Marijuana and the definition of conservative

Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
Those damned ditch flowers are horrible! Especially since there is no scientific evidence that points to your assertion. :lol:
Why, I'm so conservative I refused to comply with marijuana laws from the govt., from corporations, and from insurance underwriters...

Rather, you are a classic left wing hypocrite who embraces big government when it suits your cause, like locking America down over a non-existent flu to help your side use absentee ballots to cheat....

But when you want a toke, you give a token nod to us libertarians
Until you went all Trump you were making sense.

So much for the Tiny Brained "conservative" who claims to be Libertarian.
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
First, not as toxic
Second, unlike tobacco, pot has medicinal qualities that help with pain, anxiety, sleep and other ailments. WITHOUT using addictive medications...

Addictive medications = Big Pharma = GOP Opposition to pot
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
First, not as toxic
Second, unlike tobacco, pot has medicinal qualities that help with pain, anxiety, sleep and other ailments. WITHOUT using addictive medications...

Addictive medications = Big Pharma = GOP Opposition to pot
All excuse making bullshit....Remember when ALL stoners suddenly came down with a case of glaucoma?
Now they all seem to have other "ailments"....Just fucking say're a fucking stoner looking for justification.
While everyone is arguing the merits of pot good or bad, I am going out for a couple of puffs and finish painting my house, because it doesn't make me lazy.
No amount of government legality or moral judgment from others will stop it.
My life, my choice, and no Nanny State motherfucker can do shit about it.
Later, I got shit to do.:smoke:
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.

A reasonable conservative looks at smoking and says no thanks, not

Help me
Help me
Help me
Save me, big government, save me

Most farmers who smoke live past 80.

As for your analysis of marijuana, typical of big government supporters, just trust whatever propaganda you can parrot and once again scream for big government to save you.....

You are not a conservative.

You are a fear inspired parroting moron who believes whatever big government liars tell you to believe.....
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
First, not as toxic
Second, unlike tobacco, pot has medicinal qualities that help with pain, anxiety, sleep and other ailments. WITHOUT using addictive medications...

Addictive medications = Big Pharma = GOP Opposition to pot
All excuse making bullshit....Remember when ALL stoners suddenly came down with a case of glaucoma?
Now they all seem to have other "ailments"....Just fucking say're a fucking stoner looking for justification.

All stoners like Michael phelps. Michael phelps would have been a good swimmer, but he smoked pot.....

Some people who claim to be a conservative have IQ under 5 and precisely no idea what a CONSERVATIVE really is....
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.

A reasonable conservative looks at smoking and says no thanks, not

Help me
Help me
Help me
Save me, big government, save me

Most farmers who smoke live past 80.

As for your analysis of marijuana, typical of big government supporters, just trust whatever propaganda you can parrot and once again scream for big government to save you.....

You are not a conservative.

You are a fear inspired parroting moron who believes whatever big government liars tell you to believe.....
Not surprisingly, you are a very confused stoner.
The most fundamental job of Government is to provide protections for our most productive, most law abiding citizens. This function has nothing to do with size of government.
Think once stoner.
A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....
The thing is; when we decided to FORCE good productive people to pay for the poor life decisions made by lowlife degenerates circa 1935 Father Government gave me an equity share in filthy pieces of worthless shit....Now, I want Americans to meet a standard for obvious reasons...only Father Government can impose laws/legislation to FORCE people to meet a standard that doesn't cost me money and or threaten my quality of life.
Look, the undeniable truth is and large it’s the poor, the ignorant, the young and unmotivated whom are smoking’s really no secret.
Grown, productive, smart people who smoke weed don’t champion the lifestyle and can’t care less if it’s legal.

The people stoners want you to think are stoners:

The REAL stoners:

So you show a pic from a story on homeless people without any proof they are stoners except your false allegations of defamation about humans because you are a bigot.. Congratulations on picking on homeless people in West Virginia...

If those homeless were hooked on opium/OxyContin, broke loser the conservative would cheer and tell you he

Does the same shit and the taxpayer picks up the tab!!!!

Oipum pills paid for by Uncle Sam - good

Michael phelps smoking a bong - horrible, big government come and save us!!!
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.

