Marine Vet Told to Leave Six Flags in NJ Due to Patriotic T-Shirt

Bullshit. My parents and I paid taxes along with other taxpayers for my roads, schools, police, firefighters, etc. Now answer the question. Why do I have to support people and feed them and pay for their healthcare when they pay no federal income tax.
Federal Income tax? You have to make some decent money to pay that, and a big chunk of the population doesn't make that kind of cash. And what are you so worried about, you're on the dole.

And you paid in but a whole lot of people paid for what you and your parents used long before any of you came along to help out.

Tell me why I have to feed and house and provide medical care for people who don't pay taxes.
People who don't pay taxes? Now just who might those be?

And isn't that exactly what you are doing for people in prison and jail? Would you like to do away with those because they require taxes?

For someone on OPM, you sure worry a lot.
sounds like the Marines didn't teach the man not to dress like an asshole.

You'd never say that to his face, coward cocksucker.

you're right. i don't court confrontation. i'd look at him, say 'what an asshole' under my breath, and give the asshole a wide berth, because i'd be more interested in having fun with my family than making a point over a shirt.

but none of that changes that he dressed like an asshole.
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sounds like the Marines didn't teach the man not to dress like an asshole.

You'd never say that to his face, coward cocksucker.

You'd never say that to his face, coward cocksucker.

Why not? Are you saying that that man can't control himself?

Nope. I'm saying the poster would piss his pants and stutter trying to be polite. Cowards always talk tough on the internet.

Ironic post is ironic.
Maybe they didn't like all his tatoos. I know the military branches are now turning away prospective recruits who have tatoos, yet if you are female and want to wear corn rows, then come on in and be allowed to continue to wear your weave or whatever you call it. Me, I call it snakes in her hair.
I think he was "denied admission" because his shirt was vaguely threatening and included an assault rifle, not because it was "patriotic".

What is "patriotic" about threatening to kill people, anyway?

Damn your ignorance never ceases to amaze. What is the prerequisite for returning fire?

"I'm going to shoot you if you shoot me" is still threatening to shoot someone.

This is pretty basic english language stuff.

Federal Income tax? You have to make some decent money to pay that, and a big chunk of the population doesn't make that kind of cash. And what are you so worried about, you're on the dole.

And you paid in but a whole lot of people paid for what you and your parents used long before any of you came along to help out.

Tell me why I have to feed and house and provide medical care for people who don't pay taxes.
People who don't pay taxes? Now just who might those be?

And isn't that exactly what you are doing for people in prison and jail? Would you like to do away with those because they require taxes?

For someone on OPM, you sure worry a lot.

I'm not on anything. Why can't you answer my question? Tell me why I have to house and feed people.
sounds like the Marines didn't teach the man not to dress like an asshole.

So wearing a shirt that was actually advertising a charity for vets is dressing like an asshole now?


The real problem here is all the pussies that think a picture of a gun is actually deadly

sleeves cut off. assault rifle on the front. aggressive wording. flag colors to make it 'patriotic'

yep. asshole.

and frankly, i don't think much of the mrf for printing the shirt if in fact they did.
Tell me why I have to feed and house and provide medical care for people who don't pay taxes.
People who don't pay taxes? Now just who might those be?

And isn't that exactly what you are doing for people in prison and jail? Would you like to do away with those because they require taxes?

For someone on OPM, you sure worry a lot.

I'm not on anything. Why can't you answer my question? Tell me why I have to house and feed people.

How many people are you housing and feeding?
I think that the Marine may have learned a life lesson by this. With $150, a decent shirt, and no attitude, he can take his family to Six Flags.
How can a shirt be "threatening"?

And last time I checked no one has ever been killed by a picture on a T shirt

Great Adventure doesn't just ban shirts with guns on them. They ban gang colors, shirts with a profane or sexual message, girls in skimpy outfits, guys walking around without a shirt

It is their dress policy. They find that it works. If you don't like it, stay home

It's obviously not clearly posted anywhere. But that has nothing to do with my question does it?


I will defend myself is provocative and indicates a readiness to fight. Great Adventure saw enough fights and found requiring appropriate clothing and behavior cut down on fights.

The guy was told of the policy as he entered the park. He could have turned the shirt inside out. Most patrons do
But being a tough guy with a message was more important

Wrong and wrong as usual. Not only is there a clearly posted sign, turning shirts inside out is not allowed.

In keeping with our family-friendly atmosphere, and for health and safety reasons, Six Flags Great America strictly enforces a dress code. Proper attire must be worn in the park at all times, including shirts and appropriate footwear. Clothing with rude, vulgar or offensive language or graphics is not permitted at any time (shirts cannot be turned inside out as a solution). Bathing suits may be worn only in the water park area.

Guests are not permitted to enter the park wearing costumes or decorative makeup during Fright Fest. Park admission may be denied if clothing is deemed by management to be inappropriate.

Also clearly stated is that the determination of what is appropriate is ultimately up to management. These signs sadly have to be put up because there will always be assholes. Their house, their rules. It is not a free speech issue. So as was said if you don't like them stay home.
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I think he was "denied admission" because his shirt was vaguely threatening and included an assault rifle, not because it was "patriotic".

What is "patriotic" about threatening to kill people, anyway?

Damn your ignorance never ceases to amaze. What is the prerequisite for returning fire?

Young children are not going to understand the meaning behind the shirt. They will see a gun and see talk of firing and that is threatening.

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