Marine Vet Told to Leave Six Flags in NJ Due to Patriotic T-Shirt

His shirt was educational

Look children, if someone shoots at you, you shoot back

Isn't the idea of protecting your family. I guess you would run and leave yours.

If a child can't learn self defense at a family amusement park, where else can he learn?

Yeah, cause they don't learn anything violent on tv, which liberals own. Sheesh. Maybe how in public school, they learn screwing a person of the same sex is normal, and your worried about a picture of a gun on a t-shirt? Proof how ignorant liberals are.
I told my kids that if someone shoots at you, kill 'em.

Oh, now that's barbaric. You know that's not what the libfags want our children to learn. They want to teach children just to make love to the other man that is trying to kill them.

Jesus suggested that you pray for them and turn the other cheek? Damn faggot...

Yeah pray for them, but protect your family from harmful outside influences.

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