A reasonable conservative looks at smoking and says no thanks, not

Help me
Help me
Help me
Save me, big government, save me

Most farmers who smoke live past 80.

As for your analysis of marijuana, typical of big government supporters, just trust whatever propaganda you can parrot and once again scream for big government to save you.....

You are not a conservative.

You are a fear inspired parroting moron who believes whatever big government liars tell you to believe.....
Not surprisingly, you are a very confused stoner.
The most fundamental job of Government is to provide protections for our most productive, most law abiding citizens. This function has nothing to do with size of government.
Think once stoner.

Go to the mirror and ask this question, sub human.

Who is more productive, you or michael phelps?
Let's get to the real reason for this thread - the US' top 100 sprinter being excluded from the Olympics.

Individual opinions about pot aside, everyone knew the rules - she admitted she knew the rule and still made the personal decision to smoke pot, thus breaking the rules.

I personally have a hard time feeling sorry for her. After dedicating so much of her life to the sport and so close to the Olympics to throw it all away. There is only 1 person to blame...and at least she owned it.
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
First, not as toxic
Second, unlike tobacco, pot has medicinal qualities that help with pain, anxiety, sleep and other ailments. WITHOUT using addictive medications...

Addictive medications = Big Pharma = GOP Opposition to pot
All excuse making bullshit....Remember when ALL stoners suddenly came down with a case of glaucoma?
Now they all seem to have other "ailments"....Just fucking say're a fucking stoner looking for justification.

All stoners like Michael phelps. Michael phelps would have been a good swimmer, but he smoked pot.....

Some people who claim to be a conservative have IQ under 5 and precisely no idea what a CONSERVATIVE really is....
LefTard Logic:
"I know this one guy therefore he defines the other 99.9 percentile."
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.

A reasonable conservative looks at smoking and says no thanks, not

Help me
Help me
Help me
Save me, big government, save me

Most farmers who smoke live past 80.

As for your analysis of marijuana, typical of big government supporters, just trust whatever propaganda you can parrot and once again scream for big government to save you.....

You are not a conservative.

You are a fear inspired parroting moron who believes whatever big government liars tell you to believe.....
Not surprisingly, you are a very confused stoner.
The most fundamental job of Government is to provide protections for our most productive, most law abiding citizens. This function has nothing to do with size of government.
Think once stoner.

Go to the mirror and ask this question, sub human.

Who is more productive, you or michael phelps?
LefTard Logic:
"I know this one guy therefore he defines the other 99.9 percentile."
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.
Reasonable people (like conservatives) realize that cigarette smoking is unhealthy. It makes you wonder why an ignorant selfish hypocritical faction of society would want to legalize a more toxic substance.

A reasonable conservative looks at smoking and says no thanks, not

Help me
Help me
Help me
Save me, big government, save me

Most farmers who smoke live past 80.

As for your analysis of marijuana, typical of big government supporters, just trust whatever propaganda you can parrot and once again scream for big government to save you.....

You are not a conservative.

You are a fear inspired parroting moron who believes whatever big government liars tell you to believe.....
Not surprisingly, you are a very confused stoner.
The most fundamental job of Government is to provide protections for our most productive, most law abiding citizens. This function has nothing to do with size of government.
Think once stoner.

Go to the mirror and ask this question, sub human.

Who is more productive, you or michael phelps?
Dude save it...just own your filth...don't try selling us on your retarded life choices...fuck yourself all you want just decline to allow me to pay for your oxygen tanks later when you have a hardcore case of're just a dirt-head stoner...say it with me loud and proud.
Let's get to the real reason for this thread - the US' top 100 sprinter being excluded from the Olympics.

Individual opinions about pot aside, everyone knew the rules - she admitted she knew the rule and still made the personal decision to smoke pot, thus breaking the rules.

I personally have a hard time feeling sorry for her. After dedicating so much of her life to the sport and so close to the Olympics to throw it all away. There is only 1 person to blame...and at least she owned it.

You heroic anti conservative pot haters who want big big government to save you from ms Richardson winning the gold and outing your side's lies about weed once again have won. You can celebrate.

