Marine finds hateful note on his car...

"The obvious response, if you feel I am wrong, would be to accuse my memory of being selective."

The appropriate response, for like the other poster, is to point out that said miscreant hates being corrected repeatedly and takes it personally. Being corrected is never going to change.

Get over it, be honest, be polite, and get along.

The condemnation of swastika bobby is excellent.

swastika bobby?

I am a survivor of Oswiecim. Please watch what you say about me. Calling me swastika bobby is a very cruel thing to say. What would your Rabbi say if he caught you saying that?
It isn't surprising. We are at war with muslims. The United States is a battlefield. He's lucky he had a car and it wasn't blown up.

No, we are not at war with the Muslims. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars are over. America lost.
"The obvious response, if you feel I am wrong, would be to accuse my memory of being selective."

The appropriate response, for like the other poster, is to point out that said miscreant hates being corrected repeatedly and takes it personally. Being corrected is never going to change.

Get over it, be honest, be polite, and get along.

The condemnation of swastika bobby is excellent.

swastika bobby?

I am a survivor of Oswiecim. Please watch what you say about me. Calling me swastika bobby is a very cruel thing to say. What would your Rabbi say if he caught you saying that?
One, I doubt that you are a survivor with your anti-Jewish and pro-Nazi commentary. Two, my rabbi does not exist, as I am a goy to the jews.
Excuse me, but am I the only one who thinks this guy needs to grow a fucking spine? He's a Marine veteran with a purple heart, yet he loses his shit over someone leaving an insulting note on his car so he calls the police and claims it's an act of terrorism? I'd have thrown the fucking thing on the ground and been on my way. It's that simple.
Any man with his dick out is good for Sonc

I was just asking for context ... I don't think anyone is 100% good.
But when I did think about it ... I tried to think about the best men I have ever met.

The three best men I have met in my life that could even come close to being what most of the people I know would consider to be "good men" ... All wore the uniform at some point in their lives ... And maybe that means something.

Vet finds hateful note on car at local shopping center

QUEENSBURY, N.Y. (NEWS10) – A simple trip to the store ended with a veteran getting a hateful letter left on his car.

When a local Iraq War veteran went shopping Thursday morning, he did not expect to find an anonymous note with ugly language left on his car.

The letter blasted the Marine for having a Purple Heart and serving overseas. It stated, “All of you Islamaphobe vets deserve to die.”

The note has people shaking their heads. Some call the author pathetic.

“It’s just shocking,” Ann Lanoir said. “It’s just ignorant. That’s the way I feel. I feel like some punk wrote it.”

“Makes me sick to my stomach,” Navy veteran Robert LaPrairie said. “To me, it’s an act of terrorism really.”

“I just think it’s awful,” John Mohring said. “It’s very terrible. Veterans are our heroes.”

NEWS10 ABC showed the note to Lt. Steven Stockdale from the Warren County Sheriff’s Office to determine if the person who wrote it could face charges.

“That’s the first thing I look for Rachel [Yonkunas],” he said. “When we see something like that – is there any potential criminality?”

Stockdale said it is illegal to leave a note on a windshield, but he said the biggest disappointment is that the author thought writing the letter was okay.

“Communication these days has gotten very easy for people who want to stay anonymous,” he said. “And it takes a lot more courage to strap on an 80 pound pack and go to the Middle East and fight for your country than it does to scribble on a note and leave it cowardly behind on somebody’s windshield.”
Right....those "anonymous notes left on my car" wink wink........
"The obvious response, if you feel I am wrong, would be to accuse my memory of being selective."

The appropriate response, for like the other poster, is to point out that said miscreant hates being corrected repeatedly and takes it personally. Being corrected is never going to change.

Get over it, be honest, be polite, and get along.

The condemnation of swastika bobby is excellent.

swastika bobby?

I am a survivor of Oswiecim. Please watch what you say about me. Calling me swastika bobby is a very cruel thing to say. What would your Rabbi say if he caught you saying that?
One, I doubt that you are a survivor with your anti-Jewish and pro-Nazi commentary. Two, my rabbi does not exist, as I am a goy to the jews.

Pro Nazi commentary? That is a lie. Why do you say these cruel things to me?

Anti-jewish? That is another lie. I do not favor marxism and zionism (as any intelligent person does) but I stand with my religious brothers.

You are a very cruel person.
It isn't surprising. We are at war with muslims. The United States is a battlefield. He's lucky he had a car and it wasn't blown up.

No, we are not at war with the Muslims. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars are over. America lost.
Somebody really should tell that to the Muslims

Merely because you have been brainwashed to hate Muslims / Arabs / Islaam does not mean we are at war with Muslims.
Right....those "anonymous notes left on my car" wink wink........

That's the other thing. How the fuck did the alleged author even know he was an Iraq War veteran?

I'm just a little skeptical of the validity of this incident.
Excuse me, but am I the only one who thinks this guy needs to grow a fucking spine? He's a Marine veteran with a purple heart, yet he loses his shit over someone leaving an insulting note on his car so he calls the police and claims it's an act of terrorism? I'd have thrown the fucking thing on the ground and been on my way. It's that simple.
No. I also wrote
And the reaction of a veteran - strange ... very strange.
The act of terrorism? =)) Dude ... pff ...
Excuse me, but am I the only one who thinks this guy needs to grow a fucking spine? He's a Marine veteran with a purple heart, yet he loses his shit over someone leaving an insulting note on his car so he calls the police and claims it's an act of terrorism? I'd have thrown the fucking thing on the ground and been on my way. It's that simple.
No. I also wrote
And the reaction of a veteran - strange ... very strange.
The act of terrorism? =)) Dude ... pff ...

Blacksands gave a serious reply to your question in post 89.

I would like to see your reply to what she had to say.
That's the other thing. How the fuck did the alleged author even know he was an Iraq War veteran?

I'm just a little skeptical of the validity of this incident.

He was a Purple Heart recipient and might have had the accompanying license plate.


Perhaps, but they don't indicate the war fought.

Excuse me, but am I the only one who thinks this guy needs to grow a fucking spine? He's a Marine veteran with a purple heart, yet he loses his shit over someone leaving an insulting note on his car so he calls the police and claims it's an act of terrorism? I'd have thrown the fucking thing on the ground and been on my way. It's that simple.
For a second there before you upbraided a Purple Heart combat vet for cowardice, I thought you were talking about the note writer.
Excuse me, but am I the only one who thinks this guy needs to grow a fucking spine? He's a Marine veteran with a purple heart, yet he loses his shit over someone leaving an insulting note on his car so he calls the police and claims it's an act of terrorism? I'd have thrown the fucking thing on the ground and been on my way. It's that simple.
Probably the number one reason I am shaking my head and sceptical.

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