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Marijuana and the definition of conservative

easyt65 I think she knew she would be caught, and once two Jamaicans showed up in their trials and meet that would beat her she took an obvious way out. How else would you be so stupid to smoke pot knowing it is in your system for weeks?

Some athletes, really great athletes, are really dumb.


Dexter Manley
Should be HOF defensive end
Sacked NFL QBs over 100 times
But never read the name on the jersey, because after 4 years as a studen athlete at Oklahoma state, he could not read

Ms Richardson said her mother passed away, and she ate some food with pot (not smoked like Michael phelps).

All a side show of the real issue, why is it being tested for?

It's being tested because the United States has insisted that the entire world follow their lead in drug laws - and the world has happily obliged since they recognize the government power that the war on drugs provides.
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How about you dirtheads just smoke your weed in the closet like you always did and stop begging for acceptance and legalization.
There's little difference between you and pole puffers....."Please accept and support my habit of fucking a mans ass."

There's less difference between you and the Brady Campaign. You both support government intrusions on the rights of others just because you don't like something.
Father Government forces me to invest in you....why wouldn’t I care about how my investments perform?
I'll enjoy a little high-end scotch from time to time...I'll have a few craft beers here and there but I'll never develop a bad habit or a vise that's sure to destroy my body or kill me prematurely....I enjoy living too much.

And many pot users use it rarely.

Do you drive? Fly? Any sports or other activities? There are a lot of ways to die and most everyone has one hobby or activity that has increased likelihood of death over exercising without equipment in a rubber room.

If I couldn't do anything fun or enjoyable just so I could live a miserable life a few days, even years, longer I'd just step in front of a bus. But I have a full life (no drugs, even pot), and many things I do add to the risk of death. And yet, I could drive to work tomorrow and get hit by a bus...
It's no secret that pot heads can buy all the weed they need or grow it and smoke it until their brains come out their ears. What they want is acceptance for a parasitic lifestyle and permission to sell the crap to kids without looking over their shoulders. You almost gotta laugh that the pot heads claim that smoking the noxious stuff is good for you. Cigarette manufacturers said the same thing about their product a hundred years (and hundreds of thousand lung cancer deaths) ago. Is smoking a freaking weed with more harmful chemical compounds than tobacco really good for you? What is the net gain for Americans if they legalize the production and distribution of a substance that is worse than tobacco at a time when tobacco smoking is regulated to the point of being outlawed? Hook some kids on it for the rest of their lives and charge them crazy prices ten times more than the poor bastards who smoke the legal tobacco products and claim it's beneficial to the economy? Give me a break

All the things you say may be true (mostly they're not) but, even so, Why do you care what others do with their own bodies? Has making pot illegal prevented even a single child from smoking it? Same for meth? Turning drug culture into an underground outside-of-the-law, culture means leads to more addicted children and more kids in prison. You can choose not to use it if you wish but you don't have the right to force your will on others any more than do groups like Everytown USA have the right to go after your guns because they don't like them.
There's less difference between you and the Brady Campaign. You both support government intrusions on the rights of others just because you don't like something.
Father Government forces me to invest in you....why wouldn’t I care about how my investments perform?

Well, at least you acknowledge you're no different from gun controllers. But, like gun controllers and most so-called, self-proclaimed-but-not, conservatives, you are tackling the wrong problem. You're unhappy that government forces you to pay the health care of others so, instead of fighting it, you accept socialism and support the authoritarianism that must go with it in order for government to control the people for which they are providing.

I hadn't realized this before but people who accept the government's fight against the results of bad government instead of fighting the bad government that causes it, really are socialists. The government is in charge and makes decisions for the betterment of everyone and anyone who doesn't comply is an enemy of the state. You really are a socialist.
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I know of zero Conservatives on USMB.
I see lots of people calling themselves "conservatives" who have no concept of Conservative doctrine. They're what we used to call "single issue voters" and they joined the GOP because the GOP promised to pay homage to their particular issue. In return, they swear to bow before the crown heads of the other ideological silos in the GOP. Any who fall from the path are excommunicated. Unless, of course, the give us the swerve and jump back into being a face while denying their previous acts. After all, these people are big WWE fans just like their leader and no one gaslights like the GO...I mean WWE.

Greetings. I'm Woodwork201. Now you know a conservative. As I often say, I am at least as conservative as anyone on this site, more likely more conservative than anyone else on this site, and very possibly the only conservative on this site.
All "conservatives" want is big government telling them what they can and cannot do, and to save them whenever a moron parroting bullshit gets scared and hides under his bed.
All these faux-conservatives want isn't big government telling them what they can and cannot do; it's big government telling you and me what we can and cannot do. They're up in arms when government tells them what to do.

