Marijuana and the definition of conservative vises for me...I like self control.
I run and train...I'm into fitness, golfing and boating...I'm into living a long, fun prosperous life/lifestyle.
Good but....Remember what Winston Churchill said: "Never trust a man without vices." Of course he also said: "Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have." Ah well, so it goes....
You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....
the first federal pot laws came during the so called “progressive era” as a means to collect more taxes...

the first push to relax them on the federal level came in the last farm bill passed by a gop congress and signed by trump

It was an unconstitutional prohibitive tax not meant to raise revenue at all.

Carter gained broad support when he campaigned on a decriminalization plan.
maybe so but he and his dem congress never did anything about it
They were mad too. Especially when he came out for energy independence through new green energy technology and, gasp, conservation of resources! The Oil Patch, Drug Warriors (profiteers) , and DC insiders were not happy at all! He was Carter'ized in the press. vises for me...I like self control.
I run and train...I'm into fitness, golfing and boating...I'm into living a long, fun prosperous life/lifestyle.
Good but....Remember what Winston Churchill said: "Never trust a man without vices." Of course he also said: "Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have." Ah well, so it goes....
I'll enjoy a little high-end scotch from time to time...I'll have a few craft beers here and there but I'll never develop a bad habit or a vise that's sure to destroy my body or kill me prematurely....I enjoy living too much.
Let's get to the real reason for this thread - the US' top 100 sprinter being excluded from the Olympics.

Individual opinions about pot aside, everyone knew the rules - she admitted she knew the rule and still made the personal decision to smoke pot, thus breaking the rules.

I personally have a hard time feeling sorry for her. After dedicating so much of her life to the sport and so close to the Olympics to throw it all away. There is only 1 person to blame...and at least she owned it.

You heroic anti conservative pot haters who want big big government to save you from ms Richardson winning the gold and outing your side's lies about weed once again have won. You can celebrate.

But you cannot give one good reason why THC is on the Olympic banned list, not one... Other than you hate it...
We totally get love your weed and you're begging for go do a bong rip in grammy's basement and play your video games.
dam get out of California or Hollywood is going to sign you up for an episode of would be good at it....

How about you dirtheads just smoke your weed in the closet like you always did and stop begging for acceptance and legalization.
There's little difference between you and pole puffers....."Please accept and support my habit of fucking a mans ass."
oh shit man you are are whining just like a born loser would loser get out of california...the longer you stay the closer you get to this......


The Runt? I'm old enough to remember the original. They used the song in the movie "Easy Rider", which to this very day, I've never seen. I even remember the day I decided that I wasn't suckin' on something that some other asshole just had in his mouth.

Fuck that gay shit.

Last edited:
By "tight ass douchebag" do you mean productive positive contributor? you dirtheads I smoked lots of weed as a child and in college...then I grew the fuck up and got serious about life and productivity.
Guess that would explain your being a tight ass douchebag.
By "tight ass douchebag" do you mean productive positive contributor?
No, by “tight ass douchebag”, I mean tight ass douchebag.

Like your kind.
Let's get to the real reason for this thread - the US' top 100 sprinter being excluded from the Olympics.

Individual opinions about pot aside, everyone knew the rules - she admitted she knew the rule and still made the personal decision to smoke pot, thus breaking the rules.

I personally have a hard time feeling sorry for her. After dedicating so much of her life to the sport and so close to the Olympics to throw it all away. There is only 1 person to blame...and at least she owned it.

You heroic anti conservative pot haters who want big big government to save you from ms Richardson winning the gold and outing your side's lies about weed once again have won. You can celebrate.

But you cannot give one good reason why THC is on the Olympic banned list, not one... Other than you hate it...
We totally get love your weed and you're begging for go do a bong rip in grammy's basement and play your video games.

"With radical Islam, we know what the threat is"

Greg gutfeld
Jew supremacist
Fox News

Tee hee, don't check where Greg was INVESTED in on 910

Long bond
Defense stocks

The real threat of Zionist false flagged "Islamic terror" is that it exposes America for having many Christians who do not understand BASIC MATH or SCIENCE.... But rather endlessly parrot fear inspiring bullshit and cower under the couch watching Fox begging big government for homeland security and massive government invasions of privacy all while claiming to be conservative and patriotic to America.

You are a sub human.

You are not a patriotic American.
Become an activist. Lobby to end the fucked up bullshit of forcing good Americans to pay for our filth, their bad habits and poor life decisions and nobody will give two fucks about what you dirtheads do in your fact, we'll all celebrate your deaths. sound like your girlfriend the tipsy cat
Let's get to the real reason for this thread - the US' top 100 sprinter being excluded from the Olympics.

Individual opinions about pot aside, everyone knew the rules - she admitted she knew the rule and still made the personal decision to smoke pot, thus breaking the rules.

