Maricopa County Board Refuses to Discuss Election Concerns, Calls for Audit to End

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
They have proven nothing but that they will not cooperate. Dominion has threatened countless people and businesses with lawsuits and will be forced to release those codes in court or their suits will fail. That is why you see none of their lawsuits going forward.
Laughable. The suits are for defamation not on to maga fuckup fantasy

Another in a long list of lies.

The lawsuits were filed to overturn the election. They failed.
The evidence was never heard, the courts failed.

A Big Fat Fucking LIE!!!!.

The courts rejected the lawsuits because there was not a single shred of credible evidence to support a claim of Voter Fraud.

Without evidence of Voter Fraud, you cannot support a claim of Voter Fraud.
That is what audit is for but the judges refused to hear evidence. Your excuse is the lying bullshit here. You are a failure,
The partisan ballot charade is to invent proof, nothing else.
And the objections to the audit are to hide proof.
They were certified polling machines by Arizona were they not.

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
They have proven nothing but that they will not cooperate. Dominion has threatened countless people and businesses with lawsuits and will be forced to release those codes in court or their suits will fail. That is why you see none of their lawsuits going forward.
Laughable. The suits are for defamation not on to maga fuckup fantasy

Another in a long list of lies.

The lawsuits were filed to overturn the election. They failed.
The evidence was never heard, the courts failed.

A Big Fat Fucking LIE!!!!.

The courts rejected the lawsuits because there was not a single shred of credible evidence to support a claim of Voter Fraud.

Without evidence of Voter Fraud, you cannot support a claim of Voter Fraud.
That is what audit is for but the judges refused to hear evidence. Your excuse is the lying bullshit here. You are a failure,
The partisan ballot charade is to invent proof, nothing else.
And the objections to the audit are to hide proof.
Seems like it.
Seems like what exactly?
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
Uaaa uaa ua... They haven't proved anything without giving total access and total disclosures as required by a judge for the audit.
All that has and will be proved is that this phishing trip will never be over.

They find the bamboo yet?
I hear the echoes chamber talking. Remember the leftist or Democrat's saying that they would never give up on destroying Trump after 2016, well welcome to the Energizer bunny world of destructive politic's.
You maga fuckups eat your own.
Try some substance for a change. It won't hurt.

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
They have proven nothing but that they will not cooperate. Dominion has threatened countless people and businesses with lawsuits and will be forced to release those codes in court or their suits will fail. That is why you see none of their lawsuits going forward.
Laughable. The suits are for defamation not on to maga fuckup fantasy

Another in a long list of lies.

The lawsuits were filed to overturn the election. They failed.
The evidence was never heard, the courts failed.

A Big Fat Fucking LIE!!!!.

The courts rejected the lawsuits because there was not a single shred of credible evidence to support a claim of Voter Fraud.

Without evidence of Voter Fraud, you cannot support a claim of Voter Fraud.
That is what audit is for but the judges refused to hear evidence. Your excuse is the lying bullshit here. You are a failure,
The partisan ballot charade is to invent proof, nothing else.
And the objections to the audit are to hide proof.
They were certified polling machines by Arizona were they not.
You are not paying attention, are you?
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
Uaaa uaa ua... They haven't proved anything without giving total access and total disclosures as required by a judge for the audit.
All that has and will be proved is that this phishing trip will never be over.

They find the bamboo yet?
I hear the echoes chamber talking. Remember the leftist or Democrat's saying that they would never give up on destroying Trump after 2016, well welcome to the Energizer bunny world of destructive politic's.
You maga fuckups eat your own.
Try some substance for a chang. It won't hurt.
You have desire that rumor is true, but proof that’s another story.
They've been caught they're attempting to shed blame for their illegal activities by saying the investigators are acting crazy. Do you think they'll get away with it?

Okay, so in the future...I figure all I have to do when I'm caught committing a crime is call the cop a lunatic and refuse to respond to his commands or totally ignore any summons by the court. Think that will work?

"The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors announced on Monday that it would not attend a meeting requested by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann to answer questions raised to date by an audit of the 2020 presidential election.​
In fact, the board took it a step further and called for the audit to end. Chairman Jack Sellers declared he would not be answering any more questions regarding November’s election, which the board helped oversee.​
If the board wanted to take the election integrity concerns that many voters have to the next level, there would be no better way to do it.​
Sellers launched into invectives right from the outset of Monday’s meeting.​
“We are here under some bizarre circumstances to discuss responding to an unfortunate letter from the president of the Arizona state Senate,” he said."​
You're one of those guys who cries when you were not picked after the last kid was picked for the team, and you went away telling everyone they weren't being fair.
They've been caught they're attempting to shed blame for their illegal activities by saying the investigators are acting crazy. Do you think they'll get away with it?

Okay, so in the future...I figure all I have to do when I'm caught committing a crime is call the cop a lunatic and refuse to respond to his commands or totally ignore any summons by the court. Think that will work?

