Marianne Williamson 2020: She's a prisoner of love!

It will take more than rational analysis or intellectual argument, traditional political strategizing or fundraising to defeat this president. He has harnessed people’s fear and the only thing that can override that is someone who can inspire their love
She's fabulous and a lot like more Democrats than we would ever want to admit.
She should be storming the gates of Area 51 though.
i dont want to live in a world where material concerns matter while spiritual concerns are the stuff of fantasy!
Especially if those Material Concerns are saddling The American People with $200 Trillion of Debt while you sit on your ass and watch them work themselves to death plowing their fields using their own children as mules, and having to ride bicycles to work, and drive Conestoga Wagons across the Country without having Draft Animals to pull the wagons.

We Realize you don't care, because you won't be paying for any of it.
Is she "New Wave"or just a plain run of the mill Hippy chick?
"Your body is merely your space station from whence you beam your love to the universe.Don't just relate to the station; relate to the beams.

Just beneath the surface, this isn't politics it's black magic. Entirely a psychic battle. Use your shield of Virtue and your sword of Truth" - MW
She SAID that?
I can't read WaPo, but it's clear I need to go look this woman up.
As bat shit crazy as all the Moon Bats were at the debate last night the New Wave chick is the one that actually made the most sense. Of course that is a very relative measurement.

Articulating that the Moon Bats can beat Trump with love will probably get more support than the stupid ideas of Medicare for all, free college and open borders.
The biggest nutball on The Dem Ticket is actually the most Sane, and that should Scare The Living Hell out of everyone.
As bat shit crazy as all the Moon Bats were at the debate last night the New Wave chick is the one that actually made the most sense. Of course that is a very relative measurement.

Articulating that the Moon Bats can beat Trump with love will probably get more support than the stupid ideas of Medicare for all, free college and open borders.
The biggest nutball on The Dem Ticket is actually the most Sane, and that should Scare The Living Hell out of everyone.

That is the point I was trying to make but you said it better.
If rational analysis or intellectual argument or traditional strategizing or fund raising won't defeat the President ....what is ms Williamson suggesting? Surely not love.
There is no Greater Love, than Love of Country after Love of God, and Proving That Love through Enforcing The Rule of Law and Protecting Your Citizen's Rights.
Williamson is the one to beat. She's clean, articulate and can yodel
She’s a deep thinker too.

View attachment 272126

My god! I am going to switch parties and register as a Democrat so that I can vote for her in the Moon Bat Primaries.

Where has this chick been all my life? She would make a great Democrat President.
Crazy in the head, good in bed. I want to propose to her and make my life a chaotic spiritual mess.
Who wouldn't want her to be the Leader of the Free World?

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Williamson is the one to beat. She's clean, articulate and can yodel
She’s a deep thinker too.

View attachment 272126

My god! I am going to switch parties and register as a Democrat so that I can vote for her in the Moon Bat Primaries.

Where has this chick been all my life? She would make a great Democrat President.
Crazy in the head, good in bed. I want to propose to her and make my life a chaotic spiritual mess.

If I had to screw any of the Democrat Presidential candidates it would be Tulsi Gabbard, not Marianne.

Of course most of these Moon Bats that post on here would rather take Pete Buttigig to bed.

As bat shit crazy as all the Moon Bats were at the debate last night the New Wave chick is the one that actually made the most sense. Of course that is a very relative measurement.

Articulating that the Moon Bats can beat Trump with love will probably get more support than the stupid ideas of Medicare for all, free college and open borders.
The biggest nutball on The Dem Ticket is actually the most Sane, and that should Scare The Living Hell out of everyone.

That is the point I was trying to make but you said it better.
Dark Spiritual forces are on the Horizon in 2020

We must travel through Mordor to destroy the ring.

Williamson is the one to beat. She's clean, articulate and can yodel
She’s a deep thinker too.

View attachment 272126

My god! I am going to switch parties and register as a Democrat so that I can vote for her in the Moon Bat Primaries.

Where has this chick been all my life? She would make a great Democrat President.
Crazy in the head, good in bed. I want to propose to her and make my life a chaotic spiritual mess.

If I had to screw any of the Democrat Presidential candidates it would be Tulsi Gabbard, not Marianne.

Of course most of these Moon Bats that post on here would rather take Pete Buttigig to bed.
I never said I'd screw her. Sex is probably against her religion. I just want to ruin my life by marrying her so I could experience all of these spiritual forces she keeps talking about.

Or she is a freak in bed and will shove crystals up my ass. Not exactly sure of her Crazy = Kink Factor.
"I’m not here to talk about what’s not possible. I’m here to fight for big, structural change." - Williamson

the time for small ideas is over. WE NEED BOLD STRUCTURAL CHANGE!

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