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Marijuana and the definition of conservative

There is no question that the post 1998 GOP, controlled by Zionist "RINOs" who pander to incredibly stupid pro Israel Christians, are overwhelmingly against marijuana in public. Prior to 1998, there were more pre 1998 republicans musing it over, discussing the math, trying to design policy to help America instead of harm...
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....

Neat. It's funny how liberals have usually been more open to marijuana legalization.

What about the right to marry the one you love without the government telling you that it's icky? Traditionally where have conservatives stood on that?
What about the right to marry the one you love without the government telling you that it's icky?
that was voted down twice in California.....and yes lots of liberals voted it down......
Over a decade ago. Gay marriage is supported by most Californians.

Maybe try living in the here and now.
is it?.....how long have you lived there?.....
If you're referring to California I have a lot of friends and family there but anecdotal stories aren't going to get you anywhere.

It's long been known that gay marriage has approval in California, even way back in 2013.

View attachment 510880

Not exactly shocking when you consider most of the country is just fine with gay marriage.

The issue of two words, union and marriage, seems to point towards irrational behavior. Bill Clinton supported gay unions, legally the same as a marriage, but not a marriage, which is defined as

A union of a MAN and a WOMAN

Meaning homO and Michael Robinson would not qualify.

Honestly, what rational gay would not be satisfied with Bill clinotn's Union proposal?

A: sick people intent on in your face perversion of the definition of one word

As OP of this thread, and any other thread, diversions from topic are welcome within reason....

Oh? Your OP pretends that it's conservatives who are most in favor of legalizing marijuana because of freedom and I merely pointed out that 1. traditionally conservatives have been clutching their moral pearls over legalization for decades and 2. you can't be for freedom if you want to restrict others from getting married because you personally don't like it.

Limiting the debate just because you are losing isn't a sound strategy.

Words have meaning. You and your side seem to think the definition of a word can change when you feel like changing it. Heck, I got an ANTIFA here to post

Marriage has never only meant between one man and one woman. Never. And that's also not a reason to push your theology onto others.

Well, the nazis were not really fascists

I hear a lot of wingnuts praising Nazis.


Fascist now means the left wants to call trump supporters fascist....

What is wrong with using the word UNION instead of MARRIAGE?

Because it's treating people differently under the law. Also civil unions don't have the same legal rights as marriage.

So, smoke your bong in the name of hypocritical freedom and get over it.
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You lie, and it exposes how irrational and mentally fucked in the head you left wing homos really are.

Bill Clinton supported full equality, joint and survivor annuities and the like, but insisted words have meaning. Your side spewed hate until the party caved in on the definition, and I'm sure you can parrot a "woke" dictionary to "back it up."

All th dictionaries in 1990 had

Man and woman

In the definition of marriage
You lie, and it exposes how irrational and mentally fucked in the head you left wing homos really are.

What did I lie about?

Bill Clinton supported full equality, joint and survivor annuities and the like, but insisted words have meaning. Your side spewed hate until the party caved in on the definition, and I'm sure you can parrot a "woke" dictionary to "back it up."

That was the fucking 90s. Most Americans are in favor of gay marriage. I'm sorry drama boy but the queers be gettin' married and in your neighborhood.

All th dictionaries in 1990 had

Man and woman

In the definition of marriage

I don't care. There are many definitions and I'm sorry you're an island alone now with the rest of the freedom haters.
There is no question that the post 1998 GOP, controlled by Zionist "RINOs" who pander to incredibly stupid pro Israel Christians, are overwhelmingly against marijuana in public. Prior to 1998, there were more pre 1998 republicans musing it over, discussing the math, trying to design policy to help America instead of harm...
Yeah, fucking Ronald Reagan was all about the sticky.
New USMB definition alert

Freedom hater - someone who supports bill clinton's gay Union proposal granting full legal rights as marriage but uses the word Union not marriage...

And you thought slave boat owners were bad....
First of all, there is zero proof that pot causes anyone to be a social liability.

