Marie Yovanovitch: Exactly why Would Trump fire her?

Isn’t the truth that she served at his pleasure? And that he could fire her for no reason at all? So what’s the problem again?

Again....why is she testifying at all? She wasn't even employed by the government at the time of the call...right? She doesn't know Trump, wasn't in on the call....has no facts to bring to this why is she there other than being a female who says Trump was mean to her....right?
According to her she did nothing wrong-think about that-I didn do nuffin. It is Trump's choice for any reason. And I don't trust these long time gummint workers-they have buddies and favors to call in.

No one argues that a President doesn't have the authority to recall any ambassador.

What is being pointed out is that this had nothing to do with any assessment by the State Department- but instead was the result of a smear campaign by Trump's private attorney, Sean Hannity and a corrupt Ukrainian official.

What is really scary about this is how gullible Trump appears to be. He ignores everyone with actual experience in Ukraine, he ignores an entire department dedicated to diplomacy- and instead goes with what Giuliani and Hannity tell him.

And that is dangerous.
Riiiiight....Because Sean Hannity has so many irons in the fire in Ukraine.

Seriously, you liberoid clods really need to think through the jabbering points that you get in your daily e-mail blasts.

Since Trump gets his 'facts' about Ukraine from Hannity- if Hannity has any facts regarding Yovanovitch- I think he should share him.

So far all of you Trump Tweenkies have done is try to smear Yovanovitich with lies and innuendo. Not a single one of you has provided any evidence she did anything wrong.
Or that she failed to act professionally.
This is why she's a disaster and had to be let go. From the president moments ago!

Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad. She started off in Somalia, how did that go? Then fast forward to Ukraine, where the new Ukrainian President spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. It is a U.S. President’s absolute right to appoint ambassadors.— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 15, 2019

Oh a Trump Tweet! We know for your Trump cultists that is gospel.

Unlike Trump- who has only and always worked solely for himself and his family- Yovanovitch has served America

My father fled the Soviets before ultimately finding refuge in the United States. My mother's family escaped the USSR after the Bolshevik revolution, and she grew up stateless in Nazi Germany, before eventually making her way to the United States. Their personal histories—my personal history—gave me both deep gratitude towards the United States and great empathy for others—like the Ukrainian people—who want to be free. I joined the Foreign Service during the Reagan Administration and subsequently served three other Republican Presidents, as well as two Democratic Presidents. It was my great honor to be appointed to serve as an ambassador three times— twice by President George W. Bush and once by President Barack Obama. There is a perception that diplomats lead a comfortable life throwing dinner parties in fancy homes. Let me tell you about some of my reality. It has not always been easy. I have moved 13 times and served in seven different countries, five of them hardship posts. My first tour was Mogadishu, Somalia, an increasingly dangerous place, as that country's civil war kept grinding on and the government was weakening. The military took over policing functions in a particularly brutal way and many basic services disappeared. Several years later, after the Soviet Union collapsed, I helped open our Embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. As we were establishing relations with a new country, our small Embassy was attacked by a gunman, who sprayed the Embassy building with gunfire. I later served in Moscow. In 1993, during the attempted coup in Russia, I was caught in crossfire between presidential and parliamentary forces. It took us three tries—me without a helmet or body armor—to get into a vehicle to go to the Embassy. We went to the Embassy, because the Ambassador asked us to come. We went, because it was our duty.
Irrelevant! Trump can get rid of whoever he wants. She's status quo and Trump doesn't operate that way (that's why we voted for him) and she didn't like his policy towards Ukraine and is still bent out of shape.
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?

President Trump doesn't need a reason to fire her. He has the constitutional right to fire her and appoint his choice for ambassador for no other reason than he wants his own choice for ambassador in the job. He's not require to keep ambassadors on who were appointed by Obama or former presidents.

Of course Trump can fire an ambassador for any reason he wants to- he could fire her for her skin color.

Or in this case because of smear campaign started by a corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor, and promoted by Hannity and Giuliani.
No one argues that a President doesn't have the authority to recall any ambassador.

What is being pointed out is that this had nothing to do with any assessment by the State Department- but instead was the result of a smear campaign by Trump's private attorney, Sean Hannity and a corrupt Ukrainian official.

What is really scary about this is how gullible Trump appears to be. He ignores everyone with actual experience in Ukraine, he ignores an entire department dedicated to diplomacy- and instead goes with what Giuliani and Hannity tell him.

And that is dangerous.
Riiiiight....Because Sean Hannity has so many irons in the fire in Ukraine.

Seriously, you liberoid clods really need to think through the jabbering points that you get in your daily e-mail blasts.

Since Trump gets his 'facts' about Ukraine from Hannity- if Hannity has any facts regarding Yovanovitch- I think he should share him.