"The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors announced on Monday that it would not attend a meeting requested by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann to answer questions raised to date by an audit of the 2020 presidential election.​
In fact, the board took it a step further and called for the audit to end. Chairman Jack Sellers declared he would not be answering any more questions regarding November’s election, which the board helped oversee.​
If the board wanted to take the election integrity concerns that many voters have to the next level, there would be no better way to do it.​
Sellers launched into invectives right from the outset of Monday’s meeting.​
“We are here under some bizarre circumstances to discuss responding to an unfortunate letter from the president of the Arizona state Senate,” he said."​
You're one of those guys who cries when you were not picked after the last kid was picked for the team, and you went away telling everyone they weren't being fair.
Depends on the sport. I was always one of the best in volley ball....and I played college football. I played several positions....but my favorite was Defensive End. I made it to starter in baseball by making an unbelievable defensive play in Right Field ending the inning. I wasn't that great of a hitter but they couldn't leave me out of the lineup because of my Defense. I was a really good goalie in soccer. I also was a great rebounder in basketball....there was a few games where I couldn't miss from the 3 point circle. I was a pretty good at downhill skiing....just point my tips to the bottom of the slope and go balls to the walls. I was good at track and Cross-country.....but not that great at golf. So-so at tennis. But I usually got picked.
Any other lies you want to spread, bitch??
Not allowing witnesses.
That's beautiful.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
Your boss from Langley obviously pays you well for your lies and ass beatings you suffer here everyday. :auiqs.jpg:
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.
:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: I noticed that as well,he just keeps repeating the same bullshit over and over again making up the biggest lying bullshit excuses in the world trying to convince himself the election was not stolen.he sure likes all that shit on his face in embassment with his bullshit he posts and having to say the same bs lies over and over and over again unable to think of any other lies to post.looks like his boss ran out of lies to send him to post.:auiqs.jpg:
As always,she gets her ass handed to her on a platter with shit on her face in embarrassment denying the reality of the facts of criminal activity committed by the government. :auiqs.jpg:
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.
:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: I noticed that as well,he just keeps repeating the same bullshit over and over again making up the biggest lying bullshit excuses in the world trying to convince himself the election was not stolen.he sure likes all that shit on his face in embassment with his bullshit he posts and having to say the same bs lies over and over and over again unable to think of any other lies to post.looks like his boss ran out of lies to send him to post.:auiqs.jpg:
Not many more ways to say trump crazies have no proof of their big lie.
Democracy is dead when you cannot guarantee ONE MAN - ONE VOTE.

Nothing that is HONEST is done in DARKNESS.

Anything that is HONEST will stand up against THE LIGHT.

There is no reason to protest an HONEST AUDIT.

The officials conducting the audit are following the rules.

Anyone protesting such an audit knows there were crimes committed.
They've been caught red-handed.....
They are tired of dealing with crazy people
Four years of Russian Collusion and the Mueller Investigation.....and yet you condone this after only a few weeks of investigation?
I said from Day One the Russian Collusion Delusion was bullshit, and you've already been laughed out of 70 courtrooms nationwide, so spare me your moral equivalency, Randall McMurphy.
Get with the program. Trump was cheated out of his presidency and everybody below the pay grade of chimps know it now.
There was no widespread fraud and anyone with a functioning brain knows it.
There was widespread fraud and anyone with a functioning brain knows it.
Great, show the proof..... oh, wait.... there is none.

O.p piece of shit you are.
^^^ means you have no proof ... which means there was no widespread fraud ... which means you don't have a functioning brain.

Thanks for clearing that inconsequential matter up.
Lie , lie, lie , and deny .... and don't forget to try and blocked every bit of transparency . That's what you election thieves do.
Keep it up , looks as good as handcuffs .
You poor thing, Trump is not going to help you, no matter how hard you cry for him...

What about all the witnesses inside? They don't count, huh?
Democracy is dead when you cannot guarantee ONE MAN - ONE VOTE.

Nothing that is HONEST is done in DARKNESS.

Anything that is HONEST will stand up against THE LIGHT.

There is no reason to protest an HONEST AUDIT.

The officials conducting the audit are following the rules.

Anyone protesting such an audit knows there were crimes committed.
It's not an honest audit. The Keystone Cops conducting it are idiots that have no idea how to conduct a legitimate audit.
Democracy is dead when you cannot guarantee ONE MAN - ONE VOTE.

Nothing that is HONEST is done in DARKNESS.

Anything that is HONEST will stand up against THE LIGHT.

There is no reason to protest an HONEST AUDIT.

The officials conducting the audit are following the rules.

Anyone protesting such an audit knows there were crimes committed.
It's not an honest audit. The Keystone Cops conducting it are idiots that have no idea how to conduct a legitimate audit.
The location of the ballots last week perfectly sums it up....

Crazy time carnival.
Let me guess.. trump lost again
Trump did not lose. There was massive and obvious fraud.
:thankusmile::thankusmile::thankusmile::thankusmile::thankusmile: :thankusmile: :thankusmile: :thankusmile:

We keep hearing "Massive and Obvious Fraud", but when the paper hits the judges desk, there is no evidence of fraud.

The burden of proof is on the person making the accusation. In order to prove Voter Fraud, you must first have Proof of Voter Fraud and no matter turds the supporters of The Traitor squirt their ass, they have yet to prove Voter Fraud.

Post your fucking proof.

The Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Security Agency called the November 2020 the most secure in recent history.

Howling the Moon will not change the election results.

Offering up Vestal Virgins for ritual sacrifice will not change the election results.

Reading tea leaves will not change the election results.

Incinerating Chickens will not change the elections results.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.

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