Marine finds hateful note on his car...

"Nothing new for" far right reactionaries who don't support Trump. They would act just like the letter writer. The far right idiots "are spineless and will only take a stand if they are perfectly safe. Plus, they think their opinions somehow matter."

Both extremes, to the left and the right, are a detriment to America.
You guys wanted a culture war, enjoy.
Sounds like you are enjoying this, Dr Stranglove.
Nope, but you reap what you sow...
Jesus Christ. What the hell are you talking about?
Hatred breads hatred.
Yes, it works on shallow minds well. Why do you hate?
Evil should be hated. Hatred can be perfectly valid and that changes my statement not at all. Like breeds like.
“Makes me sick to my stomach,” Navy veteran Robert LaPrairie said. “To me, it’s an act of terrorism really.”

I'm finding it a little strange for a Marine to call a note an "act of terrorism"...
The "death wish" in the letter maybe?
That's not terror, and if he can't handle that he should stay home and clean the house.
"Nothing new for" far right reactionaries who don't support Trump. They would act just like the letter writer. The far right idiots "are spineless and will only take a stand if they are perfectly safe. Plus, they think their opinions somehow matter."

Both extremes, to the left and the right, are a detriment to America.

My fellow REPUBLICAN.:beer:

I must have missed it, but just to clarify things in my mind, would you please AGAIN, clearly and forcibly condemn the far leftist who wrong this, without muddying the waters by trying to be soooooo,


Because I seem to have many memories of you slamming the "far right" but strangely none of you slamming the far left.

So, just for me, please?

And lay it on heavy, let us hear your anger and disgust with this disgusting gutless worm.
Hatred can be perfectly valid and that changes my statement not at all. Like breeds like.
Not necessarily hatred but certainly dealt with while keeping one's cool.
That's not terror, and if he can't handle that he should stay home and clean the house.
So, if someone issues a death threat on you how do you handle it? Issuing a death threat is for striking fear into one's heart and that is terror. He served in the war zone, facing death while you were sitting on your ass spewing hatred to ward the military on the internet in the comfy of your home then cleaning your house and doing household chores. Facing death in battle and getting assassinated from the back are two different scenarios,
Sounds like you are enjoying this, Dr Stranglove.
Nope, but you reap what you sow...
Jesus Christ. What the hell are you talking about?
Hatred breads hatred.
Yes, it works on shallow minds well. Why do you hate?
Evil should be hated. Hatred can be perfectly valid and that changes my statement not at all. Like breeds like.

Soldiers are generally not accused on being haters.
Sounds like you are enjoying this, Dr Stranglove.
Nope, but you reap what you sow...
Jesus Christ. What the hell are you talking about?
Hatred breads hatred.
Yes, it works on shallow minds well. Why do you hate?
Evil should be hated. Hatred can be perfectly valid and that changes my statement not at all. Like breeds like.
who the fuck are trying to bullshit? are the low life fuck who called down syndrome kids "droolers" and called for handicapped kids to be put down like dogs....what a fucking joke.....
Nope, but you reap what you sow...
Jesus Christ. What the hell are you talking about?
Hatred breads hatred.
Yes, it works on shallow minds well. Why do you hate?
Evil should be hated. Hatred can be perfectly valid and that changes my statement not at all. Like breeds like.

Soldiers are generally not accused on being haters.
No, they're robots that eat and shit, and kill who we tell them to, when we tell them to, where we tell them to, if they're the effective ones that is. And they should be big and strong enough to deal with someone hating them after people have been trying to kill them...
Jesus Christ. What the hell are you talking about?
Hatred breads hatred.
Yes, it works on shallow minds well. Why do you hate?
Evil should be hated. Hatred can be perfectly valid and that changes my statement not at all. Like breeds like.

Soldiers are generally not accused on being haters.
No, they're robots that eat and shit, and kill who we tell them to, when we tell them to, where we tell them to, if they're the effective ones that is. And they should be big and strong enough to deal with someone hating them after people have been trying to kill them...

