Marijuana Is Saving Lives

No brain cells are being destroyed. In fact, the girl in the video has a brain disease called epilepsy. Which caused her to have around 400 grand mall seizures a day. Those seizures cause brain damage.

She has pediatric epilepsy which caused 400 seizures A WEEK.

You probably can't get 400 seizures in a day.
yes you can have hundreds.....not all seizures are grand mal....some are partial complex or Focal wife had lots of these per day until they started controlling it....but she is considered part of the 25% of Epileptics who are uncontrolled and will have Seizures for one reason or another no matter what they give her......Pot has reduced these and her tremor in her arm greatly....she stopped taking the heavy duty shit and feels more alive and her Neurologist said she is not his only patient who has told him this....he said i cant prescribe it,but if it works better than what i give you,and you can get it.....go for it....
No brain cells are being destroyed. In fact, the girl in the video has a brain disease called epilepsy. Which caused her to have around 400 grand mall seizures a day. Those seizures cause brain damage.

She has pediatric epilepsy which caused 400 seizures A WEEK.

You probably can't get 400 seizures in a day.
yes you can have hundreds.....not all seizures are grand mal....some are partial complex or Focal wife had lots of these per day until they started controlling it....but she is considered part of the 25% of Epileptics who are uncontrolled and will have Seizures for one reason or another no matter what they give her......Pot has reduced these and her tremor in her arm greatly....she stopped taking the heavy duty shit and feels more alive and her Neurologist said she is not his only patient who has told him this....he said i cant prescribe it,but if it works better than what i give you,and you can get it.....go for it....

The topic was grand mal seizures and 400 of them a day would be a lot.
So's alcohol. Would question the downside though. If dumb enough to drink alcohol in the first place loosing brain cells probably wont be noticed. :)

Any and all of that stuff does more harm than good (in the long run).

Only just found this out looking for info,
(easier to read maybe at link)
SAFER - Marijuana vs. Alcohol

"Alcohol use damages the brain. Marijuana use does not. Despite the myths we've heard throughout our lives about marijuana killing brain cells, it turns out that a growing number of studies seem to indicate that marijuana actually has neuroprotective properties. This means that it works to protect brain cells from harm. For example, one recent study found that teens who used marijuana as well as alcohol suffered significantly less damage to the white matter in their brains. Of course, what is beyond question is that alcohol damages brain cells."

* Alcohol use is linked to cancer. Marijuana use is not. Alcohol use is associated with a wide variety of cancers, including cancers of the esophagus, stomach, colon, lungs, pancreas, liver and prostate. Marijuana use has not been conclusively associated with any form of cancer. In fact, one study recently contradicted the long-time government claim that marijuana use is associated with head and neck cancers. It found that marijuana use actually reduced the likelihood of head and neck cancers. If you are concerned about marijuana being associated with lung cancer, you may be interested in the results of the largest case-controlled study ever conducted to investigate the respiratory effects of marijuana smoking and cigarette smoking. Released in 2006, the study, conducted by Dr. Donald Tashkin at the University of California at Los Angeles, found that marijuana smoking was not associated with an increased risk of developing lung cancer. Surprisingly, the researchers found that people who smoked marijuana actually had lower incidences of cancer compared to non-users of the drug.

* Alcohol is more addictive than marijuana. Addiction researchers have consistently reported that marijuana is far less addictive than alcohol based on a number of factors. In particular, alcohol use can result in significant and potentially fatal physical withdrawal, whereas marijuana has not been found to produce any symptoms of physical withdrawal. Those who use alcohol are also much more likely to develop dependence and build tolerance.

* Alcohol use increases the risk of injury to the consumer. Marijuana use does not. Many people who have consumed alcohol or know others who have consumed alcohol would not be surprised to hear that it greatly increases the risk of serious injury. Research published this year in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, found that 36 percent of hospitalized assaults and 21 percent of all injuries are attributable to alcohol use by the injured person. Meanwhile, the American Journal of Emergency Medicine reported that lifetime use of marijuana is rarely associated with emergency room visits. According to the British Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, this is because: "Cannabis differs from alcohol … in one major respect. It does not seem to increase risk-taking behavior. This means that cannabis rarely contributes to violence either to others or to oneself, whereas alcohol use is a major factor in deliberate self-harm, domestic accidents and violence." Interestingly enough, some research has even shown that marijuana use has been associated with a decreased risk of injury."