A true conservative really lives by the principle, "I may hate what you say (or do) but I'll defend to the death your right to say (or do) it." And, faux-conservatives, please don't start on child molesters or other things where the laws are legitimate, constitutional, and necessary, compared to laws that restrict personal choice and are, by default, victimless.

Nobody opposed to marijuana has any patriotism to America, because they have no concern for anything except their fear and hate and jealously.....

I don't know the jealousy part but the rest of this is true. If they support authoritarian, unconstitutional, laws, then they might love and support our government but they do not understand that it's not the government that makes our nation; it's the Constitution that makes the government and the nation.
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You can see by the posts that left wing pot heads have discussed, under a cloud of smoke, the topic with each other and determined (bro) that it's the freaking future. They aren't used to an argument and they ain't got a freaking clue why the United States should legalize the noxious crap. Is it good for you? You gotta be kidding. Is it about sellin it to our kids to defray the cost of production and distribution? You bet your ass(ets).

The question is, can you give us a freaking clue why the United States should ban the noxious crap? And under what authority?
Hold on...so your position is...."legalize all drugs so fewer go to jail on drug charges and fewer use and abuse drugs?"
Isn't all imposition of law a "war on _________"?
War on speeding
War on rape
War on murder...etc etc
Am I hearing your crazy bullshit right?

You LefTards are so damn weird...you act as if the greatest nation on the planet wasn't built and pillared on core American values, morals, beliefs and behaviors.
America wasn't built by faggots, wetbacks, chicks with dicks, feminazis, stoners, criminals, welfare degenerates and the like...you realize that...right?

No, all those others aren't wars; they're simply laws. Nixon declared that the war on drugs was exactly that. It costs us 50 billion dollars a year and a total over a trillion dollars since inception. It's a longer war, more expensive war, than the war in Afghanistan and has been even less successful. How long do we fight a losing war before deciding it's time to surrender?

Have any of the other wars you're suggesting led to no-knock warrants?

How does making marijuana illegal protect our most productive, law-abiding citizens? ...
Legal made marijuana kills their children.

So does snow skiing and swimming pools; do we make those illegal, too? In fact, so does high-school football. Let's ban that. ...

You have absolutelly not any idea what you try to speak about, isn't it? That's what marijuana is doing with you.
  • Impaired memory.
  • Problems with thinking and problem-solving.
  • Lung inflammation, infection, and chronic pulmonary issues.
  • Heart attack.
  • Severe nausea and vomiting.
  • Depression and anxiety.
  • Psychotic features, such as delusions and hallucinations.
  • Dependence and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Addiction.
You have only one chance: Fight! Stop it! Now! Do not use drugs! Never! Under no circumstances!
What about the right to marry the one you love without the government telling you that it's icky? Traditionally where have conservatives stood on that?

This conservative believes that everyone is entitled to be married/divorced as many times as you please... No matter your religion... :laughing0301:
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
Tobacco is not that toxic until the manufacturers get ahold of it adding chemicals for a quicker burn(gun powder) and a high level of nicotine to make the addiction that much better.
Pot is not more toxic than tobacco ...
Asides that it one of the most difficult things to stop smoking is Cannabis much more toxic as it ever was before in history, because of the high concentration of THC in the genetically modified plants, which are used today. Cannabis today is much more concentrated than Cannabis had been for example in the 197x. ("Sex and drugs and rock'n roll"-movement). So specially parents today, who made in their own youth experiences with Cannabis, should not trust in this experiences - and their children should not try to get such experiences on their own. No one needs drugs and/or alcohol for a happy life. But often alcohol and drugs destroy lifes.
Moderation is the goal no matter what you do.

Moderation? ... What do you call moderation here? ... I don't smoke. I don't use alcohol. I don't use drugs. I'm moderate. I gave someone even a chance, who told me that I am not an expert in drugs, because he is his own expert by using drugs since he was 12 years - what was more than 50% of his life. This "expert" is now since a few weeks in a psychiatric hospital and in danger to lose his right of residence. His health insurance told him they will not finance any longer his hospital stay, because there is not any chance for him any longer to recover. His wife threw him out. She fears for the life of her two children. Still he has a chance to make a withdrawal treatment and a professional therapy. And still he has his job. But how long will this be? When will be the patience over with him? I fear he will be "moderate" to his drugs and will get a lot of problems in the next decades of his life. So what for heavens sake do you call "moderation" in case of drugs? This man is a danger for many others - specially for the own family - and doesn't like to change this. Do you like to see the next chaot in the streets who knives people? So what for heavens sake do you call "moderation"?
Are you obese, if not then you moderate your intake.
Obese? ... Übergewichtig? ... No ... But I'm not sure now whether I had interpreted your words in the right way. If you should try to fight for alcohol and drugs then you are in the wrong film - if you try to fight against alcohol and drugs then I am in the wrong film.
Your Zeitgeist is showing.

