Marijuana and the definition of conservative

Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
First, not as toxic
Second, unlike tobacco, pot has medicinal qualities that help with pain, anxiety, sleep and other ailments. WITHOUT using addictive medications...

Addictive medications = Big Pharma = GOP Opposition to pot
All excuse making bullshit....Remember when ALL stoners suddenly came down with a case of glaucoma?
Now they all seem to have other "ailments"....Just fucking say're a fucking stoner looking for justification.
No, I don't.
Since medical marijuana requires a doctor certification I'm thinking you don't remember either.

Now for me...
My shoulders, both of them, need to be replaced.
When doctors see my Lumbar MRI their response is
View attachment 510123

When they look at my cervical they
View attachment 510124

I had been prescribed as many as 6 percs a day but I took 2.
When MM was passed I took a 3 inch stack of reports and disks to the doctor and got certified.
It works. Not a powerful as the opioid but not addictive and, using creams, can be applied during the day without impact functionality.
Your view on pot is based purely in ignorance and the propaganda fed to you by BIG Pharma/Booze.
It works. Without it I would have been forced into retirement 3 years ago.

You should try not to comment on subjects about which you are wholly ignorant.
I don't think anybody thinks weed shouldn't be LEGITIMATELY prescribed for medical purposes.
BUT we both know that's not what's being discussed...right?
You want our courts to basically prescribe weed to our youth for recreational use all so you can feel less ashamed of your usage...right?
Know a 10 year old?
Give the kid a 20 and tell him to go into the 7-11 and pick up a bottle of wine.
Give the kid another 20 and tell him to go down the street and get you some pot.
What does the kid have when he gets back?
I'll be generous and tell you.
He has $20 and some pot.
You can't regulate something unless it is legal.
That is the big lesson of the war on drugs since prohibition.

Let me use actual factual history to show you just how stupid your position is...
Late 60s drug "epidemic" associated with anti-war protestors.
So we declared a "War on Drugs" and passed some legislation requiring absolutely draconian punishments for relatively minor drug offenses.
But minors were excluded so the dealers began recruiting teenagers to sell their product.
Who do 15 year olds know? Other kids who became their primary customers.
Those laws, intended to save kids from drugs, drove drugs into the high schools and lower in a big fat limo.
But that's not all, they also drove guns into the schools.
Guns and violence have always been a part of the Black Markets.
When the dealers bought their drugs into the schools they bought their guns with them.
That's right. The violence and associated criminality you whine and moan about each and every day is the direct result of this "conservative" compulsion to control the private behaviors of EVERYONE.
Go whine for a moment, I'll wait.
NO, it's not the Democrats, it's not the Republicans, it is you and people like you who have this compulsion.
So you win on drugs and not only are they illegal your punishments are so draconian that the 50k people arrested nationwide every day don't even begin to swell the prison population. Graveyards, yes. Prisons, no.
Satisfied? Never.
How bout them Lady Bits? We know Lady Bits are the cause of all sex crimes. We got to save you from those evil lady bits.
Let's use technology to invent a belt of some sort that would ensure both the front and back doors are EXIT ONLY.
We'll put it on all females starting at age zero.
That'll protect the chastity of men and women. But I still can't come up with a name for it. How about Crotch Block-it Locket?
Are you getting it yet?

This isn't about drugs being bad or protecting kids.
It's about power. Control.
You and those like you want to control the private behaviors of those who are in any way not like you.
If you could only get them to
act more like you
think more like you

Then the world would not be as scary.
Now I get serious.

What I say now I say with no ill will or intent.
Were people like you not so dangerous you would be pitiable.
Not for your beliefs or ideas but for the fears behind them.
Those fears lead you to accept as true that which simple common sense will tell you cannot be.
And then you want to act on those lies and end up hurting the innocent.
You are dangerous so despite the fact that in your minds your intents are true
You must be treated as what you are.
Dangerous ideologues.

So are you beginning to understand why making these drugs illegal is a failure at every level?
Smoke em if ya got em!

