Marijuana and the definition of conservative

Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
Tobacco is not that toxic until the manufacturers get ahold of it adding chemicals for a quicker burn(gun powder) and a high level of nicotine to make the addiction that much better.
Pot is not more toxic than tobacco ...
Asides that it one of the most difficult things to stop smoking is Cannabis much more toxic as it ever was before in history, because of the high concentration of THC in the genetically modified plants, which are used today. Cannabis today is much more concentrated than Cannabis had been for example in the 197x. ("Sex and drugs and rock'n roll"-movement). So specially parents today, who made in their own youth experiences with Cannabis, should not trust in this experiences - and their children should not try to get such experiences on their own. No one needs drugs and/or alcohol for a happy life. But often alcohol and drugs destroy lifes.
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
Tobacco is not that toxic until the manufacturers get ahold of it adding chemicals for a quicker burn(gun powder) and a high level of nicotine to make the addiction that much better.
Pot is not more toxic than tobacco ...
Asides that it one of the most difficult things to stop smoking is Cannabis much more toxic as it ever was before in history, because of the high concentration of THC in the genetically modified plants, which are used today. Cannabis today is much more concentrated than Cannabis had been for example in the 197x. ("Sex and drugs and rock'n roll"-movement). So specially parents today, who made in their own youth experiences with Cannabis, should not trust in this experiences - and their children should not try to get such experiences on their own. No one needs drugs and/or alcohol for a happy life. But often alcohol and drugs destroy lifes.
Moderation is the goal no matter what you do.
I'm all for liberty of the highest order, that "live and let live" shit sounds sooooo cool and makes me feel all war and fuzzy inside...

"Live and let live" means to live free and to tolerate the free decisions of other people. Drugs make addicts. Addicts are not free. Alcohol and drug addicts are dangerous for the life of everyone. For example if someone drives car under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Such a behavior is "die or let die" and so this is not tolerated from the principle "live and let live".
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
Tobacco is not that toxic until the manufacturers get ahold of it adding chemicals for a quicker burn(gun powder) and a high level of nicotine to make the addiction that much better.
Pot is not more toxic than tobacco ...
Asides that it one of the most difficult things to stop smoking is Cannabis much more toxic as it ever was before in history, because of the high concentration of THC in the genetically modified plants, which are used today. Cannabis today is much more concentrated than Cannabis had been for example in the 197x. ("Sex and drugs and rock'n roll"-movement). So specially parents today, who made in their own youth experiences with Cannabis, should not trust in this experiences - and their children should not try to get such experiences on their own. No one needs drugs and/or alcohol for a happy life. But often alcohol and drugs destroy lifes.
Moderation is the goal no matter what you do.

Moderation? ... What do you call moderation here? ... I don't smoke. I don't use alcohol. I don't use drugs. I'm moderate. I gave someone even a chance, who told me that I am not an expert in drugs, because he is his own expert by using drugs since he was 12 years - what was more than 50% of his life. This "expert" is now since a few weeks in a psychiatric hospital and in danger to lose his right of residence. His health insurance told him they will not finance any longer his hospital stay, because there is not any chance for him any longer to recover. His wife threw him out. She fears for the life of her two children. Still he has a chance to make a withdrawal treatment and a professional therapy. And still he has his job. But how long will this be? When will be the patience over with him? I fear he will be "moderate" to his drugs and will get a lot of problems in the next decades of his life. So what for heavens sake do you call "moderation" in case of drugs? This man is a danger for many others - specially for the own family - and doesn't like to change this. Do you like to see the next chaot in the streets who knives people? So what for heavens sake do you call "moderation"?
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....
This guy is a flaming liberal trying to tell conservatives what to believe
Seems to be being material and the whole 9-5 rat race is the most destructive, so then it is those who do not do drugs who are the liability who do things like imprison innocent people, start illegal wars against innocent countries, etc.
Be honest, isn’t that the kind of shit that all unproductive non contributing lowlifes say to make themselves feel better?

This from a sub addicted to taxpayer funded pills.

You parrot lies. You have your whole life. Your perception of reality is sub. You are completely wrong about

Abortion/human overpopulation
Pills being good for you because your birdbrain parroted a pill dealer called a doctor
Whether big government is good because W did it
The math of the budget, since you can't do BASIC MATH
Who Jesus was
Why your chosen heroes reject Jesus
Why you think parroting a book is a superior take than actually being there and observing

Your whole life is a lie, and you are too dumb to figure that out, even with all of Michael phelps' gold medals in your face....
So anti pot legalization people are for freedom and less govt as long as it fits in their tiny little vision. Got it. That's called authoritarian and authoritarianism has never worked.
First of all, there is zero proof that pot causes anyone to be a social liability.

