Maricopa County defies new subpoena, calls GOP-led audit 'Adventure in Never-never Land'

No genius, they started it not caring whether or not they ever finished. Because the audit isn't about finding facts. It's about theater. You trump cultists don't give a shit about facts. You collect whatever claims suit you and believe them 100%, forever.
Its funny you say this "You collect whatever claims suit you" while in the same post claiming your opinion is fact.
Its funny you say this "You collect whatever claims suit you" while in the same post claiming your opinion is fact
I didnt do that you insufferable little crybaby. You have just run out of anything to whine about or say, so you fall back to people not coddling your little powdered ass by typing "IMO". Tough shit crybaby.
You need a link to Jordan and that other douchebag voting to not certify the electoral votes?

That was WHAT the Insurrection was trying to accomplish
You are a colossal dumb fuck.

You said that they SUPPORTED the insurrection. What you really meant is that Nancy didn't like them because they didn't do what she commanded. She wanted a few lap dogs to sit on the commission, not have a bipartisan effort.

Anything that committee finds is complete horseshit, at least as much as you claim this Maricopa County audit will produce.
How? I mean you certainly have an argument for bias, but what they said about it has no weight on the actual physical evidence. What they said about it is completely irrelevant.

What have they demanded? How is it unreasonable? Nobody has said a goddamn word about how their demands are unreasonable. In fact, it appears that a court agreed that the requested info is reasonable and ordered them to turn it over. But, I am willing to hear arguments to the contrary--real arguments--not just bleating out "no evidence" and "baseless" over and over.
Because the audit isn’t going to produce actual “physical evidence”. It’s presenting a narrative built on bias interpretation of circumstantial evidence or misunderstanding of processes. The lack of physical evidence is going to be little noticed by anyone who already believes in the steal.

The most recent subpoena came in July. They’d already responded to several subpoenas earlier. If fastest way to shut down the “audit” was to comply, there wouldn’t be one subpoena after another. They’re asking for the routers and traffic logs for the entire county office which the sheriffs office said would be a security risk.
Because the audit isn’t going to produce actual “physical evidence”.
How do you know?
It’s presenting a narrative built on bias interpretation of circumstantial evidence or misunderstanding of processes.
Circumstantial evidence should be enough to support further inquiry. If it's a mere misunderstanding of the process, EXPLAIN THE FUCKING PROCESS.
The most recent subpoena came in July. They’d already responded to several subpoenas earlier. If fastest way to shut down the “audit” was to comply, there wouldn’t be one subpoena after another. They’re asking for the routers and traffic logs for the entire county office which the sheriffs office said would be a security risk.
OR.....when the information produced in response to one subpoena shows where additional evidence may be found (this happens all the fucking time) follow-up subpoena's are ABSOLUTELY justified.

The sheriff's office claims a security risk, but offered no other solution to provide the information. What should we do?
How? I mean you certainly have an argument for bias, but what they said about it has no weight on the actual physical evidence. What they said about it is completely irrelevant.

What have they demanded? How is it unreasonable? Nobody has said a goddamn word about how their demands are unreasonable. In fact, it appears that a court agreed that the requested info is reasonable and ordered them to turn it over. But, I am willing to hear arguments to the contrary--real arguments--not just bleating out "no evidence" and "baseless" over and over.

Dude, there was no "court" involved with this subpoena. It was Trump Fluffers in the legislature who demanded the crap Doug Logan wanted. Edjumukate yourself PLEASE.

9 months after the election and now the Q-Kook grifter wants servers, passwords and private emails? How about NO. Really is no end to it is there? Which is of course a feature and not a bug from Doug Logan and his merry band of Trump sycophants. This is priceless - Maybe we should now call it "The Peter Pan Fraudit" :cool-45:

The Republican chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors on Monday rejected a new subpoena from Arizona state Senate Republicans, calling their partisan ballot review an "adventure in never-never land."​
"It is now August of 2021. The election of November 2020 is over," Jack Sellers, who leads the board that oversees elections in the county, wrote in a scathing letter. "If you haven't figured out that the election in Maricopa County was free, fair, and accurate yet, I'm not sure you ever will."​
He added: "The reason you haven't finished your 'audit' is because you hired people who have no experience and little understanding of how professional elections are run."​

"Please finish whatever it is that you are doing and release whatever it is you are going to release," he said. "I am confident that our staff and volunteers ran the election as prescribed by federal and state law. There was no fraud, there wasn't an injection of ballots from Asia nor was there a satellite that beamed votes into our election equipment."​
He added: "It's time for all elected officials to tell the truth and stop encouraging conspiracies. Please release your report and be prepared to defend any accusations of misdeeds in court. It's time to move on."​

They have 22 months to get any informaton on the election they want to. A judge said they, the state legislature, has that right. Why would post that Maricopa county will not comply? It makes them look guilty. Everything they have done screams guilt. FAIL.
That's not what happened.