The long term health effects on yer brain have been known for a long time ....which means I'm screwed eventually since I've been partaking since I'm a young teen

One wonders how I manage to build million dollar houses, drive a luxury SUV, have multiple toys in my second garage next to my home that I own because of a stellar credit rating.
It's amazing what I accomplished in my stupor.

Also amazing how many Karen like Nanny Statists exist on both sides of the spectrum.

Call me an Independent that voted for Trump, and there are millions of us that will bail on the GOP unless they get their shit together.
Small government my fucking ass.

I may have a dollar or two laying around

Indeed We're certainly more constitutionally conservative then the holier than thou" conservatives "

Many a functioning alcoholics and pot heads out there ....its nothing new
I've known a few ....myself included
Hell this country was built by hard brawling ,hooker fuckin ,raging alcoholics

I've been on pot threads here before
All the fucking prohibitionist....

Medically cbd people swear by it ....which is non narcotic when ya get down to it
Regular get ya high grass who have raises thier quality of life 100 fold by less emergency room visits alone ..they all have the same complaint to .....big pharma sucks! their pills do not work!

Youre gonna deny sick children ...something that helps them
In some states they lock up straight shooter parents looking for and giving weed to thier kids

Now that's criminal
They're what we used to call "single issue voters" and they joined the GOP because the GOP promised to pay homage to their particular issue.
While I fancy myself as more of a WHITE Nationalist I do believe conservatives are definitely "one issue voters"...they tend to vote for the candidate who promises to protect and preserve the American Way, our history, traditions, moral and value systems and all things America whereas the Left votes on their single issues and for a candidate who promises to give free shit, pretend man on man ass sex is cool, pretend illegals are good for know, single issues that only degrade America and it's founding principles.
See the difference?
I see just what I described. White is your silo and as long as your the winner you really don't give a damn about "history, traditions, moral and value systems and all things America."
In 50 years we'll both be dead but my ideals will remain while you and yours rot in some Michigan landfill.
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
First, not as toxic
Second, unlike tobacco, pot has medicinal qualities that help with pain, anxiety, sleep and other ailments. WITHOUT using addictive medications...

Addictive medications = Big Pharma = GOP Opposition to pot
All excuse making bullshit....Remember when ALL stoners suddenly came down with a case of glaucoma?
Now they all seem to have other "ailments"....Just fucking say're a fucking stoner looking for justification.
No, I don't.
Since medical marijuana requires a doctor certification I'm thinking you don't remember either.

Now for me...
My shoulders, both of them, need to be replaced.
When doctors see my Lumbar MRI their response is
View attachment 510123

When they look at my cervical they
View attachment 510124

I had been prescribed as many as 6 percs a day but I took 2.
When MM was passed I took a 3 inch stack of reports and disks to the doctor and got certified.
It works. Not a powerful as the opioid but not addictive and, using creams, can be applied during the day without impact functionality.
Your view on pot is based purely in ignorance and the propaganda fed to you by BIG Pharma/Booze.
It works. Without it I would have been forced into retirement 3 years ago.

You should try not to comment on subjects about which you are wholly ignorant.
I don't think anybody thinks weed shouldn't be LEGITIMATELY prescribed for medical purposes.
BUT we both know that's not what's being discussed...right?
You want our courts to basically prescribe weed to our youth for recreational use all so you can feel less ashamed of your usage...right?
Know a 10 year old?
Give the kid a 20 and tell him to go into the 7-11 and pick up a bottle of wine.
Give the kid another 20 and tell him to go down the street and get you some pot.
What does the kid have when he gets back?
I'll be generous and tell you.
He has $20 and some pot.
You can't regulate something unless it is legal.
That is the big lesson of the war on drugs since prohibition.