That's moronic nonsense.

Are you just trolling now, or do you believe that nonsense?

With you libs it is sometimes hard to tell.
"Because I seem to have many memories of you slamming the "far right" but strangely none of you slamming the far left." And there is your deliberate lie. I have condemned extremes all the time. You just hate it that I condemn the far right extreme as well. I consider those who believe they are Republicans to be a cancer in the GOP. But diligent work and time are taking care of that.

Now show me where you condemn the far right when wrong, such as slamming McCain's military service. All you have to do is given an example. Please, do it for me.

And anyone on the Board who thinks Harry is a liberal is a fool.
Hatred breads hatred.
Yes, it works on shallow minds well. Why do you hate?
Evil should be hated. Hatred can be perfectly valid and that changes my statement not at all. Like breeds like.

Soldiers are generally not accused on being haters.
No, they're robots that eat and shit, and kill who we tell them to, when we tell them to, where we tell them to, if they're the effective ones that is. And they should be big and strong enough to deal with someone hating them after people have been trying to kill them...

That's moronic nonsense.

Are you just trolling now, or do you believe that nonsense?

With you libs it is sometimes hard to tell.
That is the brutal reality of being cannon fodder. The Mom and Apple Pie shit is what we use to get them lay down their lives, not for protecting the US, they are usually on the other side of the fucking planet, but for implementing American Foreign Policy, meaning Multi-National Corporate Capitalism and the protection of natural resources like oil and our access to those markets.
It is no surprise the author left a note saying the Marine should die ... But didn't stick around for any kind of follow-through.
I am surprised the Marine even showed anyone the note ... I would have just thrown it in the closest receptacle with the other garbage.

Vet finds hateful note on car at local shopping center

QUEENSBURY, N.Y. (NEWS10) – A simple trip to the store ended with a veteran getting a hateful letter left on his car.

When a local Iraq War veteran went shopping Thursday morning, he did not expect to find an anonymous note with ugly language left on his car.

The letter blasted the Marine for having a Purple Heart and serving overseas. It stated, “All of you Islamaphobe vets deserve to die.”

The note has people shaking their heads. Some call the author pathetic.

“It’s just shocking,” Ann Lanoir said. “It’s just ignorant. That’s the way I feel. I feel like some punk wrote it.”

“Makes me sick to my stomach,” Navy veteran Robert LaPrairie said. “To me, it’s an act of terrorism really.”

“I just think it’s awful,” John Mohring said. “It’s very terrible. Veterans are our heroes.”

NEWS10 ABC showed the note to Lt. Steven Stockdale from the Warren County Sheriff’s Office to determine if the person who wrote it could face charges.

“That’s the first thing I look for Rachel [Yonkunas],” he said. “When we see something like that – is there any potential criminality?”

Stockdale said it is illegal to leave a note on a windshield, but he said the biggest disappointment is that the author thought writing the letter was okay.

“Communication these days has gotten very easy for people who want to stay anonymous,” he said. “And it takes a lot more courage to strap on an 80 pound pack and go to the Middle East and fight for your country than it does to scribble on a note and leave it cowardly behind on somebody’s windshield.”
****“And it takes a lot more courage to strap on an 80 pound pack and go to the Middle East and fight for your country than it does to scribble on a note and leave it cowardly behind on somebody’s windshield.”****
It is no surprise the author left a note saying the Marine should die ... But didn't stick around for any kind of follow-through.
I am surprised the Marine even showed anyone the note ... I would have just thrown it in the closest receptacle with the other garbage.

Had he tossed it in the back for his next trip to the shooting range he would have been much better served. Now it's crap from a jerk, writ large.
“Makes me sick to my stomach,” Navy veteran Robert LaPrairie said. “To me, it’s an act of terrorism really.”

I'm finding it a little strange for a Marine to call a note an "act of terrorism"...
"All of you Islamaphobe vets deserve to die"
is okay, though


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