Marine Vet Told to Leave Six Flags in NJ Due to Patriotic T-Shirt

Where, by chance, is the right to enter Private Property wearing whatever you like??

Suppose it was a gay power t-shirt?

Doesn't matter a damn what it was now does it? Do you have that right, yes or no? If you don't have it then grow up and deal.

I'm not sure what that means, but I don't believe anyone should be forced by government to do business with anyone and I don't care what the t-shirt says, it's a private business and their right to ban anyone for any reason.
Suppose it was a gay power t-shirt?

Doesn't matter a damn what it was now does it? Do you have that right, yes or no? If you don't have it then grow up and deal.

I'm not sure what that means, but I don't believe anyone should be forced by government to do business with anyone and I don't care what the t-shirt says, it's a private business and their right to ban anyone for any reason.

So, then you must be arguing against people who say this is somehow unfair? If I go back and read your comments is that what I'll find, you defending Six Flags?
Doesn't matter a damn what it was now does it? Do you have that right, yes or no? If you don't have it then grow up and deal.

I'm not sure what that means, but I don't believe anyone should be forced by government to do business with anyone and I don't care what the t-shirt says, it's a private business and their right to ban anyone for any reason.

So, then you must be arguing against people who say this is somehow unfair? If I go back and read your comments is that what I'll find, you defending Six Flags?

yes, you will. actually I've been simultaneously arguing with liberals who support banning t-shirts with guns and not gay t-shirts and conservatives who support banning gay t-shirts and not gun t-shirts.

You can read every post I've written on this site or any other site and you will see nothing but that government should not force anyone to do business with anyone.

In keeping with our family-friendly atmosphere, and for health and safety reasons, Six*Flags strictly enforces a dress code. Proper attire must be worn at all times, including shirts and appropriate footwear. Clothing with rude, vulgar or offensive language or graphics is not permitted, and shirts cannot be turned inside-out as a solution. Bathing suits may be worn only in water park areas. Park admission may be denied if clothing is deemed by management to be inappropriate.

I don't think most of the conservatives on this thread have a problem with the owners of Six Flags requiring this man to leave. It's their property. It's their call. I'm not even interested in the minutia of New Jersey's Civil Rights Act. Notwithstanding, the park's reaction, like that of theDoctorisIn, is hysterical nonsense.

Further, nobody with any sense gives a damn about your defense of the prerogatives of free-association and private property. We all know that you support the practice of state schools imposing your morality on the children of traditionalists, a clear violation of their inalienable rights under natural and constitutional law. We all know that you support obnoxious public accommodation codes that would compel traditionalists to participate in your pagan rituals in violation of the very same prerogatives of free-association and private property of natural and constitutional law that you’re defending here.

You see, lefty does in fact understand this fundamental principle of liberty after all. Hence, he's necessarily conscious of the fact that he doesn't defend it when it comes to the rights of those with whom he disagrees.

In short, shut the hell up, rightwinger.

I'm impressed

Impressed how you can be totally clueless as to how our laws work, the first amendment, and equal protection under the law

The moron in question is not being discriminated against. He is merely whining because his "fashion statement" was deemed to be unacceptable


rightwinger, with only a very few exceptions, you are easily the stupidest poster on this board. My post asserts the very opposite of what you're alleging here . . . or are you just pretending not to understand the matter as is lefty's wont when it suits him after being called out on your hypocrisy? We know you're conscious of your hypocrisy, i.e., the leftist's depraved indifference to the rights of others.

But allow me to instruct you further. He is being discriminated against, you syphilitic moron, albeit, not illegally or unjustly. That's the whole point. The essence of liberty is ideological discrimination or dissension.
Suppose it was a gay power t-shirt?

What about it?
That was supposed to show how hypocritical we were, but it didn't of course since the park gets to set rules on what you can wear there.

In your case, I wasn't trying to "show" anything, I was asking.

In the case of liberals in general, it did show the hypocrisy in spades, read the thread. BTW, ironically on this, you and I agree and you and bodecea don't...
Mountains out of molehills. Six flags has a right to enforce a dress code. If they start making exceptions whenever someone raises a fuss then the dress code becomes void.

It seems that the vet was more interested in making a statement than getting in to six flags with his family. I do not personally find his shirt offensive, but I do understand that many people crap in their pants because of guns. If were in the same situation I would have bought a cheap T-shirt somewhere and joined my family for a day of fun.
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Let's hear DOC say the same about the bakery who refused to make a cake for da gheys.. Doc???

Actually, I find that couple who sued the bakery to be just as bitchy and whiny as you guys are being in this thread. The bakers, too - but in a different way.

That being said, they've got a law on their side.

How are the bakers bitchy but Six Flags is not???

I see the connection, yes. Public businesses serve the PUBLIC; I do not like the flag shaped into any form except the US FLAG as flown. But this man's liberty trumps my likes & dislikes, every time.
Mountains out of molehills. Six flags has a right to enforce a dress code. If they start making exceptions whenever someone raises a fuss then the dress code becomes void.
It seems that the vet was more interested in making a statement than getting in to six flags with his family. I do no personally find his shirt offensive, but I do understand that many people crap in their pants because of guns. I were in the same situation I would have bought a cheap T-shirt somewhere and joined my family for a day of fun.

I agree with your view, but as to the shirt, I think it is not irrational to see it as being more than advocating self defense. Skin heads and the Timothy McVie crowd say things like they are just fighting back. The shirt is designed to be aggressive. I'd not be for banning it on the public street for sure, but I understand Six Flags position on it. Though as I keep arguing, it really is up to them whether it is reasonable or not, it's their property.
Actually, I find that couple who sued the bakery to be just as bitchy and whiny as you guys are being in this thread. The bakers, too - but in a different way.

That being said, they've got a law on their side.

How are the bakers bitchy but Six Flags is not???

I see the connection, yes. Public businesses serve the PUBLIC; I do not like the flag shaped into any form except the US FLAG as flown. But this man's liberty trumps my likes & dislikes, every time.

Bull, we don't serve "the public" we serve our customers.
I'm not sure what that means, but I don't believe anyone should be forced by government to do business with anyone and I don't care what the t-shirt says, it's a private business and their right to ban anyone for any reason.

So, then you must be arguing against people who say this is somehow unfair? If I go back and read your comments is that what I'll find, you defending Six Flags?

yes, you will. actually I've been simultaneously arguing with liberals who support banning t-shirts with guns and not gay t-shirts and conservatives who support banning gay t-shirts and not gun t-shirts.

You can read every post I've written on this site or any other site and you will see nothing but that government should not force anyone to do business with anyone.
A bit of apples and oranges in there, but good to know.
So, then you must be arguing against people who say this is somehow unfair? If I go back and read your comments is that what I'll find, you defending Six Flags?

yes, you will. actually I've been simultaneously arguing with liberals who support banning t-shirts with guns and not gay t-shirts and conservatives who support banning gay t-shirts and not gun t-shirts.

You can read every post I've written on this site or any other site and you will see nothing but that government should not force anyone to do business with anyone.
A bit of apples and oranges in there, but good to know.

Government should not use force to compel it's citizens to do business with anyone. How is that "apples and oranges?" That doesn't even make sense.
Googling around for more, one guy claims he was booted from a themepark for wearing a shirt he bought at themepark's giftshop :) Trying to find a link.

You can buy underwear at JC Penney but it's unlikely they'd let you into the store in your underwear.
I think he was "denied admission" because his shirt was vaguely threatening and included an assault rifle, not because it was "patriotic".

What is "patriotic" about threatening to kill people, anyway?

"return fire" sounds like self defense to me.
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