Marijuana doesn’t cure cancel it’s not a miracle drug. Marijuana influences people to be happy playing video games, eating pizza sitting at home.

Weed is designed to make people happy. Many people smoke weed because they have a very tough life. They immediately smoke weed when they wake up they’re high all day every day. For everyone in the US message board who smokes and who is able to work maybe even they have a family. They are part of a minority.

There’s a reason why it smells like marijuana every time someone is at a far left wing protest or blm riot , or an anti-abortion protest. It’s because marijuana makes people weak. Makes men feminine. Marijuana cause psychosis and that’s what leads to men black and white causing chaos at BLM riots. They’ve gone psychotic… but also because they’re weak minded, the attack individuals in groups because they’re cowards. We saw this during the summer 2020 BLM riots people high on marijuana and other drugs attacked individual Trump supporters.

Marijuana, influences young men to hate themselves and hate their ancestors. And to burn American flags.

And that’s why the US government is legalizing weed all over the country. They want people so stoned out of their minds every day they don’t care about the horrible economy, they don’t care about being single not having children not starting a family. That’s why huge sloths of young men are zonked out on porn all day because they think it’s good. They think it’s good to smoke dope watch porn be nothing.

For every functioning marijuana addict on the US message boards there are those whose lives are wrecked and they need help. They need positivity need to work out. They need to get the hell out of their computer get off the computer get out of the bedroom get out of there parents basement.

Overall weed attracts those types of people, it doesn't turn them into those kinds of things.

But weed can rob someone of their ambition because that's all they do. Smoking weed refinforces laziness because someone gets high, the pain of life goes away, all they want to do is sit there and be high and do self indulgent things like play games and eat pizza. So everytime they feel stressed they want to smoke, the more they block out real life the easier it is to feel stressed.

Smoking weed is also the lifestyle of hippie types. The ones that want to sit around, do nothing, complain about everything, and so on. Is there anything more lazy and selfish than just sitting around getting high all the time? There are countless videos of kids just smoking weed or streaming themselves sitting there doing nothing while getting high

With the internet it connects them and gives them an audience where they feel like they are important and talk about what's wrong with everything from a inexperienced and immature view point of never having done anything.

For some it can be a occasional thing used responsibly. But for most of dulls them as a human being and makes them useless.

Weed attracts these kinds of people and it can tip others over that are right on the border. It fosters the weak and lazy and dumb.

It was decent at toning down migraines for some

For me I have real migraines. Not fake ones where a lot of people say they had a headache and call it a migraine. I have loss of periphial vision, nausea, weakness, a disconnect between my brain and mouth when I speak, light sensitivity, and car sick style headaches.

Going to see a chiropractor helped reduce them drastically and fiorinal takes care of the nasty ones. Even me stopping drinking soft drinks reduced my migraines.

Marijuana for migraines is a excuse for people to get high is all it is.
Weed is designed to make people happy. Many people smoke weed because they have a very tough life. They immediately smoke weed when they wake up they’re high all day every day. For everyone in the US message board who smokes and who is able to work maybe even they have a family. They are part of a minority.

There’s a reason why it smells like marijuana every time someone is at a far left wing protest or blm riot , or an anti-abortion protest. It’s because marijuana makes people weak. Makes men feminine. Marijuana cause psychosis and that’s what leads to men black and white causing chaos at BLM riots. They’ve gone psychotic… but also because they’re weak minded, the attack individuals in groups because they’re cowards. We saw this during the summer 2020 BLM riots people high on marijuana and other drugs attacked individual Trump supporters.

Marijuana, influences young men to hate themselves and hate their ancestors. And to burn American flags.

And that’s why the US government is legalizing weed all over the country. They want people so stoned out of their minds every day they don’t care about the horrible economy, they don’t care about being single not having children not starting a family. That’s why huge sloths of young men are zonked out on porn all day because they think it’s good. They think it’s good to smoke dope watch porn be nothing.

For every functioning marijuana addict on the US message boards there are those whose lives are wrecked and they need help. They need positivity need to work out. They need to get the hell out of their computer get off the computer get out of the bedroom get out of there parents basement.

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
Or perhaps it’s simply about liberty and freedom for us to do as we please. Why are conservative so amped on freedom until it comes to drugs? Why with that do you want government to regulate?

Do you want the same with booze and cigarettes? How about sugary food?
They tried with Booze and lost that battle.

They prefer all of us be boring Republicans with porn stars that became Republican wives and never enjoy a moment of the herb!
They tried with Booze and lost that battle.

They prefer all of us be boring Republicans with porn stars that became Republican wives and never enjoy a moment of the herb!
Republicans also smoke weed.
Dear liberals, Jeff Spiccoli is not a role model. Hopefully the GOP will pick up seats in 2024 and we can get serious with the war on drugs.
The War on Drugs is like the War on Terror and is just a money-grabbing nonsense to feed the Prison System while taxing the people.

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