The beaked birdbrain sub can parrot, just like a left winger who wants to believe co2 is warming earth. ...

The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is higher than it was in the last few million years when we human beings evolved on this planet here. Main reason for this change: industrialisation and a wrong use of energy "creating" (=transforming) systems. We blowed much to much CO2 into the atmosphere within a much too short time - so we are now in danger to start to lose balance. You saw just a moment ago the heat wave in the North of America. In Canada died about 700 people. Such an event, which happens only in 1000 years (2°K colder) is able to happen in the world every 3-5 years if the average temperature on Earth grows only again 0.8°K.
What the green house gas CO2 is able to do you can see very well in the atmosphere of the planet Venus, which had once a situation which was also friendly for the existence of life. Why is this important? On reason of risk evaluation!, which defines deadly consequences and the probability of deadly situations. The risk is immense.
Thanks, that you understood now the basics of the problem and you will stop in future to fight against the survival of all life on planet Earth and you will start to help the Noahs of this world to build their fleet of arks, which will transport us all into a better future, where we are able to survive. God bless you and everyone, who is doing so.

Parroting is not science, it is the religion of the intellectually inferior.

Over the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed. To your beaked birdbrain, that means co2 clumped over NA and fled Greenland, on command from Algore...

No, the normal climate cycle of glaciers and warming is over 110,000 years long.
And not only have be reduced the time duration to only about 250 years, but we have piled an additional warming on top of an already warm period.
The only reason why Greenland would not stay in sync with the rest of North America would be ocean currents, like the Gulf Stream. Nothing to do with CO2.

no comment
First of all, there is zero proof that pot causes anyone to be a social liability.

The beaked birdbrain sub can parrot, just like a left winger who wants to believe co2 is warming earth. ...

The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is higher than it was in the last few million years when we human beings evolved on this planet here. Main reason for this change: industrialisation and a wrong use of energy "creating" (=transforming) systems. We blowed much to much CO2 into the atmosphere within a much too short time - so we are now in danger to start to lose balance. You saw just a moment ago the heat wave in the North of America. In Canada died about 700 people. Such an event, which happens only in 1000 years (2°K colder) is able to happen in the world every 3-5 years if the average temperature on Earth grows only again 0.8°K.
What the green house gas CO2 is able to do you can see very well in the atmosphere of the planet Venus, which had once a situation which was also friendly for the existence of life. Why is this important? On reason of risk evaluation!, which defines deadly consequences and the probability of deadly situations. The risk is immense.
Thanks, that you understood now the basics of the problem and you will stop in future to fight against the survival of all life on planet Earth and you will start to help the Noahs of this world to build their fleet of arks, which will transport us all into a better future, where we are able to survive. God bless you and everyone, who is doing so.

Parroting is not science, it is the religion of the intellectually inferior.

Over the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed. To your beaked birdbrain, that means co2 clumped over NA and fled Greenland, on command from Algore...

The Earth has changed since the last Ice Age if you have not noticed.

So if Greenland froze while North America thawed, when was the ice age?


Please, glow, tell us that Antarctica is NOT an ICE AGE right now?

I mean, it can only be an ice age if you can parrot that from someone left wing.....

Never mind it is covered with 2 miles of ice....

There has been several ice ages do try to specify which one you want explained.

Yet, this has nothing to do with the OP.


I'll give you a clue. Ice ages are continent specific. Why? Because ice that pushes out over ocean breaks off. One piece from Greenland took out an ocean liner in 1912.

Antarctica is an ice age. You can learn about the

Search for

North American ice age

Notice continent specific name...

Greenland froze while North America thawed because Greenland was getting closer to the North Pole while NA was retreating....

Co2 is not the cause of anything.

Congrats on not saying Antarctica is not an ice age.

As for ms Richardson, we were joined by pat mahomes in pushing for the Olympics to drop THC recently.

