Marianne Williamson 2020: She's a prisoner of love!

the tyranny in america today is just branded better, but its no better than before. the appetites of the few have gained precedence over the desperate needs of the many. that's why there's a LOVE REVOLUTION going on across america!

I'm calling you out Trump, listen to all the American people, they're calling you out, and we're taking our country back. WOOOOOO!
brothers and sisters:

income inequality is a moral issue

global poverty is a moral issue

student debt is a moral issue

the neglect of our children is a moral issue

gun violence is a moral issue

gender equality is a moral issue

the metoo stuff are a moral issue

politicians need to be MORAL! or they are not THE MORAL LEADERS!

MW is a politician who is MORAL! and she's the MORAL LEADER whose standing on the moral compass of God!

we need not look at these problem and say how to fix them. we need to look at ourselves and ask who are we that we let these problems fester for so long. only by changing who we are will we change the world!
with Trump in office, this is not a time for weakness, but for strength, the only real strength is love. love makes us vulnerable, but in a way that we feel strong. this is the land of the free and the home of the brave. let's shift our thinking from fear to love. let's ELECT MARIANNE WILLIAMSON PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAAAAAAAA!

It will take more than rational analysis or intellectual argument, traditional political strategizing or fundraising to defeat this president. He has harnessed people’s fear and the only thing that can override that is someone who can inspire their love
Jesus,,, I can't fathom his fat ass putting anything but embarrassment when trying to harness people... I've met chicks that are meaner than him...
We either unify...or we all die!

deep in my heart i believe that our moral and spiritual passions can lead to a better day for our nation. when we get out of our own way and let the spirit of love and hope shine through we are a better people.
Williamson is the one to beat. She's clean, articulate and can yodel
She’s a deep thinker too.

As bat shit crazy as all the Moon Bats were at the debate last night the New Wave chick is the one that actually made the most sense. Of course that is a very relative measurement.

Articulating that the Moon Bats can beat Trump with love will probably get more support than the stupid ideas of Medicare for all, free college and open borders.

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