Maricopa County Presidential Election Fraud Confirmed. It's a Disgrace!

I guess it boils down to the fact people will believe what they want to believe, no matter how much black and white evidence you put in front of them. For them, 2 + 2 = 5 when it suites them, and other times 2 + 2 = 3 when its to their advantage.
And so, using the socialist Democrat logic and tactics, on this next election, it doesn't matter how we get those paper ballots in, as long as we stuff them into the drop boxes and mail, we'll have no trouble taking the next election. I guess if they don't want to fix the system, we'll have to beat them at their own game.
There is no evidence democrats have done anything. What we do have is trump supported a riot at the capitol wanting to overthrow democracy. Yet Biden is a dictator. You don't think very often.
There is evidence. Much forensic evidence was analyzed and presented at the hearing. Despite the democrats interference and non-cooperation
There is evidence. Much forensic evidence was analyzed and presented at the hearing. Despite the democrats interference and non-cooperation

Post the links. Your opinion is worth nothing considering your past attempts were based on lies.
There is no evidence democrats have done anything. What we do have is trump supported a riot at the capitol wanting to overthrow democracy. Yet Biden is a dictator. You don't think very often.
ok---the world will believe a shit stain like you---NOT
spew your lies somewhere else
What we do have is a scum demonRAT supported riot at the capitol wanting to overthrow democracy. You don't think very often, do ya?....its very obvious the answer is NO, you don't think
You commented, I replied to what I saw.

You were very quick to dismiss the results of the audit, the hearing simply because Republicans conducted the audit.

What do you expect people to think of your comment? That it is insightful? That it tells a truth?

Go ahead and post another comment with just as much thought behind it.

Yes, you made a massive assumption based on something I wrote. You didn't consider anything else, just what you saw.

If you're willing to make wild assumptions, what the fuck do I care? It's just another boring, lacking in thought attack on someone rather than thinking about the topic.
I enjoyed the lowest price of fuel then I have seen, and for the longest time under Trump. Finally a president that honestly wanted America to be strong and great. There was much established power fighting against Trump. The establishment and all the leeches have much to lose under Trump. Hence the majority of government, newspapers, television, Wall Street, etc., etc., aligned against Trump.

What is our future without Trump? China the world trade center. Iran nuclear armed. More countries not safe for Americans? Food we will beg for, from China, Mexico, and Brazil?

Bleak is a world without trump
The American President does not set the fuel your post is wrong from the start.
civil liberties slipping away....Does no one see anything fundamentally wrong here?
oh wait....AMERICA can rot, as long as it is not scum demonRATS are PATHETIC anti-AMERICA shit-stains
I'm not a democrat.

Another person with massive assumptions.
And so, using the socialist Democrat logic and tactics, on this next election, it doesn't matter how we get those paper ballots in, as long as we stuff them into the drop boxes and mail, we'll have no trouble taking the next election. I guess if they don't want to fix the system, we'll have to beat them at their own game.
The republicans did the audit.
What they found was that Biden won by more votes than previously thought. Quit telling lies.
What they found is that in the Banana Republic of America, soon there wont be any freedoms left because people are going to start dying off, just like in the ole USSR and China when they went full on Socialist. By then it will be too late.
I enjoyed the lowest price of fuel then I have seen, and for the longest time under Trump. Finally a president that honestly wanted America to be strong and great. There was much established power fighting against Trump. The establishment and all the leeches have much to lose under Trump. Hence the majority of government, newspapers, television, Wall Street, etc., etc., aligned against Trump.

What is our future without Trump? China the world trade center. Iran nuclear armed. More countries not safe for Americans? Food we will beg for, from China, Mexico, and Brazil?

Bleak is a world without trump
A crook, an women assaulter, one that has affairs. Yes you can see tramp as your God, but the rest the USA doesn't want him to be president.

AZ Auditors Say Over 17,000 Duplicate Ballots Found in Maricopa County, 1.5 Times What Biden Won By!

On Friday, Arizona state Republicans announced the findings of the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County.

Among the audit’s many findings was that over 17,000 total duplicate ballots — meaning ballots submitted by individuals who voted more than once in the election — were found.

As much was revealed by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an expert in pattern recognition and classification of diverse signals and signatures who has four degrees from M.I.T.

The Arizona Republicans conducting the audit enlisted Ayyadurai and his team of experts to aid in the audit by investigating mail-in ballot envelopes used in the election.

The team reported it found 17,322 duplicate ballots in the election.

Double Duplicates : 16,934;
Triple duplicates : 376;
Quadruple duplicates : 12

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On Friday, Arizona state Republicans announced the findings of the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County.

Among the audit’s many findings was that over 17,000 total duplicate ballots — meaning ballots submitted by individuals who voted more than once in the election — were found.
As noted by Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake on Twitter, Maricopa County itself had reported no duplicate ballots.
“Maricopa reported ZERO duplicate ballots. Real total is 17,322,” Lake wrote on Twitter.

“This is more than enough to change the election result.”

Sources: AZ Auditors Say Over 17,000 Duplicate Ballots Found in Maricopa County, 1.5 Times What Biden Won By

How many of those were duplicate votes for Trump? It’s not mentioned, which is kind fishy, IMO.
A crook, an women assaulter, one that has affairs. Yes you can see tramp as your God, but the rest the USA doesn't want him to be president.
So you are okay with elections being stolen because of bogus ballot stuffing? Thank you for showing your true Socialist colors...


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