Maricopa County Board Refuses to Discuss Election Concerns, Calls for Audit to End

It's time to end the nonsense on Trump winning the election. The moderators would be doing a service to this forum if they closed this thread.

Allowing this crap to go on is just encouraging the Trump insanity.

This forum can do it's part in ending it now!
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
They have proven nothing but that they will not cooperate. Dominion has threatened countless people and businesses with lawsuits and will be forced to release those codes in court or their suits will fail. That is why you see none of their lawsuits going forward.
Laughable. The suits are for defamation not on to maga fuckup fantasy
Then Dominion will have to prove what they said is untrue. The source codes can prove that. They will have to give them up or lose.
They just have to prove Hugo Chavez is dead.
AZ SoS Katie Hobbs: Yeah absolutely. I’ve been working with a bipartisan group of Secretaries of State who are very closely watching what’s happening in Arizona to try to make sure it doesn’t happen in their states, and I should add, not just Secretaries of States, but other Attorneys General and Governors as well. So lots of folks very concerned about this, and I hope what we can see is sort of a tightening of laws following this to ensure that this isn’t able to happen again. What we’re seeing really in Arizona there is no statutorial framework to handle it, which is why they’ve really allowed to get away with a lot of this.

Tighten the laws so audits cannot happen? What is in anyway American about that?

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
Uaaa uaa ua... They haven't proved anything without giving total access and total disclosures as required by a judge for the audit.
It's time to end the nonsense on Trump winning the election. The moderators would be doing a service to this forum if they closed this thread.

Allowing this crap to go on is just encouraging the Trump insanity.

This forum can do it's part in ending it now!
Another poster fearing the audit's. Very telling.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
Uaaa uaa ua... They haven't proved anything without giving total access and total disclosures as required by a judge for the audit.
All that has and will be proved is that this phishing trip will never be over.

They find the bamboo yet?
Its embarrassing and harmful, The election is over, certified by election officials & our government Republican & Democrat leaders. a new president has been sworn in, We are not going back. YES understand your feelings, Democrats have some same feelings about 2 elections they lost, This unwillingness to admit defeat is costing us untold damage.
OK, here's a thought, in fairness( by your thinking) if we are going to continue on with this, we need to audit some county's in a few states where Trump got an overwhelming amount of votes based on the election results. Lets audit them also. (Yes its also silly, as the election is long over.)
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
They have proven nothing but that they will not cooperate. Dominion has threatened countless people and businesses with lawsuits and will be forced to release those codes in court or their suits will fail. That is why you see none of their lawsuits going forward.
Laughable. The suits are for defamation not on to maga fuckup fantasy

Another in a long list of lies.

The lawsuits were filed to overturn the election. They failed.
The evidence was never heard, the courts failed.

A Big Fat Fucking LIE!!!!.

The courts rejected the lawsuits because there was not a single shred of credible evidence to support a claim of Voter Fraud.

Without evidence of Voter Fraud, you cannot support a claim of Voter Fraud.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
They have proven nothing but that they will not cooperate. Dominion has threatened countless people and businesses with lawsuits and will be forced to release those codes in court or their suits will fail. That is why you see none of their lawsuits going forward.
Laughable. The suits are for defamation not on to maga fuckup fantasy

Another in a long list of lies.

The lawsuits were filed to overturn the election. They failed.
The evidence was never heard, the courts failed.

A Big Fat Fucking LIE!!!!.

The courts rejected the lawsuits because there was not a single shred of credible evidence to support a claim of Voter Fraud.

Without evidence of Voter Fraud, you cannot support a claim of Voter Fraud.
That is what audit is for but the judges refused to hear evidence. Your excuse is the lying bullshit here. You are a failure,
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
They have proven nothing but that they will not cooperate. Dominion has threatened countless people and businesses with lawsuits and will be forced to release those codes in court or their suits will fail. That is why you see none of their lawsuits going forward.
Laughable. The suits are for defamation not on to maga fuckup fantasy
Then Dominion will have to prove what they said is untrue. The source codes can prove that. They will have to give them up or lose.
They just have to prove Hugo Chavez is dead.

And so is Francisco Franco
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
Uaaa uaa ua... They haven't proved anything without giving total access and total disclosures as required by a judge for the audit.
All that has and will be proved is that this phishing trip will never be over.

They find the bamboo yet?

Maybe they should Panda's from the National Zoo, they eat bamboo.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
They have proven nothing but that they will not cooperate. Dominion has threatened countless people and businesses with lawsuits and will be forced to release those codes in court or their suits will fail. That is why you see none of their lawsuits going forward.
Laughable. The suits are for defamation not on to maga fuckup fantasy

Another in a long list of lies.

