Marine finds hateful note on his car...

Do you think that if a person is wearing US military uniforms - it is 100% a good man?
Define ... "100% good man".
This is also a good people?
Is that your definition of "100% good men"?
Sorry.I do not understand.
I meant the that some people like violence.
They lie when they say they are fighting for their country.
Just like violence. That's all.
War for them is a place where you can kill. And it would not be a crime.
Maybe this veteran did do something ... to deserve such a note?
Do you think that if a person is wearing US military uniforms - it is 100% a good man?
Define ... "100% good man".
This is also a good people?
Is that your definition of "100% good men"?
Sorry.I do not understand.
I meant the that some people like violence.
They lie when they say they are fighting for their country.
Just like violence. That's all.
War for them is a place where you can kill. And it would not be a crime.
Maybe this veteran did do something ... to deserve such a note?
Or maybe you did for all we know as long as we're going to speculate. Maybe you went to Africa and subjected a rhinoceros to a cruel and lingering death for the sick thrill of seeing someone in pain, and then lopped off the horn to sell on the black market.

You know, as long as we're guessing.....
Perhaps, but they don't indicate the war fought.


The age of the person who owns/drives the vehicle does ... And you don't have to tell me about them.

If you doubt the measure of an common American serviceman past or present, compare them to the few Muslim suicidal morons . From the hall of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli

How is that a "current event" ?
You guys wanted a culture war, enjoy.
Sounds like you are enjoying this, Dr Stranglove.
Nope, but you reap what you sow...
Jesus Christ. What the hell are you talking about?
Hatred breads hatred.
You left the note, didn't you? That seems precisely the kind of slimy, cowardly thing you're capable of.
Hmmm...actually, since you mention seems like something YOU would do.
Nothing new for liberals. They are spineless and will only take a stand if they are perfectly safe. Plus, they think their opinions somehow matter.
Hey puss, this liberal like many other liberals are veterans...but play your stupid game of semantics, shows how ignorant you are...
Do you, as a veteran, condone such behavior as we see manifested in this windshield note?
Who is "you guys"?
The right-wing of the country, you know, the ones that want to kill all the Sand *******.

1) I'm not a member of the right.

2) My brother is not a Marine because he wanted to "kill all the sand _____" and I think it is safe to say that is likely true of many others, but please continue with the broad generalization that anyone who serves their country must be an ignorant, gun loving, 'Merica! type asshole.
I joined the Army for the beer...
I thought it was the Navy
I don't hang with militant gheys...that would be the Marines....

You're a comedian.
The right-wing of the country, you know, the ones that want to kill all the Sand *******.

1) I'm not a member of the right.

2) My brother is not a Marine because he wanted to "kill all the sand _____" and I think it is safe to say that is likely true of many others, but please continue with the broad generalization that anyone who serves their country must be an ignorant, gun loving, 'Merica! type asshole.
I joined the Army for the beer...
I thought it was the Navy
I don't hang with militant gheys...that would be the Marines....

You're a comedian.
Shhh...I am just writing new material to tour with...
Nothing new for liberals. They are spineless and will only take a stand if they are perfectly safe. Plus, they think their opinions somehow matter.
Hey puss, this liberal like many other liberals are veterans...but play your stupid game of semantics, shows how ignorant you are...
Do you, as a veteran, condone such behavior as we see manifested in this windshield note?
I've had people do worse to me without a singe person to support my position, but then again I work by stealth and don't involve others in my revenge plots...
Excuse me, but am I the only one who thinks this guy needs to grow a fucking spine? He's a Marine veteran with a purple heart, yet he loses his shit over someone leaving an insulting note on his car so he calls the police and claims it's an act of terrorism? I'd have thrown the fucking thing on the ground and been on my way. It's that simple.

He didn't call the police, the journalist did. If you watch the video you find out that the Marine didn't even want to be interviewed about it and said he laughs about it.
Iraq war But most states have a Purple Heart special plate.

Most states don't list the conflict ... But I have seen two separate plates in Arkansas (one Silver Star and one Bronze Star) that even listed the unit and "Operation Enduring Freedom".

Excuse me, but am I the only one who thinks this guy needs to grow a fucking spine? He's a Marine veteran with a purple heart, yet he loses his shit over someone leaving an insulting note on his car so he calls the police and claims it's an act of terrorism? I'd have thrown the fucking thing on the ground and been on my way. It's that simple.

He didn't call the police, the journalist did. If you watch the video you find out that the Marine didn't even want to be interviewed about it and said he laughs about it.
I would to, anybody with any training could easily take them down....
Any man with his dick out is good for Sonc

I was just asking for context ... I don't think anyone is 100% good.
But when I did think about it ... I tried to think about the best men I have ever met.

The three best men I have met in my life that could even come close to being what most of the people I know would consider to be "good men" ... All wore the uniform at some point in their lives ... And maybe that means something.


The best three men I've ever known all wore/wear a uniform. No one is 100% good, but many are damn good men and women.
Along with the fact the recent threats to military and their family, and attacks. He hasn't anyway of knowing whether is was left by an extremist or not.

I am wondering how the note writer knew he had a purple heart. Did he have a purple heart plate?
Hatred can be perfectly valid and that changes my statement not at all. Like breeds like.
Not necessarily hatred but certainly dealt with while keeping one's cool.
That's not terror, and if he can't handle that he should stay home and clean the house.
So, if someone issues a death threat on you how do you handle it? Issuing a death threat is for striking fear into one's heart and that is terror. He served in the war zone, facing death while you were sitting on your ass spewing hatred to ward the military on the internet in the comfy of your home then cleaning your house and doing household chores. Facing death in battle and getting assassinated from the back are two different scenarios,
Nothing new for liberals. They are spineless and will only take a stand if they are perfectly safe. Plus, they think their opinions somehow matter.
Hey puss, this liberal like many other liberals are veterans...but play your stupid game of semantics, shows how ignorant you are...
Do you, as a veteran, condone such behavior as we see manifested in this windshield note?
I've had people do worse to me without a singe person to support my position, but then again I work by stealth and don't involve others in my revenge plots...
With your permission, I did not ask for a recital of your personal similar experiences, rather, what i asked was...

"Do you, as a veteran, condone such behavior as we see manifested in this windshield note?"

At your discretion and pleasure...
Do you think that if a person is wearing US military uniforms - it is 100% a good man?
Define ... "100% good man".
This is also a good people?
Is that your definition of "100% good men"?
Sorry.I do not understand.
I meant the that some people like violence.
They lie when they say they are fighting for their country.
Just like violence. That's all.
War for them is a place where you can kill. And it would not be a crime.
Maybe this veteran did do something ... to deserve such a note?
Or maybe you did for all we know as long as we're going to speculate. Maybe you went to Africa and subjected a rhinoceros to a cruel and lingering death for the sick thrill of seeing someone in pain, and then lopped off the horn to sell on the black market.
You know, as long as we're guessing.....
When a person commits any act ... there's a reason for that.
I propose to think - what is the reason?
With your permission, I did not ask for a recital of your personal similar experiences, rather, what i asked was...

"Do you, as a veteran, condone such behavior as we see manifested in this windshield note?"

At your discretion and pleasure...

I cannot speak for Moon ... But as a veteran I wouldn't give a shit what the author wrote ... They have a right to their opinion.
I mean ... I might not bake them a cake or invite them over for a bar-b-que ... But really ... :dunno:

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