Maricopa County’s Chain of Custody Docs Show 18,000 Illegal Ballots Were Injected The Day After The Polls Closed In 2020

Looks like it was the last day's gathered ballots received by the U.S. post offices by closing time on election day, sent to the election office.
It matters not to the Corrupt Courts. Anything is allowable. Rigged machines, no signature review, no chain of custody documents, inaccurate vote counts....on and on.

see the signature line below about that arsewipe judge thompson who has dismissed almost everything repeatedly..
This is only about 1/2 of the mail-in ballots sent out by Maricopa in OCT 2020 with the wrong zip code to unlikely voters.

When returned un-opened....those ballots are filled out by Mules or GOVT and used later for those who had not yet voted in most cases.
The Signatures on these would not match. But thompson has not allowed one look at the signature scans by "unelected" Runbeck.
Think about how dirty this is! anything goes!
Nothing she's doing is protecting future elections. She's fighting a war that she and Trump lost.

It helps to expose what "CAN" and "DID" happen in hopes they stop it the next time? However 2022 was more of the same after 2020 as they did nothing.

Most disturbing to me is 3 years later not one signature or envelope has been verified. Blank ballot accounting (how many ordered? how many used? how many remaining?).
All investigations stalled and blocked by Corrupt courts in every big Fraudulent swing state. Phony "R" even voting to block any look into the Crime of the century.
It helps to expose what "CAN" and "DID" happen in hopes they stop it the next time? However 2022 was more of the same after 2020 as they did nothing.

Most disturbing to me is 3 years later not one signature or envelope has been verified. Blank ballot accounting (how many ordered? how many used? how many remaining?).
All investigations stalled and blocked by Corrupt courts in every big Fraudulent swing state. Phony "R" even voting to block any look into the Crime of the century.

How is a perfect record of failure in court 'exposing' anything?

I know that rightwingers fetishize failure. But what about Lake's failure helps anyone but her?

There it is. It looks like proof to me. When this gets to the SCOTUS we will find out because that is where this is going. That document is real and not a conspiracy theory so do not even think about moving this.
This lawsuit and Kari Lake’s lawsuit are still ongoing. The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on this potential smoking gun and Kari Lake’s fight against the stolen Midterm Election.

Debunked a year ago, FruitLoops. Be happy your perfect streak of being wrong remains intact.


Nope. It's a receipt TO Runbeck, FROM Maricopa County, to scan envelopes. All that receipt show is that Runbeck received the envelopes on 11/4/20. It DOESN'T show the country received them late in the mail.

Don't you ever feel stupid for the shit you post?


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