to meet its production goals as consumers don't bite and they sit on the lots

again the facts according to chevy
By JERRY EDGERTON / MONEYWATCH/ October 9, 2012, 7:13 AM
Chevy Volt sales race ahead of Nissan Leaf
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(MoneyWatch) Car shoppers continue to prefer the Chevrolet Volt with its back-up gasoline engine to the all-electric Nissan Leaf, raising questions about how big the U.S. market for pure electric cars can be.

Nissan sold just 984 Leafs in the U.S. in September, for a total of 5,212 so far in 2012 vs. 9,674 in all of 2011. But Chevrolet sold 2,851 Volts in September for 16,348 so far this year, up from 7,671 in all of 2011.

3)Gimmick Federal programs like "Cash for Clunkers" that waste more taxpayer dollars and had no impact with the economy and jobs. Which is the REAL concern among Americans

boy are you brain washed
Cash For Clunkers Final Numbers: 690,000 Vehicles Sold; $2.8 Billion Used; 24.9 Mpg Average For The New Cars
First, 690,114 vouchers were submitted asking for $2.877 billion (just under the program's $3 billion limit). There was also $100 million used for administration costs (as Autoblog calculates, about $144 for every claim processed) and there is $23 million or so left over. Flash analysis by the White House Council of Economic Advisers says the program boosted economic growth in the 3Q by 4/10ths of a percent and created or saved 42,000 jobs that still remain, at least for the near future.

How did the overall fuel economy change because of the new 700,000 vehicles on the road? Only two of the top 10 vehicles purchased were from the Big Three – the Ford Focus FWD came in fourth and the Ford Escape FWD was tenth – while the Toyota Prius was seventh. In fact, the Big Three got less of a boost from Cash For Clunkers than would be expected given their market share. Only 38.6 percent of the vehicles sold through C.A.R.S. were Ford, GM or Chrysler models but their market share through July this year was 45.3 percent.

The top three vehicles sold using C.A.R.S. were the Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic and Toyota Camry. As for the vehicles being clunked, every single one of the top ten were big honkers from the Big Three: Explorers, F-150s, Blazers, etc. This resulted in an overall fuel economy increase of 58 percent. The clunkers averaged 15.8 mpg; the new vehicles averaged 24.9 mpg. You can find out detailed numbers, including rebate requests by state, after the jump.

looks like she used Glen Beck as her source I used the car companies figures oh well who do you believe [/QUOTE]
[ame=]Obama: Shovel Ready jobs not shovel ready - YouTube[/ame]
What a lack of journalist integrity, but jump on it if you want, your a mental midget anyways.

The propagandist admits he doesn't have all the documents (or any documents), yet that didn't stop him from making crackpot assumption based on nothing other than a desire to defame Rubio!

This hack piece is the reason no one buys print media anymore!

By Jason Cherkis and Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON -- Addressing the nation on Tuesday night, Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio came with a simple message.

"More government isn't going to create more opportunities. It's going to limit them. And more government isn't going to inspire new ideas, new businesses and new private sector jobs," Rubio said. "More government isn't going to help you get ahead. It's going to hold you back."

That might be true for you. But it's not true for Marco Rubio.

For Rubio, a rising star in the Republican Party, more government did indeed create more opportunities. As the Tampa Bay Times reported during his U.S. Senate run in 2010, it's hard to determine with Rubio where politics stops and the private begins:

As Rubio climbed the ranks, he began to use little-noticed political committees to fund his travel and other expenses and later had a Republican Party of Florida credit card.
What emerged, records show, is a pattern of blending personal and political spending. Over and over again Rubio proved sloppy, at best, in complying with disclosure requirements.

Virtually broke, the 31-year-old lawmaker began campaigning to be House speaker in 2003 and created a political committee -- Floridians for Conservative Leadership -- to help elect other Republican candidates and curry their support.

With his wife serving as treasurer, Rubio did not wait for the state to authorize the committee before accepting campaign donations.

The committee listed its address as Rubio's home, a modest place he and his wife bought in West Miami in 2002, but reported spending nearly $85,000 in office and operating costs and $65,000 for administrative costs.

Over 18 months, nearly $90,000 went for political consultants, $51,000 went for credit card payments and $4,000 went to other candidates. That's less than the $5,700 that went to his wife, Jeanette, much of it for "gas and meals.'' (Mrs. Rubio does not work and the couple file joint tax returns.)​

More (Interesting): Marco Rubio's Personal Finances Don't Match His Rhetoric

Marco Rubio's personal finances clash with call for fiscal discipline - Tampa Bay Times
Rubio sounds like a shady con man.

At least you're trying to make it sound that way, were there any charges filed? You got any evidence he actually did anything wrong? Or is innuendo all you got, as usual?

Nope what reckless journalist. Don't have all the facts or documents, but make crackpot partisan assumptions anyways!
Rubio sounds like a shady con man.

At least you're trying to make it sound that way, were there any charges filed? You got any evidence he actually did anything wrong? Or is innuendo all you got, as usual?