Every "high" pothead I've ever TRIED to have a conversation with sounded like he had an IQ of about 10 (and I'm being generous). Pot, simply put, makes a person stupid!! Drunks, too, are blathering idiots.
that depends on the person.....some are some are not....

Having been a user (of pot and booze) back in my teens and twenties I can state as fact that I've never met any pothead or boozer who could carry on an intelligent conversation (including me). Potheads can't stay on topic and boozers slur their words (and thought processes).
yea maybe after the initial high.....but the point should be how are they 1-3 hours afterwards....the great majority of smokers i knew were back to just about normal in that time.....a person drunk not so much.....
I'd be dead now if it wasn't for my drug of choice.

That is what every addict says. It's how they rationalize their addiction. It is one of the reasons addictions are so hard to treat.
Katz go back to your dont even know what a joint looks like....anyone who thinks your high for 3 weeks after smoking and should not be driving during that time has no business talking about are one of the most clueless people on this subject i have ever get your ass kicked in every Pot thread in this forum you are in by dozens of people Cons and Libs alike....and yet you keep jumping in....on this subject you are pretty stupid....
Spoken like a true addict.
coming from an alcoholic.....thats rich....
No brain cells are being destroyed. In fact, the girl in the video has a brain disease called epilepsy. Which caused her to have around 400 grand mall seizures a day. Those seizures cause brain damage.

She has pediatric epilepsy which caused 400 seizures A WEEK.

You probably can't get 400 seizures in a day.
yes you can have hundreds.....not all seizures are grand mal....some are partial complex or Focal wife had lots of these per day until they started controlling it....but she is considered part of the 25% of Epileptics who are uncontrolled and will have Seizures for one reason or another no matter what they give her......Pot has reduced these and her tremor in her arm greatly....she stopped taking the heavy duty shit and feels more alive and her Neurologist said she is not his only patient who has told him this....he said i cant prescribe it,but if it works better than what i give you,and you can get it.....go for it....

The topic was grand mal seizures and 400 of them a day would be a lot.
well then someone was wrong on that....that many GM's would turn your brain to mush....
Any and all of that stuff does more harm than good (in the long run).

Only just found this out looking for info,
(easier to read maybe at link)
SAFER - Marijuana vs. Alcohol

"Alcohol use damages the brain. Marijuana use does not. Despite the myths we've heard throughout our lives about marijuana killing brain cells, it turns out that a growing number of studies seem to indicate that marijuana actually has neuroprotective properties. This means that it works to protect brain cells from harm. For example, one recent study found that teens who used marijuana as well as alcohol suffered significantly less damage to the white matter in their brains. Of course, what is beyond question is that alcohol damages brain cells."

* Alcohol use is linked to cancer. Marijuana use is not. Alcohol use is associated with a wide variety of cancers, including cancers of the esophagus, stomach, colon, lungs, pancreas, liver and prostate. Marijuana use has not been conclusively associated with any form of cancer. In fact, one study recently contradicted the long-time government claim that marijuana use is associated with head and neck cancers. It found that marijuana use actually reduced the likelihood of head and neck cancers. If you are concerned about marijuana being associated with lung cancer, you may be interested in the results of the largest case-controlled study ever conducted to investigate the respiratory effects of marijuana smoking and cigarette smoking. Released in 2006, the study, conducted by Dr. Donald Tashkin at the University of California at Los Angeles, found that marijuana smoking was not associated with an increased risk of developing lung cancer. Surprisingly, the researchers found that people who smoked marijuana actually had lower incidences of cancer compared to non-users of the drug.

