Marine finds hateful note on his car...

Hate and fear - arms of the US government. And the veteran and author of the note - the victims of these weapons.

America is far away from the Middle East.
And what is important - no one knows what it is doing this veteran. Why a letter written to him?

The author could go to the forum and write to all veterans. But he risked leaving the real note. What For?

And the reaction of a veteran - strange ... very strange.
The act of terrorism? =)) Dude ... pff ...

Hate and fear - arms of the US government. And the veteran and author of the note - the victims of these weapons.

America is far away from the Middle East.
And what is important - no one knows what it is doing this veteran. Why a letter written to him?

The author could go to the forum and write to all veterans. But he risked leaving the real note. What For?

And the reaction of a veteran - strange ... very strange.
The act of terrorism? =)) Dude ... pff ...

What does it mean?
Hate and fear - arms of the US government. And the veteran and author of the note - the victims of these weapons.

America is far away from the Middle East.
And what is important - no one knows what it is doing this veteran. Why a letter written to him?

The author could go to the forum and write to all veterans. But he risked leaving the real note. What For?

And the reaction of a veteran - strange ... very strange.
The act of terrorism? =)) Dude ... pff ...

Just a troll that has no inkling of what sort of demons this Marine faces everyday
You guys wanted a culture war, enjoy.

Who is "you guys"?
The right-wing of the country, you know, the ones that want to kill all the Sand *******.

1) I'm not a member of the right.

2) My brother is not a Marine because he wanted to "kill all the sand _____" and I think it is safe to say that is likely true of many others, but please continue with the broad generalization that anyone who serves their country must be an ignorant, gun loving, 'Merica! type asshole.
I joined the Army for the beer...
It is no surprise the author left a note saying the Marine should die ... But didn't stick around for any kind of follow-through.
I am surprised the Marine even showed anyone the note ... I would have just thrown it in the closest receptacle with the other garbage.

He did the right thing, giving it to the police to investigate. Terror plots have been uncovered with less.
You guys wanted a culture war, enjoy.
Sounds like you are enjoying this, Dr Stranglove.
Nope, but you reap what you sow...
Jesus Christ. What the hell are you talking about?
Hatred breads hatred.
You left the note, didn't you? That seems precisely the kind of slimy, cowardly thing you're capable of.
There are at least two other posters connected to that post, whom are you addressing?
It is no surprise the author left a note saying the Marine should die ... But didn't stick around for any kind of follow-through.
I am surprised the Marine even showed anyone the note ... I would have just thrown it in the closest receptacle with the other garbage.

He did the right thing, giving it to the police to investigate. Terror plots have been uncovered with less.

I don't believe the Marine gave it to the police. The report says that the journalist showed it to the sheriff's office, but does not mention when or how they received it in the first place.
You guys wanted a culture war, enjoy.

Who is "you guys"?
The right-wing of the country, you know, the ones that want to kill all the Sand *******.

1) I'm not a member of the right.

2) My brother is not a Marine because he wanted to "kill all the sand _____" and I think it is safe to say that is likely true of many others, but please continue with the broad generalization that anyone who serves their country must be an ignorant, gun loving, 'Merica! type asshole.
I joined the Army for the beer...
I thought it was the Navy
If that person didn't have the guts to say it to the guy's face, then to me, they shouldn't have said it at all.

God bless you and our troops always!!!


P.S. People who spit in the faces of our troops, to me, need to be kicked where it hurts for being so disrespectful.
You guys wanted a culture war, enjoy.

Who is "you guys"?
The right-wing of the country, you know, the ones that want to kill all the Sand *******.

1) I'm not a member of the right.

2) My brother is not a Marine because he wanted to "kill all the sand _____" and I think it is safe to say that is likely true of many others, but please continue with the broad generalization that anyone who serves their country must be an ignorant, gun loving, 'Merica! type asshole.
I joined the Army for the beer...
I thought it was the Navy
It is no surprise the author left a note saying the Marine should die ... But didn't stick around for any kind of follow-through.
I am surprised the Marine even showed anyone the note ... I would have just thrown it in the closest receptacle with the other garbage.

He did the right thing, giving it to the police to investigate. Terror plots have been uncovered with less.

I don't believe the Marine gave it to the police. The report says that the journalist showed it to the sheriff's office, but does not mention when or how they received it in the first place.
Regardless he did the right thing. The demonic Left has not changed since their hippie "baby killer" years. They hate our military and work to conceal it, but every now and then, they are conspicuous, such as when Congressional Democrats said our soldiers were raping and terrorizing in the dead of night, or that returning vets are potential terrorists, etc. They should be exposed for who they are at every opportunity.
You guys wanted a culture war, enjoy.

Who is "you guys"?
The right-wing of the country, you know, the ones that want to kill all the Sand *******.

1) I'm not a member of the right.

2) My brother is not a Marine because he wanted to "kill all the sand _____" and I think it is safe to say that is likely true of many others, but please continue with the broad generalization that anyone who serves their country must be an ignorant, gun loving, 'Merica! type asshole.
I joined the Army for the beer...
I thought it was the Navy
I don't hang with militant gheys...that would be the Marines....
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If that person didn't have the guts to say it to the guy's face, then to me, they shouldn't have said it at all.

God bless you and our troops always!!!


P.S. People who spit in the faces of our troops, to me, need to be kicked where it hurts for being so disrespectful.
Do you think that if a person is wearing US military uniforms - it is 100% a good man?
If that person didn't have the guts to say it to the guy's face, then to me, they shouldn't have said it at all.

God bless you and our troops always!!!


P.S. People who spit in the faces of our troops, to me, need to be kicked where it hurts for being so disrespectful.
Do you think that if a person is wearing US military uniforms - it is 100% a good man?
Do you assume they're not like the hateful note writer?

You do, don't you?
If that person didn't have the guts to say it to the guy's face, then to me, they shouldn't have said it at all.

God bless you and our troops always!!!


P.S. People who spit in the faces of our troops, to me, need to be kicked where it hurts for being so disrespectful.
Do you think that if a person is wearing US military uniforms - it is 100% a good man?
I don't know, you tell me…. in the GRU Spetsnatz uniform you are sporting on your avi.
Do you think that if a person is wearing US military uniforms - it is 100% a good man?

Define ... "100% good man".

This is also a good people?
You guys wanted a culture war, enjoy.
Sounds like you are enjoying this, Dr Stranglove.
Nope, but you reap what you sow...
Jesus Christ. What the hell are you talking about?
Hatred breads hatred.
You left the note, didn't you? That seems precisely the kind of slimy, cowardly thing you're capable of.

I think Moonglow left the note.

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