Maricopa County Board Refuses to Discuss Election Concerns, Calls for Audit to End

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
You sure are sure of yourself. You got proof it wasn't stolen ?? Everything is fluid right now, and it's a wait and see game for now.
There's not enough proof in the universe to convince this guy. He has achieved a level of self-deception that cannot be countermanded. For him the only truth is that Biden won fair and square there is no other truth.
Correct. There is no other truth. widespread arrests for these alleged "millions" of felonies. lawsuit (successful) that has alleged massive fraud. investigations by law enforcement agencies into this alleged massive fraud other candidates bitching about being cheated in the election except for the blob--who has done this at least two other times.

Here's the deal........

Tyranny is a cancer.

You leave it untreated for too becomes terminal and you cannot stop it. With every passing day it becomes harder to stop.

This is the story of American patriots response to an obvious takeover of their nation
Yep. They mostly looked the other way for decades, and now they find themselves without any will to resist. they loved them some illegal aliens, and now they can watch as all sorts of vermin replace them in their own country.

But hey, if only we had more and bigger tax cuts for the rich 1% ers who support all the commie platforms, they will turn it all around! lol lol lol yeah right. Left wingers aren't the only dull tools in the shed. Good riddance to all of the wingnuts. They aren't going to take anything back, they're just going whine and let themselves get looted and murdered, same as Jews did in Europe.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Don't hold your breath.... but Trump is really helping the Democrats with this nonsense.
No he isn't.

Oh yes he is.. The Democrats laughing at Trump's continuing claim that he won by a landslide. He's destroying the Republicans in our state.. even the good decent ones.
Good and decent to you has nothing to do with good and decent. You support criminals and the REAL traitors.

Nope.. I don't support criminals and traitors.. I want Trump to do one more commencement speech raving about how he was robbed and betrayed and treated unfairly.. One more lashing out at his enemies and calling women names... making up words going off on one tangeant after another. Then he can brag about his healthcare reforms and new coal mining jobs.
You support this illegitimate administration, you support criminals and traitors.

The only criminal in this picture is Trump.... and he attracts other crooks and crazies. How many of his people are in jail? I've lost track.
Right now none. Unless you count the tresspassers at the Capitol.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
You sure are sure of yourself. You got proof it wasn't stolen ?? Everything is fluid right now, and it's a wait and see game for now.
There's not enough proof in the universe to convince this guy. He has achieved a level of self-deception that cannot be countermanded. For him the only truth is that Biden won fair and square there is no other truth.
Correct. There is no other truth. widespread arrests for these alleged "millions" of felonies. lawsuit (successful) that has alleged massive fraud. investigations by law enforcement agencies into this alleged massive fraud other candidates bitching about being cheated in the election except for the blob--who has done this at least two other times.

The fact there were no investigations works in Trump's favor. Next.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
You sure are sure of yourself. You got proof it wasn't stolen ?? Everything is fluid right now, and it's a wait and see game for now.
There's not enough proof in the universe to convince this guy. He has achieved a level of self-deception that cannot be countermanded. For him the only truth is that Biden won fair and square there is no other truth.

No, you show your proof the Traitor won. Which of course you cannot do , mainly because you do not have a single shred of credible evidence to prove it.

Just look at Electoral College and the Vote Totals. The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
You sure are sure of yourself. You got proof it wasn't stolen ?? Everything is fluid right now, and it's a wait and see game for now.
There's not enough proof in the universe to convince this guy. He has achieved a level of self-deception that cannot be countermanded. For him the only truth is that Biden won fair and square there is no other truth.

No, you show your proof the Traitor won. Which of course you cannot do , mainly because you do not have a single shred of credible evidence to prove it.

Just look at Electoral College and the Vote Totals. The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The proof is the traitor is in the WH. He won with fraud.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
The burden of proof is NOT on me, I know who the election.

The burden of proof is ON the person making the accusation.

It is now Six (06) Months since the November Election. Five (05) Months since President Biden and Vice President Harris took the Oath of Office.

The Elections results are all the proof I need.

To support of charge of Election Fraud, you must first have evidence of Voter Fraud. To date no such evidence has been made. There is no actual physical proof, proof beyond a reasonable doubt of any form of Election Fraud. None.

Over Sixty (60) Lawsuits alleging Voter Fraud were filed and over Sixty (60) lawsuits failed. None of them provided any real evidence of Voter Fraud.

That is proof in and of itself.

No one of Fifty (50) Secretaries of States in the United States reported any significant amount of Voter Fraud. That is proof in and of itself.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Administration (C.I.S.A.) said the November 2020 Presidential Election was the most secure in recent history. That is proof in and of itself.

Election Results are proof.

Joseph R. Biden - 81,268,924.

The Traitor - 74, 216,154.

The Traitor is only president ever to lose the popular vote.

Electoral Vote (270 Needed To Win).

Joseph R. Biden - 306.

The Traitor - 232.

I DO NOT traffic in half-assed hair-brained Conspiracy Theories and total fucking lies.

DO NOT believe in conjecture/contention/hearsay/innuendo/supposition.

I DO NOT engage in violence armed insurrection against the United States in order permanently destroy American Democracy.

I DO NOT believe the lies of an individual or support and defend an individual who attacks Gold Star Families, calls Americans who were Killed In Action, "Suckers and Losers".

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election!
The burden of proof is NOT on me, I know who the election.