* Alcohol is more addictive than marijuana. Addiction researchers have consistently reported that marijuana is far less addictive than alcohol based on a number of factors. In particular, alcohol use can result in significant and potentially fatal physical withdrawal, whereas marijuana has not been found to produce any symptoms of physical withdrawal. Those who use alcohol are also much more likely to develop dependence and build tolerance.

* Alcohol use increases the risk of injury to the consumer. Marijuana use does not. Many people who have consumed alcohol or know others who have consumed alcohol would not be surprised to hear that it greatly increases the risk of serious injury. Research published this year in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, found that 36 percent of hospitalized assaults and 21 percent of all injuries are attributable to alcohol use by the injured person. Meanwhile, the American Journal of Emergency Medicine reported that lifetime use of marijuana is rarely associated with emergency room visits. According to the British Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, this is because: "Cannabis differs from alcohol … in one major respect. It does not seem to increase risk-taking behavior. This means that cannabis rarely contributes to violence either to others or to oneself, whereas alcohol use is a major factor in deliberate self-harm, domestic accidents and violence." Interestingly enough, some research has even shown that marijuana use has been associated with a decreased risk of injury."

Every "high" pothead I've ever TRIED to have a conversation with sounded like he had an IQ of about 10 (and I'm being generous). Pot, simply put, makes a person stupid!! Drunks, too, are blathering idiots.
that depends on the person.....some are some are not....

Having been a user (of pot and booze) back in my teens and twenties I can state as fact that I've never met any pothead or boozer who could carry on an intelligent conversation (including me). Potheads can't stay on topic and boozers slur their words (and thought processes).
yea maybe after the initial high.....but the point should be how are they 1-3 hours afterwards....the great majority of smokers i knew were back to just about normal in that time.....a person drunk not so much.....

Actual users like to think that they're "back to normal" a few hours after a high but the fact of the matter is that THC remains in the system for weeks or even months. So it may SEEM that a user is back to normal but that because they're comparing their current state of mind to the state of mind they were in as they were buzzing.
At one time the miracle drug was tobacco. It was widely believed that cigarettes cured lung cancer.
and that was quickly debunked.....go back to sleep Katz....
For years it was
I'd be dead now if it wasn't for my drug of choice.

That is what every addict says. It's how they rationalize their addiction. It is one of the reasons addictions are so hard to treat.
Katz go back to your dont even know what a joint looks like....anyone who thinks your high for 3 weeks after smoking and should not be driving during that time has no business talking about are one of the most clueless people on this subject i have ever get your ass kicked in every Pot thread in this forum you are in by dozens of people Cons and Libs alike....and yet you keep jumping in....on this subject you are pretty stupid....
Spoken like a true addict.
coming from an alcoholic.....thats rich....
You got some proof on that sparky? After all it's not me trying to convince people that getting drunk is good for them and we should be giving alcohol to children. That's the potheads.
Only just found this out looking for info,
(easier to read maybe at link)
SAFER - Marijuana vs. Alcohol

"Alcohol use damages the brain. Marijuana use does not. Despite the myths we've heard throughout our lives about marijuana killing brain cells, it turns out that a growing number of studies seem to indicate that marijuana actually has neuroprotective properties. This means that it works to protect brain cells from harm. For example, one recent study found that teens who used marijuana as well as alcohol suffered significantly less damage to the white matter in their brains. Of course, what is beyond question is that alcohol damages brain cells."

* Alcohol use is linked to cancer. Marijuana use is not. Alcohol use is associated with a wide variety of cancers, including cancers of the esophagus, stomach, colon, lungs, pancreas, liver and prostate. Marijuana use has not been conclusively associated with any form of cancer. In fact, one study recently contradicted the long-time government claim that marijuana use is associated with head and neck cancers. It found that marijuana use actually reduced the likelihood of head and neck cancers. If you are concerned about marijuana being associated with lung cancer, you may be interested in the results of the largest case-controlled study ever conducted to investigate the respiratory effects of marijuana smoking and cigarette smoking. Released in 2006, the study, conducted by Dr. Donald Tashkin at the University of California at Los Angeles, found that marijuana smoking was not associated with an increased risk of developing lung cancer. Surprisingly, the researchers found that people who smoked marijuana actually had lower incidences of cancer compared to non-users of the drug.