I personally have a hard time feeling sorry for her. After dedicating so much of her life to the sport and so close to the Olympics to throw it all away. There is only 1 person to blame...and at least she owned it.

You heroic anti conservative pot haters who want big big government to save you from ms Richardson winning the gold and outing your side's lies about weed once again have won. You can celebrate.

But you cannot give one good reason why THC is on the Olympic banned list, not one... Other than you hate it...
We totally get love your weed and you're begging for go do a bong rip in grammy's basement and play your video games.

"With radical Islam, we know what the threat is"

Greg gutfeld
Jew supremacist
Fox News

Tee hee, don't check where Greg was INVESTED in on 910

Long bond
Defense stocks

The real threat of Zionist false flagged "Islamic terror" is that it exposes America for having many Christians who do not understand BASIC MATH or SCIENCE.... But rather endlessly parrot fear inspiring bullshit and cower under the couch watching Fox begging big government for homeland security and massive government invasions of privacy all while claiming to be conservative and patriotic to America.

You are a sub human.

You are not a patriotic American.
Become an activist. Lobby to end the fucked up bullshit of forcing good Americans to pay for our filth, their bad habits and poor life decisions and nobody will give two fucks about what you dirtheads do in your fact, we'll all celebrate your deaths. sound like your girlfriend the tipsy cat unreasonable types always hate simple logic and rational people like myself and Tipsycatlover ....we get it
EMH yeah just have to think as hard as these athletes work and of all the nitpicky things they can get busted for, making a giant mistake ingesting or inhaling something so easily detected seems very unusual. Of course, we each resist food with pot in it at funerals all the time right?

Have you seen ms Richardson run?

Halfway through, she is in the middle of the pack. Then she kicks in a 6th gear no other girl has.

This is very sad for her and America. Our best female runner is not there because broke loser hates weed because he watched Reefer Madness and parroted.... you dirtheads I smoked lots of weed as a child and in college...then I grew the fuck up and got serious about life and productivity.
lol....oh now i know why you are so anti-pot.....did Panama Red steal your girlfriend?....

The Runt? I'm old enough to remember the original. They used the song in the movie "Easy Rider", which to this very day, I've never seen. I even remember the day I decided that I wasn't suckin' on something that some other asshole just had in his mouth.

Fuck that gay shit.

I know and I saw the movie. It sucked.
Let's get to the real reason for this thread - the US' top 100 sprinter being excluded from the Olympics.

Individual opinions about pot aside, everyone knew the rules - she admitted she knew the rule and still made the personal decision to smoke pot, thus breaking the rules.

I personally have a hard time feeling sorry for her. After dedicating so much of her life to the sport and so close to the Olympics to throw it all away. There is only 1 person to blame...and at least she owned it.

You heroic anti conservative pot haters who want big big government to save you from ms Richardson winning the gold and outing your side's lies about weed once again have won. You can celebrate.

But you cannot give one good reason why THC is on the Olympic banned list, not one... Other than you hate it...
We totally get love your weed and you're begging for go do a bong rip in grammy's basement and play your video games.

"With radical Islam, we know what the threat is"

Greg gutfeld
Jew supremacist
Fox News

Tee hee, don't check where Greg was INVESTED in on 910

Long bond
Defense stocks

The real threat of Zionist false flagged "Islamic terror" is that it exposes America for having many Christians who do not understand BASIC MATH or SCIENCE.... But rather endlessly parrot fear inspiring bullshit and cower under the couch watching Fox begging big government for homeland security and massive government invasions of privacy all while claiming to be conservative and patriotic to America.

You are a sub human.

You are not a patriotic American.
Become an activist. Lobby to end the fucked up bullshit of forcing good Americans to pay for our filth, their bad habits and poor life decisions and nobody will give two fucks about what you dirtheads do in your fact, we'll all celebrate your deaths. sound like your girlfriend the tipsy cat unreasonable types always hate simple logic and rational people like myself and Tipsycatlover ....we get it
im unreasonable?......oh man you got the cal itis.....its worse as you get yourself
Let's get to the real reason for this thread - the US' top 100 sprinter being excluded from the Olympics.

Individual opinions about pot aside, everyone knew the rules - she admitted she knew the rule and still made the personal decision to smoke pot, thus breaking the rules.

I personally have a hard time feeling sorry for her. After dedicating so much of her life to the sport and so close to the Olympics to throw it all away. There is only 1 person to blame...and at least she owned it.

You heroic anti conservative pot haters who want big big government to save you from ms Richardson winning the gold and outing your side's lies about weed once again have won. You can celebrate.

But you cannot give one good reason why THC is on the Olympic banned list, not one... Other than you hate it...
We totally get love your weed and you're begging for go do a bong rip in grammy's basement and play your video games.

