Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Testified Polling Locations Violated State Law During Election


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015


On the first day of the Kari Lake Illegal Election trial, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer testified that individual polling places did not tally the number of votes cast, an apparent violation of state law that is highly suspicious considering that in the days after Election Day, the number of votes the county reported having counted mysteriously increased by nearly 25,000, a number greater than Katie Hobbs’ alleged 17,000-vote victory.

"According to the state election procedures manual, each voting location is required by law to record the number of votes cast there and record them in an official ballot report. This ensures that the total number of ballots they record matches the number of people who claim to have voted."

Maricopa County polling locations violated state law by failing to count the number of votes cast, so they can not prove the umber of votes cast matches the number of registered voters.

This is important because after the election Naricopa County officials 'FOUND' more than 25,000 additional ballots that had no chain of custody records, no record of where they came from.

Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

"Free and fair election".. that is the term that used to be used by the useful idiots. Never again can any thinking American claim that our elections are "fair"...... In fact , this one , blatant act of election fraud should finally put an end to the notion that our elections are "free and fair". They are indeed "rigged and corrupted". That is quite depressing ...however the large number of Americans that can't see that this signifies the end of our nation is even more depressing.
Too many Americans seem to be just fine and dandy with all the shenanigans and malarky, just so long as their "side" wins.....They will say "OK there were problems, but she won and your candidate lost... get over it". And that is the elephant in the room...Once we, as a nation, accept that out elections can not be trusted......we are all toast.... It matters little what "side" you're on.
"Free and fair election".. that is the term that used to be used by the useful idiots. Never again can any thinking American claim that our elections are "fair"...... In fact , this one , blatant act of election fraud should finally put an end to the notion that our elections are "free and fair". They are indeed "rigged and corrupted". That is quite depressing ...however the large number of Americans that can't see that this signifies the end of our nation is even more depressing.
They all know the elections are not fair, all fascists know that, they do not care one fucking whit, they know they cheat virtually every candidate they run into office who does not run in a totally democrat locked down district, they all love it, and you know what, you cannot have a nation like that, you cannot operate as a free and legitimate nation where the opposition isn't just willing to do anything, no matter how depraved of dishonest, but actually does so. You toss in creatures such as Mitch Mcconnell and his posse of 18 fascists, well that is directly analogous to two wolves inviting a sheep over for dinner! :omg:
"According to the state election procedures manual, each voting location is required by law to record the number of votes cast there and record them in an official ballot report. This ensures that the total number of ballots they record matches the number of people who claim to have voted."

Maricopa County polling locations violated state law by failing to count the number of votes cast, so they can not prove the umber of votes cast matches the number of registered voters.

This is important because after the election Naricopa County officials 'FOUND' more than 25,000 additional ballots that had no chain of custody records, no record of where they came from.

Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

Lake lost a fair, honest, accurate, lawful election.

The 2022 GOP midterm disaster was the consequence of voters rejecting election deniers and dishonest, incompetent Republican candidates, such as Lake.
Lake lost a fair, honest, accurate, lawful election.

The 2022 GOP midterm disaster was the consequence of voters rejecting election deniers and dishonest, incompetent Republican candidates, such as Lake.

Not according to the testimony.



On the first day of the Kari Lake Illegal Election trial, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer testified that individual polling places did not tally the number of votes cast, an apparent violation of state law that is highly suspicious considering that in the days after Election Day, the number of votes the county reported having counted mysteriously increased by nearly 25,000, a number greater than Katie Hobbs’ alleged 17,000-vote victory.

Having watched the entire trial and not some craptacular or thing, no nothing of the sort was done or said. But you be you.
Lake lost a fair, honest, accurate, lawful election.

The 2022 GOP midterm disaster was the consequence of voters rejecting election deniers and dishonest, incompetent Republican candidates, such as Lake.
and here we have a anti-AMERICA, piece of shit, that enjoys and spews the lies of the SCUM demonRATS
the guy ADMITTED to rules and laws being violated, and you deny everything----thanx for showing YOUR STUPIDITY

Having watched the entire trial and not some craptacular or thing, no nothing of the sort was done or said. But you be you.
...and the journalist wh wrote this article. Other than your own 'Nuh-uh', got anything else?
Having watched the entire trial

Congrats for making it all the way through. I watched through the plaintiff's portion of the trial and quit viewing after they rested without bringing any evidence of a single vote denied Lake nor unearned by Hobbs. Didn't see any need for the defense to proceed and at that point I turned it off. I'm not on pins and needles awaiting the judge to do whatever he sees fit.

Instead of Lake versus Hobbs it appeared to me as nothing more than a continuation of the pissing contest between the different factions of Arizonan Republicans we've had ever since Trump took offense to John McCain. We had the Kari Lake / Kelli Ward faction taking on the mainstream GOP of Maricopa County.
Congrats for making it all the way through. I watched through the plaintiff's portion of the trial and quit viewing after they rested without bringing any evidence of a single vote denied Lake nor unearned by Hobbs. Didn't see any need for the defense to proceed and at that point I turned it off. I'm not on pins and needles awaiting the judge to do whatever he sees fit.

Instead of Lake versus Hobbs it appeared to me as nothing more than a continuation of the pissing contest between the different factions of Arizonan Republicans we've had going on ever since Trump took offense to John McCain. We had the Kari Lake / Kelli Ward faction taking on the mainstream GOP of Maricopa County.
Notice they didn't call anyone from the company or anyone claiming to have been disenfranchised. Plaintiff's case was literally a bag of hearsay.

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