Maricopa County's Audit doesn't disappoint....

You see anyone putting up massive sheets of cardboard to block the view?
Has there been a fake toilet overflow and everyone has to evacuate the building?
Have they had anyone removed from the reviewing process?

No, no, no... so what the fuck is your problem?
No problem here...I'm enjoying watching you guys spin out of control. Perhaps you should storm the capitol again.
No one is out of control but the Democrats because they can't stop the audit.
When nothing changes after this audit...who are you going to blame this time?

Trump will just rant and rave demanding another audit.
You see anyone putting up massive sheets of cardboard to block the view?
Has there been a fake toilet overflow and everyone has to evacuate the building?
Have they had anyone removed from the reviewing process?

No, no, no... so what the fuck is your problem?
No problem here...I'm enjoying watching you guys spin out of control. Perhaps you should storm the capitol again.
No one is out of control but the Democrats because they can't stop the audit.
When nothing changes after this audit...who are you going to blame this time?
All I want is the fraud proven. If nothing happens because of it stick around for a while, it will.
You can't prove that which doesn't exist.
You see anyone putting up massive sheets of cardboard to block the view?
Has there been a fake toilet overflow and everyone has to evacuate the building?
Have they had anyone removed from the reviewing process?

No, no, no... so what the fuck is your problem?
No problem here...I'm enjoying watching you guys spin out of control. Perhaps you should storm the capitol again.
No one is out of control but the Democrats because they can't stop the audit.
When nothing changes after this audit...who are you going to blame this time?
All I want is the fraud proven. If nothing happens because of it stick around for a while, it will.
You can't prove that which doesn't exist.
If you think fraud did not happen then your brain does not exist.
You see anyone putting up massive sheets of cardboard to block the view?
Has there been a fake toilet overflow and everyone has to evacuate the building?
Have they had anyone removed from the reviewing process?

No, no, no... so what the fuck is your problem?
No problem here...I'm enjoying watching you guys spin out of control. Perhaps you should storm the capitol again.
No one is out of control but the Democrats because they can't stop the audit.
When nothing changes after this audit...who are you going to blame this time?
All I want is the fraud proven. If nothing happens because of it stick around for a while, it will.
You can't prove that which doesn't exist.
If you think fraud did not happen then your brain does not exist.
Or he's a liar, which is my guess. They all know there was massive cheating. We all watched as votes were switched live on TV, and so did they. They're just all in on the full denial lie. That's how democrats roll. Corrupt pieces of shit.
You see anyone putting up massive sheets of cardboard to block the view?
Has there been a fake toilet overflow and everyone has to evacuate the building?
Have they had anyone removed from the reviewing process?

No, no, no... so what the fuck is your problem?
No problem here...I'm enjoying watching you guys spin out of control. Perhaps you should storm the capitol again.
No one is out of control but the Democrats because they can't stop the audit.
When nothing changes after this audit...who are you going to blame this time?

Trump will just rant and rave demanding another audit.
Trump did not demand this audit. The Arizona senate did.
So Dominion is willing to submit all of their machines and code (along with all records of the machines' communications with any servers) as part of discovery???

Dominion would have no choice in the matter if those making claims against them simply backed them up through lawsuit. But that's hard to do based on claims pulled out of the air in which no responable person would believe.

Or alternatively anybody can take complaint to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), such as this one from last year. From letter the EAC sent to ES&S voting machines in regards to their machines.

The complaint:
View attachment 486328
The letter later continues with EAC's findings:

View attachment 486330

Response from EAC to Request for Investigation into ES&S — National Election Defense Coalition
My own research into the Dominion voting machines...

This is a five-page official report detailing why in 2019, Texas rejected electronic voting machines that are currently used all over the US.

Certification was denied for six specific reasons, including complexity (500 steps and 400 pages to install software), security and error issues. It seems that even the test plan failed, which is something that should never happen after release to a potential customer, IMO.

