Maricopa County defies new subpoena, calls GOP-led audit 'Adventure in Never-never Land'

So, by that reasoning, the "insurrection" commission set up by Pelosi is all bullshit too?

And you are asking us to assume that because they wanted it, hired the people conducting it, and paid for it, that it is all bullshit?

That's hardly sound reasoning. Let's see what the can show us first and be open to review the results, but if they don't have everything they need, we can hardly call it a sham, unless you have some evidence you would like to share.

I won't disagree with you on that point, but if they claim something being withheld is preventing a complete inquiry, why not shut them up by giving it to them? That's the fastest way to shut this whole thing down.

No dude, then they would be asking for more shit. Maybe Hunter Biden's laptop and Hugo Chavez' secret space laser shoes. That IS the entire point - prolonging a giant GRIFT.

Did you REALLY believe Dominion would hand over their servers, private emails and secret passwords. Fuck, Maricopa County's voting equipment has all been permanently ruined, is decommissioned and will need to be replaced at a cost of 3 million to their taxpayers.

DAYUM Dawg - You're every bit as clueless as Harley. :)
No genius, they started it not caring whether or not they ever finished. Because the audit isn't about finding facts. It's about theater. You trump cultists don't give a shit about facts. You collect whatever claims suit you and believe them 100%, forever.
...kind of like the 1/6 commission?
Did you REALLY believe Dominion would hand over their servers, private emails and secret passwords.
No, I don't. That's the problem. These assholes are responsible for providing equipment in our elections and I bet they will go to the grave before anyone gets to see their internal communications. That doesn't concern you at all?
No, I don't. That's the problem. These assholes are responsible for providing equipment in our elections and I bet they will go to the grave before anyone gets to see their internal communications. That doesn't concern you at all?
Unfortunately, your cult has given nobody any good reason to make them do that, much less a judge in a courtroom. So again, give yourselves all the credit.
Except for Dominion filing billion dollar defamation lawsuits.
Thats not good reason. Sorry. Boy oh boy are you confused about where the burden of evidence lies. But that is hecause you dont give a shit about evidence. Your conclusions do not arise from reason or evidence. Nor does anyone have to produce any evidence to convince you of unsanely stupid things.
No genius, they started it not caring whether or not they ever finished. Because the audit isn't about finding facts. It's about theater. You trump cultists don't give a shit about facts. You collect whatever claims suit you and believe them 100%, forever.

It's also about GRIFT. Trump taught this unqualified Q-Kook idiot Mr Logan well. What Republicans get of course is never ending questions about voter fraud to cast doubt on election integrity. That part is pretty obvious and the reason they've brought in somewhere around 10 million from Trumpist assholes like the CEO.

But Doug Logan is getting rich and he'll get richer the longer this goes on. Maybe by the time he's done, he can hire one employee and get an actual office instead of a PO Box at a UPS store? :D

Cyber Ninjas exists mostly in virtual reality, with its chief executive, Doug Logan, also serving as, well, pretty much everything.​
On recent calls to the company’s automated answer line, pressing “3” for sales led to the answering message for Logan. So did pressing “4” for human resources. And pressing “5” for purchasing. And “6” for the general mailbox. Go to the address for Cyber Ninjas’ Legal Department, listed on its audit contract with the Arizona Senate, and you’ll wind up at a rented mailbox in a UPS Store in Sarasota, Florida. The company’s business address registered with Florida’s Secretary of State, also in Sarasota, was sold last December, and now sits empty.​

Boy oh boy are you confused about where the burden of evidence lies.
Boy oh boy you are confused about how discovery works and where truth is an absolute defense to defamation. A defendant would be entitled to a bunch of information and documents.
But that is hecause you dont give a shit about evidence.
What makes you say that?
Your conclusions do not arise from reason or evidence.
I have not made any conclusions, you assumption jackhammer.
Nor does anyone have to produce any evidence to convince you of unsanely stupid things.
Unless they are suing for defamation, where the defendant is entitled to anything that would likely lead to the discovery of admissible evidence in their defense (aka the truth).
Boy oh boy you are confused about how discovery works and where truth is an absolute defense to defamation.
Haha, yeah, you idiots believe the horseshit that Dominion will have to open everything up in a defamation case. As usual, you dummies are ass backwards wrong, as the defense doesnt get to say, "we would have evidence of our claims, if we could ever see it! Make them show us!"

The comical absurdity of that eludes you, because Trump has turned your brains to tapioca.
That's hardly sound reasoning. Let's see what the can show us first and be open to review the results, but if they don't have everything they need, we can hardly call it a sham, unless you have some evidence you would like to share.
It's sound reasoning. If the people conducting an investigation have loudly proclaimed they know what happened before they investigate, they've destroyed their own credibility.
I won't disagree with you on that point, but if they claim something being withheld is preventing a complete inquiry, why not shut them up by giving it to them? That's the fastest way to shut this whole thing down.
They can't be appeased, they just keep demanding more. You're being quite naive.
...kind of like the 1/6 commission?
Yes, you've brought that up a couple of times, so maybe it should be addressed. REPUBLICANS had a chance at a true bipartisan, 9/11 style apolitical process and they passed. So to find out what happened, this is all Dems have left.

What has upset you so far about it? Have they demanded private emails, RNC servers and phone records yet? Nope. I bet it was the cops who got beat within an inch of their lives testifying that upset you.

So far, there is nothing even MILDLY partisan about the current process. But you will no doubt continue to whine right along with Baby Kevin.
It's sound reasoning. If the people conducting an investigation have loudly proclaimed they know what happened before they investigate, they've destroyed their own credibility.
How? I mean you certainly have an argument for bias, but what they said about it has no weight on the actual physical evidence. What they said about it is completely irrelevant.
They can't be appeased, they just keep demanding more. You're being quite naive.
What have they demanded? How is it unreasonable? Nobody has said a goddamn word about how their demands are unreasonable. In fact, it appears that a court agreed that the requested info is reasonable and ordered them to turn it over. But, I am willing to hear arguments to the contrary--real arguments--not just bleating out "no evidence" and "baseless" over and over.
Yes, you've brought that up a couple of times, so maybe it should be addressed. REPUBLICANS had a chance at a true bipartisan, 9/11 style apolitical process and they passed. So to find out what happened, this is all Dems have left.
That's not what happened.

McCarthy put two people on the commission that Nancy didn't like and she refused them.


So far, there is nothing even MILDLY partisan about the current process.
So, we all agree that both the Maricopa County Audit AND the 1/6 commission are partisan Kabuki Theater?

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