Let me use actual factual history to show you just how stupid your position is...
Late 60s drug "epidemic" associated with anti-war protestors.
So we declared a "War on Drugs" and passed some legislation requiring absolutely draconian punishments for relatively minor drug offenses.
But minors were excluded so the dealers began recruiting teenagers to sell their product.
Who do 15 year olds know? Other kids who became their primary customers.
Those laws, intended to save kids from drugs, drove drugs into the high schools and lower in a big fat limo.
But that's not all, they also drove guns into the schools.
Guns and violence have always been a part of the Black Markets.
When the dealers bought their drugs into the schools they bought their guns with them.
That's right. The violence and associated criminality you whine and moan about each and every day is the direct result of this "conservative" compulsion to control the private behaviors of EVERYONE.
Go whine for a moment, I'll wait.
NO, it's not the Democrats, it's not the Republicans, it is you and people like you who have this compulsion.
So you win on drugs and not only are they illegal your punishments are so draconian that the 50k people arrested nationwide every day don't even begin to swell the prison population. Graveyards, yes. Prisons, no.
Satisfied? Never.
How bout them Lady Bits? We know Lady Bits are the cause of all sex crimes. We got to save you from those evil lady bits.
Let's use technology to invent a belt of some sort that would ensure both the front and back doors are EXIT ONLY.
We'll put it on all females starting at age zero.
That'll protect the chastity of men and women. But I still can't come up with a name for it. How about Crotch Block-it Locket?
Are you getting it yet?

This isn't about drugs being bad or protecting kids.
It's about power. Control.
You and those like you want to control the private behaviors of those who are in any way not like you.
If you could only get them to
act more like you
think more like you

Then the world would not be as scary.
Now I get serious.

What I say now I say with no ill will or intent.
Were people like you not so dangerous you would be pitiable.
Not for your beliefs or ideas but for the fears behind them.
Those fears lead you to accept as true that which simple common sense will tell you cannot be.
And then you want to act on those lies and end up hurting the innocent.
You are dangerous so despite the fact that in your minds your intents are true
You must be treated as what you are.
Dangerous ideologues.

So are you beginning to understand why making these drugs illegal is a failure at every level?
Hold your position is...."legalize all drugs so fewer go to jail on drug charges and fewer use and abuse drugs?"
Isn't all imposition of law a "war on _________"?
War on speeding
War on rape
War on murder...etc etc
Am I hearing your crazy bullshit right?

You LefTards are so damn act as if the greatest nation on the planet wasn't built and pillared on core American values, morals, beliefs and behaviors.
America wasn't built by faggots, wetbacks, chicks with dicks, feminazis, stoners, criminals, welfare degenerates and the realize that...right?
Moonglow You might be a Libertarian then Moon...most lean left and support drugs----some lean right with most still supporting drugs.
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....

Neat. It's funny how liberals have usually been more open to marijuana legalization.

What about the right to marry the one you love without the government telling you that it's icky? Traditionally where have conservatives stood on that?
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....

Neat. It's funny how liberals have usually been more open to marijuana legalization.

What about the right to marry the one you love without the government telling you that it's icky? Traditionally where have conservatives stood on that?
Conservatives believe civil first world societies operate with moral boundaries...Libs hate behavioral boundaries.
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....
The thing is; when we decided to FORCE good productive people to pay for the poor life decisions made by lowlife degenerates circa 1935 Father Government gave me an equity share in filthy pieces of worthless shit....Now, I want Americans to meet a standard for obvious reasons...only Father Government can impose laws/legislation to FORCE people to meet a standard that doesn't cost me money and or threaten my quality of life.
Look, the undeniable truth is and large it’s the poor, the ignorant, the young and unmotivated whom are smoking’s really no secret.
Grown, productive, smart people who smoke weed don’t champion the lifestyle and can’t care less if it’s legal.

The people stoners want you to think are stoners:

The REAL stoners:

So you show a pic from a story on homeless people without any proof they are stoners except your false allegations of defamation about humans because you are a bigot.. Congratulations on picking on homeless people in West Virginia...'re right, the homeless never smoke weed.
Here, is this better?
Now prove he is homeless.
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....

