Marine Vet Told to Leave Six Flags in NJ Due to Patriotic T-Shirt


For what?

For ruining his day, people have gotten huge judgments for less.

From the Six Flags: Great Adventure website:

In keeping with our family-friendly atmosphere, and for health and safety reasons, Six Flags strictly enforces a dress code. Proper attire must be worn at all times, including shirts and appropriate footwear. Clothing with rude, vulgar or offensive language or graphics is not permitted, and shirts cannot be turned inside-out as a solution. Bathing suits may be worn only in water park areas. Park admission may be denied if clothing is deemed by management to be inappropriate.

You beat me to it....a lot of these kinds of rules are set up to turn away violent GANG attire.
Great wardrobe choice at a family amusement park






"Patience My Ass, I'm Going To Kil Something"l

i once wore a T-shirt, similar to those above with the "Patience My Ass, I'm Going To Kil Something" to work one day and the boss and some of the pissy ass females went apocalyptic, most of the men :lmao:

amusement park.., BAD !

work..., OK ?
Any business I know, including mine, would have told you to lose the shirt or you're fired.
there is a generic policy as you approach the gates. It is their discretion what is acceptable. If they don't want shirts glorifying guns it is their right

six flags tries to compete with disney i doubt if disney would allow the shirt either. If he is that intent on wearing that shirt, i am sure he can find a carnival somewhere that will allow it.

none of that has anything to do with my question.

How is a t shirt "threatening"

i think i've made my point clear that i believe a business owner should be able to deny service to anyone at any time for any reason

and their reason is wearing a shirt with a gun on it. They probably make it easy for security and say all shirts with guns, all shirts with profanity, all gang colors. Their park, their rules
don't like it.......find another park to patronize

how is a t shirt threatening?????????
It's easy to hurt liberal's feelings. I wore a tshirt in Jersey with an American Indian tossing a child in a war party, the Battle of Elderbush Gulch. Hey, I was young. It was funny as hell to get the reaction from libs, well worth the price.

So you believe that guy wore that shirt to get a reaction? Maybe he's trolling for a pay off, eh?
I think Six Flags Great Adventure security does a great job.

I remember the old days with kids running wild, shoving and fighting, cutting lines, swearing in front of your kids. Drinking in the parking lot. Security didn't care as long as they weren't damaging park property
About twenty years ago they had a riot at a rap concert. It became a place that families kept their kids away from. They changed to a family oriented policy, lost some business first but security took a zero tolerance towards bad behavior
Dress code is part of that policy

Don't like it....too bad

Now if he were gay, then of course that would be different...

How do we know he isn't gay?
This same issue comes up when Muslim women wanna wear hijab (face/head covers,) when people suspected of dressing in gang attire are refused admission (Disney's California Adventure,) when people's hair styles are deemed objectionable as in Virginia with dreadlocks, etc. Same 1st Amendment protections are in play. You may NOT exclude or refuse service or admission to a public facility because of how someone's dressed. Park's individual rules do not exempt them from the Bill of Rights.

Disney has a dress code and can turn such people away, you know.
none of that has anything to do with my question.

How is a t shirt "threatening"

i think i've made my point clear that i believe a business owner should be able to deny service to anyone at any time for any reason

and their reason is wearing a shirt with a gun on it. They probably make it easy for security and say all shirts with guns, all shirts with profanity, all gang colors. Their park, their rules
don't like it.......find another park to patronize

how is a t shirt threatening?????????

Who says it has to be threatening? Not appropriate for a family theme park
Googling around for more, one guy claims he was booted from a themepark for wearing a shirt he bought at themepark's giftshop :) Trying to find a link.
This falls under the heading:

There's no good reason for it,it's just our policy

There is a good reason for it. The park was experiencing violence and rowdy behavior from their patrons. They implemented strict customer behavioral codes which includes a dress code
Okay, what if it was a rainbow shirt?

How exactly does that matter in the slightest? If the owner of a private property requires that you wear all blue, and nothing but blue, right down to your underwear, do you have a problem with that?

So now are you on the side of the cake baker?
No, but you are, so what's the problem with a business saying no either way eh? Suddenly it's a problem because your kind can't get service? He can always go elsewhere right?
and their reason is wearing a shirt with a gun on it. They probably make it easy for security and say all shirts with guns, all shirts with profanity, all gang colors. Their park, their rules
don't like it.......find another park to patronize

how is a t shirt threatening?????????

Who says it has to be threatening? Not appropriate for a family theme park

For Christ's sake if you're not even going to pay attention to the posts you respond to then please just don't respond at all
how is a t shirt threatening?????????

Who says it has to be threatening? Not appropriate for a family theme park

For Christ's sake if you're not even going to pay attention to the posts you respond to then please just don't respond at all

You are the one who is stuck on stupid

The park does not need to prove a t shirt is threatening to ban it. Merely inappropriate dress for their park.

I personally think the shirt offers a threat and would not allow it. But I imagine the park has stricter standards than I do. A "No guns on t shirts" is enough
More victimization from the Right. :lol:

LOL, from the, but we need government to force a baker with guns to bake a cake for the gay guy because he can't go to the one down the street who doesn't care who he sleeps with crowd. If government doesn't give women birth control and pay for their abortions, they are denying their right to birth control and abortions! Blacks need the bar lowered, women only care about their vaginas and gays need government to validate who they sleep with.

Your right to say anyone is "victimizing" themselves is far, far back in your rear view mirror...

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