So far all of you Trump Tweenkies have done is try to smear Yovanovitich with lies and innuendo. Not a single one of you has provided any evidence she did anything wrong.
Or that she failed to act professionally.
This is why she's a disaster and had to be let go. From the president moments ago!

Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad. She started off in Somalia, how did that go? Then fast forward to Ukraine, where the new Ukrainian President spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. It is a U.S. President’s absolute right to appoint ambassadors.— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 15, 2019

Oh a Trump Tweet! We know for your Trump cultists that is gospel.

Unlike Trump- who has only and always worked solely for himself and his family- Yovanovitch has served America

My father fled the Soviets before ultimately finding refuge in the United States. My mother's family escaped the USSR after the Bolshevik revolution, and she grew up stateless in Nazi Germany, before eventually making her way to the United States. Their personal histories—my personal history—gave me both deep gratitude towards the United States and great empathy for others—like the Ukrainian people—who want to be free. I joined the Foreign Service during the Reagan Administration and subsequently served three other Republican Presidents, as well as two Democratic Presidents. It was my great honor to be appointed to serve as an ambassador three times— twice by President George W. Bush and once by President Barack Obama. There is a perception that diplomats lead a comfortable life throwing dinner parties in fancy homes. Let me tell you about some of my reality. It has not always been easy. I have moved 13 times and served in seven different countries, five of them hardship posts. My first tour was Mogadishu, Somalia, an increasingly dangerous place, as that country's civil war kept grinding on and the government was weakening. The military took over policing functions in a particularly brutal way and many basic services disappeared. Several years later, after the Soviet Union collapsed, I helped open our Embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. As we were establishing relations with a new country, our small Embassy was attacked by a gunman, who sprayed the Embassy building with gunfire. I later served in Moscow. In 1993, during the attempted coup in Russia, I was caught in crossfire between presidential and parliamentary forces. It took us three tries—me without a helmet or body armor—to get into a vehicle to go to the Embassy. We went to the Embassy, because the Ambassador asked us to come. We went, because it was our duty.
Irrelevant! Trump can get rid of whoever he wants. She's status quo and Trump doesn't operate that way (that's why we voted for him) and she didn't like his policy towards Ukraine and is still bent out of shape.

Where has Yovanovitch claimed she didn't like Trump's Ukraine policy- before she was fired?
This is Fox News. "If you were not moved by the testimony of Marie Yovanovitch, you don't have a pulse." — Chris Wallace


"If you were moved by her nonsensical, self-serving whine, you don't have a brain." - Billy Kinetta

Because of course for the brain dead Trump Kultists like yourself- anyone who says anything that shows your Orange Messiah in a bad light- well they must be attacked and smeared.
President Trump has every right as President to ignore the advice of those who actually know what is happening, to ignore the advice of American intelligence, to ignore the advice of experienced and dedicated American non-partisan diplomats, ignore the advice of our military- and instead rely upon Sean Hannity and Rudy Giuliani for all of his information.

I am just amazed that any American thinks that President Trump doing that is a good thing.
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?
its more about her corruption and deep state activities through the state depts civil society2.0 program,,,not to mention her part in the 2016 collusion between the DNC and former ukraine officials,,,

Her corruption?

You know the way you could really try to prove any of those things?

Get Pompeo up on the witness stand and testify to his knowledge of those things.

Get Rudolf Giuliani up on the witness stand and testify to his knowledge of those things.

Oh hell- if Sean Hannity has any actual first hand knowledge of any corruption by Ambassador Yovanovitch- get him up there on the stand.

If Republicans have any actual evidence to support your claims- why aren't they calling as witnesses those people?

But instead- like your Orange Messiah- you just smear and libel a person who has supported the United States for decades.

Because that is what you Trump Tweenkies do.

I think in time that all would happen,,its just dems were hell bent on cover up so went with impeachment instead to muddy the waters,,

Nothing is preventing the Republicans from calling Giuliani or Pompeo as witnesses.

What are they afraid that they will say?

the dems said they would stop any GOP witness's

Stop any witness's what?
President Trump has every right as President to ignore the advice of those who actually know what is happening, to ignore the advice of American intelligence, to ignore the advice of experienced and dedicated American non-partisan diplomats, ignore the advice of our military- and instead rely upon Sean Hannity and Rudy Giuliani for all of his information.

I am just amazed that any American thinks that President Trump doing that is a good thing.
We voted for Trump because we wanted a president who does policy in an unconventional manner. We voted for a president who is not a member of the political status quo. He's exceeded our expectations and is doing a phenomenal job and that will send him to an assured second term..
its more about her corruption and deep state activities through the state depts civil society2.0 program,,,not to mention her part in the 2016 collusion between the DNC and former ukraine officials,,,

Her corruption?

You know the way you could really try to prove any of those things?