The lawsuits were filed to overturn the election. They failed.
The evidence was never heard, the courts failed.

A Big Fat Fucking LIE!!!!.

The courts rejected the lawsuits because there was not a single shred of credible evidence to support a claim of Voter Fraud.

Without evidence of Voter Fraud, you cannot support a claim of Voter Fraud.
That is what audit is for but the judges refused to hear evidence. Your excuse is the lying bullshit here. You are a failure,
The partisan ballot charade is to invent proof, nothing else.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
Uaaa uaa ua... They haven't proved anything without giving total access and total disclosures as required by a judge for the audit.
All that has and will be proved is that this phishing trip will never be over.

They find the bamboo yet?
I hear the echoes chamber talking. Remember the leftist or Democrat's saying that they would never give up on destroying Trump after 2016, well welcome to the Energizer bunny world of destructive politic's.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
They have proven nothing but that they will not cooperate. Dominion has threatened countless people and businesses with lawsuits and will be forced to release those codes in court or their suits will fail. That is why you see none of their lawsuits going forward.
Laughable. The suits are for defamation not on to maga fuckup fantasy

Another in a long list of lies.

The lawsuits were filed to overturn the election. They failed.
The evidence was never heard, the courts failed.

A Big Fat Fucking LIE!!!!.

The courts rejected the lawsuits because there was not a single shred of credible evidence to support a claim of Voter Fraud.

Without evidence of Voter Fraud, you cannot support a claim of Voter Fraud.
That is what audit is for but the judges refused to hear evidence. Your excuse is the lying bullshit here. You are a failure,
The partisan ballot charade is to invent proof, nothing else.
Invent eh ? Sounds like experience talking.

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
They have proven nothing but that they will not cooperate. Dominion has threatened countless people and businesses with lawsuits and will be forced to release those codes in court or their suits will fail. That is why you see none of their lawsuits going forward.
Laughable. The suits are for defamation not on to maga fuckup fantasy

Another in a long list of lies.

The lawsuits were filed to overturn the election. They failed.
The evidence was never heard, the courts failed.

A Big Fat Fucking LIE!!!!.

The courts rejected the lawsuits because there was not a single shred of credible evidence to support a claim of Voter Fraud.

Without evidence of Voter Fraud, you cannot support a claim of Voter Fraud.
That is what audit is for but the judges refused to hear evidence. Your excuse is the lying bullshit here. You are a failure,
The partisan ballot charade is to invent proof, nothing else.
And the objections to the audit are to hide proof.
OK, here's a thought, in fairness( by your thinking) if we are going to continue on with this, we need to audit some county's in a few states where Trump got an overwhelming amount of votes based on the election results. Lets audit them also. (Yes its also silly, as the election is long over.)
Let's do it, and let the Chip's fall where they lay.

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
They have proven nothing but that they will not cooperate. Dominion has threatened countless people and businesses with lawsuits and will be forced to release those codes in court or their suits will fail. That is why you see none of their lawsuits going forward.
Laughable. The suits are for defamation not on to maga fuckup fantasy

Another in a long list of lies.

The lawsuits were filed to overturn the election. They failed.
The evidence was never heard, the courts failed.

A Big Fat Fucking LIE!!!!.

The courts rejected the lawsuits because there was not a single shred of credible evidence to support a claim of Voter Fraud.

Without evidence of Voter Fraud, you cannot support a claim of Voter Fraud.
That is what audit is for but the judges refused to hear evidence. Your excuse is the lying bullshit here. You are a failure,
The partisan ballot charade is to invent proof, nothing else.
And the objections to the audit are to hide proof.
Seems like it.
Its embarrassing and harmful, The election is over, certified by election officials & our government Republican & Democrat leaders. a new president has been sworn in, We are not going back. YES understand your feelings, Democrats have some same feelings about 2 elections they lost, This unwillingness to admit defeat is costing us untold damage.
If the republican's weren't involved in the undermining, then you'd have a point, but the way it went down, then an audit or audit's is the only way to hopefully resolve it all.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
Uaaa uaa ua... They haven't proved anything without giving total access and total disclosures as required by a judge for the audit.
All that has and will be proved is that this phishing trip will never be over.

They find the bamboo yet?
I hear the echoes chamber talking. Remember the leftist or Democrat's saying that they would never give up on destroying Trump after 2016, well welcome to the Energizer bunny world of destructive politic's.
You maga fuckups eat your own.

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