Maricopa County’s Chain of Custody Docs Show 18,000 Illegal Ballots Were Injected The Day After The Polls Closed In 2020

Is the last digit your IQ?

There it is. It looks like proof to me. When this gets to the SCOTUS we will find out because that is where this is going. That document is real and not a conspiracy theory so do not even think about moving this.
This lawsuit and Kari Lake’s lawsuit are still ongoing. The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on this potential smoking gun and Kari Lake’s fight against the stolen Midterm Election.

And when you fail again, as you ALWAYS fail in these Big Lie you have your excuses lined up? For efficiency's sake, its probably a good idea to front load the whining.
It doesn't matter if the election was stolen. It's not going to be reversed or done over. At this point Kari Lake is just wasting valuable resources and the Democrats are loving it.
It doesn't matter if the election was stolen. It's not going to be reversed or done over. At this point Kari Lake is just wasting valuable resources and the Democrats are loving it.
Actually, I say it's worth it to protect the integrity of future elections.
Kinda hard to have Democracy and a Republic without fair elections.

Who says we don't have fair elections?

Remember, your ilk have been making bleating accusations of fraud since at least 2012. You've had over a decade to factually establish your claims.

And yet, you've failed spectacularly, laughed out of every court to ever hear your gibbering nonsense. Your record of perfect.
And when you fail again, as you ALWAYS fail in these Big Lie you have your excuses lined up? For efficiency's sake, its probably a good idea to front load the whining.
I do not think it is a fail. It is just another fact pointing out the lack of integrity in our elections in a very corrupt county. You seem to love criminals and the crimes they commit.

There it is. It looks like proof to me. When this gets to the SCOTUS we will find out because that is where this is going. That document is real and not a conspiracy theory so do not even think about moving this.
This lawsuit and Kari Lake’s lawsuit are still ongoing. The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on this potential smoking gun and Kari Lake’s fight against the stolen Midterm Election.

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