They even have an active USB port (page 5).

Imagine what they did not test.

This Dominion document lists all of the places in the US Dominion machines are used. Page 67-on...

This Dominion document shows that they use foreign parts, and are owned by foreign entities (pages 22 and 36)...

Here is a Dominion Democracy Suite User Guide. It's hundreds of pages and shows how a user can delete all kinds of results they don't like...

Many of Dominion's machines, tabulators even, have modems which can connect to the internet via cell phone towers...

You see anyone putting up massive sheets of cardboard to block the view?

There hasn’t been any crowds on the other side of windows yelling, screaming and banging on them to disrupt the workers.

Have they had anyone removed from the reviewing process?

No one has been disruptive, ignoring rules and acting like an idiot.

The problem is that each ballot should be reviewed by at least two people of different parties. They aren’t doing that here.
This isn't an election, moron. It's an audit. Different standards.
This isn't an election, moron. It's an audit. Different standards.
Apparently the standards for the audit are lower than that for the election.

Given the audit is less reliable, begs the question why they’re doing it at all.

Cheating rigging election stealing Dems telling others how to conduct an audit lol.
My own research into the Dominion voting machines...
My own research on Texas' voting machines reveals you folks have nothing to brag about. You have many counties relying on ballot marking devices (BMD's) or even worse, Direct Recording Electronic sysytems (DREs). These BMD's are fine if limited for use by those disabled, but gosh darn you have whole counties having them as your primary voting machines.

Worse yet there are counties in your state in which an audit is impossible.



Many of Dominion's machines, tabulators even, have modems which can connect to the internet via cell phone towers...


You see anyone putting up massive sheets of cardboard to block the view?
Has there been a fake toilet overflow and everyone has to evacuate the building?
Have they had anyone removed from the reviewing process?

No, no, no... so what the fuck is your problem?
No problem here...I'm enjoying watching you guys spin out of control. Perhaps you should storm the capitol again.
No one is out of control but the Democrats because they can't stop the audit.
When nothing changes after this audit...who are you going to blame this time?

Trump will just rant and rave demanding another audit.

Really though...did the blob demand this audit? I'm not saying your wrong but the blob seems to have just checked out. He's playing golf and letting others look like idiots when attempt after attempt to save face by his confederates fails miserably.

That, to me, is the most hilarious aspect of all of this. His supporters are getting played. He's toying with his own team...letting them make fools of themselves while he invests no capital, no effort, and of course, no money.

It is a prototypical cult.
You see anyone putting up massive sheets of cardboard to block the view?
Has there been a fake toilet overflow and everyone has to evacuate the building?
Have they had anyone removed from the reviewing process?

No, no, no... so what the fuck is your problem?
No problem here...I'm enjoying watching you guys spin out of control. Perhaps you should storm the capitol again.
No one is out of control but the Democrats because they can't stop the audit.
When nothing changes after this audit...who are you going to blame this time?
All I want is the fraud proven. If nothing happens because of it stick around for a while, it will.
And they're going to arrest JFK's "real" assassins any day now, right dumbfuck?
Around the same time you find the guy named Natural Causes that killed Sicknick asshat. Dims already cried and got told by the judge to pound sand, audit continues. Truly sucks to be you. As always.
With all the time and money going towards the recount it seems to me that an sensible approach for the future would be to have a national standard on ballots so they can be scanned by various makers of optical readers with minimal time needed for any programming set up. They could then go through the ballots putting a batch through all scanners and be done with all those where the batch totals match.

It would be entertaining to have a ballot counting battle between Dominion and all challengers going on over at the Madhouse .
But that makes it too hard to cheat, so no. Ain't happening
But that makes it too hard to cheat, so no. Ain't happening

I figure you're 100% correct about it not happening but for reason sort of related to cheating. It would cause the loss of political graft that goes on between the voting system makers and those with influence in selectiing the state's machines.

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