The beaked birdbrain sub can parrot, just like a left winger who wants to believe co2 is warming earth.

As for gutfeld's definition of conservative, here is a summary

Conservative is not about small government, balanced budgets, individual freedom, privacy, and rights.

Conservative is about really dumb Christians existing to serve Israel, the country behind JFK, the USS Liberty, 911 etc. So wrecking America does not matter, since only Israel matters. Christians do not understand basic science, so they won't figure out that molten steel pouring out of the south tower is 1600F hotter than burning jet fuel.

If your Jew disguised as a Christian preacher lies, and Fox News tells you the same lie, you are CERTAIN that the lie is true because you are a "conservative."

If you do not feel well, go see a doctor, and start popping the pill you are prescribed without anything more than your doctor told you to and you obediently parroted...

Conservative means when Fox News tells you to be scared, you hide under your bed and forfeit your rights. You support big government, especially the handout of your taxpayer funded pills...
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.

I saw that movie. Demolition man. Anything that was bad for you was illegal. And swearing was instantly fined one dollar.
Conservative love to trot out the "Don't Tread on ME" flag but then they'll proceed to tell people they can't smoke pot, they tell homosexuals to stay in the closet etc
Yes they believe in freedom and liberty, but you must fit into the tiny little how one MUST live. They also don't want medical patients to have access to something that could help them.
First of all, there is zero proof that pot causes anyone to be a social liability.

The beaked birdbrain sub can parrot, just like a left winger who wants to believe co2 is warming earth. ...

The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is higher than it was in the last few million years when we human beings evolved on this planet here. Main reason for this change: industrialisation and a wrong use of energy "creating" (=transforming) systems. We blowed much to much CO2 into the atmosphere within a much too short time - so we are now in danger to start to lose balance. You saw just a moment ago the heat wave in the North of America. In Canada died about 700 people. Such an event, which happens only in 1000 years (2°K colder) is able to happen in the world every 3-5 years if the average temperature on Earth grows only again 0.8°K.
What the green house gas CO2 is able to do you can see very well in the atmosphere of the planet Venus, which had once a situation which was also friendly for the existence of life. Why is this important? On reason of risk evaluation!, which defines deadly consequences and the probability of deadly situations. The risk is immense.
Thanks, that you understood now the basics of the problem and you will stop in future to fight against the survival of all life on planet Earth and you will start to help the Noahs of this world to build their fleet of arks, which will transport us all into a better future, where we are able to survive. God bless you and everyone, who is doing so.

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Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
Tobacco is not that toxic until the manufacturers get ahold of it adding chemicals for a quicker burn(gun powder) and a high level of nicotine to make the addiction that much better.
Pot is not more toxic than tobacco ...
Asides that it one of the most difficult things to stop smoking is Cannabis much more toxic as it ever was before in history, because of the high concentration of THC in the genetically modified plants, which are used today. Cannabis today is much more concentrated than Cannabis had been for example in the 197x. ("Sex and drugs and rock'n roll"-movement). So specially parents today, who made in their own youth experiences with Cannabis, should not trust in this experiences - and their children should not try to get such experiences on their own. No one needs drugs and/or alcohol for a happy life. But often alcohol and drugs destroy lifes.
Moderation is the goal no matter what you do.

Moderation? ... What do you call moderation here? ... I don't smoke. I don't use alcohol. I don't use drugs. I'm moderate. I gave someone even a chance, who told me that I am not an expert in drugs, because he is his own expert by using drugs since he was 12 years - what was more than 50% of his life. This "expert" is now since a few weeks in a psychiatric hospital and in danger to lose his right of residence. His health insurance told him they will not finance any longer his hospital stay, because there is not any chance for him any longer to recover. His wife threw him out. She fears for the life of her two children. Still he has a chance to make a withdrawal treatment and a professional therapy. And still he has his job. But how long will this be? When will be the patience over with him? I fear he will be "moderate" to his drugs and will get a lot of problems in the next decades of his life. So what for heavens sake do you call "moderation" in case of drugs? This man is a danger for many others - specially for the own family - and doesn't like to change this. Do you like to see the next chaot in the streets who knives people? So what for heavens sake do you call "moderation"?
Are you obese, if not then you moderate your intake.
First of all, there is zero proof that pot causes anyone to be a social liability.

The beaked birdbrain sub can parrot, just like a left winger who wants to believe co2 is warming earth. ...