* Alcohol is more addictive than marijuana. Addiction researchers have consistently reported that marijuana is far less addictive than alcohol based on a number of factors. In particular, alcohol use can result in significant and potentially fatal physical withdrawal, whereas marijuana has not been found to produce any symptoms of physical withdrawal. Those who use alcohol are also much more likely to develop dependence and build tolerance.

* Alcohol use increases the risk of injury to the consumer. Marijuana use does not. Many people who have consumed alcohol or know others who have consumed alcohol would not be surprised to hear that it greatly increases the risk of serious injury. Research published this year in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, found that 36 percent of hospitalized assaults and 21 percent of all injuries are attributable to alcohol use by the injured person. Meanwhile, the American Journal of Emergency Medicine reported that lifetime use of marijuana is rarely associated with emergency room visits. According to the British Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, this is because: "Cannabis differs from alcohol … in one major respect. It does not seem to increase risk-taking behavior. This means that cannabis rarely contributes to violence either to others or to oneself, whereas alcohol use is a major factor in deliberate self-harm, domestic accidents and violence." Interestingly enough, some research has even shown that marijuana use has been associated with a decreased risk of injury."

Every "high" pothead I've ever TRIED to have a conversation with sounded like he had an IQ of about 10 (and I'm being generous). Pot, simply put, makes a person stupid!! Drunks, too, are blathering idiots.
that depends on the person.....some are some are not....

Having been a user (of pot and booze) back in my teens and twenties I can state as fact that I've never met any pothead or boozer who could carry on an intelligent conversation (including me). Potheads can't stay on topic and boozers slur their words (and thought processes).
yea maybe after the initial high.....but the point should be how are they 1-3 hours afterwards....the great majority of smokers i knew were back to just about normal in that time.....a person drunk not so much.....

Actual users like to think that they're "back to normal" a few hours after a high but the fact of the matter is that THC remains in the system for weeks or even months. So it may SEEM that a user is back to normal but that because they're comparing their current state of mind to the state of mind they were in as they were buzzing.
what are you saying?.. are you telling me that if you smoke a joint are still high the next day and 3 weeks later?....
At one time the miracle drug was tobacco. It was widely believed that cigarettes cured lung cancer.
and that was quickly debunked.....go back to sleep Katz....
For years it was
I'd be dead now if it wasn't for my drug of choice.

That is what every addict says. It's how they rationalize their addiction. It is one of the reasons addictions are so hard to treat.
Katz go back to your dont even know what a joint looks like....anyone who thinks your high for 3 weeks after smoking and should not be driving during that time has no business talking about are one of the most clueless people on this subject i have ever get your ass kicked in every Pot thread in this forum you are in by dozens of people Cons and Libs alike....and yet you keep jumping in....on this subject you are pretty stupid....
Spoken like a true addict.
coming from an alcoholic.....thats rich....
You got some proof on that sparky? After all it's not me trying to convince people that getting drunk is good for them and we should be giving alcohol to children. That's the potheads.
and do you have proof of what you say?....we did this before in another thread remember "sparky".....or has your old feeble mind forgot? me that post that you could not come with last time you were asked,showing a "pothead" here in this forum advocating giving alcohol to little kids....if i remember,after you were asked to show that post....we never saw you again in that thread...put up or run from the thread again Katz.....
Every "high" pothead I've ever TRIED to have a conversation with sounded like he had an IQ of about 10 (and I'm being generous). Pot, simply put, makes a person stupid!! Drunks, too, are blathering idiots.
that depends on the person.....some are some are not....

Having been a user (of pot and booze) back in my teens and twenties I can state as fact that I've never met any pothead or boozer who could carry on an intelligent conversation (including me). Potheads can't stay on topic and boozers slur their words (and thought processes).
yea maybe after the initial high.....but the point should be how are they 1-3 hours afterwards....the great majority of smokers i knew were back to just about normal in that time.....a person drunk not so much.....