"With radical Islam, we know what the threat is"

Greg gutfeld
Jew supremacist
Fox News

Tee hee, don't check where Greg was INVESTED in on 910

Long bond
Defense stocks

The real threat of Zionist false flagged "Islamic terror" is that it exposes America for having many Christians who do not understand BASIC MATH or SCIENCE.... But rather endlessly parrot fear inspiring bullshit and cower under the couch watching Fox begging big government for homeland security and massive government invasions of privacy all while claiming to be conservative and patriotic to America.

You are a sub human.

You are not a patriotic American.
Become an activist. Lobby to end the fucked up bullshit of forcing good Americans to pay for our filth, their bad habits and poor life decisions and nobody will give two fucks about what you dirtheads do in your fact, we'll all celebrate your deaths. sound like your girlfriend the tipsy cat unreasonable types always hate simple logic and rational people like myself and Tipsycatlover ....we get it
im unreasonable?......oh man you got the cal itis.....its worse as you get yourself
Harry, go hit that bong and take your midday nap bud...You're completely unable to put together an impactful rebuttal right now....Come back swinging later...nite nite

The Runt? I'm old enough to remember the original. They used the song in the movie "Easy Rider", which to this very day, I've never seen. I even remember the day I decided that I wasn't suckin' on something that some other asshole just had in his mouth.

Fuck that gay shit.

I know and I saw the movie. It sucked.

Thanks for saving me the trouble of having to watch it. I saw Woodstock when the movie came out in the early 70's.

Tried to watch it again a couple years ago and couldn't get past 15 minutes of it. It was like "What the fuck were we thinking"?

Can't even imagine having sex with Janis Joplin. I bet she smelled like sweat, booze, puke, pot, bad sex, and God knows what.

Let's get to the real reason for this thread - the US' top 100 sprinter being excluded from the Olympics.

Individual opinions about pot aside, everyone knew the rules - she admitted she knew the rule and still made the personal decision to smoke pot, thus breaking the rules.

I personally have a hard time feeling sorry for her. After dedicating so much of her life to the sport and so close to the Olympics to throw it all away. There is only 1 person to blame...and at least she owned it.

You heroic anti conservative pot haters who want big big government to save you from ms Richardson winning the gold and outing your side's lies about weed once again have won. You can celebrate.

But you cannot give one good reason why THC is on the Olympic banned list, not one... Other than you hate it...
We totally get love your weed and you're begging for go do a bong rip in grammy's basement and play your video games.

"With radical Islam, we know what the threat is"

Greg gutfeld
Jew supremacist
Fox News

Tee hee, don't check where Greg was INVESTED in on 910

Long bond
Defense stocks

The real threat of Zionist false flagged "Islamic terror" is that it exposes America for having many Christians who do not understand BASIC MATH or SCIENCE.... But rather endlessly parrot fear inspiring bullshit and cower under the couch watching Fox begging big government for homeland security and massive government invasions of privacy all while claiming to be conservative and patriotic to America.

You are a sub human.

You are not a patriotic American.
Become an activist. Lobby to end the fucked up bullshit of forcing good Americans to pay for our filth, their bad habits and poor life decisions and nobody will give two fucks about what you dirtheads do in your fact, we'll all celebrate your deaths. sound like your girlfriend the tipsy cat unreasonable types always hate simple logic and rational people like myself and Tipsycatlover ....we get it
im unreasonable?......oh man you got the cal itis.....its worse as you get yourself
Harry, go hit that bong and take your midday nap bud...You're completely unable to put together an impactful rebuttal right now....Come back swinging later...nite nite about not being able to put together an impactful rebuttal.....go back and have another 6-pack maybe you will think of
Smoke em if ya got em!

The long term health effects on yer brain have been known for a long time ....which means I'm screwed eventually since I've been partaking since I'm a young teen

One wonders how I manage to build million dollar houses, drive a luxury SUV, have multiple toys in my second garage next to my home that I own because of a stellar credit rating.
It's amazing what I accomplished in my stupor.

Also amazing how many Karen like Nanny Statists exist on both sides of the spectrum.

Call me an Independent that voted for Trump, and there are millions of us that will bail on the GOP unless they get their shit together.
Small government my fucking ass.
It is telling that when pressed to define "conservative"

Broke loser posted a video of big government Zionist Fox News Greg gutfeld, demonstrating to all that broke loser himself has no idea what the word means.

ANTIFA cannot define fascist
Liberals define liberal as closed minded parroting of bigots and liars
"Conservatives" define conservative as having big government save us from the "evils" of marijuana and their own inability to understand basic science and math....aka "Islamic" terror false flagged by Israel, their chosen heroes

Libertarians - we at least know who we are

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