But you cannot give one good reason why THC is on the Olympic banned list, not one... Other than you hate it...
Let's get to the real reason for this thread - the US' top 100 sprinter being excluded from the Olympics.

Individual opinions about pot aside, everyone knew the rules - she admitted she knew the rule and still made the personal decision to smoke pot, thus breaking the rules.

I personally have a hard time feeling sorry for her. After dedicating so much of her life to the sport and so close to the Olympics to throw it all away. There is only 1 person to blame...and at least she owned it.

You heroic anti conservative pot haters who want big big government to save you from ms Richardson winning the gold and outing your side's lies about weed once again have won. You can celebrate.

But you cannot give one good reason why THC is on the Olympic banned list, not one... Other than you hate it...
We totally get love your weed and you're begging for go do a bong rip in grammy's basement and play your video games.
You heroic anti conservative pot haters ...

Let me stop you right there before you embarrass yourself further.....

I have personally never done drugs of any kind - a personal choice. That being said...

I don't hate pot. In fact, I am actually for the use of extracts and even marijuana itself when it helps deal with medical conditions.

So please don't lump me among the others in your grandiose generalization of an entire huge group of people.


If you go back and read my post you will see you are way off by attacking me. I stated fact - the rules she were aware of stated Pot was / is illegal. She admitted she used it. She admitted she broke the rule, None of this is in question. She made a personal decision, broke a rule, got caught, and is now suffering the consequences. Again, this is fact.

I am sorry my stating fact offended you.
Let's get to the real reason for this thread - the US' top 100 sprinter being excluded from the Olympics.

Individual opinions about pot aside, everyone knew the rules - she admitted she knew the rule and still made the personal decision to smoke pot, thus breaking the rules.

I personally have a hard time feeling sorry for her. After dedicating so much of her life to the sport and so close to the Olympics to throw it all away. There is only 1 person to blame...and at least she owned it.

You heroic anti conservative pot haters who want big big government to save you from ms Richardson winning the gold and outing your side's lies about weed once again have won. You can celebrate.

But you cannot give one good reason why THC is on the Olympic banned list, not one... Other than you hate it...
We totally get love your weed and you're begging for go do a bong rip in grammy's basement and play your video games.
dam get out of California or Hollywood is going to sign you up for an episode of would be good at it....

A conservative, at least when that word had a real definition, meant being inherently against expanding government power and authority. Conservatism embraces freedom and privacy, and only real threat to others would justify changing and supporting increasing government at the expense of freedom and privacy.

You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....
the first federal pot laws came during the so called “progressive era” as a means to collect more taxes...

the first push to relax them on the federal level came in the last farm bill passed by a gop congress and signed by trump
You work a full day. You come home

You have a beer


You have a bong hit

Neither activity would in any way bother a conservative. But here we are with self proclaimed "conservatives" embracing increased government power and authority at the expense of freedom and privacy over ... A plant.


The origin of marijuana prohibition is a case study of the truth of conservatism, that big government should not be trusted, and that those in government will lie and spread fear and panic to keep themselves in power. The head of prohibition knew prohibition was going to be repealed (because the church going sub human morons who pushed it had no clue what they were doing, and in the end the American people figured out that al Capone was worse than alcohol). So this guy created a new issue, a new cause, to keep his job and title and budget etc. marijuana was the target. Using American taxdollars, this uber greedy kleptocratic traitor funded the making of mass misinfo about marijuana, most famously the movie Reefer Madness, which many morons still believe. In reality, by pushing marijuana underground, we enriched and empowered criminal elements here and abroad, and packed our prisons with people who are not a threat to society.

The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.

Nobody who opposes total marijuana legalization is in any way a conservative.

The pot haters are classic morons with bird brains filled with falsehoods who want big government to rescue them from the bogeyman.....
the first federal pot laws came during the so called “progressive era” as a means to collect more taxes...

the first push to relax them on the federal level came in the last farm bill passed by a gop congress and signed by trump

It was an unconstitutional prohibitive tax not meant to raise revenue at all.

Carter gained broad support when he campaigned on a decriminalization plan.

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