Neat. It's funny how liberals have usually been more open to marijuana legalization.

What about the right to marry the one you love without the government telling you that it's icky? Traditionally where have conservatives stood on that?
Conservatives believe civil first world societies operate with moral boundaries...Libs hate behavioral boundaries.

Christ, you really fucked that up for the OP.

You really want the government to decide for you who it is moral to marry? I bet you bowl with the bumpers up too.
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
First, not as toxic
Second, unlike tobacco, pot has medicinal qualities that help with pain, anxiety, sleep and other ailments. WITHOUT using addictive medications...

Addictive medications = Big Pharma = GOP Opposition to pot
All excuse making bullshit....Remember when ALL stoners suddenly came down with a case of glaucoma?
Now they all seem to have other "ailments"....Just fucking say're a fucking stoner looking for justification.
No, I don't.
Since medical marijuana requires a doctor certification I'm thinking you don't remember either.

Now for me...
My shoulders, both of them, need to be replaced.
When doctors see my Lumbar MRI their response is
View attachment 510123

When they look at my cervical they
View attachment 510124

I had been prescribed as many as 6 percs a day but I took 2.
When MM was passed I took a 3 inch stack of reports and disks to the doctor and got certified.
It works. Not a powerful as the opioid but not addictive and, using creams, can be applied during the day without impact functionality.
Your view on pot is based purely in ignorance and the propaganda fed to you by BIG Pharma/Booze.
It works. Without it I would have been forced into retirement 3 years ago.

You should try not to comment on subjects about which you are wholly ignorant.
I don't think anybody thinks weed shouldn't be LEGITIMATELY prescribed for medical purposes.
BUT we both know that's not what's being discussed...right?
You want our courts to basically prescribe weed to our youth for recreational use all so you can feel less ashamed of your usage...right?
Know a 10 year old?
Give the kid a 20 and tell him to go into the 7-11 and pick up a bottle of wine.
Give the kid another 20 and tell him to go down the street and get you some pot.
What does the kid have when he gets back?
I'll be generous and tell you.
He has $20 and some pot.
You can't regulate something unless it is legal.
That is the big lesson of the war on drugs since prohibition.

Let me use actual factual history to show you just how stupid your position is...
Late 60s drug "epidemic" associated with anti-war protestors.
So we declared a "War on Drugs" and passed some legislation requiring absolutely draconian punishments for relatively minor drug offenses.
But minors were excluded so the dealers began recruiting teenagers to sell their product.
Who do 15 year olds know? Other kids who became their primary customers.
Those laws, intended to save kids from drugs, drove drugs into the high schools and lower in a big fat limo.
But that's not all, they also drove guns into the schools.
Guns and violence have always been a part of the Black Markets.
When the dealers bought their drugs into the schools they bought their guns with them.
That's right. The violence and associated criminality you whine and moan about each and every day is the direct result of this "conservative" compulsion to control the private behaviors of EVERYONE.
Go whine for a moment, I'll wait.
NO, it's not the Democrats, it's not the Republicans, it is you and people like you who have this compulsion.
So you win on drugs and not only are they illegal your punishments are so draconian that the 50k people arrested nationwide every day don't even begin to swell the prison population. Graveyards, yes. Prisons, no.
Satisfied? Never.
How bout them Lady Bits? We know Lady Bits are the cause of all sex crimes. We got to save you from those evil lady bits.
Let's use technology to invent a belt of some sort that would ensure both the front and back doors are EXIT ONLY.
We'll put it on all females starting at age zero.
That'll protect the chastity of men and women. But I still can't come up with a name for it. How about Crotch Block-it Locket?
Are you getting it yet?

This isn't about drugs being bad or protecting kids.
It's about power. Control.
You and those like you want to control the private behaviors of those who are in any way not like you.
If you could only get them to
act more like you
think more like you

Then the world would not be as scary.
Now I get serious.