I fear you don't understand the word "Zeitgeist". It's only another word for "modern ways to think". "Zeitgeist" is man made. The opposite is a timeless and/or everlasting truth.
Conservatives believe civil first world societies operate with moral boundaries...Libs hate behavioral boundaries.

Communists believe in moral boundaries. They're big on morality - even traditional morality as we know it in the US. But then, over time, they've included obedience and fealty to the party. That's what happens when government defines morality; it isn't morality that protects society they care about, it's the morality that protects government.

Conservatives, true conservatives, understand that our nation is built on the idea of individual liberty, free choice, and personal responsibility and accountability. This is why we're a constitutional republic and not a democracy: so the majority cannot force their will on the minority.
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....

nixon was the president who changed marijuana from a misdemeanor to being a class one drug and a felony. The reason he did that was protesters. People were protesting the Vietnam war and nixon on the White House grounds. The police couldn't stop them but nixon noticed that they were smoking pot. So to be able to arrest and remove them, he had his AG reclassify marijuana to a class one drug.

Carter tried to make it legal for medical purposes.

Then reagan came along. He brought us the war on drugs. He even went so far as to have the government spray paraquat on marijuana to poison Americans who smoked it. reagan and bush the first changed the laws to zero tolerance so someone busted with a joint automatically spent a decade in prison.

Clinton did nothing to change the policies that reagan and bush the first implemented.

Meanwhile in the Clinton years west coast states voted to legalize marijuana for medical purposes.

The bush boy refused to recognize state laws for medical marijuana and continued to put people in prison for it.

Obama changed the policy to that the federal government won't bust people as long as they stay within state laws and stopped the feds from busting people at the airport who had marijuana on them as long as they are in states it's legal and are going to state where it's legal.

It has been conservatives who have brought us the ridiculous laws on marijuana.

You may not be like most conservatives and republicans. I'm hoping that republicans and conservatives are starting to see the war on marijuana is pointless and legalizing it will be financially beneficial.
What's the constitutional authority for the Federal Government to ban the use of marijuana?
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3.[/QUOTE]

And if I grow my own and do not trade it?

This proves you're not a conservative. That the government abuses the Commerce Clause to justify virtually any regulation it wants does not make it constitutional.

But you misunderstand the Commerce Clause and the meaning of Commerce in 1789. Commerce was the act of trading, not the production or manufacturing.
My main problem with criminalizing marijuana is that its stupidly inconsistent and wildly irrational.

As a society, I think we have the authority to determine that a particular level of harm is too great for society to bear. But once you've defined an level of harm that is legal......then obviously anything LESS harmful would also be legal. I mean, if its legal to drive 65mph, surely its legal to drive 63.

So in what world is marijuana MORE dangerous than alcohol?

It's a good sounding post but it's wrong. How dangerous is cliff climbing? How dangerous is climbing Mount Everest? How dangerous is taking a commercial rocket into space? Does the government have the right to tell people they can't do dangerous stuff that harms no one else? There's no "danger-line-in-the-sand" that's the standard for when the government gets to butt into people's private lives.
LefTard Logic:
"Since alcohol and tobacco are legal we must not deprive lowlife degenerates and our youth of other means to fuck themselves up."
Why would you criminalize something that is LESS harmful than what we agree is a legal level of harm?

Because he doesn't like it. Not only does he not like it, he doesn't like you doing it. And he's a socialist authoritarian in faux-conservative clothing.
What's the constitutional authority for the Federal Government to ban the use of marijuana?
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3.

And if I grow my own and do not trade it?

This proves you're not a conservative. That the government abuses the Commerce Clause to justify virtually any regulation it wants does not make it constitutional.

But you misunderstand the Commerce Clause and the meaning of Commerce in 1789. Commerce was the act of trading, not the production or manufacturing.

Unfortunately the commerce clause has been used to prosecute people with marijuana.

In the bush boy years a woman in California was making marijuana brownies for AIDs patients. She didn't sell the brownies, she gave them away for free.

The bush boy's justice department prosecuted her and put her in prison using the commerce clause.

Their rational was that the flower, sugar and all the ingredients except the pot came from other states. So the bush boy's justice department said since her ingredients were from other states and she bought them, the commerce clause applied.

She was found guilty and sent to prison.

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