Get Pompeo up on the witness stand and testify to his knowledge of those things.

Get Rudolf Giuliani up on the witness stand and testify to his knowledge of those things.

Oh hell- if Sean Hannity has any actual first hand knowledge of any corruption by Ambassador Yovanovitch- get him up there on the stand.

If Republicans have any actual evidence to support your claims- why aren't they calling as witnesses those people?

But instead- like your Orange Messiah- you just smear and libel a person who has supported the United States for decades.

Because that is what you Trump Tweenkies do.

I think in time that all would happen,,its just dems were hell bent on cover up so went with impeachment instead to muddy the waters,,

Nothing is preventing the Republicans from calling Giuliani or Pompeo as witnesses.

What are they afraid that they will say?

the dems said they would stop any GOP witness's

Stop any witness's what?

from testifying,,,
Her corruption?

You know the way you could really try to prove any of those things?

Get Pompeo up on the witness stand and testify to his knowledge of those things.

Get Rudolf Giuliani up on the witness stand and testify to his knowledge of those things.

Oh hell- if Sean Hannity has any actual first hand knowledge of any corruption by Ambassador Yovanovitch- get him up there on the stand.

If Republicans have any actual evidence to support your claims- why aren't they calling as witnesses those people?

But instead- like your Orange Messiah- you just smear and libel a person who has supported the United States for decades.

Because that is what you Trump Tweenkies do.

I think in time that all would happen,,its just dems were hell bent on cover up so went with impeachment instead to muddy the waters,,

Nothing is preventing the Republicans from calling Giuliani or Pompeo as witnesses.

What are they afraid that they will say?

the dems said they would stop any GOP witness's

Stop any witness's what?

from testifying,,,

Learn the difference between possessive and plural please. It makes your posts clearer.
Basically, Day 2 of Adam Schiff's 'star witness's claim boils down to (1) she's been fired by Trump. And (2) State Dept careerists' facing jeopardy with their cozy assignments...
"Trump himself is clearly not satisfied with only one article of impeachment. His choice to publicly broadcast his own, personally authored witness intimidation means he’s wants to sign up for another article on obstruction of justice, too." - Wacky AOC
I think in time that all would happen,,its just dems were hell bent on cover up so went with impeachment instead to muddy the waters,,

Nothing is preventing the Republicans from calling Giuliani or Pompeo as witnesses.

What are they afraid that they will say?

the dems said they would stop any GOP witness's

Stop any witness's what?

from testifying,,,

Learn the difference between possessive and plural please. It makes your posts clearer.

you must struggle with verbal communications when you cant see punctuation and spelling
President Trump has every right as President to ignore the advice of those who actually know what is happening, to ignore the advice of American intelligence, to ignore the advice of experienced and dedicated American non-partisan diplomats, ignore the advice of our military- and instead rely upon Sean Hannity and Rudy Giuliani for all of his information.

I am just amazed that any American thinks that President Trump doing that is a good thing.
We voted for Trump because we wanted a president who does policy in an unconventional manner. We voted for a president who is not a member of the political status quo. He's exceeded our expectations and is doing a phenomenal job and that will send him to an assured second term..

I do not disagree that Trump is behaving exactly as you hoped- you love his lies, and his corruption, and his bullying and his buddying up to dictators.
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?
None of your BUSINESS! File a unemployment claim and deal with it
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?
I just watched Yovanovitch lying her ass off. She claimed that Trump was talking about former PG Lutsenko in his phone call with Zelenski even though she knows with 100% certainty that it's simply not true. Trump was quite obviously talking about PG Shokin, the guy Biden got fired by threatening to cut off aid.

That's called perjury.
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Basically, Day 2 of Adam Schiff's 'star witness's claim boils down to (1) she's been fired by Trump. And (2) State Dept careerists' facing jeopardy with their cozy assignments...

Weirdly enough I would rather agree on #1- I can't think of anything about her testimony today that demonstrated anything more than Trump being fooled by Hannity and Giuliani and a corrupt Ukrainian.

Of course then Trump tweeted during her testimony which sure looks like an attempt at witness intimidation- and that is a crime.

Oh- and cozy assignments? Really? Unlike your favorite draft dodger she has been in actual harms way. She has been in 'hardship posts'

What are those?

Unlike the political appointees- like Sondland- who paid Trump $1,000,000 to get his ambassadorship- career State Department officials get appointed as Ambassadors to places that are considered hardships- political appointees get Germany or the EU or the favorite- Paris. She got sent to the places Trump calls 'shit holes'- because that was her job.
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?
I just watched Yovanovitch lying her ass off. She claimed that Trump was talking about former PG Lutsenko in his phone call with Zelenski even though she knows with 100% certainty that it's simply not true.

That's called perjury.

Feel free to give us that quote.

Or just keep making BS up.

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