What I say now I say with no ill will or intent.
Were people like you not so dangerous you would be pitiable.
Not for your beliefs or ideas but for the fears behind them.
Those fears lead you to accept as true that which simple common sense will tell you cannot be.
And then you want to act on those lies and end up hurting the innocent.
You are dangerous so despite the fact that in your minds your intents are true
You must be treated as what you are.
Dangerous ideologues.

So are you beginning to understand why making these drugs illegal is a failure at every level?
Hold your position is...."legalize all drugs so fewer go to jail on drug charges and fewer use and abuse drugs?"
Isn't all imposition of law a "war on _________"?
War on speeding
War on rape
War on murder...etc etc
Am I hearing your crazy bullshit right?

You LefTards are so damn act as if the greatest nation on the planet wasn't built and pillared on core American values, morals, beliefs and behaviors.
America wasn't built by faggots, wetbacks, chicks with dicks, feminazis, stoners, criminals, welfare degenerates and the realize that...right?


A war on speeding is illegal.
What is legal is protecting other driver from being hit by someone out of control.

A war on rape is illegal.
What is legal is protecting women from being attacked against their will.

A war on murder is illegal.
What is legal is defending the rights of someone to not be killed.

You don't seem to get it.
Government has no authority to proscribe or dictate.
Government only borrows the delegated authority to defend the rights of others.
Huge difference.

First of all, the US is not the greatest nation in the world.
And if it had been built on honorable values, morals, beliefs, and behavior, then we would not have treated the natives so badly.
You need to keep up. This video is old already.
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....
The thing is; when we decided to FORCE good productive people to pay for the poor life decisions made by lowlife degenerates circa 1935 Father Government gave me an equity share in filthy pieces of worthless shit....Now, I want Americans to meet a standard for obvious reasons...only Father Government can impose laws/legislation to FORCE people to meet a standard that doesn't cost me money and or threaten my quality of life.
Look, the undeniable truth is and large it’s the poor, the ignorant, the young and unmotivated whom are smoking’s really no secret.
Grown, productive, smart people who smoke weed don’t champion the lifestyle and can’t care less if it’s legal.

The people stoners want you to think are stoners:

The REAL stoners:

So you show a pic from a story on homeless people without any proof they are stoners except your false allegations of defamation about humans because you are a bigot.. Congratulations on picking on homeless people in West Virginia...'re right, the homeless never smoke weed.
Here, is this better?
Now prove he is homeless.

The people with dogs and blankets likely are homeless.
The obviously are poor, have no jewelry, etc.
But the Black guy with the joint obviously is not homeless, and appears to have expensive tattoos, jewelry, etc.
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....

Neat. It's funny how liberals have usually been more open to marijuana legalization.

What about the right to marry the one you love without the government telling you that it's icky? Traditionally where have conservatives stood on that?
Conservatives believe civil first world societies operate with moral boundaries...Libs hate behavioral boundaries.

Christ, you really fucked that up for the OP.

You really want the government to decide for you who it is moral to marry? I bet you bowl with the bumpers up too.

Sounds like the Taliban.
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....
The thing is; when we decided to FORCE good productive people to pay for the poor life decisions made by lowlife degenerates circa 1935 Father Government gave me an equity share in filthy pieces of worthless shit....Now, I want Americans to meet a standard for obvious reasons...only Father Government can impose laws/legislation to FORCE people to meet a standard that doesn't cost me money and or threaten my quality of life.
Look, the undeniable truth is and large it’s the poor, the ignorant, the young and unmotivated whom are smoking’s really no secret.
Grown, productive, smart people who smoke weed don’t champion the lifestyle and can’t care less if it’s legal.

The people stoners want you to think are stoners:

The REAL stoners:

So you show a pic from a story on homeless people without any proof they are stoners except your false allegations of defamation about humans because you are a bigot.. Congratulations on picking on homeless people in West Virginia...'re right, the homeless never smoke weed.
Here, is this better?
Now prove he is homeless.