Nope what reckless journalist. Don't have all the facts or documents, but make crackpot partisan assumptions anyways!

lakhota doesn't need all the facts, in fact they don't need any, just what some left wing site tells them is good enough
other then solendra, all these companies are still in business and out of the red so whats your point ???? posting information that old and out dated that's shows that you have progressed ... it shows that your information hasn't any validity here.... the conversation you posted say they were failing at one time ... all companies fail at certain times in their operation ... its the way business works ... the ones that stay in operation well, what can I say they are making money now again why are you using old data... my data is what he has done so far ...what you have show is really nothing of importance... what next ??? are you going to tell us about clintons blow job??? then tell us the importance of that too???

you are such a liar...are you a PAID OBama troll stooge?
Update: October 15, 2012:

List of Obama green energy and solar in the billions
Obama Green Investments Said Would Take The Country Forward Are Going Belly Up, Taking Jobs And Taxpayer Cash With Them

all of it here and MANY more to see just by going on google
List of Failed Obama Green Energy & Solar Companies in the Billions

What you fail to see is that the Obama is so great that all his failures both large and small are really great successes. Only a true messiah community organizer could pull that off. I am considering where to send my monthly tithes now.:lol:
there's a difference if filing bankrupt and bankruptcy protection ... ,these companies aren't closing down ... they are filing for reorganizing ... to be able to file this way you have to show stable income ... they have shown to the courts they have stable income ... all companies do this you imply that they are closing down shutting the doors they are not...
At least you're trying to make it sound that way, were there any charges filed? You got any evidence he actually did anything wrong? Or is innuendo all you got, as usual?

Nope what reckless journalist. Don't have all the facts or documents, but make crackpot partisan assumptions anyways!

lakhota doesn't need all the facts, in fact they don't need any, just what some left wing site tells them is good enough

when I post information I get it from either government web sites or the company in question ... what these republicans do is they go to some blogger and get information that is based on their opinion ... that will never work..

its like all these new energy companies...they will have their ups and downs as all companies do... but as soon as one is in trouble these bloggers are all over it because Obama supports it... for a couple of years all new companies will have their trials a tribulations ... its when the close the doors, that's when they failed ... so far the majority of them are still in operation...
AHHHHHHH another sore loser ... are those sour grapes you chewing on again ... poor, poor, pitiful repub-lie-tard sooooooooooo pissed off that they lost ... are ya stamping your feet just about now ??? Singing I'm a loser

I'm A Loser -Beatles For Sale - YouTube

LMAO God your an idiot.

The bank stole your retirement account?? Which bank stole anyones retirement account??

Now if you want to talk about retirement accounts lets talk about Barrys loan to the GM and Chrysler. They hosed folks who had 401K's, retirements and money invested in GM. All to fix the mismanaged retirement packages of the Union employeees.

How bout LBJ throwing SS in the GF. The Clowns have been robbing it blind ever since. Thats the SS that we all payed into which was in the billions and perfectly safe until LBJ needed money for the Viet Nam war. The Clowns have their own which, of course, they don't rob.

Oh and lets not forget Fannie and Freddie giving out loans for homes to folks who in no way could afford em. We taxpayers got stuck with the bill there as well.

Oh and in case its escaped your notice the private sector is the engine that runs the economy. Not the Govt. All Govt does is spend your money.

God your a moron.

I sense that you are holding back...:lol: Next time let it all hang out..:clap2:

now this is the stupidest of all of the post to day
Nope what reckless journalist. Don't have all the facts or documents, but make crackpot partisan assumptions anyways!

lakhota doesn't need all the facts, in fact they don't need any, just what some left wing site tells them is good enough

when I post information I get it from either government web sites or the company in question ... what these republicans do is they go to some blogger and get information that is based on their opinion ... that will never work..

its like all these new energy companies...they will have their ups and downs as all companies do... but as soon as one is in trouble these bloggers are all over it because Obama supports it... for a couple of years all new companies will have their trials a tribulations ... its when the close the doors, that's when they failed ... so far the majority of them are still in operation...

oh and it's for sure none of these government sites would LIE
and how wonderful you give Obama a pass on WASTING billions of our taxpayers monies on his deluded, visions..that is NOT HIS ROLE as President, but he believes he was elected dictator of the country and can use taxpayer money any way he wishes
Last edited:
Posted by Claudette
LMAO God your an idiot.

The bank stole your retirement account?? Which bank stole anyones retirement account??
Are you kidding are you this stupid

Now if you want to talk about retirement accounts lets talk about Barrys loan to the GM and Chrysler. They hosed folks who had 401K's, retirements and money invested in GM. All to fix the mismanaged retirement packages of the Union employeees.

heres a person who has no idea how 401k work... the work off the market ...not your taxes you dolts ... Obama used tax dollars not 401k dollars .. the banks stole that ... go educate yourself ...

How bout LBJ throwing SS in the GF. The Clowns have been robbing it blind ever since. Thats the SS that we all payed into. The Clowns have their own which, of course, they don't rob.

I agree with this statement here ... Al gore want to stop the gouging of social security.. but ole georgie boy didn't ... we aren't talking social security here ...

Oh and lets not forget Fannie and Freddie giving out loans for homes to folks who in no way could afford em. We taxpayers got stuck with the bill there as well.

here's where you go stupid again... Fannie and Freddie never gave loans that weren't shown as a tripple A rating ... by who ??? AIG ... oh how the forget ... then the banks with AIG sold bundles of loans to Fannie and Freddie telling they were tripple A rated loans those are banks that you requested ... do you ever read anything that's not from some blogger ??? you have no Idea in what is going on

Oh and in case its escaped your notice the private sector is the engine that runs the economy. Not the Govt. All Govt does is spend your money.

God your a moron.

speaking of morons here ,you taking the cake ... Obama has so far 6 million New private sector jobs ... in case you forgot ... I realize stupidity is what you thrive on, but hey !!!!what can I say !!!you can't fix stupid ...

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