Marine Vet Told to Leave Six Flags in NJ Due to Patriotic T-Shirt

I think Six Flags Great Adventure security does a great job.

I remember the old days with kids running wild, shoving and fighting, cutting lines, swearing in front of your kids. Drinking in the parking lot. Security didn't care as long as they weren't damaging park property
About twenty years ago they had a riot at a rap concert. It became a place that families kept their kids away from. They changed to a family oriented policy, lost some business first but security took a zero tolerance towards bad behavior
Dress code is part of that policy

Don't like it....too bad

Now if he were gay, then of course that would be different...

Yes it would

If they have a policy tha gays can't wear t shirts with guns on them, but everyone else could, that would be discriminatory
I think Six Flags Great Adventure security does a great job.

I remember the old days with kids running wild, shoving and fighting, cutting lines, swearing in front of your kids. Drinking in the parking lot. Security didn't care as long as they weren't damaging park property
About twenty years ago they had a riot at a rap concert. It became a place that families kept their kids away from. They changed to a family oriented policy, lost some business first but security took a zero tolerance towards bad behavior
Dress code is part of that policy

Don't like it....too bad

Now if he were gay, then of course that would be different...

Yes it would

If they have a policy tha gays can't wear t shirts with guns on them, but everyone else could, that would be discriminatory

LOL, you don't even get it...
In the case of Six Flags, they like most such parks have various veterans events, special days, and in a statement about this very incident say how they support US veterans. So in that support of veterans are they under the impression we use spitballs and harsh language to win wars? :) So that's what's patriotic about killing people. Can't claim to support veterans then raise a stink about killing people.

Objections over attire happens a lot. And every time it gets smacked down in court. I hope this guy in NJ sues Six Flags for so much they remove all entry-related policies for fear of it ever happening again.

Six flags has always offered reduced rates to the military and their families. They are right down the road from Ft Dix. Military are welcome to wear their uniforms, patriotic symbols, shirts with their units on it. But if they insist on wearing a shirt with a gun on it, they will be barred from entering. Same as our hero in the Op
I'm sure the guy will get the NRA to back him in in a lawsuit
As long as the policy is applied equally to all, they will lose
Now if he were gay, then of course that would be different...

Yes it would

If they have a policy tha gays can't wear t shirts with guns on them, but everyone else could, that would be discriminatory

LOL, you don't even get it...

I'm afraid I do get it

Six Flags can ban gays from making out in public. As long as they also ban straights from making out in public. If straights can walk holding hands, so can gays

See how it works?
What is supposed to be patriotic about the tee-shirt?

Guns are patriotic

The fact is that under a different circumstance the typical RWnut would be quick to explain to you that distorting the image of the American flag into a gun and sticking it onto a tee-shirt is an example of disrespect for the flag,

which as a symbol of our nation, translates into disrespect for the country. Hardly patriotism.

I repeat...under a different circumstance...
I think Six Flags Great Adventure security does a great job.

I remember the old days with kids running wild, shoving and fighting, cutting lines, swearing in front of your kids. Drinking in the parking lot. Security didn't care as long as they weren't damaging park property
About twenty years ago they had a riot at a rap concert. It became a place that families kept their kids away from. They changed to a family oriented policy, lost some business first but security took a zero tolerance towards bad behavior
Dress code is part of that policy

Don't like it....too bad

Now if he were gay, then of course that would be different...

Actually, there's nothing gayer than a wife beater t-shirt with macho slogans on it.
You may NOT exclude or refuse service or admission to a public facility because of how someone's dressed. Park's individual rules do not exempt them from the Bill of Rights.

Not true, you can deny based on appearance.

The Right to Refuse Service: Can a Business Refuse Service to Someone Because of Appearance, Odor or Attitude?

In cases in which the patron is not a member of a federally protected class, the question generally turns on whether the business's refusal of service was arbitrary, or whether the business had a specific interest in refusing service. For example, in a recent case, a California court decided that a motorcycle club had no discrimination claim against a sports bar that had denied members admission to the bar because they refused to remove their "colors," or patches, which signified club membership. The court held that the refusal of service was not based on the club members' unconventional dress, but was to protect a legitimate business interest in preventing fights between rival club members. [...]
In one more complicated case, a court held that a cemetery could exclude "punk rockers" from a private funeral service. A mother requested that the funeral service for her 17-year-old daughter be private and that admission to the service be limited to family and invited guests only. The cemetery failed to exclude punk rockers from the service. The punk rockers arrived in unconventional dress, wearing makeup and sporting various hair colors. One was wearing a dress decorated with live rats. Others wore leather and chains, some were twirling baton-like weapons, drinking, and using cocaine. The punk rockers made rude comments to family members and were generally disruptive of the service.

Ironically, the funeral business had attempted to rely on the Unruh Civil Rights Act, claiming that if they had denied access to the punk rockers, they would have been in violation of the Act. But the court held that the punk rockers' presence had deprived the deceased person's family of the services of the business establishment, which were meant to provide comfort to grieving family members. On that basis, the court stated that the funeral business could have legitimately denied access to the punk rockers.​

In extreme instances sure. Was a thing at a Disneyland where someone tried to go in dressed as Tinkerbell but was denied. That's a safety issue. Don't want pedophiles going in like Disney characters to get close to kids like. But in the case of a t-shirt with something or some words you arbitrarily decide is offensive where do you then draw the line? What about a Confederate flag? What's offensive to one may not be to others. So how do you write into a rigid and unchanging law what is or isn't offensive? And who decides?

Other cases citing this and raising the point often times the dress codes are vaguely worded acknowledging this arbitrary problem. Those gets struck down every time.