The people with dogs and blankets likely are homeless.
The obviously are poor, have no jewelry, etc.
But the Black guy with the joint obviously is not homeless, and appears to have expensive tattoos, jewelry, etc.
Did you get high to figure that out?
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....

My main problem with criminalizing marijuana is that its stupidly inconsistent and wildly irrational.

As a society, I think we have the authority to determine that a particular level of harm is too great for society to bear. But once you've defined an level of harm that is legal......then obviously anything LESS harmful would also be legal. I mean, if its legal to drive 65mph, surely its legal to drive 63.

So in what world is marijuana MORE dangerous than alcohol?
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....

My main problem with criminalizing marijuana is that its stupidly inconsistent and wildly irrational.

As a society, I think we have the authority to determine that a particular level of harm is too great for society to bear. But once you've defined an level of harm that is legal......then obviously anything LESS harmful would also be legal. I mean, if its legal to drive 65mph, surely its legal to drive 63.

So in what world is marijuana MORE dangerous than alcohol?
No, in my experiences alcohol is much more dangerous.
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A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....

My main problem with criminalizing marijuana is that its stupidly inconsistent and wildly irrational.

As a society, I think we have the authority to determine that a particular level of harm is too great for society to bear. But once you've defined an level of harm that is legal......then obviously anything LESS harmful would also be legal. I mean, if its legal to drive 65mph, surely its legal to drive 63.

So in what world is marijuana MORE dangerous than alcohol?
LefTard Logic:
"Since alcohol and tobacco are legal we must not deprive lowlife degenerates and our youth of other means to fuck themselves up."
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....

My main problem with criminalizing marijuana is that its stupidly inconsistent and wildly irrational.

As a society, I think we have the authority to determine that a particular level of harm is too great for society to bear. But once you've defined an level of harm that is legal......then obviously anything LESS harmful would also be legal. I mean, if its legal to drive 65mph, surely its legal to drive 63.

So in what world is marijuana MORE dangerous than alcohol?
No, in my experiences alcohol is much more dangerous.
The number of alcohol related deaths would back that up.
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....

My main problem with criminalizing marijuana is that its stupidly inconsistent and wildly irrational.

As a society, I think we have the authority to determine that a particular level of harm is too great for society to bear. But once you've defined an level of harm that is legal......then obviously anything LESS harmful would also be legal. I mean, if its legal to drive 65mph, surely its legal to drive 63.

So in what world is marijuana MORE dangerous than alcohol?
LefTard Logic:
"Since alcohol and tobacco are legal we must not deprive lowlife degenerates and our youth of other means to fuck themselves up."

Why would you criminalize something that is LESS harmful than what we agree is a legal level of harm?
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....

Neat. It's funny how liberals have usually been more open to marijuana legalization.

What about the right to marry the one you love without the government telling you that it's icky? Traditionally where have conservatives stood on that?

Name the "liberals" for legalization.

Your side had a dem senate, dem house, homO, and polls showing 60% support in 2009.

What did your side do with that?

Bigot holder packed prisons with specifically white medicinal marijuana types.

Your side is always for big government. It is never for individual liberty at the expense of enriching lawyers....
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....

My main problem with criminalizing marijuana is that its stupidly inconsistent and wildly irrational.

As a society, I think we have the authority to determine that a particular level of harm is too great for society to bear. But once you've defined an level of harm that is legal......then obviously anything LESS harmful would also be legal. I mean, if its legal to drive 65mph, surely its legal to drive 63.

So in what world is marijuana MORE dangerous than alcohol?
LefTard Logic:
"Since alcohol and tobacco are legal we must not deprive lowlife degenerates and our youth of other means to fuck themselves up."

Why would you criminalize something that is LESS harmful than what we agree is a legal level of harm?

You are asking a "conservative" addicted to taxpayer funded OxyContin.....

Opium pills paid for by the taxpayer - good and "conservative" since W, GOP house and GOP senate socialized senior drugs

Michael phelps taking bong hits and winning gold medals - horrible, put him in jail

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