Progress comes from truth....

no comment
@rigby EMH

The more people "think" like you are doing the faster we all will die. Hopefully Noah will have a chance. Bye bye.

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Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.

Reasonable people (like actual conservatives) would realize that the natural state of all substances is legal and unregulated. Marijuana was unregulated for all of human history before the United States began passing laws to make it illegal.

The government was enjoying the police power gained in prohibition and didn't want to give it up when prohibition was ended so they hung on to the marijuana laws they had and enacted even more.

Government legalizing marijuana is like government legalizing guns, or sex, or breathing. These are things to which all humans have natural rights and the government has no right, and in the case of the United States government no authority, to regulate or restrict at all. It's personal choice. The government can make certain behaviors criminal, such as murder, or robbery, or operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs, but it's the action that has a victim that is the crime.

What is not conservative, is to be an authoritarian, believing that government has the authority to force others to behave how you think they should behave; that's authoritarianism and has far more in common with socialism than with the libertarian attitudes of our Founders and the libertarian intentions of the Constitution of the United States.

Millions have been killed in the war on drugs - not from the drugs but in the war on drugs, globally. Millions more are in prisons or have been in prison in the US alone, probably hundreds of millions globally.

Then consider the crime caused by the war on drugs but unrelated to drugs directly. When people learn to ignore stupid laws, unenforceable laws, they learn to ignore the law in general. Respect for the law erodes and people simply live their lives outside the law.

The war on drugs has done more damage to every country in the world than any other event other than communism/socialism. If there's one thing that the USSR, Russa, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Columbia, can all agree on, it's making drugs illegal solely for the power it gives to government.
Asides that it one of the most difficult things to stop smoking is Cannabis much more toxic as it ever was before in history, because of the high concentration of THC in the genetically modified plants, which are used today.
Let me say bull shit. If there was genetically modify seeds out there we'd know it! If there is, I want some.

:lol: Poor guy. THC is damned dangerous - and the concentration today is much higher today then it ever had been in history before. And there are combinations for example togetjer with legal alcohol or other legal subtances, which are much more dangerous. And there are much more drugs. Alcohol and drugs cost health and happiness.

The only genetic modifications are from Gregor Mendel.

The myth started because of the dirt weed they tested with in the 70's was low quality. All that changed in the mid to late 80's

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Not surprisingly, you are a very confused stoner.
The most fundamental job of Government is to provide protections for our most productive, most law abiding citizens. This function has nothing to do with size of government.
Think once stoner.

How does making marijuana illegal protect our most productive, law-abiding citizens? Are you suggesting that from 1789 until the 1930s government wasn't doing its job of protecting the best citizens from those awful Mexicans?

The most fundamental job of government, actually, is to do absolutely nothing. Sometimes, things just have to be done and we can't do them ourselves, on our own, so we create government to manage those things. And then do some more nothing.

Today's state of Federal criminality of marijuana didn't happen until 1970 and Richard Nixon, who ignorantly hated marijuana because hippies smoked it and it was illegal so he insisted it be made a class 1 narcotic and Congress, also ignorantly, obliged.

For all of human history, all across the globe, marijuana was used medicinally and recreationally until the United States government realized how much power came with prohibition and they published the racist, completely-debunked, stories and movies and literature about raging Mexicans and blacks raping white women under the influence of marijuana.

It always amazes me when so-called, self-proclaimed, conservatives remind us all about the racist origins of gun-control in the United States and completely ignore the racist origins of drug control in the United States. They're actually not at all conservative; they're authoritarian in the manner of communists and socialists all around the world.
Not surprisingly, you are a very confused stoner.
The most fundamental job of Government is to provide protections for our most productive, most law abiding citizens. This function has nothing to do with size of government.
Think once stoner.

How does making marijuana illegal protect our most productive, law-abiding citizens? ...

Legal made marijuana kills their children.
Dude save it...just own your filth...don't try selling us on your retarded life choices...fuck yourself all you want just decline to allow me to pay for your oxygen tanks later when you have a hardcore case of emphysema....you're just a dirt-head stoner...say it with me loud and proud.