Instances where a dress code/refusal of admission/service have been upheld are like the aforementioned Disneyland, and in Florida at Universal where a guy wanted to come in wearing a tee reading POLICE, and Universal citing their no 'police' or 'fire' indicating attire. Probably for the same reasons/concerns as the Disneyland thing. Don't want people making the mistake of believing you're a cop or firefighter or member of the park's staff.
Yes it would

If they have a policy tha gays can't wear t shirts with guns on them, but everyone else could, that would be discriminatory

LOL, you don't even get it...

I'm afraid I do get it

Six Flags can ban gays from making out in public. As long as they also ban straights from making out in public. If straights can walk holding hands, so can gays

See how it works?

Yes, you're a hypocrite
"In addition to the protections against discrimination provided under federal law, many states have passed their own Civil Rights Acts that provide broader protections than the Federal Civil Rights Act. For example, California's Unruh Civil Rights Act makes it illegal to discriminate against individuals based on unconventional dress or sexual preference.

In the 1960s, the Unruh Civil Rights Act was interpreted to provide broad protection from arbitrary discrimination by business owners. Cases decided during that era held that business owners could not discriminate, for example, against hippies, police officers, homosexuals, or Republicans, solely because of who they were.

In cases in which the patron is not a member of a federally protected class, the question generally turns on whether the business's refusal of service was arbitrary, or whether the business had a specific interest in refusing service.

On the other hand, a California court decided that a restaurant owner could not refuse to seat a gay couple in a semi-private booth where the restaurant policy was to only seat two people of opposite sexes in such booths. There was no legitimate business reason for the refusal of service, and so the discrimination was arbitrary and unlawful."
Actually it is.

You can say whatever you want but I am not obligated to provide you the venue.

It may have been Privately Owned , but it was open to the General Public - basically anyone who could pay the admission and conduct themselves in a civil manner , ownership does not bestow the right to dictate or infringe on anothers freedom of speech.

That's ridiculous. Why does transacting business mean your private property is no longer your own? I made the same argument for the anti-gay baker, it's his property, government has no legitimate right to compel him to do business with anyone. Same here, it's their property, their choice. I am consistent.

It's hardly the same thing as the Baker - Gay Wedding Scenario. The Gays were demanding that someone who adamantly opposes their life style be forced to cater to it.

The scenario at six flags was a Marine wearing his shirt like a badge of honor , not demanding anyone cater to a perverted lifestyle, not asking anyone to approve or dis approve, and not a threat to anyone other than those who sought to destroy American Values. Using that logic they should be able to Ban anyone wearing Moslem garb - because Islam is a perceived threat to some people.
New Jersey's Civil Rights Act says:

10:1-2. Equal rights and privileges of all persons in public places
All persons within the jurisdiction of this state shall be entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of any places of public accommodation, resort or amusement, subject only to the conditions and limitations established by law and applicable alike to all persons.

I read that to mean if you're going to exclude one guy for weaing a shirt with a gun on it, then everyone else with a shirt or attire with a gun on it must be excluded too. Not just this one particular shirt. So no hunting-themed depictions, no Federal insignias with old crossed muskets on it say, etc. Can't arbitraily exclude this one particular instance but not all the others.
It may have been Privately Owned , but it was open to the General Public - basically anyone who could pay the admission and conduct themselves in a civil manner , ownership does not bestow the right to dictate or infringe on anothers freedom of speech.

That's ridiculous. Why does transacting business mean your private property is no longer your own? I made the same argument for the anti-gay baker, it's his property, government has no legitimate right to compel him to do business with anyone. Same here, it's their property, their choice. I am consistent.

It's hardly the same thing as the Baker - Gay Wedding Scenario. The Gays were demanding that someone who adamantly opposes their life style be forced to cater to it.

The scenario at six flags was a Marine wearing his shirt like a badge of honor , not demanding anyone cater to a perverted lifestyle, not asking anyone to approve or dis approve, and not a threat to anyone other than those who sought to destroy American Values. Using that logic they should be able to Ban anyone wearing Moslem garb - because Islam is a perceived threat to some people.

So you think government should decide what is and what is not acceptable? Seriously, you want them to have that power?

It's a private park, they bought and paid for the property, it is rightly up to them to decide who they want to do business with. That you want government to decide is ridiculous, and it justifies the left arguing the reverse. You're validating government decides, now it's just down to the decision.

Government using force to compel it's citizens to do business with anyone is just wrong.
I think he was "denied admission" because his shirt was vaguely threatening and included an assault rifle, not because it was "patriotic".

What is "patriotic" about threatening to kill people, anyway?

Jeez what a bunch of pussies liberals are, are you guys offended by everything for fucks sake?

Why do veterans always think that the fact that they served in the military is a magical card they can play in any argument?

Your past doesn't concern me. Your present state of whining about Six Flag's dress code does.

Not playing a card. You questioned my manhood. I'm totally secure in mine. A persons past speaks to their manhood. Apparently your past is speaking...crickets?

Well, my past is not speaking, cause it's none of your damn business. I too am secure in my manhood - secure enough that I really don't give a shit what you think about it, and feel no need to get into a dick-measuring contest with you.

I wouldn't say that I was "questioning your manhood", though. At least that's not what I intended.

You got to have one to measure one Doc.
I think he was "denied admission" because his shirt was vaguely threatening and included an assault rifle, not because it was "patriotic".

What is "patriotic" about threatening to kill people, anyway?

Damn your ignorance never ceases to amaze. What is the prerequisite for returning fire?

"I'm going to shoot you if you shoot me" is still threatening to shoot someone.

This is pretty basic english language stuff.

It's a fucking t-shirt, you mental midget.

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