The burden of proof is ON the person making the accusation.

It is now Six (06) Months since the November Election. Five (05) Months since President Biden and Vice President Harris took the Oath of Office.

The Elections results are all the proof I need.

To support of charge of Election Fraud, you must first have evidence of Voter Fraud. To date no such evidence has been made. There is no actual physical proof, proof beyond a reasonable doubt of any form of Election Fraud. None.

Over Sixty (60) Lawsuits alleging Voter Fraud were filed and over Sixty (60) lawsuits failed. None of them provided any real evidence of Voter Fraud.

That is proof in and of itself.

No one of Fifty (50) Secretaries of States in the United States reported any significant amount of Voter Fraud. That is proof in and of itself.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Administration (C.I.S.A.) said the November 2020 Presidential Election was the most secure in recent history. That is proof in and of itself.

Election Results are proof.

Joseph R. Biden - 81,268,924.

The Traitor - 74, 216,154.

The Traitor is only president ever to lose the popular vote.

Electoral Vote (270 Needed To Win).

Joseph R. Biden - 306.

The Traitor - 232.

I DO NOT traffic in half-assed hair-brained Conspiracy Theories and total fucking lies.

DO NOT believe in conjecture/contention/hearsay/innuendo/supposition.

I DO NOT engage in violence armed insurrection against the United States in order permanently destroy American Democracy.

I DO NOT believe the lies of an individual or support and defend an individual who attacks Gold Star Families, calls Americans who were Killed In Action, "Suckers and Losers".

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election!
Yet you are the recipient of past violence in which shaped this country, and made it what it is that you so enjoy today. So don't tell us that you don't participate, because if you didn't then you would have to leave here for that statement to be true.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
They have proven nothing but that they will not cooperate. Dominion has threatened countless people and businesses with lawsuits and will be forced to release those codes in court or their suits will fail. That is why you see none of their lawsuits going forward.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
They have proven nothing but that they will not cooperate. Dominion has threatened countless people and businesses with lawsuits and will be forced to release those codes in court or their suits will fail. That is why you see none of their lawsuits going forward.
Laughable. The suits are for defamation not on to maga fuckup fantasy
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
They have proven nothing but that they will not cooperate. Dominion has threatened countless people and businesses with lawsuits and will be forced to release those codes in court or their suits will fail. That is why you see none of their lawsuits going forward.
Laughable. The suits are for defamation not on to maga fuckup fantasy
Then Dominion will have to prove what they said is untrue. The source codes can prove that. They will have to give them up or lose.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
They have proven nothing but that they will not cooperate. Dominion has threatened countless people and businesses with lawsuits and will be forced to release those codes in court or their suits will fail. That is why you see none of their lawsuits going forward.
Laughable. The suits are for defamation not on to maga fuckup fantasy

Another in a long list of lies.

The lawsuits were filed to overturn the election. They failed.

The Supreme Court finally rejected Sidney Powell's election-conspiracy-theory lawsuits​

Sidney Powell’s Wisconsin ‘Kraken’ Election Suit Dismissed​

The Supreme Court finally rejected Sidney Powell's election-conspiracy-theory lawsuits​


Federal judge dismisses Sidney Powell lawsuit that sought to overturn Trump loss in Georgia​

Sidney Powell team doubles down on debunked election claims in attempt to avoid sanctions​

Powell's Lawsuits, all them were attempts to overturn the November General Election. They all failed

Powell did file a lawsuit to Block Dominion's Defamation Suit Dismissed.

Powell said that no reasonable person should have believed her fraud claims.

You dead from the neck up meat headed Cons bought each and every lie.

The Fuck Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
Last edited:
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?

Because SCOUTS has ruled they do no have to.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?
They’re proprietary information to Dominion. They have proved their ability to function properly.

You have nothing.
They have proven nothing but that they will not cooperate. Dominion has threatened countless people and businesses with lawsuits and will be forced to release those codes in court or their suits will fail. That is why you see none of their lawsuits going forward.
Laughable. The suits are for defamation not on to maga fuckup fantasy

Another in a long list of lies.

The lawsuits were filed to overturn the election. They failed.
The evidence was never heard, the courts failed.
If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacyra

If my side lost, with the same lack of evidence for fraud, I would hate it, but I would accept it. Just as I did in 2016.
YOU may have accepted it but your party and its minions in DC and the media NEVER DID. That was the end of legacy media, BTW. Trump BROKE THEM. The Left has opted for scorched earth rather than any compromise going forward. So be it.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
The election was stolen, you ignorant troll. Keep freaking out it suits you. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Proof or anything?

They have no proof and they know that they have no proof.

All they do have is conjecture/conjecture/hearsay/innuendo/second and third hand information from Reich Wing Websites.

They lost over Sixty (60) lawsuits.

But as to actual, physical evidence to support a charge of Voter Fraud, nothing. In order support an accusation or charge of Voter Fraud, they must first present evidence of Voter Fraud and to date they have failed.

The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
You are repeating yourself and look like a lunatic. Everyone of those excuses are lying bullshit. The election was stolen and it will be proven.

Come on you piece of the proof.
Ask Dominion for the source codes and you will have more than enough proof. You POS
So you do not think the source codes will prove fraud? Dominion does, or they would give up those codes.
The source codes will only prove a fair election. They have been certified in every state and you have nothing.
Then why won't Dominion release them?

Because SCOUTS has ruled they do no have to.
When was that?

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