I was looking for your posts calling for outlawing tobacco and alcohol - two drugs that have a much larger cost in lives of those who use them, in lives of those who do not use them, and in government provided medical care. I couldn't find the posts; can you provide some links?
How does making marijuana illegal protect our most productive, law-abiding citizens? ...
Legal made marijuana kills their children.

So does snow skiing and swimming pools; do we make those illegal, too? In fact, so does high-school football. Let's ban that.

It was an unconstitutional prohibitive tax not meant to raise revenue at all.

Carter gained broad support when he campaigned on a decriminalization plan.

Faux-conservatives are quick to point out that the NFA was passed in 1934 with the intention of taxing guns out of the reach of poor black Americans and completely ignore this same intent in the marijuana tax act of 1937. The NFA was the inspiration for the marijuana tax act.

This is how I know I am the most conservative, perhaps even the only conservative, on this forum: I am consistently conservative; most of the others pick and choose which conservative ideals they support.
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
Tobacco is not that toxic until the manufacturers get ahold of it adding chemicals for a quicker burn(gun powder) and a high level of nicotine to make the addiction that much better.
Pot is not more toxic than tobacco ...
Asides that it one of the most difficult things to stop smoking is Cannabis much more toxic as it ever was before in history, because of the high concentration of THC in the genetically modified plants, which are used today. Cannabis today is much more concentrated than Cannabis had been for example in the 197x. ("Sex and drugs and rock'n roll"-movement). So specially parents today, who made in their own youth experiences with Cannabis, should not trust in this experiences - and their children should not try to get such experiences on their own. No one needs drugs and/or alcohol for a happy life. But often alcohol and drugs destroy lifes.
Moderation is the goal no matter what you do.

Moderation? ... What do you call moderation here? ... I don't smoke. I don't use alcohol. I don't use drugs. I'm moderate. I gave someone even a chance, who told me that I am not an expert in drugs, because he is his own expert by using drugs since he was 12 years - what was more than 50% of his life. This "expert" is now since a few weeks in a psychiatric hospital and in danger to lose his right of residence. His health insurance told him they will not finance any longer his hospital stay, because there is not any chance for him any longer to recover. His wife threw him out. She fears for the life of her two children. Still he has a chance to make a withdrawal treatment and a professional therapy. And still he has his job. But how long will this be? When will be the patience over with him? I fear he will be "moderate" to his drugs and will get a lot of problems in the next decades of his life. So what for heavens sake do you call "moderation" in case of drugs? This man is a danger for many others - specially for the own family - and doesn't like to change this. Do you like to see the next chaot in the streets who knives people? So what for heavens sake do you call "moderation"?
Are you obese, if not then you moderate your intake.
Obese? ... Übergewichtig? ... No ... But I'm not sure now whether I had interpreted your words in the right way. If you should try to fight for alcohol and drugs then you are in the wrong film - if you try to fight against alcohol and drugs then I am in the wrong film.
Your Zeitgeist is showing.
Dude save it...just own your filth...don't try selling us on your retarded life choices...fuck yourself all you want just decline to allow me to pay for your oxygen tanks later when you have a hardcore case of emphysema....you're just a dirt-head stoner...say it with me loud and proud.

I was looking for your posts calling for outlawing tobacco and alcohol - two drugs that have a much larger cost in lives of those who use them, in lives of those who do not use them, and in government provided medical care. I couldn't find the posts; can you provide some links?
LefTard Logic:
"Since alcohol and tobacco are legal we must not deprive lowlife degenerates and our youth of other means to fuck themselves up."
How about you dirtheads just smoke your weed in the closet like you always did and stop begging for acceptance and legalization.
There's little difference between you and pole puffers....."Please accept and support my habit of fucking a mans ass."

There's less difference between you and the Brady Campaign. You both support government intrusions on the rights of others just because you don't like something.

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