The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is higher than it was in the last few million years when we human beings evolved on this planet here. Main reason for this change: industrialisation and a wrong use of energy "creating" (=transforming) systems. We blowed much to much CO2 into the atmosphere within a much too short time - so we are now in danger to start to lose balance. You saw just a moment ago the heat wave in the North of America. In Canada died about 700 people. Such an event, which happens only in 1000 years (2°K colder) is able to happen in the world every 3-5 years if the average temperature on Earth grows only again 0.8°K.
What the green house gas CO2 is able to do you can see very well in the atmosphere of the planet Venus, which had once a situation which was also friendly for the existence of life. Why is this important? On reason of risk evaluation!, which defines deadly consequences and the probability of deadly situations. The risk is immense.
Thanks, that you understood now the basics of the problem and you will stop in future to fight against the survival of all life on planet Earth and you will start to help the Noahs of this world to build their fleet of arks, which will transport us all into a better future, where we are able to survive. God bless you and everyone, who is doing so.

Parroting is not science, it is the religion of the intellectually inferior.

Over the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed. To your beaked birdbrain, that means co2 clumped over NA and fled Greenland, on command from Algore...
First of all, there is zero proof that pot causes anyone to be a social liability.

The beaked birdbrain sub can parrot, just like a left winger who wants to believe co2 is warming earth. ...

The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is higher than it was in the last few million years when we human beings evolved on this planet here. Main reason for this change: industrialisation and a wrong use of energy "creating" (=transforming) systems. We blowed much to much CO2 into the atmosphere within a much too short time - so we are now in danger to start to lose balance. You saw just a moment ago the heat wave in the North of America. In Canada died about 700 people. Such an event, which happens only in 1000 years (2°K colder) is able to happen in the world every 3-5 years if the average temperature on Earth grows only again 0.8°K.
What the green house gas CO2 is able to do you can see very well in the atmosphere of the planet Venus, which had once a situation which was also friendly for the existence of life. Why is this important? On reason of risk evaluation!, which defines deadly consequences and the probability of deadly situations. The risk is immense.
Thanks, that you understood now the basics of the problem and you will stop in future to fight against the survival of all life on planet Earth and you will start to help the Noahs of this world to build their fleet of arks, which will transport us all into a better future, where we are able to survive. God bless you and everyone, who is doing so.

Parroting is not science, it is the religion of the intellectually inferior.

Over the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed. To your beaked birdbrain, that means co2 clumped over NA and fled Greenland, on command from Algore...

The Earth has changed since the last Ice Age if you have not noticed.
First of all, there is zero proof that pot causes anyone to be a social liability.

The beaked birdbrain sub can parrot, just like a left winger who wants to believe co2 is warming earth. ...

The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is higher than it was in the last few million years when we human beings evolved on this planet here. Main reason for this change: industrialisation and a wrong use of energy "creating" (=transforming) systems. We blowed much to much CO2 into the atmosphere within a much too short time - so we are now in danger to start to lose balance. You saw just a moment ago the heat wave in the North of America. In Canada died about 700 people. Such an event, which happens only in 1000 years (2°K colder) is able to happen in the world every 3-5 years if the average temperature on Earth grows only again 0.8°K.
What the green house gas CO2 is able to do you can see very well in the atmosphere of the planet Venus, which had once a situation which was also friendly for the existence of life. Why is this important? On reason of risk evaluation!, which defines deadly consequences and the probability of deadly situations. The risk is immense.
Thanks, that you understood now the basics of the problem and you will stop in future to fight against the survival of all life on planet Earth and you will start to help the Noahs of this world to build their fleet of arks, which will transport us all into a better future, where we are able to survive. God bless you and everyone, who is doing so.

Parroting is not science, it is the religion of the intellectually inferior.

Over the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed. To your beaked birdbrain, that means co2 clumped over NA and fled Greenland, on command from Algore...

The Earth has changed since the last Ice Age if you have not noticed.

So if Greenland froze while North America thawed, when was the ice age?


Please, glow, tell us that Antarctica is NOT an ICE AGE right now?

I mean, it can only be an ice age if you can parrot that from someone left wing.....

Never mind it is covered with 2 miles of ice....
First of all, there is zero proof that pot causes anyone to be a social liability.

The beaked birdbrain sub can parrot, just like a left winger who wants to believe co2 is warming earth. ...

The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is higher than it was in the last few million years when we human beings evolved on this planet here. Main reason for this change: industrialisation and a wrong use of energy "creating" (=transforming) systems. We blowed much to much CO2 into the atmosphere within a much too short time - so we are now in danger to start to lose balance. You saw just a moment ago the heat wave in the North of America. In Canada died about 700 people. Such an event, which happens only in 1000 years (2°K colder) is able to happen in the world every 3-5 years if the average temperature on Earth grows only again 0.8°K.
What the green house gas CO2 is able to do you can see very well in the atmosphere of the planet Venus, which had once a situation which was also friendly for the existence of life. Why is this important? On reason of risk evaluation!, which defines deadly consequences and the probability of deadly situations. The risk is immense.
Thanks, that you understood now the basics of the problem and you will stop in future to fight against the survival of all life on planet Earth and you will start to help the Noahs of this world to build their fleet of arks, which will transport us all into a better future, where we are able to survive. God bless you and everyone, who is doing so.