Actual users like to think that they're "back to normal" a few hours after a high but the fact of the matter is that THC remains in the system for weeks or even months. So it may SEEM that a user is back to normal but that because they're comparing their current state of mind to the state of mind they were in as they were buzzing.
what are you saying?.. are you telling me that if you smoke a joint are still high the next day and 3 weeks later?....

I'm not saying that you would still be high but I am saying that your senses are still dulled.
At one time the miracle drug was tobacco. It was widely believed that cigarettes cured lung cancer.
and that was quickly debunked.....go back to sleep Katz....
For years it was
I'd be dead now if it wasn't for my drug of choice.

That is what every addict says. It's how they rationalize their addiction. It is one of the reasons addictions are so hard to treat.
Katz go back to your dont even know what a joint looks like....anyone who thinks your high for 3 weeks after smoking and should not be driving during that time has no business talking about are one of the most clueless people on this subject i have ever get your ass kicked in every Pot thread in this forum you are in by dozens of people Cons and Libs alike....and yet you keep jumping in....on this subject you are pretty stupid....
Spoken like a true addict.
coming from an alcoholic.....thats rich....
You got some proof on that sparky? After all it's not me trying to convince people that getting drunk is good for them and we should be giving alcohol to children. That's the potheads.
and do you have proof of what you say?....we did this before in another thread remember "sparky".....or has your old feeble mind forgot? me that post that you could not come with last time you were asked,showing a "pothead" here in this forum advocating giving alcohol to little kids....if i remember,after you were asked to show that post....we never saw you again in that thread...put up or run from the thread again Katz.....
This thread advocates giving pot to children. That's pothead thinking. Even alcoholics don't advocate giving liquor to children. Potheads want to and do give marijuana to children and put it in candy to make sure the kid is fully under the influence.

Or are you going to deny that addicts in this very thread want to give pot to children
that depends on the person.....some are some are not....

Having been a user (of pot and booze) back in my teens and twenties I can state as fact that I've never met any pothead or boozer who could carry on an intelligent conversation (including me). Potheads can't stay on topic and boozers slur their words (and thought processes).
yea maybe after the initial high.....but the point should be how are they 1-3 hours afterwards....the great majority of smokers i knew were back to just about normal in that time.....a person drunk not so much.....

Actual users like to think that they're "back to normal" a few hours after a high but the fact of the matter is that THC remains in the system for weeks or even months. So it may SEEM that a user is back to normal but that because they're comparing their current state of mind to the state of mind they were in as they were buzzing.
what are you saying?.. are you telling me that if you smoke a joint are still high the next day and 3 weeks later?....

I'm not saying that you would still be high but I am saying that your senses are still dulled.
3 weeks later?....
At one time the miracle drug was tobacco. It was widely believed that cigarettes cured lung cancer.
and that was quickly debunked.....go back to sleep Katz....
For years it was
Katz go back to your dont even know what a joint looks like....anyone who thinks your high for 3 weeks after smoking and should not be driving during that time has no business talking about are one of the most clueless people on this subject i have ever get your ass kicked in every Pot thread in this forum you are in by dozens of people Cons and Libs alike....and yet you keep jumping in....on this subject you are pretty stupid....
Spoken like a true addict.
coming from an alcoholic.....thats rich....
You got some proof on that sparky? After all it's not me trying to convince people that getting drunk is good for them and we should be giving alcohol to children. That's the potheads.
and do you have proof of what you say?....we did this before in another thread remember "sparky".....or has your old feeble mind forgot? me that post that you could not come with last time you were asked,showing a "pothead" here in this forum advocating giving alcohol to little kids....if i remember,after you were asked to show that post....we never saw you again in that thread...put up or run from the thread again Katz.....
This thread advocates giving pot to children. That's pothead thinking. Even alcoholics don't advocate giving liquor to children. Potheads want to and do give marijuana to children and put it in candy to make sure the kid is fully under the influence.

Or are you going to deny that addicts in this very thread want to give pot to children
i dont know of any addicts in this thread....but i do know of an old alcoholic .....point this out....

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