McCarthy put two people on the commission that Nancy didn't like and she refused them.


So, we all agree that both the Maricopa County Audit AND the 1/6 commission are partisan Kabuki Theater?

No, we all agree on nothing of the sort. Bomb thrower Gym Jordan - Are you fucking KIDDING me? That dude is wack and surely would have corrupted the entire process.

There were many other Republicans Kevin could have appointed who would have been fine. Nancy had no objection to three out of the five. Jordan and the other dude were purposeful poison pills because Kevin would have had to testify about the 1/6 phone call and his comments on the same day!

Just stop it, you are making yourself look foolish.
I agree. They should be jumping up and down demanding audits to prove the election was fair.

All anyone has seen them do is bitch, moan and try to stop the audits. That speaks volumes right there.

Hell they should be applauding audits that will prove Biden won fair and square.
How do you know?
Inference based on historical behavior.
Circumstantial evidence should be enough to support further inquiry. If it's a mere misunderstanding of the process, EXPLAIN THE FUCKING PROCESS.
The process has been explained, at length, numerous times. However, the accusation is blasted on social media and conservative media while the explanation is ignored. That's the narrative crafting.
OR.....when the information produced in response to one subpoena shows where additional evidence may be found (this happens all the fucking time) follow-up subpoena's are ABSOLUTELY justified.

The sheriff's office claims a security risk, but offered no other solution to provide the information. What should we do?
If there's any reason for them to request the routers based on what they've already reviewed, they haven't produced it and certainly could if they wanted to. There's plenty of reason to believe that such evidence doesn't exist. When you've demonstrated yourself to be going on a purely biased/political errand, you lose the right to the benefit of the doubt.
Inference based on historical behavior.
Evidence of your alleged historical behavior?
The process has been explained, at length, numerous times.
When? By whom? Link?
However, the accusation is blasted on social media and conservative media while the explanation is ignored. That's the narrative crafting.
Give me the explanation.
If there's any reason for them to request the routers based on what they've already reviewed, they haven't produced it and certainly could if they wanted to. There's plenty of reason to believe that such evidence doesn't exist. When you've demonstrated yourself to be going on a purely biased/political errand, you lose the right to the benefit of the doubt.
There's a lot of that going around.

Then take it to court or to the authorities and shut your stupid mouth.
What will taking it to court accomplish? They need to pass new laws to prevent more cheating. That’s what is within the power of the Senate.
Evidence of your alleged historical behavior?

When? By whom? Link?

Give me the explanation.

There's a lot of that going around.

Historical behavior such as the dozens of lawsuits and hundreds of affidavits filed in court regarding the "stolen election". These allegations were based on inferences, not evidence. An affiant said that ballots were brought into the counting room from a different door than the others. They took that to mean fraud. There's no reason to believe that's the case, but it's the accusation. These were considered "evidence" by Trump's supporters.

There's many examples of the accusation getting out before the explanation. The auditors claimed a database was deleted. Turns out they just didn't know how to look for it. The county said exactly where it was located on the drives they were given and the auditors later said they had located it. But for weeks, we heard claims of "covering their tracks". More recently the auditors are claiming "74k ballots" that were unrequested. That's based on misinterpretation of two lists that the county had which were never intended to show what the auditors were claiming, specifically because they didn't include ballot requests at early voting centers for about 10 days prior to the election. Despite this, the claim is still perpetuated around right wing media while the explanation is not.
I didnt do that you insufferable little crybaby. You have just run out of anything to whine about or say, so you fall back to people not coddling your little powdered ass by typing "IMO". Tough shit crybaby.
You are such a fuckin joke :lol:
What will taking it to court accomplish?
Thats where the truth of claims is tested amd where fraud is proven. If you had any actual confidence in your hilariously stupid claims, you would want them taken to court. But you dont, and you dont. Because you are just running the con like a good little sheeple.
Thats where the truth of claims is tested amd where fraud is proven. If you had any actual confidence in your hilariously stupid claims, you would want them taken to court. But you dont, and you dont. Because you are just running the con like a good little sheeple.
Cool story. :itsok:

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