Parroting is not science, it is the religion of the intellectually inferior.

Over the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed. To your beaked birdbrain, that means co2 clumped over NA and fled Greenland, on command from Algore...

The Earth has changed since the last Ice Age if you have not noticed.

So if Greenland froze while North America thawed, when was the ice age?


Please, glow, tell us that Antarctica is NOT an ICE AGE right now?

I mean, it can only be an ice age if you can parrot that from someone left wing.....

Never mind it is covered with 2 miles of ice....

There has been several ice ages do try to specify which one you want explained.

Yet, this has nothing to do with the OP.
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
Tobacco is not that toxic until the manufacturers get ahold of it adding chemicals for a quicker burn(gun powder) and a high level of nicotine to make the addiction that much better.
Pot is not more toxic than tobacco ...
Asides that it one of the most difficult things to stop smoking is Cannabis much more toxic as it ever was before in history, because of the high concentration of THC in the genetically modified plants, which are used today. Cannabis today is much more concentrated than Cannabis had been for example in the 197x. ("Sex and drugs and rock'n roll"-movement). So specially parents today, who made in their own youth experiences with Cannabis, should not trust in this experiences - and their children should not try to get such experiences on their own. No one needs drugs and/or alcohol for a happy life. But often alcohol and drugs destroy lifes.
Moderation is the goal no matter what you do.

Moderation? ... What do you call moderation here? ... I don't smoke. I don't use alcohol. I don't use drugs. I'm moderate. I gave someone even a chance, who told me that I am not an expert in drugs, because he is his own expert by using drugs since he was 12 years - what was more than 50% of his life. This "expert" is now since a few weeks in a psychiatric hospital and in danger to lose his right of residence. His health insurance told him they will not finance any longer his hospital stay, because there is not any chance for him any longer to recover. His wife threw him out. She fears for the life of her two children. Still he has a chance to make a withdrawal treatment and a professional therapy. And still he has his job. But how long will this be? When will be the patience over with him? I fear he will be "moderate" to his drugs and will get a lot of problems in the next decades of his life. So what for heavens sake do you call "moderation" in case of drugs? This man is a danger for many others - specially for the own family - and doesn't like to change this. Do you like to see the next chaot in the streets who knives people? So what for heavens sake do you call "moderation"?
Are you obese, if not then you moderate your intake.
Obese? ... Übergewichtig? ... No ... But I'm not sure now whether I had interpreted your words in the right way. If you should try to fight for alcohol and drugs then you are in the wrong film - if you try to fight against alcohol and drugs then I am in the wrong film.
First of all, there is zero proof that pot causes anyone to be a social liability.

The beaked birdbrain sub can parrot, just like a left winger who wants to believe co2 is warming earth. ...

The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is higher than it was in the last few million years when we human beings evolved on this planet here. Main reason for this change: industrialisation and a wrong use of energy "creating" (=transforming) systems. We blowed much to much CO2 into the atmosphere within a much too short time - so we are now in danger to start to lose balance. You saw just a moment ago the heat wave in the North of America. In Canada died about 700 people. Such an event, which happens only in 1000 years (2°K colder) is able to happen in the world every 3-5 years if the average temperature on Earth grows only again 0.8°K.
What the green house gas CO2 is able to do you can see very well in the atmosphere of the planet Venus, which had once a situation which was also friendly for the existence of life. Why is this important? On reason of risk evaluation!, which defines deadly consequences and the probability of deadly situations. The risk is immense.
Thanks, that you understood now the basics of the problem and you will stop in future to fight against the survival of all life on planet Earth and you will start to help the Noahs of this world to build their fleet of arks, which will transport us all into a better future, where we are able to survive. God bless you and everyone, who is doing so.

Parroting is not science, it is the religion of the intellectually inferior.

Strange. ... damned strange ...

Over the past million years, Greenland froze while North America thawed. To your beaked birdbrain, that means co2 clumped over NA and fled Greenland, on command from Algore...

Try to understand what I said. What you say here is an empty phrase. In the last million years (and longer) we had a constant CO2 level of about 200 ppm - since some years it is more than 400. In parts of the deep seas the oceans lose oxygen. This process will not stop in the next 250 years - even if we start to do everything in the right way now immediatelly. We are very late to start to fight. So don't waste time with nonsense.
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A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....

Neat. It's funny how liberals have usually been more open to marijuana legalization.

What about the right to marry the one you love without the government telling you that it's icky? Traditionally where have conservatives stood on that?
What about the right to marry the one you love without the government telling you that it's icky?
that was voted down twice in California.....and yes lots of liberals voted it down......

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